Rating:  Summary: Honest. Revealing. Rich with Insight and Wit Review: This is a phenomenal book.Senator Miller tries to change the party he loves, making the admonishments he's been issuing privately for years, public for the world to read. Miller has been accused by many as a political opportunist, however, these charges are easily dismissed when one considers the period of time during the party switch of Jim Jeffords from Vermont. When Mr. Jeffords flipped to the Democrat party, control of the Senate tipped toward the Democrats as well. As one can imagine, with so much power in the balance, the Republicans made overtures to several conservative Democrat Senators, Miller included. The offers were substantial. Miller stayed with his party. As he continues to to this day. To this reviewer, Senator Miller's book is a sincere plea to his party to wake up. Miller sees his party's values, the values of FDR, JFK, Scoop Jackson, etc., over-run by special interests of the narrowest appeal. From Miller's vantage point, the Democrats reckless pursuit of power at any price has left them beholden to a strange patchwork of often competing interests--and that somewhere along the way they've lost their soul. It's a great read--and Zell is a national treasure. If you follow politics and/or government, (And DNC Chairman, Terry McCauliffe's Review 2 or 3 reviews below not withstanding...) I think you'll enjoy this book. And if you've never read a political book in your life, this would be a great first. I'd give it 5 1/2 stars if I could...
Rating:  Summary: Thought Provoking................. Review: Unlike Gsundar, I have read the book and do know some of Senator Miller's positions both past and present. I suggest to Gsundar that he actually read the book before posting a review. Senator Miller is mostly correct that the democratic party has moved away from historical positions. From dominating the southern region of the country during most of the 20th century, they now find that the south has moved away from them. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and Sen. Miller provides insight that only can be gained through decades of experience in politics at the state and national level. If you are a staunch democrat, you won't like much of what you read. But, for once a serious discussion of the issues facing the democratic party is provided in a rational, thoughtful way. This is NOT a party bashing, venomous discourse ala Coulter or Franken. A very good book by a man with impeccable credentials. If you are into politics, a must read.
Rating:  Summary: Traitor to his own beliefs! Review: Traitor to his own beliefs! He's still a closet liberal and satan worshiper trying to make a buck. I cannot tell you how much I hated this book and urge you to boycott it. I am a lifelong Republican and activist. My party stands for those who are successful, Christian minded, and controlling those who want to hurt American business. - First of all, how dare you oppose Bush in not supporting of the glorious war and Crusade against non-Christian infidels? What's all this bull about WMDs? Saddam killed, so we killed, might makes right in any sensible mind. So all those who are against Bush are going to hell. - Democrats are all renegade swine, quite frankly, and it's a crying shame they are even allowed to vote. Jesus would have supported Bush in his war against muslim sheep and cutting funds for people who are disabled, crippled, retarded, old, etc. It's their own fault, Bush didn't make these losers the way they are. - So Bush didn't win the popular election; God wanted him to be President, God didn't trust the 'popular majority' and God wanted a military hero like Bush in office. Thank God for our unbiased Supreme Court. - Furthermore, how dare you show narrow-minded animosity at Bush when he is a self made man. Don't believe those who say the US doesn't have enough jobs. If the Mexicans can find jobs, so can you. Republicans get better jobs because we know the game, know how to take advantage of the system, and because of our Godly contacts. You should buy Anne Coulter books instead. She is the leading spokeswoman for the Republican party because she knows and speaks our truth. Quotes from her: • "I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote...women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it....it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care."-- Politically Incorrect, 2/26/01 • "...a cruise missile is more important than Head Start."-- Speech, 11/01, rebroadcast by C-Span in Jan. 2002 • "In his brief fiery ride across the landscape, Joe McCarthy bought America another thirty years. For this, he sacrificed his life, his reputation, his name. The left cut down a brave man, but not before the American people heard the truth."