Rating:  Summary: True American Values Review: Senator Zell Millar writes with passion about his American values in his book, if those core values which are in line with most of mainstream America make him an outcast in his party, then I think it says quite a bit about where that party has gone to. Miller tries to save his party with this book, to bring Democrats back from the Left, and back to the days of a strong national defense, of a reasonable foreign policy, and moderate fiscal policy. He is calling for his party to return to the days of JFK, FDR, and Truman... will they hear him through their shrill attacks on President Bush? or more importantly will they listen even if they hear him? I doubt it, but Zell Millar is an incredibly brave patriot who deserves America's praise and support.
Rating:  Summary: Right on Target!!! Review: Finally a "Real" Democrat who has the track record to hold the feet of the far left faction controlling the Democrats to the fire. It's hard for his critics to launch ad hominem attacks as he was "and is" a staunch Democrat.
Rating:  Summary: The Dems are Lame Review: The party is just a shadow of its former vital self, as so astutely pointed out in this tome. Read it and weep, donkeys. If you want a real candidate who stands for significant social change, check out Clint Arthur's Love Party and his life-transforming video/dvd "New Sex Now" or "New Free Sex".
Rating:  Summary: Finely a Democrat with a conscience. Review: If you buy one political book this year, this is it. Zell Miller clearly understands what the enemy has known for years. The Democrat Party is so far from reality under the current leadership, it's frightening. It was once a comfortable old home, but now there are strangers living in the basement with no way of getting them out. Zell Millar is respected by both the right and left. The Democrat Party has been highjacked by liberal elite of the Northwest that views the Southern Democrats as racists with six dogs on ever porch confederate flag-waving rednecks.
Rating:  Summary: A Redneck No More Review: What is with this guy? Why doesn't this so-called Democrat just become a right wing Republican and get it over with? The Democrats are the left wing party, the Republicans are the right wing party. That's how it works. This guy Zelly is obviously hard right. So why not just join the right wing wackos of the GOP and shut the hell up, Bubba?Unreal. Seriously, this guy needs to get a grip. This book is an endless rant about a bitter old man who longs for the redneck South of days gone past. I know, he thinks he is a kindler, gentler redneck, and maybe he is, but he just needs to lighten up. The world and America is not as right wing as it used to be and it never will be again. And he just needs to get over it. Good riddance to this so-called Democrat. If this is this face of supposed Republican values than that hard right party is welcome to him.
Rating:  Summary: A NATIONAL PARTY NO MORE Review: It' interesting to note the negative reviews were written by people with foreign names. How much history of this country do they know? I have been around a long time and see this party going in the wrong direction supporting the secular Civil Liberties Union and wanting the UN to decide our security. If this party returns to power again, we will see Christmas programs removed from all the schools as in California's 9th Circuit Court not allowing saluting The Pledge of Allegiance. This party has no tolerance to other views other than their own. It's almost impossible to have a civil debate on the issues, but instead, the liberals using the tactics of personal destruction because of their lack of vision or solutions.
Rating:  Summary: Well done, Zell Review: The shrill criticisms of this book speak volumes about how very credible is Zell Miller's analysis. Yes, Zell is a conservative Democrat. This is a result, not in spite of, his Southern heritage. The country should mourn his political passing and hope that men of such high character will succeed him in all levels of political office. In this book, Zell is arguing against the vapid blather that is dominating the current Democratic political discourse. A result of which is Liberal politics' transformation into a game of gotcha rather than representative government. The Democrats are heading toward a major stand-off with the American people, and may meet the Whig's in the trash heap of history. Zell's leadership, heart, and compassion will be sorely missed here in the heart of Dixie. Unfortunately for the party, the Democrat's will not miss him but instead hasten his departure.
Rating:  Summary: Not worth spending your time Review: This book is a shame on Zell Miller's political career. He is acting like a jerk staying in the Democratic Party instead of switching parties. In the technology world, he is acting like an *evil insider* who knows about everything and has access to the resources. They can do more harm than an outsider!!!
He is just one thoughtless angry southerner. He wants to endorse George Bush for the next term no matter what...is it not enough to tell about his character. He seems to be in love with Bush's tax cuts, then what about the growing federal deficit, increasing state and city taxes. The number of people without health insurance and insurance rates has doubled during Bush regime. Research has repeatedly showed that the economy was in comparatively very good shape when democrats were elected as presidents, can't he see that??? If you want to blindly mimic your opponent and offer tax cuts for rich people, who would vote for you? How do you show yourself as an able alternate? Trashing all the current democratic presidential candidates is the biggest mistake of his life besides writing this worthless book. All southerners don't drive pickup trucks and carry confederate flags with them. When any democratic presidential candidate says we should appeal even to those people, they are talking about fraction of southern population. There is no need for Zell Miller to act like a firebrand and say that they lack knowledge about South. What Zell Miller wrote in this book is simply not true. Zell Miller's divisive and bully tactics will not work. I think he should retire from politics more gracefully. People giving good reviews should understand the fact that the Republican Party is sold to special interest groups. Giving huge tax cuts to rich people, shafting working class people at the same time is not the Republican Party.
