Rating:  Summary: Deception Point Review: Like most people who recently discovered Dan Brown, I read the Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons first and then decided to try one of his earlier works. This book was just plain OK, it wasn't grasping like the other two I read before. The only reason I kept reading was because I thought it would get better, but I was just swimming in spit. Like DVC and A&D, Brown divides his books into infinite chapters leaving you in the edge of your seat by ending the chapter just when something good is happening. I just didn't care enough for the characters or the plot to become genuinely interested in the book and my opinion was that there were too many story lines going on at the same time that I found myself lost at times or just plain pissed off at having to read some very boring part before coming back to the original main plot. I will rather sit and wait for the next Langdon installment than read any other of Brown's earlier work.
Rating:  Summary: Not great but more entertaining than TV! Review: Like other readers, I was disappointed after the quality of both the DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons. This book seemed forced into the Dan Brown formula: ridiculously capable people drawn into dangerous, dark situations masterminded by a secretive evil genius whose identity is revealed just at the end (the evil genius seems always to be a major character, friendly with and intellectually sympathetic to the cause of the protagonist)and violent hijinx ensue. Good does win out and the book ends when the protagonist gets into the sack with whoever he/she has been thrown together with by trials and tribulations engineered by EG referred to above. All of this sprinkled with liberal doses of real fun, eyepopping mind-bending technology/history. None of this is terrible (in fact, Michael Crichton has made a fortune by hewing to his similar code), but after 3 books it gets a little dreary. The good news is that Dan Brown evidently appreciates that, and so the more recent books are better: more clever, and more reliant on ambiguous evidence rather than easily debunked factual assertions. Reading it is still more entertaining than watching TV.
Rating:  Summary: Cut and paste plot with many factual errors Review: As several reviewers have pointed out, Dan Brown uses the same plot outline in every one of his books. Brown also never checks any of his facts. Anyone with a basic science background will find many parts of the book quite laughable. Besides the science errors, here are some things readers should know: Fossils don't exist in metamorphic rocks. You don't have to look on the bottom of the ocean to find fossils of creatures that once lived on the bottom of the ocean. If you are sitting in a cockpit of a minisub, and the sub starts to fall through the air, you will not hover above your seat. If you are warm and toasty in your snow suit on a glacier, you won't suddenly start freezing to death when you move to an iceberg. Helicopters don't need to swoop to strafe. Trained marksmen don't miss when they shoot. Wounds from machine gun rounds are serious injuries. You can't get to Fairfax by driving west from Falls Church on the Leesburg Pike. The L'Enfant Plaza metro stop is underground. The Metro drivers, not a recorded voice, annouce Metro train stops. You wouldn't exit the Metro train at L'Enfant Plaza to go to a Northwest Washington address. Now that Dan Brown is rolling in money, he should hire a researher or fact checker for his next book.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Page Turner Review: I have not read Dan Brown's other novels but I really am enjoying this book. I am on the last 50 pages and it has been a very enjoyable read. Maybe some of the Nasa stuff isn't too realistic but when I am reading a good book I don't need reality. This book is a wild and fun ride from one page to the next.
Rating:  Summary: Deception Point by Dan Brown Review: This book is about the daughter of Senator Sedgewick Sexton, who is a presidential candidate. The senator is winning the campaign by acknoledging the money that NASA has wasted under the current predident's support (Zach Herney). When NASA makes and incredible discovery, a meteorite with signs of aliens life, Herney brings Sexton's daughter, Rachel, to tell hisstaff about it. Rachel is willing to do so, because she doesn't like the way her father is campaigning. This is true, at least, until she discovers that the meteorite could have been placed there. The team of her and a famous scientist have to dicover the truth and prove it. Their first suspicion is of course the president himself, but they find out that he may have no idea. The books presents many suspects working for the president, or not for him. They don't have all the time in the world, either, because the president is about to tell the world about the discovery, and if he does, the president could likely be decided by it. This story is very well told, like all of Dan Brown's books. It combines acion, mystery, and politics, and it is very exciting. Every character is included in the plot, even if they seem unimportant at the beginning. The mystery isn't revealed until the last page of the book, and the conclusion is also characeristic of Dan Brown, because you can't stop reading it. I would give this book three stars because compared to Brown's best book, The Da Vinci Code, this book doesn't belong in the same state. Compared to different authors, however, it is a great book.
