Rating:  Summary: Casts the role of Jefferson in a new light Review: A book I enjoyed reading... Shows how many of the same problems and complaints we have about politics and government were applicable to those times as well. Most of all, I couldn't believe how poorly Jeffersons' behaved towards Adams. One wouldn't expect a man so lauded in histories to behave in such an insidious fashion.
Rating:  Summary: great history read Review: This book was fantastic. By takeing so much of his material from letters and other primary sorces, the author was really able to give this book a very "story like" feel. I have a very strong intrest in history, and quite literarly could not put this book down! I strongly recomend it to everyone, especally mebers of 4th period Best Sellers at WMHS!
Rating:  Summary: Not just History.. A look inside the mind. Review: The book is an excellent look not just into the mind of our 2nd president, but into a time period not captured by photograph or recorded tape. The dialogue between John Adams and his wife Abigail, as well as other collections of letters Mr. McCullough includes, are fascinating to say the least. It gives an inside perspective of what daily life really was like in that era. The political rhetoric, exchanges between those in the Continental Congress, as well as the humor and diplomacy amongst those in the creation of our great country. John Adams is not just a historical name but a person that we understand as the book takes you through the period prior to his presidency up to his death. Too many people, old and young, have litle respect for the creation of the country and have even a narrower view or concern for those who have played a pivotal role in its creation. For those looking for a fantastic book that will yield insight into life in the 18th century; this is a must.
Rating:  Summary: KEWL WIG = KEWL BOOK Review: First I'd like to say: Rock on John Adams!It's like coming in second...like kissing your sister...like being John Adams! Overshadowed by President Wooden Teeth, John Adams had been relegated to the clearance bin. However, David McCullough gives the reader a wonderful account of President Adams...sort of an 18th century Jack Ryan (without semi-automatic weapons, motorized vehicles, and of course, the Central Intelligence Agency). But you get my drift...it's all about action, action, and more action! With the resurgent popularity of all things "Adams" (John Adams, Samuel Adams, Maude Adams), it can definately be said that we live in a blessed time. I can only pray that I last until Millard Fillmoremania begins!
Rating:  Summary: An Outstanding Book Review: John Adams may have been a man of strong conviction and opinions, but he also cames out as one of high integrety. While I knew of his importance for the Declaration, I did not appreciate his influence on the founding of the U.S. Navy or the country's early foreign policy. These contributions are equally important in helping this nation's development His strong sense of right comes out on especially two issues. Opposed to slavery, he took a stand against the tide of what many then believed was proper. Another aspect is his firm belief in the rule of law. Imagine the personal courage it took to defend the British soldiers in Boston after that fateful shooting! A major negative for his Presidency, the Alien and Sedition Act, is reasonably explained as an action necessary for the time. Imagine, the French being a problem and a threat for the young Republic! An event not usually talked about when discussing the evils of that law. While not all will agree to this interpretation, it presents good facts for us to consider. Thank you Mr. McCullough for a job well done.
Rating:  Summary: Inspirational story about a great man Review: This is a fantastic book about a man I previously new very little about. His life has a storybook quality to it, almost too incredible/beautiful to believe. Adams wrote frequent letters to a variety of people (most notably his wife and T Jefferson), and they form the foundation upon which McCullough builds. His relationship with his wife Abigail has to be one of the great American partnerships, to which his lifelong collaboration with Jefferson ranks a close second. If you are a revolutionary buff or simply like good stories (like me), this is a must read.
Rating:  Summary: Thoroughly enjoyable Review: This book is rich in detail without being too dry to enjoy. McCullough kept it interesting by focusing on Adams' relationships -- with his wife Abigail and with his contemporaries, especially Thomas Jefferson. It is written in a way that breaks down some of the natural distance you feel when reading of those who lived over 200 years ago. This is especially so with regard to some of the politics, the partisanship, the gossip-mongering that existed when John Adams was Vice President and then President. Some things are timeless - jokes about the Vice President began with Adams. McCullough caused me to reevaluate my opinion of James Madison. Madison makes a few cameo appearances in this book and comes across mainly as a manipulative little weasel who, on more than one occasion, discouraged Thomas Jefferson from forging any true friendship with Adams. Most fascinating was the letter Jefferson wrote to Adams following Adams' victory over Jefferson to succeed George Washington as the nation's second President. Jefferson wrote a considerably warm letter expressing his friendship and confidence in Adams as President, following a bitter campaign, but Jefferson sent it to Madison for approval. Madison hated the letter and insisted Jefferson not send it, insisting it could lead to political embarrassment should Adams fail. Jefferson obliged, thus ensuring an uncomfortable semi-feud between Adams and Jefferson that lasted until they renewed correspondence with each other in their later years when both were old men out of politics. I'm reading a Jefferson biography next to get his side of the story and if it's half as good as "John Adams" was, I'll be delighted. This is a must read for anyone who wants to learn more about our Founding Fathers and a great gift for anyone who loves history because when you finish this book, you'll want to read even more about those who came before us.
Rating:  Summary: An Enthralling Story Review: This book is a page turner. McCullough has done something few of my history teachers were able to do. He has taken the seminal story of the American Revolution packaged it and personalized it into a wonderful tale about a man and his love for country and family. Buy it. You will not be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: A Life Well Spent Review: I found David McCullough's book, John Adams, to be absorbing, insightful, compassionate and timely, at once deliciously readable and well written. We are greatful of his masterful effort to "flesh out" for us in words eloquent and evocative three lives to whom our nation and the world are so indebted.
Rating:  Summary: Character quest Review: With changes in our cultural sensibilities and two centuries' historical hindsight it's perhaps inevitable that our assessment of the various Founding Fathers would be revised. Thomas Jefferson's reputation has suffered in recent years because of his hypocrisy regarding slavery and the barely plausible scenario that he could have fathered children on his slave (who was also reportedly his wife's half-sister) Sally Hemings. Moreover, Jefferson's underhanded efforts to sabotage President John Adams's authority while maintaining "plausible deniability" as Vice President, as well as his general personal financial irresponsibility (he died owing something equivalent to several million dollars in today's money) contribute to the perception that he wasn't such a decent fellow after all, despite his contributions to American independence and religious freedom. While several reviewers here criticize John Adams for supporting the unconstitutional Alien and Sedition Acts (apparently they aren't bothered so much by Jefferson's equally unconstitutional Louisiana Purchase), McCollough emphasizes that the new nation was fearing a war with Napoleanic France at that time, and moreover worried that the population of French refugees in the country could have acted as a fifth column in such a conflict. Considering the kinds of proposals one hears these days for dealing with the threat of Muslim terrorists, we clearly don't have grounds for complaining about Adams's prophylactic efforts to protect the fledging U.S. The correspondence between Adams and his articulate, strong-willed wife Abigail also seems remarkably "modern," and McCollough has performed a great service by making their relationship seemingly come to life again. John and Abigail were also on the right side of the slavery issue that was to tear the country apart in the decades after their passing. Mr. Adams might have revealed an unpleasant personality at times, but his character led him to do the right things in general, and I welcome McCollough's contribution to the rehabilitation of Adams's reputation as a great American.