Rating:  Summary: Is The Democratic Party One Of Inclusion Or Exclusion? Review: Senator Zell Miller wrote about what he sees at this time in the Democratic Party as being a divisive party of exclusion. He writes what he believes is the Democratic Leadership ignoring part of its Roosevelt coalition and base mainly due to results of elections.
The political writer is without a doubt quite correct in some places but not so easily proven in all places at the same time, but who ever is in most cases? However, his right to voice his concern in the face of unpopular Democratic Party philosopher's leadership is noble and courageous. Anyone seeing all the hateful personal attacks on this author shows he has struck a chord that proves the Democratic Party has quite a chore to repair the isolation of Democrats who use to vote for Democrats. The author points out quite correctly anyone writing off the south in an election thinking it can placate the sons and daughters of Dixie by adding a southern candidate to the Vice-Presidency is making a mistake. He uses Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton as examples of two candidates with southern roots but northern educations as examples of the difference between success and failure for Democrats. Jimmy Carter was able to win the Presidency by running as a conservative moderate on financial issues but govern like a liberal leftist and ended up electing Republican Reagan with a Republican senate in 1980. Here, the south spoke out and said, ok you fooled us once, but do not do it again. After 12 years of Republican Reagan and Bush oval office power. Bill Clinton a perceptive political leader from the south but educated in the North was able to campaign and win parts of the south in 1991. He did so using moderate philosophies on many issues away from the left and not embracing conservative philosophy in totality either. Yet, once elected he embraced the policies of the Liberal Left and what happen? The Democratic Party was voted out of the halls of power in the House of Representatives and Senate and not won it back! When Clinton was forced to accept reduced spending, reforming welfare after 3 vetoes, supporting no more military base closings, by a Republican dominated House and Senate he was re-elected, again with southern support. Hitherto, by the end of his own two terms he isolated the south so badly his hand picked successor lost every southern state including Clinton's Arkansas and the Candidate's own Tennessee? It was the south saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. So we now have a southern born Texan from a northern-based family as our leader. Today, the Republican Party holds power in all 3 Branches of government, so senator Miller is not wrong to speak out no matter how many critics speak revulsion against him. The Democratic Party has never been an angel to all equality, fraternity, and liberty in its history. History shows the Democratic Party support of a strong military. It was the party in power when America went to war in 1812, 1840's with Mexico, starting the Civil War in 1860's, and during World War I, II, Korea and Vietnam. Only the War of 1898, Kuwait War, and Iraq War today were Republican creations. Yet, the Democratic Party is now viewed as one willing to misuse the military, soft on communism and disrespectful towards men in uniform, how does that happen? History will show too that most major tax legislation begins with the Democratic Party from the Income Tax of 1913 and increasing ever since until stopped by Reagan and Bush Tax Cuts, that were adopted ideas taken from John Kennedy. The Democrats were labeled the party of tax and spend and has done little to run away from it, how does that happen? So, the author is not wrong when he sees running in the middle but governing on the left is a disaster plan for any leader once elected. Just look at Gray Davis's recall in California now giving us an Austrian Actor from LA? The Democratic Party defines itself by embracing polices, philosophies and practices by a minority of dishonest intellectuals who cannot support honest arguments against them so they cried hate, racism and use diversity as a weapon not embracing it as a goal for all in reality. The "Gun Control Nuts" who cannot intellectually support their position isolate 40% of its responsible union gun owners. Losing close elections over this one non-important issue was bad enough but they did not stop there. Tree huggers stand by as homeowners watch the forest that could create jobs burn down their homes and jobs. Plus, the caribou in Alaska control America's energy program to keep oil in the ground up there. As the senator points out, any party writing off the white male, church going women, family friendly southern voter is not inclusion. When calling responsible gun owners all nuts, attacking military goals in a frightful world of terrorism, and shutting down free choice for education and attacking tax cuts while freely spending on programs not working is going to attract a minority of everything and majority of no one in the future. This is practicing the art of exclusion not inclusion. The author is more right than wrong, but again no one wants to hear it so they shout him down to shut him up. Meanwhile, the silent southern majority quietly votes against Democratic principles, ideas and philosophies that have become distorted by a few well meaning but unrealistic nut cases of their own making. It is a good book to read for Democrats in denial to prevent future losses in political power and to look for real solutions to embrace a better tomorrow!
Rating:  Summary: Opportunism at its best....Badly written as well. Review: Whoever ghosted this book definately was a rookie. The style and diction thats used would make a dyslexic fell like einstein. Zell miller is a lame duck senator about to leave office and needs a cushy retirement gig. Right now supporting bush politically and financially is good payoff for a good retirement. Expect to see Zell head up lucrative GOP tied hedge fund or 'advisory' panel next year.