Rating:  Summary: Most diverting! Review: Mike's third collection of cheerful progressive polemics is by far the best, both in terms of rhetorical acumen and entertainment value. I certainly don't agree with him 100% on all points (e.g., I don't think the hustling of the Bin Ladens or Saudi royal family out of the US just after 9/11 is all that sinister, and he is just dead wrong when he says you can't get enough protein on a vegetarian diet.) But what can I say, I love the guy. He's my kind of people.
Rating:  Summary: I read the book cover to cover in one sitting... Review: Michael, thank you once again for breaking it down for us! I feel so much better when I read you books because I feel I can personally make a difference to change our country. I'm passing your book on to all my friends who need some elightenment. I have already written to Oprah and Wesley our only hope! I also wrote to Star Jones to let her know my irritation with her ridiculous interview with you on The View. Keep challenging us...we need it!
Rating:  Summary: Impeach those responsible! Review: This books screams "question authority!". Clinton was a bad boy and impeachment followed for having sex with an intern and lying about it. If that is a "guide book" for starting an impeachment then, as Moore presents the facts, Bush should be well on his was to impeachment or more. Why not??? Reading this book has me GRIPPED in fear for our rights, our freedoms, and the loss of the ideals that our country is founded on. Moore puts it plainly and cuts to the chase. When I was a child I feared the communists philosophy and their action, what I am reading is that our leaders are taking us smooooothly down that path. Danger Will Robinson, DANGER! The fact of the matter is that Moore is NOT the only writer to expose the dictators, whups did I say that, that lead our country. If only 25 percent was true that Moore wrote then we are in a in a world of hurt! BRAVO, Moore, for revealing the truth. I may not believe in some of your philosophies but stating the facts plainly allows me to develop my own opinions.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: I'll start off with my political beliefs, since I am sure they will be called into question. I am socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and militantly pro-US strength. Lots of grey in there, because, frankly, you can't define human nature. I enjoy reading books from both sides of the spectrum. You have to be a Doubting Thomas first before you can define your beliefs, in my opinion. From Al Franken to Ann Coulter, to the National Review to Mother Jones - all are good reading. That said, I find Michael Moore grating, and not intellectually stimulating. He practices "bumper sticker politics", with rabid one-liners to define his political stance. Say what you will about the Administration, but deliver it with facts. If you can't do that, at least demonstrate both sides of the argument. Michael Moore's books also drip with intellectual snobbery and self-stroking ego. Sure, he brings up some good points, but then destroys his credibility. Still an interesting read, if merely for entertainment value.
Rating:  Summary: Moore delivers again! Review: In his latest book, Michael Moore investigates the disappearance of his spiritual homeland, The Soviet Union. "Dude, Where's My Country" lovingly recounts the glory days of the Red Empire and the high standard of living enjoyed by those who experienced it. Moore is especially fond of Stalin, whom he calls "the most magnanimous leader of modern times." Of course, Moore can't help but to criticize America's free market economic system as well as the policies of the Bush administration. In doing so, he presents compelling arguments for why America should continue to move toward socialism. A great read for high school students and Bay Area activists!
Rating:  Summary: This guy is SO far left, he's off the spectrum. Review: The right and the Bush administration's policies have obviously disgruntled Michael Moore's for some time, and he continues his attack on them with his new book. However, his growing, intense passion to slam conservatives and eventually help topple Bush's re-election, has turned him from a once deep-thinking liberal who was respected by moderate liberals and his opponents, to a ultra left-wing radical, whose suggested ways to improve our country are often impractical. The recent war has put him over the edge. Here are some examples of his ineffectual and often contradictory writing: "Hey, here's a way to stop the suicide bombings-give the Palestinians a bunch of missile-firing Apache helicopters and let them and the Israelis go at each other head to head. Four billion dollars a year to Israel, four billion a year to the Palestinians-they can just blow each other up and leave the rest of us the hell alone." - pgs. 121-122. Now I am sure many liberals agree with Mr. Moore here in heart, but it is NOT practical. He should realize that doing this would just increase Israel's strength in the area. Most Palestinians do not believe Israel should exist (hello, can you think of a better reason for war?) The Israelis could feel threatened and start a "pre-emptive" war and then occupy of ALL West Bank and Gaza (there are some autonomous parts today). It would also probably end up in Israel's occupation of Syria as well. Not to mention 3 of the world's major religions hold this place sacred, but people's respect for religion is not important to Mr. Moore (although he makes a weak attempt to say otherwise on page 192). "They call it a war on 'terror.' How exactly do you conduct a war on a noun? Wars are fought against countries, religions, and peoples. . . " pg. 96 Excuse me, Mr. Moore last time I checked, peoples, countries, and religions WERE nouns (a person, place and thing, respectively). Time to go back to grammar school Mike. "Respect them (conservatives) the way you would like to be respected . . . If we (liberals) are not decent, especially in the way we treat and talk to them, what are we asking them to become? Like us? I hope not." - pg. 188 Is this the same man who became verbally abusive with Charlton Heston? Who used the Oscar platform for advancing his politics? Mr. Moore's ideals are admirable, but he let's his passion over-animate him too often. Practice what you preach Mike. However, his biggest "whopper" is: "that more Americans agree with the left than the right." (pg. 167) Then he talks about issues and polls to show how this is overwhelmingly true. How many would quite like to think this? But is it true? Because in the same chapter, he quotes Tim Robbins, "Why is it that they (Republicans) are so mad and angry all the time when they already control the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court, Wall Street, all of talk radio, and three of the four cable news channels?"