Rating:  Summary: The Sladerer or the Slanderee? Review: To our negative friend (who we really can't deny will be joined by many more) I just would like to ask that in the future you at least make some sort of argument beyond he's "full of crap." I don't know if you actually read this book but lets take a look at your review of Stupid White Men Shall we?"Michael Moore's hatred of the United States is so palpable in this book that it is difficult to read. He just can't get past his debilitating anger long enough to make a single lucid point." Now I deffinately know that you didn't read that book, or at least not with anything resembling an open mind because if you had you'd notice his many references to how much he in fact Loves America. This book is an important one. Is it liberal propaganda? Sure it is! But that doesn't change the fact that it asks important questions that No one has been willing to answer with anything resembling a true account. As for my further comments on this book and others like it I'll copy over parts of my review of Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by the aforementioned Franken, because my thoughts on this book are much the same: I find it interesting that in nearly every negative review of this book or others like it, one is presented with a barrage of random angry words or ocassionally a few "facts" that can be found through a variety of obviously partisan sources. In one such reveiw, someone ranted about how France and Russia had many economic interests in Iraq. Damn straight they had interests, but wouldn't you know it, so do we. In fact we buy much more Iraqi oil than either of those nations. Besides if the US was going to invade Iraq anyway, wouldn't it be in those countries best economic interest to join the US and get in on the post war reconstruction deals that will undoubtably contain some nice benefits to the victors? And why did we go to war in the first place? Hmm.....nuclear weapons!!...uh, no I guess not those, ok Biological weapons!..oh wait not those either, um yeah it was to free those Iraqi people from an evil, brutal regime (that we had formerly supported in its war against Iran, but we'll sweep that fact under the carpet for now). Of course, we Americans don't like dictatorships, at least not those that don't give us what we want. Sure the US has supported terrible men to rule countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia, or even Cuba (before...Castro decided to turn commie), but those countries were our buddies, making our baseball caps and tennis shoes and designer clothes. We can't be too upset about them. Read Dude, Where's My Country for more info along these lines, and belive me, none of it is altered at all in this case. I know this because I have written extensive research papers on the subject of American supported dictatorships.I suppose by this point it's clear I lean to the left, but even if I did not, vicious attacks against authors such as Franken or Moore is just silly and anti american. It is their right of course to excercise freedom of speech, but more so shouldn't we as Americans seek to understand all view points fairly. Simply dismissing things that we do not like as "trash" is potentially dangerous. I don't think any conservative out there could honestly say that they wouldn't care at all if some of these allegations were in fact completely true. If someone can give me fact and reason to disprove these "crazy liberal" ideas, then I'll play ball, but hateful and random attacks on character and sanity do nothing more than make the conservatives look more and more the part of close minded pricks. All Americans owe it to themselves and to our nation to stay informed, regardless of whether they like the facts or not.
Rating:  Summary: anon government bureaucrat Review: I am afraid to buy this book on line because the department of homeland security might put me on their list!
Rating:  Summary: Don't You Get It? Review: I'm pretty liberal and at one time thought Michael Moore was funny. That impression has been fading for some time, and I was really not happy with "Bowling for Columbine," which was so obviously packed with untruths and fabrications that I thought it actually *undermined* the efforts of anti-gun reformers in the U.S. And I also noticed that BFC had very little of the entertainment value of Moore's old muckraking efforts like "Roger and Me." What once seemed fresh and sassy now seemed tired and mean-spirited, even nihilistic. Well, sad to say, this new book is just another step (I fear it may not be the last) in Moore's downward spiral. Let's clear a few things up right up front. It isn't funny. Moore's far too self-congratulatory to be funny. (What Amazon has somewhat confusingly presented as the "editorial reviews" is actually Moore's own jacket copy). His incessant self-promotion not only kills the humor, but it even drains his anger and righteous indignation of their force. What this book communicates is that, for all Moore's whining about how GWB & Co. have hijacked the country (I actually believe their fatal flaw has been to lie down and let Congress have its way with us), it is Moore himself who is the exploiter. He has tapped into a vein of left-wing anger and frustration and is shamelessly mining it for all the money he can. That's fine, but let's be honest about what it is and let's understand what he's doing. The simple fact is this: Halliburton, Shmalliburton -- Michael Moore's made a ton more money off of our 9/11 misery and our misadventures in Iraq than Dick Cheney has, or ever will. I hope that other people who oppose GWB and his policies as a general matter will stop following this Pied Piper and try something a bit more effective.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book about the Thieves in Office Review: I am sure there will be plenty of people bashing this book, most of whom will never even read it. But I am going to come out and say that this is one of his BEST books, and it is a shame more people would rather talk bad about him and this book then will actually read it, cause they are the people who would benefit from this book the most. Those of you who say he never states facts, cannot say that with this book, as every single fact is quoted and documented. This book looks at all the "strange" things that seem to revolve around our president, 9/11, and his war on terror. The points he makes are funny at times, scary at others, but do exactly what they set out to do; make the reader think and question the nonsense that is being jammed down our throats every day by our government and media. America is becoming a scary place, with more and more of our freedoms being taken away every day. Thank you, Michael Moore, for bringing these things to light. Hopefully this book will do as well as your last, and bring an end to the tyranny that is the Bush Administration in '04.
Rating:  Summary: The most important book of our time. Review: Fans of Michael Moore's book "Stupid White Men" and his Oscar-winning documentary "Bowling for Columbine", won't feel short-changed with "Dude, Where's My Country?". Ever since 9/11/01 people have been asking "how can anyone defeat George Bush in 2004?". After reading this book, my only question is, "how long before the entire Bush administration is put on trail for treason, found guilty, and then imprisoned?" Everyone that reads this book will have the same reaction.
Rating:  Summary: Best book written since War & Peace Review: Mr. Bush has hijack the election stealing the election away and disenfranchising the people. From his War Room in Texas where war criminals engineered the recent war and so called terrorist acts which was nothing more than CIA operation from start to finish so that Bush and his Halibarton buddies can profit from the down trodden, peace loving, muslims of the world, where christain fanactical fundamentalist on the right can take over the oil fields in their emperielistic grab of third world countries to exploit and dominate. Power to the people, Unlimited first amendment rights not to be taken away by the homeland security nazis and their 2nd amendment wacos. DOWN with the 2nd amendment no guns! Read this book and learn what the crazy neo-nazi power grabbers are turning this country into. Down with Hitler, Down with Bush! Hail Stalin, Hail Lenin, Hail Mao, Hail Marx the true leaders of the free people's world democracy. Michael Moore will go down in history as the greatest leader since Ho Chi Minh.
Rating:  Summary: Read it, even if you dont agree. Review: For those who say his books are full of lies, then why hasnt he been sued for it yet? In fact his books have footnotes and references which (if people were not too lazy) they could look up the facts and confirm it themselves. This book is full of facts that anyone who calls themself an American should know. The only opinion worth having is an educated one. To feel strongly about your opinion, you should also know the other side of the arguement. For those out there who love Bush, please read this book! You can prepare a response to the points made in this book that a Bush hater bring up in an arguement. If you dont read it, you may not be prepared and let your president down!!
Rating:  Summary: Scarily, truthfully funny Review: YAHOO FOR MICHAEL MOORE! His best book so far! The facts he gives in the first chapter alone are worth the price of this book. The facts are scarily eye-opening and very sobering, and his suggestions for solutions just plain common sense. This guy has real balls, thank God!
Rating:  Summary: His best book yet! Review: I just finished this book and I was extremely impressed. Anyone who gives this book a negative review hasn't read it. It is funny and alarming. You will learn more about the world in this book than you probably have from any other book about politics/current events. Everything in the book is meticulously researched.
Rating:  Summary: moore comes out of the closet...angry Review: Moore needs to back up his reasonings and opinions before he writes a book.... nothing credible in the first 10 pages...had to stop reading since it's just rants from an angry, confused person. Intellectual readers look elswhere... or catch Moore on Jerry Springer for free....