Rating:  Summary: One star because I could not give less Review: This is one of the worst books I have ever read. Dan Brown shows he has not knowledge of or bothered to check the accuracy of much of anything in his book. The concepts of NASA, satellite orbits, satellite software problems, launch vehicles, rocket fuel and engine design or common laws of physics dealing with gases under pressure. The questions that were just left hanging, like how do you bore a hole up 100 ft into the bottom of a glacier and hold a 8 ton rock into it until it freezes in place. And that is jujst one example. How is it there is alway a guy and a girl who just happen to be single, good looking, that can end up together at the end. I am just glad I did not buy this book.
Rating:  Summary: Pot- Boiler on Ice Review: Dan Brown keeps the plot moving at a blistering pace. The set up time for the next action sequence is short. The pause in action is just right, he gives the reader only enough time to catch his breath and then blasts off again. He does not get bogged down in endless sub-plots like Tom Clancy tends to do (although Clancy's plots are more plausible). You don't have to skim through Dan's book to try and pick out only the good stuff. In fact you don't want to miss a single sentance. It is all good. I recommed it to anyone who is looking for a good thrill.
Rating:  Summary: couldn't stop turning the pages Review: Wow..what a great book this was. Even though I liked Angels and Demons as well as the Davinci Code, I wasn't expecting to like this book as much as I did. From the prologue, through the first hundred pages, all the way to the very end, I felt as if my eyes couldn't read the words fast enough. A really great hook that's not fully revealed until more than a fifth through the book, characters that you can't get enough of, and some great action really make this a must read in my opinion. The book is definetly well named!
Rating:  Summary: Great Book! Review: Just saying Dan Brown is a good thriller writer, or just a good writer doesn't give him enough credit for the work he puts into all his books. All of his information is accurate and usually fascinating, informing me of things unbelievable and yet unknown. All of the cool technology, characters, research and plots in this book amaze me and I feel as though I could read then book 5 times and still wonder how he creates a suspenseful, yet realistic world filled with descriptive characters and twisted plots. Deception Point is another of Dan Brown's masterpieces filled with deep plots, deception, and the usual brilliance that fills his novels. Deception Point is a story about a mysterious object found deep in a polar iceberg. The president of the United States, Zach Hearney, sends up four civilian scientists and his white house informative, Rachel Sexton, to verify NASA'S breakthrough find. This discovery comes at a helpful time to NASA and President Hearney. NASA had had many failures and Senator Sedgewick Sexton was attacking President Hearney on the failures. Senator Sedgewick Sexton, also Rachel's father, is running for the title of President, and some good NASA news would only help President Hearney, who strongly supported the program. This makes the find great, but not what makes it incredible. I will admit that finding alien life is a bit corny to fuel a book on, but the development and political scandal in protecting the information is what kept me turning the pages until late in the night. Like in all of Brown's other books the characters in Deception Point change and reveal their true nature and intentions. It would be easy to see the true culprit, if not for Brown's deceiving writing that leads the reader to believe the evil character is really someone else. I will admit that some of the rescues the characters happen upon are unlikely, but Brown probably gave them with the most creativity he could, and still make them seem plausible. Altogether, reading Deception Point would not be a waste of time, and presents itself to the reader quite easily, making an easy read, a good laugh, and an intriguing plot to spend your day wondering about.
Rating:  Summary: Brown's best - for entertainment purposes Review: The other Dan Brown books (Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons) employ a different model of storytelling. That is, they deal with a lot of art history and symboligy. Deception Point is more like Brown's other thriller 'Digital Fortress.' 'Deception Point' employs more of a James Patterson type read. You don't need to think much, the story just sort of plays out like watching TV in your head. That said, 'Deception Point' is a highly entertaining Science Fiction meets Science Reality stuffed together into a break-neck-paced-thriller that is tough to put down. Great use of political power elements, Science fiction that borders on reality and naturally, a love story intertwined nicely in the middle of the whole story. Go out and get a copy of your own, worth the time.