- pgs. 177-178. Why Mike, why are these people in control if more Americans agree with the left and not the right? (The White House, Supreme Court and Wall Street, OK those don't necessarily reflect the peoples' opinions,) but the rest DO. They show a split, if not conservative America. People vote for those people, watch those programs and listen to those stations, and their ratings are good. True Mike your book will sell, but so will Bill O'Reilly's (and unfortunately Ann Coulter's). The thing is though Michael Moore grew up in a blue-collar Midwest town, he seems to now have no idea how the average American in the south or in the heartland thinks. (He does know people on the coasts well). He has distanced himself from that Michael Moore, of Roger and Me, so much that he's lost touch with a good part of his audience. I doubt many people from Michigan would support gun control to his extent and same-sex unions. Gore barely won the state and Ted Nugent, a very popular wolverine, is still making a lot of money not far from Mike's hometown of Flint. I do agree with Moore on the fact that we should stop using so much of the World's resources and somehow convince big businesses to come back to the US. He is right here, but offers no practical solutions how to do so. His chapters, "A Liberal Paradise" and "Horatio Alger must die" and his opening questions on Bush's ties with the bin Laden family are worth reading. He is good at digging up dirt, but doesn't always mount his "attack" without appearing fanatical. This war has really made him mad, and made his ideas so far off to the left, that Nader would have trouble implementing them. He does admit some liberal mistakes and gives some kudos to conservatives at the end (including Nixon), but they seem like a half-hearted attempt to appear balanced. Despite all that, I would say this book worth buying, just to see where this guy, who will undoubtedly be all over your TV screens in 2004, is coming from. His strategy to topple Bush is written here. However, if you want a better book by a more rational liberal, who is much better at critiquing conservatives and appearing credible, go out and buy Al Franken's new book.
Rating:  Summary: Why you should ignore what "dmcycloid" said in his review Review: I can't discuss Michael's book fully yet, because I haven't read all of it yet, although I've read 2 chapters that have appeared in both Rolling Stone and the UK Guardian and loved them; on the strength of just those 2 chapters I've awarded 5 stars. Apparently not reading ANY part of the book hasn't stopped others from commenting on it however! :) Of serious concern is this comment made previously by a "dmcycloid": "I try to read books on both sides of the issues, and Ann Coulter's Slander actually presents data, arguments, and hard facts showing severe liberal media bias and the weakness of the liberal position." Sorry dm, the book has not ONE hard fact in it. As Al Franken so astutely proves in his recent book (which I did read and highly recommend), Ann just makes stuff up! What passes for "facts" in her book are an amalgamation of distortions, half-truths, botched research, assumptions, opinions and plain lies. And how did Al figure this out? By LOOKING UP EVERYTHING SHE CLAIMED. Lexis/Nexis is a great tool, as well as a research team to help out. The results are astounding; as Al points out, even heavy-hitting conservatives wonder in private "what's wrong with her?" (Ann). So anyone who thinks Coulter is telling it "like it is" and dislikes Michael's new book -- well, what better endorsement for this book could there be? What I've read so far shows Michael in rare form, and -- very similar to "Bowling For Columbine" -- asking questions that need to be asked. He doesn't always have an answer, but again that's the point: to get people to THINK! Especially about the decades-old ties the Bush family has to the bin Laden family and the royal house of Saud... just that chapter alone (the one in this week's Rolling Stone) is worth the price of the book. PS: To the doofus who claims Moore is a hypocrite because he wasn't criticizing Clinton during the 90's with the same zeal as now -- again, the facts contradict you. Michael had not written any books yet, but his first ground-breaking show "TV Nation" regularly took jabs at the Clinton Administration, especially when it came to NAFTA and other programs that hurt working Americans. And he also vocally admonished Clinton -- not only on those issues but also on the 1997 bombing of Iraq -- in his regular "open letters" sent via email to subscribers to his web site; a precursor to the books that would come later. I know this because I still have all of the messages he sent out.
Rating:  Summary: funny, but wrong Review: Michael Moore is not an idiot. He is funny, and very entertaining, and very wrong. If you follow the philosophy of Michael Moore (and his followers who can't separate clever from insightful) to its logical conclusion, there will be suffering on an unprecidented scale, and Michael's exclaiming "no, thats not what I meant" will be of little comfort.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, where are the facts Review: Typical Michael Moore drivel! Do not waste your time or money!
Rating:  Summary: mike's truth machine Review: "dmcycloid" wrote a review of this book after reading one page. He asks for an analysis of why terrorism is not this country's #1 killer: maybe if he had flipped the page he would see statistics showing even suicide is more a threat to Americans than terrorism. Read the whole book, then review it. The book is a kick in the rear to us all- war supporters, p.c. liberals, everyone. Pay special attention to the chapter detailing what you should say to your conservative brother-in-law. The reason I became a liberal is that it felt right; the reason I STAYED a liberal is outlined in this chapter. The other chapter to read twice is his final one. DO THE THINGS HE LISTS AT THE END! Michael Moore has had it with people who think this place is going to get better by sitting at home! This includes you! However, Moore doesn't provide much in the way of contact info for those who want to get off their couches. So, for all those who want to know how to get involved, please see the final chapter of Palast's "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy".