Rating:  Summary: A life of fear or a life of joy Review: Who Moved My Cheese is a simple parable, a quick read, but it packs a whopper of a message. I read a lot of the reviews on this book and most of them were trashing the book. I tend to disagree. We all go through change at multiple times in our lives. This book is not only geared to employment changes, but to relationship, friendship or moving changes, to name a few. The principles explained here can be applied to any situation in one's life. Unfortunately, we tend to become narrow-minded and don't realize that the principles stay the same, even though the situation may change - sometimes we just need a gentle reminder of that fact.The quotes from the book are great! Such as, "If you don't change you can become extinct." "The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese." "When you move beyond your fear, you feel free." The main message I gained WAS to move beyond my fear, and I was able to relate that to many areas in my life and the "change" for me was great! As Blanchard says, " It is safer to search in the maze than remain in a cheeseless situation." How true! Life's journey is about change, but it is how we choose to embrace it to make our journey that much more enjoyable or disastrous! So, "Be ready to change quickly and enjoy it again and again!"
Rating:  Summary: A Good Value Review: While it is true that much of the information in the book is nothing new, I think those that pan the book on that basis forget that knowing what to do is only half the battle - the other half is actually doing it. What then may appear to be a negative as far as simplistic dialogue and small size becomes an asset in the rereading necessary to change ones habits to incorporate the wisdom of these few pages. Change is the one constant after all, so dealing with it is crucial as the book makes very clear. It's an excellent brief parable.
Rating:  Summary: All Managers should read this one Review: The easiest way to remember a story is through visualisation. This story tale emphasises the difficulties experienced with change in great detail. I bought the paperback, the cost although on the expensive side, is worth the simple message. I have shared the book with all my employees and will buy my manager a copy as well. The only certainty in life is change...
Rating:  Summary: Don't believe the hype Review: Don't buy this book. There are no great insights to be gained. The only point in the book is that things change, accept this fact and be positive. The parable is a gimmick. There is one amusing aspect of the book where the author attempts to diffuse criticism by presenting a discussion in which one character says he already understands the theme of the book and found the book unnecessary. The other characters in the discussion then laugh at the naysayer as being unable to accept change. I'll buy the naysayer a beer anytime. The mocking characters are all so naive and sheltered as to be insufferable.
Rating:  Summary: Another Insult to the intelligent employee! Review: We were handed this book at an all-hands meeting at Boeing IS. The book was insulting, as are many of this type of management book that seems to be aimed at intelligent employees rather than the idiot executives who pay consultants to come up with such drival. The only thing that needs change is the management of companies who can't communicate with their employees and tell it like it is, in addition to walking their own talk.
Rating:  Summary: Watch for the axe Review: Last June our new Executive Director at work gave all 100 employees this atrocious book. I would have rather had the $10. Anyway, a week later, ten of us were fired. If you get this from anyone at work...beware. Even if I hadn't been fired, I wouldn't want to work for a company where this was the biggest/best gift I got all year. What a lousy book. I would have given it zero stars, but that wasn't an option.
Rating:  Summary: Management Must Have Review: This parable is a great read. It simplifies the human need for obtaining happiness and the reaction to having happiness taken away. The story offer great insight on how to identify what type of mouse you need to deal with after you move their cheese. This book is a must have for any person that oversees or manages people on a day to day basis.
Rating:  Summary: If you like to buy books, buy this book... Review: If you want to know what this book is about, but don't want to read it, I can sum the book up in five (5) words: "Things change--get over it." Thank you.
Rating:  Summary: Doctor Seuss validates short-term thinking? Review: "Who Moved My Cheese?" is a simple, albeit expensive animated illustration of the pros and cons of contending with change in the life of a human being. It compares the instinctive behavior of two mice and two men who have found that the supply of "cheese" in their world has suddenly disappeared entirely. The mice move on and the humans sit around requiring an explanation! Clever... but... The author makes light of the behavior of humans to adopt change so readily and easily. By animated example, he contends that we make it more difficult than it has to be and that our acceptance of this change of environment is solely dependent on our singular decision. WRONG! This "change" that he illustrates most closely and conveniently resembles one's employment. I can only recommend that just for kicks, we go home and tell our wives one day that we are all moving to a third world country because that is now where the cheese is to be found.... Wife will heartily recommend that we look for a new spouse in addition to new cheese! Sometimes the decision is not made by only one person! This simple book is being promoted by many Fortune 500 companies in America as a means to justify the current industry fashion of short-sighted thinking and the short-term goals of those executives who are counting the days until their retirement. I am not concerned with this seemingly self-destructive train of business thought, since, as the author illustrates.... It will soon CHANGE!
Rating:  Summary: DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY! DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE. Review: I had heard some good things about this book and was in need of a litte inspiration so I checked it out from the local library. And boy am I glad I didn't pay for this thing. This book contains nothing groundbreaking or new. It is just a clever little rehash of common sense. The actual parable of the mice, cheese and little people could be useful if you allowed people to read it for themselves and forge their own opinions. But the filler at the beginning and the end is what relagates this book to one of the all-time rip-offs. I guess the author thinks we are all idiots because he creates these shallow charichatures of normal people and has them talk down to the reader, telling the reader first what to think about the cheese story, and then second try to attribute all of the good things that will happen in their life to the cheese story. This is self promotion at its best, or worst, however you want to look at. If you need something like this book to motivate you to find true happiness in life, then our country is in pretty bad shape because their sure are a lot of suckers out there. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY! DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE.