Rating:  Summary: The best President money can buy- Review: This book explains - Why Bushes ties to Harken and Enron matter. - How stacking the nations courts with right-wing judges is harmful to democracy. - Why and how the Bush Administration's "No Child Left Behind" has left millions of kids behind. - How Bush's poor foreign policy prior to Sept. 11th has negatively affected our ability to fight terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: Getting More Important Review: I believe that this book went to publication a weeks before President Bush asked the Congress for $87 billion to reconstruct Iraq. I'd love to hear what she has to say about that request. For months, I've been wondering about how Mr. Bush's tax cuts will play out, and Ivins offers an indictment of how similar proposals played out in Texas. Irrespective of where you reside on the political spectrum, you need to listen to Ivins' arguments because they are going to played out in the upcoming elections. No matter whether you love Mr. Bush or believe, like me, that his policies are going to cause our country long term pain, you need to confront the issues that are raised in this book and figure out where you stand.
Rating:  Summary: Relentless. Important. What the 4th Estate Missed. Review: I can only read about 10 minutes of this book per sitting. Too much, too much. And yet we need to know this stuff. Ivins and Dubose lay it out all too clearly. The policies of our Neglector-in Cheif are followed from their scandalous beginings to their inevitable consequences--which range from horrifying to merely sad. Government actons and inactions actually have an impact on the people of the country...whoda' thunk it?Before I read this book I thought maybe G.W. Bush was still only the second worst U.S. President after Warren G. Harding. But the incompetence and corruption of the Harding administration, as glaring as it was, hurt far fewer people than the Bush Cabal is hurting. Chris Matthews and other political comentaters need to start talking about the actual policies and what they actually do to actual people. I mean the horserace is fun, but this is real. This is about people's lives. This is about what kind of country we are going to have for the next century. Whether you agree with the conclusions or not, the facts in this book are all unimpeachable. Everyone should read this book before going into the voting booth. If you make over a million dollars per year and don't particularly care what happens to anyone else, Ivins and Dubose make it pretty clear that Bush is your guy. If you make less than that or do care, you may have been hoodwinked. At least read the book and see what you think. There's no reason to be a lemming.
Rating:  Summary: an honest, thorough indictment of Bush et.al. Review: No doubt conservatives will spew all sorts of venom about this book, largely because they won't be able to marshall any facts in rebuttal. As Franken's book is funny, this one is the sober equivalent of just where Bush's policies are leading us. If you you are among the wealthiest Americans then, for you, its still "morning in America," but if you are among the rest of us then this book book will explain why the lights are going out on the middle class and why the poor have been left to wander in the wilderness. Class warfare? I suppose so. But as this book shows its the middle class and especially the poor who are getting nuked. So much for Bush's Christian compassion.
Rating:  Summary: THIS BOOK SHOULD BE REQUIRED READING FOR '04 PREZ VOTERS Review: Ivins and Dubose have written an excellent book on what we don't hear about in the shallow, corporate-sponsored media we have today. I may never eat meat again. Maybe our representatives on Capitol Hill should read the book -- they might actually get a clue as to what is going on behind their backs. I usually find Ivins funny, and though she has a sense of humor in this book, it is tempered by the facts about how Bush has damaged our country, and is continuing to damage it. As I said in the header to this, this book should be required reading for anyone who plans to vote in the next presidential election (and in my opinion, everyone SHOULD vote if they care about themselves and their loved ones, and their children that they don't have yet).
Rating:  Summary: As well written as it is right (correct, that is) Review: Molly Ivins is the complete package -- erudite yet down to earth, entertaining yet thorough and challenging (I'm still trying to follow the tortured trail of Dubya through the "awl bidness" that Molly laid out so forcefully both here and in "Shrub"), and always, always on the mark. She has hit upon what should have been the obvious question for all of the spate of recent political writers, both right and left -- how are the real folks doin? By tying her attacks on various aspects of the Bush presidency to the impact that the last three years have had on real individuals, she has made her arguments more persuasive and far more compelling. The book is a pleasure to read. And by the way, that begala-carville reviewer is one scary dude.
Rating:  Summary: Not that much to laugh about Review: What I love most about Molly Ivins is her dry-as-the-Texas-prairie sense of humor, so I was sorry to discover that there really isn't much to chuckle over in this book. So, all right, "Bushwhacked" is no "Lies and the Lying Liars," but then Ivins, unlike Al Franken, is a journalist first and a humorist second, and the evidence she and coauthor Lou Dubose present in chapter after chapter of this book as to how the George W. Bush regime is systematically destroying the health, educational opportunities, and financial future of ordinary Americans is no laughing matter. Neocons are said to be up in arms over Barbara Ehrenreich's "Nickeled and Dimed" being required reading in somecolleges; they should just be glad it's not "Bushwhacked."
Rating:  Summary: Revealing Expose Review: Like a recovering alcoholic, I came to this book out of shame and desperation. You see I am a Republican and, yes, I voted for George Dubya in the last election (much to my regret). I was fooled once, but I will not be fooled again; and when the next Presidential election rolls around, I and millions of my fellow "dupees" will rise up and toss this puppet for the elite out on his ear...ditto for the Congress as well. Sadly, the Repubs have lost their way and will pay for it with many years out of power. Hopefully, the small businessmen, who were the original backbone of this once great political party, will eventually rebuild it and exile the crony capitalists forever.
Rating:  Summary: Molly Ivins is BRILLIANT! Review: Molly Ivins is brilliant - witty, funny, incisive and far better than other of my fellow liberals at getting to the point in a way that does not alienate other people needlessly. Got friends who might vote Republican - give them this book and ensure a Democrat wins in 2004! Yes, it is THAT good!
Rating:  Summary: Very Sad, but Very True Review: Disclaimer: I'm not a Democratic or Republican supporter. In spite of what right-wingers might say, this is not "a leftist conspiracy." And I should emphasize the no-conspiracy part, because this is a book of facts! Example after example, the authors give a DOCUMENTED account of the disgraces "W" did in TX, and how it is now reflecting in the netire U.S. policy, and even more alarming, we're using BAD Texas-style foreign policy too. It's a very nicely-written book, and the sarcastic tone of the authors makes this book all the more enticing.