-- The Drudge Report, quoting from Coulter's new book, Treason, 6/19/03 • "We hate them. Americans don't want to make Islamic fanatics love us. We want to make them die. There's nothing like horrendous physical pain to quell anger. A couple of well-aimed nuclear weapons will get our opposition out of the way."-- Column, 9/25/02 • "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."-- Column, 9/13/01 • "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors."-- Speech to Conservative Political Action Conference, January 2002 • "Soldiers are just cowards with their backs against the wall. The lowest IQ men in our society, those incapable of normal careers enlist. Their choice in life; prison or the military. Some will have to die in the support of our cause."-- Intervention Magazine, 11/06/03 • "The only beef Enron employees have with top management is that management did not inform employees of the collapse in time to allow them to get in on the swindle."-- Column, 1/24/02 • "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."-- New York Observer interview, 8/20/02 • "Then there are the 39 million greedy geezers collecting Social Security. The greatest generation rewarded itself with a pretty big meal."-- WorldNetDaily, 12/10/03 My hero is the Ex-House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, GOP presidential prospect, and architect of the Republican Party's failed impeachment of President Clinton. He only failed because Newt was having an affair. Who could blame Newt, his wife went and got sick with cancer. That was completely different from Clinton. Unlike Clinton, Newt was smart enough to divorce his wife after she got sick and could no longer drag him down with her. Lastly, how dare you stumblingly expose your miscreant incompetence with rantings against the Patriot Act. In my mind Some Americans have too many Constitutional rights. The Bill of Rights should not even apply to the blue-collar middle classes who are too stupid to get involved. No Bush hating media or newspapers should have 'freedom of the press,' since they only have their rights and freedoms because the rich allow them to have them. Ever see some poor slob or middle class idiot who owned a newspaper company? You defamatory libelous, uneducated swine should keep your comments to yourselves or we'll send your job overseas. Go out and burn this book now! I'll pray everyone who buys this book will burn in hell! Also boycott Edgar Fouche's book, "Alien Rapture." He is a traitor for revealing our most secret black technology.
Rating:  Summary: I love Zell Miller, but... Review: unlike the majority of reviewers here, I actually read the book. It's a benign read by a very nice man. And to all those reviewers who call Miller a "Republican," remember that Kennedy fought Communism and cut taxes by historic amounts (to the everlasting shame of his overflowing brother Teddy). JFK would be booted right out of today's Democratic party as the 'Republican' he was. Which tells you just how far off the deep end the Dems have jumped. Back to Zell. He tells his life story in this book, sort of establishing his Democratic Pary bona fides. Isn't it funny that at one time Democrats were allowed to be pro-life? Al Gore, Richard Gephardt, Bill Clinton, so many have had to abandon their conscience just to stay in their party's good graces when the abortion lobby took over. Miller never did. He's stayed true to his principles and finds himself almost always being dragged leftward with his party. So he's leaving politics. I think if he'd stayed governor of Georgia, he'd have a taste for it still. But to be thrown in amongst the radicals in Washington has got to be a bit of a shock for a good ol' boy. The book does not flow, though. I found myself frequently somewhere on the page, wondering how I'd gotten there and not remembering a word of what I'd just read. There are portions of this book that are memorable, that make you feel this is a good man with a sharp sense of what he believes and wants. He should have put his book through 4 or 5 more rewrites with an editor who was truly his friend. He could have sharpened and refined his message and used the autobiographical nature of the narrative to build and strengthen his case. Instead we get a collection of chapters that look as though each was written as a column and then all were collected and bound together: the Collected Works of Zell Miller. That said, I'm glad I read Miller's book. It makes me wish he had put his money where his mouth is and switched parties temporarily the day Jumpin' Jim Jeffords pulled the ol' bait and switch on the voters of New Hampshire and shifted control of the Senate to the 'selected, not elected' Democrats. Just so fairness could rule. He laments the unscrupulousness of his Democratic colleagues, but when he had the power to put a stop to it, he was MIA. Must be a Democrat after all, no matter how conservative.
