Rating:  Summary: "Crusading Reporter On A MIssion" Review: Interesting writer, John Stossel's, "Must Read," GIVE ME A BREAK:HOW I EXPOSED HUCKSTERS, CHEATS, AND SCAM ARTISTS AND BECAME THE SCOURGE OF THE LIBERAL MEDIA," is a book you won't want to miss!Shooting straight from the hip Stossel helped blow the lid off snake-oil peddlers, rip-off artists, and corporate thieves. And in doing so he created a whole new category of news, dedicated to protecting and informing the consumer for more than thirty years. This book is both entertaining and a must read! Stossel truly understands economics, in all its subtlety. (Highly Recommended!)
Rating:  Summary: Stossel Gets It Review: Stossel nails it with his latest book! If you will keep an open mind while reading this book, Stossel will make you think about the role of government, lawyers, and how society ignores the extreme abuses committed by the above. This books is worth twice the price!
Rating:  Summary: Pioneering journalist with a pioneering view Review: John Stossel will someday be recognized for this audacity to take on the government, the media, and the powerful to bring us the truth, which is far more elusive than it seems. I particularly like his take on the media's obsession with FEAR and how it impacts our thoughts and behaviors to a point of paranoia. I loved his lawyer bashing and the revelation of how our legal system really works. This man is not afraid to stand up for what is truthful, even at the expense of making many enemies, purported even within his own news organization. He loves to cut through the bull and bring you to the real motivations and dealings of some of the most crooked people and schemes devised (most of them legal AND from our own government). My main qualm with this book is he is not totally objecive. The man is a self proclaimed and an obvious libertarian. I wish he had been little more balanced in his views.
Rating:  Summary: Time To Create TV Of His Own To Separate Many News Myths! Review: John Stossel is the superstar of all bona fide journalists; he cares about his country, career, and culture by focusing on fictitious findings and doing it in an ethical and impartial tradition so he and the public can review movements, trends, and the reality in the end. The book outright destroys the magic, myths and made up miracles that often praises a minority of nicely intentional human beings who fail to remember that reducing freedoms on falsehoods ends up robbing all of us our initiative, responsibilities and prosperity. The author's work reviews fake folklores invented and forgotten by the evening news and taken to congress to resolve threats that never existed in the first place. The need to expose Gun Control fables, the mistake of banning DDT to protect us and agencies burdening rather than serving the people is what John Stossel's has found to be true after years of forgotten news stories. I read with curiosity how a peculiar obsession occurs on this author's way to capturing 18 Emmys for uncovering fraudulence swindles, hucksters, and cheats that no longer garners such high acclaim. Equally, when John Stossel went after showing how governments and special interests groups did the same thing in misspending taxpayers' money on policies that do not work, all of a sudden he became an outcast to Liberal Journalistic Awards. A sad commentary and proof of why Liberals are judge so imperfectly today. I found remarkable that the author overcame a speaking disability after choosing a profession where one must converse every minute. He is forthright in saying he did not care for college but his Ivy League graduation is the foundation of his superb common sense. I value him so much more than today's media icons, which flunked out of college such as Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore who often parrot ignorance towards each other and the public. Simultaneously, the book is very revealing on subjects I never knew too. It explains how News Entertainment works, how to negotiate your own terms if you join a network to insure you can do your stories properly without lawyers, standing in line for edit room privileges, burdensome union contracts that protect lazy employees and competition from those jealous of your abilities. The funniest part of the book was the author's investigations of 17 Veterinarians using his own Cat. All found the Cat healthy without overcharging. Although he points out his Cat never forgave him! I suggest he now investigate Cat Food that is giving allergies to Cats and Vets charging for shots when all they need do is advise us to change the food. My Cats were all victims of special food that was causing such allergies and my Vets never told me to change the food. He needs to re-examine this investigation today, but he should use another Cat. Chris Wallace, Bernard Goldberg, and now John Stossel are all searching for a supplementary significant sincerity to challenge special interest agendas living off poor policy ideas that bolster unsound thinking with lazy reporting of questionable solutions hurting us all in the end. John Stossel cuts through the oddballs and finds the bones of the problems breaking down several policy practices of failure that compliments the professed Liberal ABC Network is not worthless and is a fine example of balance at ABC sometimes. Therefore, the Liberal Media suspension of awarding the author with Awards while drowning in their poor ratings and cheating their stockholders is a prime example of spite in cutting off its own nose for the greater glory of politically correct slothful beliefs. I came away knowing John Stossel is a moderate in search of better ways to accomplish fresh fruitful adjustments for our civilization. He points out the leading schema against beneficial transformation are Unions, Lawyers, and Lawmaking Agencies. The author provides specific examples of their selfishness and shylock habits in the Broadcasting, Safety, Drugs, Transportation, and Construction areas. Yet, he says not all Lawyers, Unions and Lawmakers are the enemy just some zealots often losing common sense in their goal to promote their cause. I wonder when he will do a thoughtful journalistic investigation on why Lawmakers will not "Out Source" government jobs to foreign lands to save taxpayers money? Stossel catches Bruce Babbitt and Dick Gephardt ending interviews on important subjects because they could not defend the policies. He reveals how nations with few resources like Hong Kong and South Korea grew into top economies due to freedom not governments. John Stossel needs to take his own advice and no longer polish the boots of ABC's 20/20. He has grown to the extent that he can be the Co-Executive Producer of new TV Informative Programs that will examine trends, corrects TV's misinformation, finds factual truths and report it without recourse to anyone and only for everyone searching for accurate, honest and objective information to make valuable decisions for our culture. I would love to see Stossel's create a "Media In Review" program going over current so-called 'News Info Shows,' that end up editing what they do not want us to see or hear. I would love to see "61 Minutes," "Prime Time Lies," or "Nightblind," that goes back to their targets and provides an opportunity for those who could not say everything in 22 minute segments or verifies the shows got it right with good reasoning after all and deserves to be called "60 Minutes True," "Prime Time Right," and "RightLine". Additionally, the Network's Early Morning shows do such meager tasks on important subjects inform no one when they run out of time for the weather, cookies, or lame jokes to meet a meaningless deadline. This is one top quality book written by ABC's 20/20 Co-Anchor who cares about finding authentic solutions to genuine problems, exposing actual cheats, liars and correcting the record even at the expense of some of his own mistaken colleagues and employers. The hardback was a delight to read, concise on each subject, fair and balanced and gave some elucidations to serious tribulations that in valid terms would improve America. I highly recommend this book for everyone!
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: Stossel does an excellent job of covering a wide range of topics with his interesting experiences debunking many messages of traditional media. Reading this gives you the feeling that you're finally getting the other side of the story. His method of asking thought provoking questions (rather than mean-spirited finger-pointing) reminded me to not believe everything I hear, but instead question data myself! Additionally, the general layout of the book is very conducive to brief moments of reading as it has many "sub-chapters".
Rating:  Summary: Very good read. Review: I ripped through this book in about 3 nights. Just under 300 pages of text reviews Stossels career and his reports. If you are a fan, most of this is not new to you, but its a good reminder. For those new to Stossel, he may challenge your idea of what government is rightly responsible for, and what it should butt out of. He will attack welfare, poor and rich alike. He takes on the lawyers and silly lawsiuts. He also takes on the common notion of freedom in America. Stossel reports with an admitted libertarian perspective, and he comes across as a fair writer. However, there are a couple of typos that did not get caught by the editors. They were akin to speed bumps on the highway. Regardless, I look forward to Stossel's next tome, "How I converted Barbara Walters into a Libertarian". Good Job, John. Keep up the good work.
Rating:  Summary: I second that... Stossel for president... Review: I do not agree with everything Mr. Stossel has to say, but his assessment of the economy and poverty is dead on. This book is saturated with the evidence. Buy a copy. Buy another for your spouse. Buy one for your grandparents and friends. Heck, buy a case. This book should be taught in schools (but heaven forbid the government teach anything that undermines its effectiveness).
Rating:  Summary: Libertarian TV Review: Many criticisms of this book focus on ad hominem attacks on Stossel. Apparently, these critics feel libertarian ideas are so devoid of merit that anyone who espouses them is an idiot or a shill... Stossel included. If you have an open mind, "Give Me a Break" is a breezy introduction to some basic libertarian ideas. The chapters are very short and the style of writing feels much like television journalism. Stossel discusses his personal progression from a consumer advocate journalist to a "small L" libertarian. The book is quite similar to Stossel's work on television. This is not written as (or meant to be), a serious work on the libertarian political philosophy. The writing is simple, straightforward and probably meant to connect with the same people who watch his periodic television specials. One weakness of the book is that it is written entirely from Stossel's perspective. What makes his television work so effective is watching the "other person." Stossel has a genuine talent for asking difficult questions, a skill honed during his time working on consumer issues. The great fun of his television work is watching some ne'er do well squirm, weasel or wilt under pressure of tough questions. Reading Stossel's accounts isn't quite as dramatic as watching them unfold. In the end, Stossel has found that the "hucksters, cheats and scam artists" in the private sector are pikers compared to those acting "in the public interest." Stossel is one of the few mainstream journalists who ignores the plea, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." "Give Me a Break" does not break any new ground or add much to a growing body of work by thinkers who question the modern liberal groupthink... but it a very readable print version of Libertarian TV.
Rating:  Summary: John Stossel for President Review: One of the most convincing books I have read. Yes, I too have often fallen for liberal/socialist solutions to often imaginary problems. John, please keep up the good work!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent honest and well researched Review: Mr. Stossel points out facts that no other journalists do.