Rating:  Summary: Insightful but ... Review: Without question this book is easy for us men to relate to. So much of what Mr. Eldredge says challenges me to be a better husband, father, and leader in general. Dissapointing to me was all of the references to "Man Movies." I was a little uncomfortable with so much allusion to the world's models of manhood and so little communication of the Biblical model for men. I am sure that Jesus Christ should not be compared with William Wallace, Maxximus, or James Bond, etc. If we can't look at the Word of God and get a clear picture of God's expectation for men, then where can we really look? Read the book. Take all that is good from it. But look into God's Word to find out what makes a real man.
Rating:  Summary: Life Changing! Review: This book totally changed my perspective on what it is to be a Christian man. I am grateful for the bold vision of John Eldredge. Every Christian should read The Gravel Drive by Kirk Martin - another life changing book that will change your view of yourself and your children. I read the excerpt at thegraveldrive.com and was hooked. I recommend both books highly!
Rating:  Summary: Wow! What an amazing book Review: My husband and I read this book aloud together this last week. It has changed my husband and changed our marriage--both in mighty and positive ways. I enjoyed the no-nonsense style of John Eldredge's writing. It wasn't stuffy and it was fun to read. I enjoyed his quotes and the mood he was able to create with them. As a pastor I found that everything he said was Biblically sound and as a wife I saw how it spoke to my husband and called him into a deeper desire to know God, a deeper desire to follow God, and a deeper desire to fight for this beauty. God was already setting things in motion in our life that this book got us ready for and excited about. I'm looking forward to living the adventure with my William Wallace.Too many women are having to take the hits on the spiritual front because too many men don't understand what it really means to be a spiritual leader. It's not about being the boss, it's not about controlling things, it's about being on the front lines of the battle that isn't against flesh and blood. If any men want to know how to get into that battle and win, this is the book for them.
Rating:  Summary: One of the top 5 Christian men's books of all time Review: "Wild at Heart" is one of the most important books about being a man of God I have read. Eldredge puts a much-needed correction on our thinking about God, masculinity and living in the world as a man. If you are a man, Eldredge will help you think more clearly about finding and using your strength in your life roles. If you are a woman, Eldredge will help you think more clearly about how you can let your man use his God-given strength. The book is a quick read that you should make time for. I'm sending copies to my friends!
Rating:  Summary: Great Perspectives Review: This is a thought provoking book that makes one think twice in regards to religion and sexuality. I found it had much insight into spirituality as it relates to men and women. Another book along the same lines, that I found facinating, was called, "I TALKED TO GOD AND HE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU".
Rating:  Summary: Not another book for men to be "nice guys" Review: Powerful! We are studing this book in our men's small group and it has been life impacting! John Eldredge goes against the grain in many aspects as he explores how men were originally to be Wild. Starting with where men are today, the soul wound that has be inflicted, what they try and do to "stitch" it up and finally how to fight the battle, Mr. Eldredge demystify's what God's original intention was for a man and a framework for getting back there. The question is how wild does a man want to be (a man after God's own heart) in an age of 6am-6pm work, keeping up with the Johnson's (or Jone's) with the newest and biggest toys, afternoon's of watching football or playing golf, all the while trying use these as Band-Aid's on a spiritual artery that is gushing out LIFE. Along with "Every Man's Battle" these two books need to be devoured by every man who calls himself "Christian".
Rating:  Summary: Prepare for the testosterone rush. Review: If your book is shrinkwrapped, stand back and let the testosterone dissipate after opening! "Wild at Heart" reads like a Promise Keeper on steroids. John Eldredge delivers his analysis in a freash, stirring, and robust fashion. This book is not for the faint of heart. If you are content on your couch, remote control, and your life is just swell, don't read this book. But if you're like many men feeling a little lost, uncertain about the future and intuitively knowing that you're not the man God called you to be, sit down, put on a fire, and read on... Men, he asserts, inherently and instinctively, desire three things: adventure, battle, and to win a beauty. Instead of equipping boys and men for these virtuous tasks, society strips them of their dreams, their virile self-identity, and ultimately their identity. Instead of bold men of courage and strength, our culture grows weenies. Wimps. Passive, placid males who know not who they are, where they're going, or why they're here. Then in disgust, having already neutered them, society discards them as weak and irrelevent geldings, unfit for the ranch. If your father was aloof, removed, or never satisfied, this book may open your eyes as well as a wound or two about your relationship with him. There is good news - there is a heavenly father who is the ultimate father - and He is prepared to take you fishing, climbing mountains, and slaying dragons! The God of the Universe just might be waiting for you to crawl in His lap and sit still while He tells you He loves you. The book is stirring. Chords will strike deep in your heart. If you are a woman, you may see, for the first time, inside your man in a very private and powerful way.
Rating:  Summary: This Book Will Change You Review: "Wild at Heart" is a fantastic book. It should be required reading for any man who wants to become a better man by better understanding how God has created him. I also know many women who have read this book and better understand the men in their lives now because of it. Of the dozen or so people I know who have read this book, all of them swear by it. But a warning...if you're not interested in becoming a strong, more secure man, then do not read this book. Actually, I'm serious about that.
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Book For Men of all Ages Review: I read this book and found out a lot of truths about my own heart that I have either left unnoticed or outright ignored. I feel that every man who lacks in self confidence and the ability to see his purpose in design ought to read this book. Eldridge puts excellent analogies into his writing and makes them wonderfully vivid to increase understanding. His picturesque stories and brilliant humor make this an easy read. And I love the movie quotes. "Wild at Heart" made me want to stand up and cheer several times.
Rating:  Summary: Wild at Heart will produce a Heart on Fire Review: Many may say this book does not teach much on integrity and the like, but it does. Eldredge simply uses the word "strength" in place of "integrity." Strength which is formed by an intense desire for God, and our own Eve. Critics of this book are not entirely wrong with their critique that there is some psychobabel in here, surely you will find some of that. Not to mention there is an instance where Eldredge encourages his son to hit a bully back instead of turning the other cheek, which is just doctrinally, flat out wrong. He teaches his son to do this so his son is not "emasculated." The only other problem I have with the book is Eldredge's constant reference to many secular movies such as "Saving Private Ryan" and the most-quotable movie in the world, "Braveheart." Granted, I've seen all these movies when I was a non-christian, and also as a babe in Christ. However, it seems Eldredge who's been a Christian for years sees these movies as ok viewing material for Christians...which they are not. But I have no problem him drawing examples from these movies, no more a problem than when the apostle Paul quoted pagan philosophers to make his point. However, if you can get around these points in the book, you should do well. There is much to learn from this book concerning relationships with family, friends, and most importantly God. You will be able to look back at your life, and even current relationships, and say "Oh, that's what that was/is." I highly encourage this book be read, there might be better books out there, but that does not mean we should exclude this one. Hopefully this book will encourage you as it has me, to "venture forth" in courage that arises out of love, a love that leaves me no choice but to cross the line drawn in the sand. "Eve was created within the beauty of Eden's garden. But Adam, if you'll remember, was created outside the Garden, in the wilderness...Man was born in the outback." (page 3)