Rating:  Summary: Maybe it's time Review: Thanks for scolding the Democrats - but don't forget the Republicans!! With the GOP in firm control of Washington, we still have the National Endowment for the Arts, The Department of Education, and the IRS. Then add to Social Security the Republicans' Homeland Security! Quite frankly, I see no real difference between the GOP and Democrats. Republican tax breaks? That like a robber giving you change. And speaking of change, maybe its time conservatives turn to the Barry Goldwater Republicans - better known as the Libertarian Party!!!
Rating:  Summary: A glimpse you don't get by watching the evening news. Review: The thing I liked best about this book was that it took you behind those closed doors where there aren't any cameras. Behind the scenes politics. That's the only way to get to know the real people who are this country's stewards. Most Democrats will not like the fact that something is getting to the public that they cannot put the spin on. Regardless of what party Zell or the reader belongs to, this book will make you yearn for more of one thing: elected officials with a conscience. I just wish people who decided to write reviews about it would actually review the book itself, instead of just telling me that they hate Zell, or they hate what this book stands for. We already know that a lot of people are upset about someone lifting the veil on the Demmunist party these days, but this isn't anything new. People have been made aware long before now that the Party of their parents and grandparents is not the same party that they find themselves registered to now.
Rating:  Summary: He's always been honest Review: I'm not sure why others are trying to paint Zell as "a wolf in sheeps clothing." Miller has been extremely consistent in his viewpoint for over 40 years. Attacks on his character based on the concept of him "changing his stripes" are baseless and are a sign of a person who has no clue about Miller's history. I suggest anyone who thinks Miller has changed his values read "Crops Values" and Listen to His Words (a collection of Miller's speeches). It is not Miller who has changed, it is the Democratic party that has changed, and probably for the worse. Apparently, disagreeing with the Democratic Party makes you into a "liar" by default. This makes perfect sense since the Democrats -never- lie. This is a fabulous book for anyone who's been a Democrat but has felt that there is something wrong with the party. Miller is one of the last real Democrats left. He believes in a core set of principles and doesn't change them based on what is expedient for his party. This is a real American folks, someone we can all be proud of, full of integrity even if you disagree with his views. And this book is a fabulous testament to his clarity of thought and strength of character.
Rating:  Summary: The Chameleon's True Colors - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Review: What you have is a man who found it politically advantageous to claim he was a Democrat for over 40 years. Now that he is retiring, he longer needs to "pretend". He was extremely cowardly to lie about his political beliefs. I have nothing but disgust for this liar (no wonder he can relate to Bush and his Axis of Weasel). This book is a waste of pulp - too bad good trees had to be cut down for this trash top be printed.
Rating:  Summary: Dopey DC Dems Review: John D. Cofield (previous reviewer) is an obvious blind partisan, nasty to the core, and exactly the kind of ridiculously intolerant, anti-social, hysterical, conspiracy-spewing excuse for a Democrat that Zell Miller is exposing to the world in this book. I'm glad Zell wasn't afraid to zag out of line with the dopey D.C. dems.
