Rating:  Summary: The Definitive Biography Of John Adams Review: David McCullough has once more done a superlative job restoring the tarnished reputation of a splendid politician who should be regarded as one of our country's finest Presidents. While many will still contend that John Adams' presidency was a failure domestically, McCullough has made an excellent case showing why John Adams' single term was at least a qualified success. Surely Adams' crowning achievement was averting all out war with Revolutionary France, when such a conflict would have been politically and economically disastrous to the United States. Yet I had also forgotten how important a role Adams played in creating the United States Navy; an achievement as notable as averting war with France.McCullough paints a vivid, mesmerizing portrait of Adams whose personal intergrity was second to none. Indeed, I hadn't realized how much a Renaissance man John Adams was, someone whose wide ranging interests included natural history, mathematics, classical Greek and Roman literature, English literature, as well as law. Adams comes across as a person blessed not only with high moral principles, but also an insatiable thirst for knowledge; traits which he successfully passed to his son John Quincy Adams. David McCullough does have an agenda here in elevating Adams' stature, yet he brilliantly pulls it off without diminishing the character and achievements of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson (The only major "Founding Father" who is depicted in a negative light is Alexander Hamilton.). While McCullough stresses Adams' virtues, he is not afraid to note Adams' flaws. Indeed, he correctly observes that Adam's signing of the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 was by far Adams' worst error of judgement during his presidency, even as McCullough goes to great lengths to explain Adams' support. This is yet another splendid biography which ranks along McCullough's earlier tomes on the Roeblings - the engineers who designed and oversaw the Brooklyn Bridge's construction - ("The Great Bridge") and Major General George Goethals - the engineer who completed the Panama Canal - ("The Path Between The Seas") and President Truman ("Truman") as splendid examples of scholarship and excellent prose. Those in search of a definitive biography of John Adams need look no further.
Rating:  Summary: Great story of a great American life. Review: David McCullough has outdone himself with this book. It definatley lives up to the standard set by Truman, and perhaps surpasses it. McCullough paints a vivid picture of life in the late 18th century and brings Adams to life. I think a nice balance was struck between glorifying Adams as an American hero and presenting him as a real flesh and blood human being with faults and shortcomings. Adams's own personal letters were a major source in this book. As a reult, much insight is given to Adams's relationships with those he wrote most often, his wife Abigail and Thomas Jefferson. It is great history, but more than that, it is a great story. I had a hard time putting it down.
Rating:  Summary: What if? Review: Absolutely enlightening and intriquing. This piece of literary greatness is a must read for any affectionado of American History. One can only wonder how this country might have been different if it were not for the insightfulness, determination and statesmenship of John Adams. The author David McCullough captures a period of time in history that dictates the way we live today. A truly remarkable literary work.
Rating:  Summary: An astonishing view of life two hundred years ago Review: Yes, this book provides great insight into the accomplishments of John and Abigail Adams. But the thrilling part is to see how even the privileged and educated lived at that time. To travel by horse, be ferried over rivers, and suffer yearly epidemics of yellow fever--all in homes, streets, and towns that are still vibrant today, is a real eye opener. One must wonder how different history would have played out if communication had been as speedy as today. This is one of the most exciting books I have ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible Book - Perfect for the Pulitzer! Review: McCullough's "John Adams" is the best biography on John Adams. The scope of this book seems so much larger than it's 700 plus pages, but Mr. McCullough does an incredible job at keeping this book focused on important details. This book is a worthwile investment - it is wonderfully written and it is focused completely on John Adams and the impact he had on the world around him.
Rating:  Summary: In the past John Adams may have been decribed as a Founding Review: Father & left at that. Such an unfortunate phrase. He was so much more & may finally getting his due. I wouldn't have believed David McCullough could top his Truman. But he did. The book doesn't strictly follow history. Very little on the American Revolution in America. But that's ok because Adams spent most of that time in Europe. Perhaps it was his most important time. Certainly more than his vice presidency because he had to shut up. As president his single term was in many respects a failure. How could anyone follow Washington. Nobody could & he knew it & Jefferson knew it also. He had the benefit of four years buffer that Adams provided. One of the two most important things he is responsible for is avoiding a war with France thereby foiling Hamilton's plan for empire in the southwest. The other good thing was the creation of the the navy. He had many enemies real & imagined. Maybe because he always told the truth & was very self-righteous about it. His most important advisor, the one who would never desert him or stop loving him was of course Abigail. McCullough dwells on her at some length as he traces the progress of Adams life & their many years of separation. We know all this & more because they wrote it all down & saved their letters to each other & others in & outside of the family. Adams kept a 50 years diary. Perhaps with an eye on history that would vindicate him. This is an epic work.
Rating:  Summary: THE GREATEST PATRIOT! Review: A wonderful book with insight never written before. A must for all American History buffs. I have even more love for my country and our founding fathers than before (if that is possible). I would recommend this to any literate person.
Rating:  Summary: Recommended for any American Review: I would recommend this book for any American or indeed any person. It provides another lens to view the American Revolution than the standard ones of Washington, Jefferson, and so on. The book is dense. But it teems with life. The Adams family left more journals, letters, and the like than any other historical figures from their times, apparently, and McCullough goes to great length to use them to describe the day to day lives of these extraordinary people. The book really divides into two. There are two distinct eras: the Revolution and the young United States. John Adams comes across as a supremely intelligent man who may have some vinegar and vanity problems. I was deeply touched by the book, however. Especially by Adams' love of books. I, too, love books, and his wild love for books gave me one way to touch him and be touched by him. It's surprising how much time Adams' spent away from home, either in Philadelphia, Europe, or New York. McCullough appears to indulge in a bit of a sabotage of Jefferson, continually mentioning his debts, morals, and the like. Also, the book focuses more on the life than on the thought of Adams. However, this was exactly the right mix for me, and I loved the book. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a good read about the American Revolution.
Rating:  Summary: Great way to travel Review: The CD version of the John Adama biography proved a great way to pass the time in a marathon 15-hour Thanksgiving trip from Baltimore to Kalamazoo. Edward Hermann's reading of it is decent, and the content was very interesting. There were convenient short gaps in between the track numbers, so it was easy to find your place again on the CD once I left the car to stop off at the toll road service plazas. Abridging works is generally something that annoys me, and this was no different (hence the "4" instead of "5"). It often seems that the parts that were abridged/summarized would have been more interesting to listen to than some of the parts included. In particular, I thought there was too much focus on pre-presidential Adams and on Abigail's worry over her trip to France, rather than political conflicts between Adams and other luminaries of the time that were simply summarized. Still, the audiobook is still definitely worth the purchase - Adams was a fascinating man and his story passed the time well.
Rating:  Summary: Captivating, Entertaining and Historical Review: It is amazing the significant, historical information presented in a captivating, entertaining fashion. I came away from the book with the profound feeling I knew John Adams the person. Additionally, I learned many facts about him, his wife, his friends, his enemies and our country, which I had not previously known. It is a great book. By happenstance, I read April 1865, which compliments John Adams very well. In many ways, April 1865 picks up the story of our country, where John Adams left off. I very much recommend both books, which should be read one after another.