Rating:  Summary: Brief instances of insight among the fluff Review: I view myself as an old school Democrat. I've heard much about Zell Miller's views on the Democratic Party being way out of touch with mainstream Americans. So I was expecting this book to go point by point on the main issues, how the Dems are too far to the left and what a more centrist position would be. There were some instances of this on the big name issues (abortion, gun control, national security, etc.). But the substantive stuff was buried underneath lots of useless fluff (i.e., stories about how he addressed this when he was in Georgia state government, family stories, random quotes from random places, etc.) I was disappointed in the book. My main problem with the book is that it spends no time looking at how issues that play well among Southern voters would be disastrous among voters in the rest of the country. I would have hoped Miller would have used some demographics data to show how the traditional Dem voting base in the South is simply no longer there anymore. I would have hoped Miller would have delved deeper into why national Dems are so subservient to certain major interest groups (which revolves around campaign donations - another topic that received very little attention from Miller). But there was none of that. What there was were lots of personal anecdotes, all delivered in a "down home" type of way. That's fine and all for a personal biography. But I thought this book was going to be a serious look at why the Democratic Party is where it is, how it got there, and how to get it back on track. I was also disappointed that very little in-depth attention was given to the 2000 presidential elections. My view is that the lingering anger and resentment over the way that election turned out helps explain why there is such a turn to the left among the Democrats. No time is spent explaining why a majority of the population voted for either Gore or Nader rather than Bush, yet Miller argues the country doesn't like national liberal politicians. If you're an old-school or centrist Democrat and are looking for a insightful book on your branch of the Democratic Party, this is not it. It's an ok book, but filled with too many personal anecdotes and too little in-depth analysis and recommendations. What works in rural Georgia does not work in other parts of the country. This is rather self-evident, but Miller's book mostly ignores that simple fact.
Rating:  Summary: A National Party No More - Sorry - Go Home - Shut Up! Review: A National Party No More - Sorry - Go Home - Shut Up! Well, he's long been a joke amongst politicians on both sides of the isle. Sorry Zell, you old redneck fart, the bar is closed, you have no friends. Democrats loathe you, Republicans think you are feeble minded, and independents like myself think your just plain old stupid. Zell Miller is part of that ever shrinking, ignorant minority that believes George Bush Jr. is a good person and a good president. I do not know why he continues to label himself a Democrat as it is clear from this book that he does not support the party or anything it stands for. As the Republican Party has morphed into the party of ignorance and blind sheep, the Democrats have grown and changed with the times. George Bush is the modern Republican idea of a good president...ignorant, unethical, illiterate, morally corrupt but full of Jesus (at least for the cameras). This is what Zell Miller believes America needs. Anyone with a brain may beg to differ.
Rating:  Summary: This book should be used as a text book in every high school Review: This book has to be one of the most important and informative books I have read in a very long time. This book should be read by EVERY voting American before going to the polls.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you, Senator Miller Review: I thought this was a venue to review a book, not to vent personal political opinions, which is what many have done. I don't care about your political beliefs, I just want to know you read the book and have an honest opinion of its contents. Anyway, Senator Miller relates the hijacking of the Democratic party from the likes of Presidents Truman and Kennedy, Scoop Jackson and other leading Democrats who were more interested in bettering the U.S. instead of chasing after minority votes with money and promises. He understands the necessity of defending our country from those who want to destroy us, even if preemptive strikes are necessary to attack "them" before they attack us. I'm sure the mainstream, liberal press has ignored this book, their usual practice, but I found it enlightening and very interesting.
Rating:  Summary: Zell for President in 2008! Review: I'm a conservative Republican in a family full of Democrats, so I have a good idea how Zell must feel, being a conservative in a party that has been hijacked and overrun by a bunch of 60's radicals (the Clintons, Algore, John F'n Kerry, etc.). If only our two parties could make a trade, kind of like the trades professional sports teams make when they exchange. In exchange for Zell Miller, the Democrats could have one of our moderate-to-liberal members in the Senate (I suggest John McCain). "A National Party No More" hits the nail on the head when Zell shows how the modern Democratic Party has lost touch with the American mainstream. Miller sounds off on a number of issues including taxes, welfare reform, gun rights, abortion and the values gap. If the Dems ever want my vote in a Presidential election, the only way it will happen is if they nominate Zell Miller. But since that will never happen, the McCain-for-Miller trade is the next best thing I could hope for.
Rating:  Summary: He'd better change parties or burn forever! Review: Zell may love this Nation's Godly President Bush, as Jesus commands, but until he changes his party title from Demon-RAT to Godly Republican, he will burn in the Lake of Fire forever & EVER, AMEN! PRAISE!