Rating:  Summary: Breath of Fresh Air! Review: Senator Miller's book is a breath of fresh air amidst the smog of the Democrat Party. He's right, Democrats have no solutions, only bitter, hateful rhetoric for our President the Republican Party and half of America. They are so out of touch with main stream America and don't have a clue they are. This man has more integrity in his little finger than all nine Democrats could muster up. This is a must read book for anyone who has gotten cynical on politics. There are a few great public servants left and Zell Miller is one of them. The Dems would do well to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Zig Zag Zell Strikes Again Review: Here we have Zig Zag Zell (as we Georgians refer to him) in his latest permutation. Throughout his over long political career Zell Miller has fluctuated throughout the spectrum with only one constant: what he perceives to be his own best interest in pursuit of his driving ambition. A brief summary of Mr. Miller's career is in order. He entered Georgia politics in the 1960s as a lackey for the clownish segregationist Governor Lester Maddox. Elected Lieutenant Governor in 1974, he developed a reputation as a maverick progressive/liberal during the Carter Administration. In 1980 he ran a liberal/populist primary challenge to Senator Herman Talmadge (who won the primary but lost the general election). Licking his wounds, Miller kept a low profile in the 1980s as Lieutenant Governor to two Governors. In 1990 he ran as a moderate Democrat and was elected Governor with support from organized labor. Once in office, Miller then proceeded to swing to the right for most of 1991, antagonizing many supporters and causing them to wonder if they had elected a Republican after all. Then in 1992, sensing a shift in the political winds, he came out strongly for Bill Clinton, moving the Georgia primary up so that it gave Clinton a needed boost in his quest for the nomination. That summer he gave the keynote address at the Democratic convention and was one of the Democrats' strongest Southern supporters. I was present at a campaign rally in Atlanta for Hillary Rodham Clinton and Al and Tipper Gore in the fall of 1992. Zell gave a stemwinding classical Democratic speech praising the Clinton-Gore campaign to the skies. He was instrumental in delivering Georgia to the Clinton column in November. Miller continued his progressive politics in 1993 when he made a principled stand for changing the Georgia flag's Confederate symbolism. Although he abandoned this plan in the face of opposition, the flag issue and his association with the Clintons nearly cost Miller his reelection in 1994. In his second term Miller moved steadily rightward and sought no bold initiatives(although he did seek to mend fences with the teachers' union by sponsoring a series of raises, for which I, as an educator, must give him some gratitude), finishing up in 1998 with a pledge to retire from politics forever. Then in 1999 with the death of Paul Coverdell Miller was appointed to the US Senate, winning election to the rest of Coverdell's term that fall. True to form, he wavered between the Democrats and the Republicans for his first few months before deciding that the GOP had a better shot at power in 2000. Since then he has been a shill for Bush and his cronies and a Democrat only in name. If all the votes had been permitted to be counted in Florida, and Al Gore were now in the White House, Zell would have written a book about the great tradition of Southern liberalism and the perfidiousness of Republicans. The sad thing about Zell Miller in his current mutation is that he knows better. He knows what the Democratic Party has done for the South over the years. He is not a natural ally of Bush and his crony capitalists, but a man whose family, state, and region have been helped immeasurably by Democratic initiatives throughout his lifetime. To stab his party in the back, as Miller has done repeatedly, is the rankest ingratitude and, in anyone else, would reveal an appalling ignorance of history. Miller cannot hide behind ignorance, he is too smart and too well educated for that. Instead, he must stand accused of rank ambition and self-glorification. His book reveals no true understanding of the South or of history. It is a hatchet job that could have been created by any Karl Rove acolyte and as such, it stands as the last miserable statement of the inglorious career of a man who wasted his considerable talents.
Rating:  Summary: Only a fool writes off Dixie Review: One of the main points of Millers' book is that of simple mathmatics. With a population of over 100 MILLION, an economy with a GNP of over $3 Trillion and most of the numeric population growth in the last 40 years, it is not wise to blow off the South. A few of the ignorant reviews I read here bellowed about pickup trucks, rebel flags and rednecks. These are the same old, tired, and IGNORANT views of the South spouted by a foolish leftiest elite. I think this attitude is what pissed off Miller and the Souths 130+ electorial votes. Miller in turn is simply spelling out what what a huge mistake the Democrates are making by ignoring 35% of the population and economy. Only arrogant idiots would do that. If the radicals in NewYork, San Fran, and LA would listen to the guy they might save the party. But they won't. I bet they didn't even look at a census 2000 map and noticed that the South gained another 6 electorial votes at the expense of the Blue States. Miller noticed. I love Indiana and Ohio
Rating:  Summary: A Brave Stand by One American Patriot Review: Senator Zell Millar writes with passion about his American values, if those core values which are in line with most of mainstream America make him an outcast in his party, then I think it says quite a bit about where that party has gone to. Miller tries to save his party with this book, to bring Democrats back from the Left, and back to the days of a strong national defense, of a reasonable foreign policy, and moderate fiscal policy. He is calling for his party to return to the days of JFK, FDR, and Truman... will they hear him through their shrill attacks on President Bush? or more importantly will they listen even if they hear him? I doubt it, but Zell Millar is an incredibly brave Patriot who deserves America's praise and support.