Rating:  Summary: Must Read for All Americans! Review: If you care about the future of America, then read this book. Michael Moore does a great job, in a very readable way, of asking questions we should all be asking about 9/11, the Bush family's relationship with the Saudi Arabians, and more. Above all, Moore provides steps we should all take between now and the election to make sure that Bush does not get re-elected. I read this book in a weekend - it is that compelling and important!
Rating:  Summary: Liberals will love this one! Review: I've noticed that you can often tell the difference between a liberal and a conservative by asking, "Which is more important, facts or feelings?" Liberals typically pick feelings, conservatives typically facts. Therefore, it's pointless to argue that this is a factually inaccurate book: Its target audience is a group for whom facts are secondary. Thus, Michael Moore, who won an Oscar for the factually-inaccurate "Bowling for Columbine," merely reprises his role here, using disconnected facts, half-truths, straw-man arguments (that is, he tells you what the opposition thinks, then tells you why its bad, regardless of what the opposition actually says--"it's as easy to knock over as a straw man" as well as personal attacks (which may or may not have any basis in reality). His job is not to persuade the conservative, but to entertain the liberal. At that he is successful, and I'm sure he'll sell boatloads of this easy-to-read tome. (I read the whole thing sitting in Barnes and Noble in less than an hour.) One star for accuracy, which is the more important aspect to me. I'm sorry to see Amazon cherry-picking reviews in order to promote an ideology via "Spotlight Reviews" but it really won't matter with this one. If you want to understand the Arab world, read "The Closed Circle" by David Pryce-Jones, now back in print. (Your library probably has a copy if you can't afford to buy one.)
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy this crap... Review: Save your money or buy a book from Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly. This rubbish isn't worth the pages its printed on, unless you want to wipe yourself with it. Maybe this guy should stick to making movies.
Rating:  Summary: What pathetic hatefilled man Review: Maybe we would take Micheal Moore seriously if his arguements were based more on fact's than hatefilled rhetoric. Please save your money and don't buy this book, it's only an excuse for a little man to attack an honost, moral president for doing nothing more than being on the oppostie side of an issue with this man.
Rating:  Summary: Here's what happened to Michael Moore's country... Review:
It lost the "Cold War" and collapsed in the early 1990's (my country, on the other hand, is doing just fine).
Rating:  Summary: Oh how we could not live without Michael Moore.... Review: Bill O'Reilly dislikes his views on politics, Sean Hannity can't stand the man, the loco woman Anne Colture can't stand him either....so why all the fuss? It is in this book. Michael Moore explores the hidden lies that conservities bring to the public. Did you know that the Bin Laden's were flown on Sept 11.th and were escorted by the American Air Force? Did you know that when George W. Bush was Governor of Texas, that he wanted to build a natural gas pipeline through Afghanistan when the Taliban was in power, and was ready to give the Taliban $100 million dollars? So let me guess, Bush just cares about money, and does not care who he gives it too, even to people who oppress women and support terrorism? I guess Bush was so blinded with oil that he must of not cared to see what they were doing to their own people. This makes me sick to my stomach because Bush was not elected President, he was chosen by the Supreme Court by a 5-4 decision, so he was the SECOND UNELECTED PRESIDENT in American history! Also the book talks about how Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and Ann Colture said this. 'Liberism is not a thought, it is a mental disorder.' Michael Savage 'We should invade their countries and convert them to Christinary.' Ann Colture. 'I believe that we should ban all French products because they didn't support us in the war with Iraq.' Bill O'Reilly. WHAT? For one, it was the French that helped us build our Army against the British, it was the French that gave us weapons to fight, the money they needed for this country to fight the most strongest Army in the world then! But the thing that I am worried about is that liberals and conservatives fight and bicker all the time, and I am tired of this because we are all Americans, and we need to stop blaming ourselves for society, and views about subjects like gay marriage, and the list goes on. So if Michael Moore is reading this, I agree with you, but we need to unite as one and stop bickering about this and that.
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Start, Anti-Climatic Ending Review: Michael does an excellent job at the start of his book. Like many other readers, I was unable to put this piece down. Though "radical" as always, Moore makes some excellent points on what we as commoners should be doing to steer our country back into the right direction of honesty and back to a place where our personal rights matter. The latter half of the book was somewhat of a disappointment, but Moore's humor kept it amusing to say the least.
Rating:  Summary: Goes overboard somewhat, but entertaining nonetheless Review: Many conservatives jump to criticize Michael Moore as an extremist nutcase. While I disagree with them, parts of this book demonstrate why someone would make such an assumption. Moore takes on nearly every facet of the Bush administration, whether the issue is big or small, and no matter how far-fetched it sounds. He does his research very well, but he tends to go overboard in linking cause and effect. That said, "Dude, Where's My Country?" is a wonderfully enjoyable and clever read. Moore does a good job at explaining things in a manner that "Joe voter" can understand. His chapters on how to talk to a conservative and why Oprah should run for President may sound silly, but he makes some very compelling points. Likewise, the chapter supposedly written by God is hilarious, but it's sensible too. To appreciate this book, you have to accept that it is going to have a liberal bias. It's important to understand, though, that it's meant to be satire. It's not simply an outline of the facts -- it's an exaggeration, and for the most part, that exaggeration is used to humorous effect.
Rating:  Summary: More Comedic Dissection from an Oscar Rabble-Rouser Review: As with Al Franken's book, it is bittersweet for a concerned citizen to go through "Dude." Many of his criticisms are right on, but it's a shame that we have to hear it from comedians and filmmakers. If our mainstream (corporate) press was doing its job, then the American public would have been exposed to the ridiculousness of Dubya's crony-ocracy a long time ago. So much for the "liberal media." This book is pretty much the same fare as his previous book, "Stupid White Men": scathing and funny chapters on the fairly-easy-to-uncover motives behind Bush's dismantling of America to the profit of his oil buddies and Schizo-Christian base. Especially interesting is his chapter on the Saudi connection to 9/11 and the murkiness which still surrounds the Bush family's connections to the country that actually produced the suicide terrorists. I have heard that his next movie will be on that very subject, but I could be wrong. In any case, lefties should read this book and pass it around amongst themselves, and righties should bash it as communist babble from a fat, traitorous, atheist scumbag -- and then all will be right with the world. But if Michael Moore is right about the country being essentially liberal (a subject in this book), then there may be hope for America after all.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Keep up the Good Work!!!!! Review: Thank God for people like Michael Moore (and Al Franken and Gore Vidal). Mr. Moore continually questions our government with relevant issues that the majority of the American public want addressed. While I didn't think this book was as good as "Stupid White Men", I still applaud the author for not backing down and making opinions known that may be considered unpopular or unpatriotic. During these times when our civil liberties seem to be fading and when constitutional amendments are being suggested for a basic right that should be available to everyone (including gay people), the citizens of the U. S. need to hold Dubya's feet to the fire and make him answer for the mess he's made for our beloved country. From the travesty in Iraq, to denying rights to gay people, to his tax cuts that do more for the wealthy than anyone else---this president needs to be held accountable for his actions. As long as authors and activists like Michael Moore are around, you can be sure that Bush the Sequel will be watched and reported on at every stop! Keep those books coming, Mr. Moore!!!