Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: This book is an amazing new way to look at the roles of men and women and the lives they lead as Christians in the modern world. Don't read the book if you not looking to challenge yourself, because you won't get anything out of it. If you're looking for something better and more meaningful out of your life, it will open your eyes and make you reevaluate where your life is and what road you're going down.
Rating:  Summary: From a Domestic Violence Standpoint Review: I was married to and left a very Controlled Legalistic church environment that was abusive. As was the marriage and have since sought help from Domestic Violence outreach. I am now divorced from a "Church going abuser" My ex just informed me of this book as he is reading it to help him as a father to our 2 small boys. He immediatly tells me "The church has made men wimps, when Jesus said to turn the other cheek, well this guys take on it is, when his son was bothered by a school bully on the bus, to punch him" Ive been working with my 2 children with anger issues as a result of my marriage, with strict help from their Teachers and had a child praised for overcoming his Anger issues with Student of the Month. Only to hear one month later my ex is reading this book, saying that Jesus did punch people??? Where on earth he got that I have no clue. Also Im part of a internet Abuse group, and have had several women say their Husbands were recommended this book. For an abusive spouse or partner, this book is dangerous ammo that encourages their "Wild" nature. A WIMP is a person who uses violence. And teaching small children to use hitting as a way to solve problems is harmful. I have taught my children it is to be used to self protection in dangerous situations when it is your only means. I havent even read the book, but considering the source of who is reading it, I already can tell you its a bad one.
Rating:  Summary: I found myself with this book!!! Review: Eldredge does an amazing job of tapping into the heart of every man...I always knew something was nagging at the back of my soul, and I never truly knew what it was until I read this book. My love for the outdoors, and his creative writing style have brought me closer to God and to the path that He created for me...
Rating:  Summary: Seductive, mistaken Review: Eldredge takes Robert Bly's "Iron John" and attempts to Christianize it. He does this without discernment, keeping the disparagement for order and commitment, and celebrating "wildness" and "adventure." One can almost hear Bly's sneering dismissal of office workers. Eldredge is an actor, and a seminar-speaker, and this book is an infomercial. Unhappily, to many Christian men, a few bible verses, and a "Christian" publisher are an imprimatur - and they are starting study groups at their church. This book is to be avoided. Eldredge is not a "wildman" - he is aping the worst of popular culture.
Rating:  Summary: Solid, thought provoking and very needed today Review: This is a solid, thought provoking book that has come in a timely way today for men in search of meaning. More importantly, it helps the reader understand why God has created man the way he is. Some have critisized it for lacking tons of scriptual support yet have failed to understand the "spirit" of the book. To them, I say, chill out, enjoy life and breath deep the breath of God again. If you are having a crises of identity, bored with church as too programatic or simply lost the reason to enjoy life... Then this book is a must read regaurdless of your beliefs.
Rating:  Summary: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR Review: Ok, the author gives his readers "BraveHeart" as a model for christian men to follow? Hello? William Wallace has more in common with Osama Bin Laden than he does with Jesus Christ! Did Jesus go around fighting and killing his oppressors, seducing the hearts of women because he looked liked Mel Gibson? Be careful what you wish for: Men who go from being "nice and timid" to becoming wild and passionate, may no longer feel the need to stay married, or continue going to church when it bores them to death. This book could produce a bunch of macho idiots, who run away from their responsibilities at home to pursue some sophomoric "mission from GOD". Grow up and stop thinking that you're one of the Blues Brothers. Where does Eldredge come off blaming today's church for making men weak and submissive? Hey Genius! Go read Philippians chapter 2...Remember that stuff about being a servant, being nice & submissive? It's in the Bible, the word of God. Oh, I know you have a higher source of truth in your life, such as Brad Pitt's character in Legends Of The Fall....
Rating:  Summary: A man apart Review: If you want to get a good insight to how a man's mind works, pick up this read; especially if you have young sons. A great read for ladies too.
Rating:  Summary: ...for the soul of men... Review: This book identifies a big problem, ie., the state of the present day christian man, and then totally gives the wrong solution. John Eldridge uses little Scripture to back up his arguements, and relies more on examples from movies. It's like he sees how men are portrayed as heroes, and then decides that the present day man is blowing it because we aren't like that. Unfortunately, he using his observations of FALLEN manhood to create a model for christian men to look to (instead of looking to the Bible, where men are supposed to serve, love, and die for their wives, as Christ did for the Church). This book appeals to the flesh aspect of men, by allowing men to act like how they feel like acting. Another issue I have: 'God is a risk-taker'? How can a sovereign God take risks? Eldridge seems to be a proponant of the open theism heresy, despite his claims that he's not. He sure sounds like one, using more rhetoric than facts, attacking straw men (a logical fallacy) of those who oppose him, etc., plus he limits the sovereignty of God. Seems like it would kinda make the need for all those OT prophecies kinda pointless unless God could come through with the goods and fulfill them. Anyway, don't read this book. Get "Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womenhood" by John Piper instead.
Rating:  Summary: Shallow? Review: I've been a follower of Christ all my life, a true DISCIPLE the past 5 years. Perhaps never in that time have I been more deeply impacted by an author's writing than John's. Journey to Desire turned my life upside down and made me ask the hard questions of "Why do I believe what I believe?" and "What's the point? Is this all there really is?" in new ways. Wild at Heart built on that journey and helped me to refine and move forward in it. People comment on Eldredge's inability to interpret scripture, saying it's based on premise not fact. What of God is fact? We know Jesus was a man -- fact. We claim the existance of God as fact. Yet, beyond those things... all is mystery. And this is the journey God has set us on. Eldredge does nothing more in this book than state that the journey IS. And he invites men AND women to take a step into that journey with PASSION... not fear or regret. No, he isn't Henri Nouwen -- but he is John Eldredge. Give the man credit for sharing the words that have become his life and brought restoration to the lives of literally thousands of believers everywhere. May all of us strive to LIVE out our convictions as Eldredge does. At least he makes good on the walk God has given him. The words in this book are WREAKING of FREEDOM. I'll give an AMEN to Prof. Sell in agreement that this book DOESN'T stick you with heavy exegesis or heavy theology. But then again -- who has ever truly been given life from those things? Perhaps from the revelation they sometimes bring, but more often than not academia and argument kill a soul. Life comes from knowing your name, knowing your place and knowing what you fight for. Jesus holds those answers, and Jesus is who this modern-day prophet is calling us to follow. "It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." -- Eph. 4 Read this book, ask the hard questions, and go to Jesus for the healing, power, and restoration your soul desires.
Rating:  Summary: A "Great Awakening", not only for the Christian Review: After just graduating from Bible College, it was nice to read a book of my choosing and not a "have to" read. This book hit on some of the things that so many of us want to ask or say but too often are afraid to. It is truly a must read for any man or woman, adult or teen. The topics that John Eldridge brings out truly draws out the fact of what causes the relationship boundries that so many men have set and goes a step further by showing why they are there, why they are set and how to take them away. These boundaries are not just set to keep others out but to keep ourselves in. It has changed my perspective of what a man really should be and how to get to that point. Whether an individual is involved in Christian ministry, a church lay-person, a corporate executive, or a stocker at a grocery store, this book will give forth a new light of one's self and their image of themself. If you want to see changes in your life for the better, read this book.