Rating:  Summary: Wake up people Review: I have read some reviews here and it looks like the right wingers are already trashing this book, and the sad thing is that they probably haven't even read it. I don't understand what left and right have to do with anything here. Moore is just stating what a huge mess this country has become. I would hope that everyone that reads this book feels the outrage that I do. This administration has taken 9/11 and used it to steal our liberties, our money and sent our children to war against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. This book should be required reading for everyone. Then maybe people would wake up, and make our government accountable for what's been happening in this country. It's time for them to do the things they were elected to do instead of looking out for big corporation's interests. Buy this book. You won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read! Review: Michael presents the nightmare of today's world with humur and optomism. He is on a quest to remove Bush from office and he asks his readers to join him in this effort. We shall see....
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore does it again! Review: There are really no words to describe this book. Why? Because anything I write won't give this book the praise it deserves. No words I type can express my gratitude for what Michael Moore has done, and continues to do. The funny thing is he does it so simply. Both Stupid White Men, and Dude do one thing so perfectly: Tell the truth. In todays world that is a priceless thing. Dude starts out and finishes in such a funny, yet truthful way. I picked this book up and I couldn't put it down. There were times when I had to literally pry my self away from it to study for some midterms. Moore presents the truth in such a enlightening, entertaining way that when I picked the book up I would be consumed by it. The next thing I knew, 3 hours would have passed. Dude is what every Non-fiction book should be: an Honest, Precise, Funny approach at what every American needs to know: The Truth. So if you are considering buy this book. . . PLEASE DO! You will Laugh, You will Cry , and you will love every singe thought that Michael Moore has to say( well maybe not cry).
Rating:  Summary: More Michael Mania Review: I actually read this book in the bookstore one languid Sunday afternoon, having no desire to fork any more of my money over to this shrill shill. And while I will admit that some of the facts Michael writes about in the first chapter or two are shocking, particularly when grouped together, the bottom line is that Michael has not grown out of his adolescent style of addressing issues. Until he does this, I cannot approve of him. Perhaps my dislike of Moore is reinforced by my having recently seen the travesty called "Bowling for Columbine". Now, I am no fan of guns. And it does seem strange that so large an event as Columbine - and following carbon copies - could happen with very little repercussion on our society. Really, after Columbine, very few questions were asked and nothing changed. We all saw grief counselors and the like and went back to sleep. But the problem is, Moore didn't really ask any questions either. He instead used his influential position to push his own agenda, faking scenes and distorting facts to attempt to bring us to his conclusions. I cannot respect that. I have devoted a lengthy review to why I did not like his movie, and there are several websites which point out the blatant falsehood of many of the scenes, so there is no need to rehash this. But it set a bad precedent for my future dealings with Mr. Moore. Unfortunately this book does little to change my opinion. What are we greeted with upon opening the cover? A self-congratulatory jacket note deifying Mr. Moore for having the "courage" to speak out about "fictitious times" at the Oscars! Wow, what courage! Shouting about your political beliefs to a bunch of rich movie stars - and doing so with stammering, laughably incorrect grammar and no association of ideas. Had this performance of his had any greater impact than proving what a fool Mr. Moore is, I might agree with the blurb. But it changed nothing; it didn't bring about any greater discussion of the issues. And the way Mr. Moore dealt with his reception - first insisting that he wasn't booed, then claiming people were "booing the booers", just shows how fictitious is the world in which he lives. The book itself is written in two very different tones, which do not work well together. When Michael is presenting facts he is tolerable. There are certainly some very shady things going on with the Bush family and the royal family of Saudi Arabia; certainly there are a number of questions to be answered about the whole war on terror, how we dealt with the U.N., and so forth. But the problem is, these questions were all asked by different people in much more intelligent fashions. It's not as if Moore discovered these facts himself - he openly admits to having culled them from other sources. How does he extend and further the investigation? By using the research as a basis for tired jokes and generalizations about Americans. Certainly the US behavior towards the French was abominable during the attempts to convince the whole world to join in the American war. But do we really need another America-basher asserting (incorrectly) that the French are more intelligent than Americans? Their knowledge simply seems more worldly and expanded to us because their knowledge is French. They have a more rich and storied history than we; this does not mean they are our superiors. The French generally incur our anger by insinuating this. How does asserting it in a post-modern "yeah, we suck" attitude help anything? Mr. Moore continuously displays this attitude, from his movie where he asserted that Canadians are smarter than Americans, or better people, or whatever; to his racist book "Stupid White Men"; to this tiresome polemic. I find myself in a curious position in which I generally agree with the points Michael Moore is making, but I disagree with his method of doing so. And furthermore, I don't trust his motives. Most people who attack Moore are doing it because of ideological disputes. I just don't like the guy. I don't think he does anything for the liberal movement - he reminds me of that annoying Ann Coulter, whose debating style is throwing her hands in the air, shrieking, and rolling her eyes at you. That's why nobody wants to talk to her, why nobody takes her seriously. Well, that and the fact that she's a frickin' loon. Michael Moore is just as boorish, regardless of his liberal viewpoints. And frankly he's going to the bank a bit too often for my taste. Releasing a 100-page book of mostly other people's research and conclusions, in hardback, at $30.00? Way to help the country Michael! The fact that this greedy sophistry passes for wisened political commentary is very disappointing. Let me make one last point: Michael Moore is a very rich man. Why, then, does he not use his money to attempt to spread the information he gleans in non-profit scenarios, such as public service announcements or addresses? Because he is not an idealist; he is a capitalist. He has most of liberal America happily lining his pockets, and he has done nothing to further liberalism in this country. In fact, he has only harmed liberalism with his boorish manners and childish, dishonest tactics.
