Rating:  Summary: A Real 'Man of the People' Review: Michael Moore has paid his dues and established a level of credibility that is practically unmatchable. Anyone who has been paying attention since his movie Roger and Me first appeared in cinemas and ordinary working class Americans got to see someone from their largely ignored ranks make an impact in the world of the beautiful people, will not be suprised at the amount of books he's selling. I can think of no-one liberal and definitely not conservative who has made this kind of effort to connect with 'regular guys' and represent their thoughts and feelings to the world at large. From a purely intellectual standpoint it would be easy to criticise the Message from God chapter and all the Mike's Militia stuff as self serving. But that would be to miss a singularly significant point - this is NOT a book for intellectuals. This is a book that is aimed at those that Mike knows best - regular people! That's not to say this is not an intelligent book; mixed in with the populist language and the odd rant are a great many well researched and challenging facts as well as some well framed and pointed questions. Michael Moore's gift is in creating humorous easily digestible vehicles for important information, which frankly would have little hope of being accessed otherwise. This is a book that you can read in a day but will give you something to think about for many months to come. Buy it, give it to friends and family for Christmas and don't leave out that conservative brother-in-law.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful WONDERFUL Review: Michael Moore's book was wonderful, certainly up there with Stupid White Men. This is a must buy! Everyone needs to have this book on their bookshelf! This review isn't meant to be helpful, however. I believe those who came before me said it just as well as I could. However, I do have a message. Oh, and as for the bad reviews, on a very personal note, I'm sure they are just in denial. Especially this tonyro76, who claims to be a christian and yet jugdes Michael Moore by his weight! Judge not lest ye be judged. That's Ad Hominum fallacy if I've ever seen it. So I'm using it back at you. And the part about France is ethnocentric and racist. To people who want theocratic goverments, I highly recommend that you DON'T read Michael Moore's book. I can assure you that Michael Moore does not approve of theocracy.
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Moore Strikes Again! And Thank God for his VOICE! Review: I am 1/2 way through this book, and it is a GREAT read. I know that many of the reviews on this site will be 1 star, and talk about the so called lies in this book, but unlike other books, this one has a list of sources! I am a school teacher, and I will pass on this knowledge to my students with as much FURVER as the RELIGIOUS RIGHT passes on thier HATRED of AMERICA!
Rating:  Summary: Hilliard from Ohio is brainwashed Review: This book puts all the lies of the Bush administration into perspective and will be a major factor in the fall of our current terrorist president. Hilliard, shouldn't you be watching Fox news?
Rating:  Summary: Another classic from the moore! Review: Ignore the 1 star reviews. They're written by O'Reilly conservative sheep who can't think for themselves. They've been programmed by the american government to reiterate all their nonsense. On to the book, What else can you say about Moore? The man speaks the truth. Whether it's about guns, bush, conservatives, etc. He's not afraid to speak his mind and that's what america needs. People who speak their minds. This country needs individuals with backbone. Michael Moore is a right-wingers worst nightmare because he exposes all their flaws. Pick this book up if you're sick of the facism going on in america.
Rating:  Summary: Moore criticism is unjustified Review: What a great book! Truly scary indeed. Oscar award winner Moore follows up his #1 best selling non-fiction Stupid White Men with true tales of despicable behavior in the white house. Conservatives have levelled criticism at Moore's books and movies after finding conflicting arguments. The fact is that even if Moore makes an erroneous statement in a book or movie. You can't deny the other 98% of the facts in his works. Hell, even if only 10% of these allegations were true, Bush would be a disgrace.
Rating:  Summary: Moore for President! Review: The folks who scratch out bad reviews for this book are silly. They're defending their positions not with facts as Moore does, but with he doesn't blindly follow Bush, so he must be wrong. They hide behind their "he just hates me cuz i'm a (fill in the blank with 'christian', 'conservative', 'patriot', or whatever)". Moore tells it how it is, and asks the pertinant questions that everybody should be asking, across all party lines. It has never been nor will ever be un-patriotic to ask questions; more over, it is the epitome of being patriotic to make sure those same questions have real answers. Moore is.
Rating:  Summary: Please, sir, I want some Moore... Review: Al Franken has explained the difference between the mild tones of NPR and the sustained howling screech of rightwing radio: when liberals turn on the news, they're looking for information, but when conservatives do, they're looking for ammunition. Michael Moore here offers another heaping, steaming helping of ammunition with a generous side of information. What's interesting is how little overlap there is between this and two other (and even better) recent liberal ordnance depots, Greg Palast's superb "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy", and Al Franken's "Lying Liars..." The list of Bush administration blunders, corruptions, depradations, lies, and perfidies stretches so long that it would take half a dozen volumes just to scratch the surface. So start out with those two books, by all means, but then feel free to move on to Mike's latest. You need fear little redundancy if you go ahead and collect a complete set. All three have wonderful, extensive endnotes. Not only do they show you how to back up every appalling factual claim (or in some instances, like Moore's extended peek at the Bush code of silence over terrorist connections to their Saudi business friends, every intriguing unanswered question). Happily, they also provide specific and practical suggestions for action. Happily, indeed. Moore himself is an actual leftie, a Nader fan who for instance is not above suggesting that gas pipeline rights were a major motive for the Afghanistan war. But all "liberals" - and as the rightist radicals in charge have redefined the term, that would include everyone from Eisenhower to Nixon to Goldwater - have now been battered and bullied to the point where they are no longer content just to vote once a year and then grouse. Even as a centrist, you can learn enough from this and the aforementioned companion volumes to promote politics from a spectator sport to a contact sport. And perhaps even to win everybody's country back. Because as Michael rightly documents, this has always been a liberal country, and ordinary Americans today are more liberal than they've ever been. Only a firesale on democracy has allowed us to be governed by a claque opposed to the majority's interests and our beliefs for so long. Their time may be growing short. And this book should help tick the clock forward. Special kudos for the delicious chapter which Moore explains how to talk to your conservative brother-in-law! First butter him up with Michael's funny and accurate four page list of things you can safely admit liberals have got wrong. Then, instead of appealing to his compassionate nature, point out in plain English exactly how the adoption of liberal principles will help to make him richer.
Rating:  Summary: Starts out very strong, then loses steam Review: I loved Stupid White Men and Bowling for Columbine. I also loved the first two chapters of Dude. Thereafter, it seemd to me to lose steam. The Good: The first chapter's 'seven questions for Bush' are required reading for everyone, regardless of political affiliation. Every patriot should be raising the questions Moore raises here. Agree or disagree with him, these questions must be discussed. The fact that members of the bin Ladin family were flown out of this country days after 9/11 must be addressed, and is one of the more compelling points of the book. The Bad: The chapter in which Moore pretends to be writing from God's perspective lacks taste and even humor, and did offend me. It is not without a certain level of humor, but it is not Moore's best effort even in the comedy department. He could have done better making the same points, and this effort weakens the book substantially in my view. The Ugly: Listening to Glen Beck, neo-conservative radio personality, literally begging people on the air not to buy this book. He sounded ill. You know he would ban this book if he could. I think any useful criticism of this book from conservatives should give specific examples. Generalities do little more than preach to the choir.
Rating:  Summary: Hey Conservatives, try THE TRUTH for a change Review: I just finished Moore's new book and I thought it was outstanding. I find it really amusing that you thick headed right wingers won't believe a word he writes, no matter how many facts he has behind him. It's also your conservative M.O. to judge or ban something without actually bothering to read it. We liberals are not "Un-American" as some brainwashed fool said on this review page, but exercising our rights to not be lied to and taken advantage of. Most importantly, not exploiting the lives of those lost on 9/11 for our own gain. It would be nice to see Dubya and his cronies taken from the White House in cuffs indeed, but I'll settle for just getting him out of office. You conservatives are so easily manipulated. Love God and don't take my gun away and you can do whatever you want to my rights. This country was founded on the basis of our own individual rights and the Bush administration is taking them away one by one under the guise of "national security." Then, you conservatives have the audacity to call us liberals Un-American! Attitudes like that are as far from democratic as they come. You conservatives need to open your eyes, close your Bibles, put down your guns and pay better attention because you are destroying our country (and others) and sucking away all of our rights as people. Get a Clue!