Rating:  Summary: So, read a book by Ann Coulter because it's fair n balanced? Review: Give me a break, whoever you are that said Ann Coulter presents facts. Ann Coulter is a Republican schill with all the sense God gave aluminum siding. Now, back to Moore -- attempts to discredit him most often come from people who never knew he existed prior to Oscar night. That's a good thing, because it proves to the world how woefully ignorant and unreliable they are about the subject. Moore continues to do exactly what he's done since Roger and Me, which is present his points with humor, insight and passion. In "Dude, Where's My Country" (a primer for "Farenheit 9/11," and afterward for "Stupid White Men,") Moore asks us to consider what we've been told about Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, and the so-called presidency of GWB against what common sense has told us all along and the papers point to each day: no weapons of mass destruction - no link between Hussein and Bin-Laden. . .just a great big old war serving only those in power. God Bless You, Michael Moore, for asking some of us to remember this land is OUR land, not just the land of the rich and the home of the corrupt.
Rating:  Summary: hilarious Review: quick, easy read here. this is the kind of book you can read when you're half asleep. micheael moore is a funny guy. so many of the political books (right or left) are written by serious students of politics and history, you know, intellectuals. not here. the class clown has written another very humorous satirical work. only problem with this one relates to integrity. moore apparently wants you to believe that he knows what he's talking about with this serious subject matter. check his credentials, he certainly does not. if you're interested in entering left wing hysteric theater, step right up and buy your ticket. this one is a perfect example of the genre. its laughable, rarely accurate, loaded with venom and, above all, acidic in its negativity. moore seldom wanders to the reality side of things, and doesn't disappoint here in that regard. there's no such thing as terrorism, everybody should hate bush and lets elect another entertainer (oprah) to the white house. only in america can an undereducated, ignorant bore make millions peddling this kind of material. for you liberal types, bon apetit. i await your five star ratings and "unhelpful" votes.
Rating:  Summary: It's Good To Question Authority Review: Michael Moore questions authority, and that's a GOOD thing. All of us should do more questioning, instead of just blindly believing whatever those in power tell us. As intelligent citizens, it is our duty to be informed, to examine the "facts" we are given, and to form our own opinions. And then to VOTE, based on what we believe to be true. Michael Moore is ONE source of information only, but he certainly can help you to think about the "facts" in a new way. Read his side thoughtfully. But don't "swallow whole". (Nor should we "swallow whole" the views of the Right.) Rather, investigate, learn, form your OWN opinions. And when the time comes, VOTE.
Rating:  Summary: funny, frightening, thought provoking Review: I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Bought it this afternoon as a gift for my boyfriend and I ended up reading the whole thing in one sitting. Moore is funny, blunt, and deeply concerned about the current direction of our nation. Ever wondered what to say to your conservative in-laws? Ever feel like you're the only liberal in a country of conservatives? Do you wish someone would have the courage to ask Bush and his adminstration some tough questions? Michael Moore to the rescue! This book will depress you, then make you feel hopeful, and finally, encourage you to take action in 2004. Please note, if you are not of a liberal bent or leaning in that general direction...this book may irritate you and will probably confirm your suspicions that we're all a bunch of wackos. But maybe you should give it a try anyway.
Rating:  Summary: More Lies By Michael Moore Review: Picked this one up in the Bookstore. It's just another angry screed from the man who brought you the "Documentary" that was largely staged and made up, "Bowling for Columbine." I saw lots of lies and accusations and no evidence. And the country Michael Moore says he's looking for has nothing in common with the nation that Jefferson, Madison et al founded in the inerest of personal freedom and liberty...the nation Moore says he is looking for sounds more like one of Europe's failing socialist nanny states. No thanks dude!
Rating:  Summary: Nonetheless a good read. Review: Michael Moore has written a very topical and at times thought provoking book. I can't say I always agree with him, but it is important to have people like Moore floating about on the political landscape pricking political hypocrisy and egos. A lot of what Moore covers isn't all that new, and in some ways is addressed in greater detail by other writers. Moore is a popularist. And there is nothing wrong with that. He has been successful in making people aware of issues, and brings to light important questions. This book doesn't answer any of the questions that Moore sets out to ask. That's a pity. It's important to ask questions, but equally important to set out some answers, if not interpretations and assessments of what the answers may be. Moore makes a great deal of the use of implication and supposition. While entertaining, it makes his argument and assertions arguably as superficial as those made by the political establishment he is enthusiastically fighting. Nonetheless a good read.