Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore-The undisputed king of satire in politics! Review: With continous distortion of truth by the media,government and more than 60% illiterate americans toward foreign policy,Moore's new book educate us, in such a way that to asked the necessary questions,think and analyzed with whats going on,makes us aware of what are we as a citizen,a community,a government and as a nation. WHY IS PEACE SO HARD TO ACHIEVE AND WAR SO EASY TO GIVE?
Rating:  Summary: Bush & Co. We Want Answers!!! Review: I purchased Michael Moore's New Book, "Dude Where's My Country?" yesterday afternoon and I couldn't put it down. I finished it today. Moore is brilliant, and now after reading his book, I really would like to hear Bush's answers to Moore's important questions like:1. Dear Mr. Bush, is it true that the bin Ladens have had business relations with you and your family off and on for the past 25 years? 2. Dear "Mr. President," what is the "special relationship" between the Bushes and the Saudi royal family? 3. Dear "Mr. President," who attacked the United States on September 11th-a guy on dialysis from a cave in Afghanistan, or our friends, the Saudi Arabians? 4. Dear "Mr. President," why did you allow a private Saudi jet to fly around the U.S. in the days after September 11th and pick up members of the bin Laden family and then fly them out of the country without a proper investigation by the FBI? In Moore's book, he provides some of the answers and all of the background evidence. It is astonishing, and it is criminal. America WAKE UP!! Read this book and then pass it around. Please!
Rating:  Summary: Why we should support Congressman Dennis Kucinich for Pres. Review: Michael Moore makes it clear why we need a Presidential candidate like Dennis Kucinich for 2004. His campaign is really kicking up a lot of steam, and I know Moore approves of a great deal of Kucinich's platform. Check it: www.kucinich.us That contains all the info. Sincerely, Derek Garcia Wesleyan University Middletown, CT
Rating:  Summary: Great read Review: This book gave me alot to think about. Although I don't agree with every word that Moore says, I disagree with those who say he is an extreme leftist, dripping with ego, anti-American or anti-Christian. I found very little to suggest that he is any of those things in this book. He backs up his arguements with facts, he is not condescending, and he believes in the principles this country stands upon. He makes sense. "Dude, Where's My Country" is both entertaining and thought provoking. I recommend it to anyone interested in politics, regardless of their party affiliation. If you aren't sure about Moore and don't want to spend the money on his book, check for it at your local library or try to borrow it from someone. You might learn something.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's My Country? Review: This book is a great eye opener for those of you who choose not to read about the world and what is going on. And I mean read as in not what is on CNN or FOX. This book is the real deal. It is about time that reporters and the like do nothing at press conferences except ask the seven questions put forth by michael moore and stop at nothing other than the truth. No more lying, no evading questions, no dissembling... Everyone should read this and start screaming to their congressman/woman to do something about it. I am sure that the public would liek to get their hands on what really is going on in the government...
Rating:  Summary: A softer Michael Moore? Review: I am a liberal (my roommate/good friend is a conservative - we've both done a good job learning from each other) and a longtime fan of Moore - that being said, I do understand some conservatives who see him as an ultra-leftist bully. Reading this book, however, I couldn't help but notice a somewhat softer Michael Moore. No, he hasn't completely toned down his act (thank God), but what really shows through here is Moore's love for his country and his desire to see a positive change. His arguments are more humble, more intelligent, and, I think, stronger. It's a short read - pick it up and see for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Give me a break Review: For the record: I'm not a high schooler, socialist, hippie, ex-convict, tree hugger, Naderite, class warrior, coast-dweller, or elitist. I am a fiscally conservative, live-and-let live social liberal who creates wealth and jobs through high tech entrepreneurial activities. I LOVE free markets, although I have nothing but contempt for cronyism, lemon socialism, banana republicanism (note the small "r"), and privilege capitalists. I LOVE the middle class because I think it is what makes America great. I LOVE America, its people, its Constitution, its natural beauty. I LOVE our armed forces, not only but especially because of the many members of my family who have served and serve in them. I also love this book. You will find things here that will make you shake your head with amusement and bemusement and things that you will scarcely believe because, when you realize they're true, you will be appalled at the cowardice of our national media in failing to expose them (for example, why did our government let 24 members of the Bin Laden family fly out of the country immediately following 9/11, when no one else in the country could fly anywhere for any reason? Unlike Rush, Moore isn't making it up). Michael Moore doesn't hate free enterprise (why should he? It's made him rich) or engage - strictly - in bumper sticker politics, although he tends to sweeten his diatribes with humor and a great deal more wit than, say, Rush or especially the humorless well-documented liar Ann Coulter (an entire cottage industry on the Web has documented her countless lies and bizarre statements). Of all the left of center American pundits -- most of whom would be regarded as centrist or even conservative in any other industrialized nation -- Moore has in the past seemed to have the hardest handle on getting his facts straight. He's a propagandist; so what? He hews far closer to fact than the screeching O'Reilly, Hannity, Savage, Coulter, Limbaugh etc. crew. And in this book he's taken great pains to get his facts straight, lest he be lumped in with the likes of Coulter et al. Michael Moore scares so many on the lunatic fringe right because he DOES believe in the free market of ideas and they don't. Like O'Reilly, they want you to SHUT UP because it's their mike. If you don't want to learn things that the right wing news media in this country are afraid to tell you, don't buy this book. If you believe that borrow-and-spend bank-busting Republicans are good for the economy and the stock market despite 80 years of evidence to the contrary, don't buy this book. But if you feel that we're caught in a downward spiral of bad economic policy, job loss, incomprehensible "security" and "defense" initiatives, eroding rights, dangerous unilateralism, vulgar and childish attacks on our ever-more alienated allies abroad, environmental degradation, etc. at the hands of an administration openly at war with one another as well as security institutions like the military and the CIA, then this book will help you understand some of what's going on.
Rating:  Summary: MOST IMPORTANT BOOK OF 2003 Review: If everyone in America read this book, George Bush wouldn't get more than 25,000 votes and anyone would beat him. This is the book that exposes Bush and the shenanigans that should land him in a Federal Pen instead of the White House. Moore, while funny, witty and entertaining as a writer, is spot-on when it comes to analyzing contemporary events and putting them in an easy-to-understand context. The book is an absolute joy to read for anyone who actually loves America and loves Democracy-- although it will be an absolute nightmare for hard-core right-wingers (whether they call themselves Fascists, Nazis, Aryan Nations, KKK or GOP-- or, for that matter, DLC). Moore is a brilliant social historian and a compelling writer. What a better place our country would be with people like Michael Moore in office rather than grasping, greedy, selfish incompetents who are more concerned with their own careers than with the welfare of the people of this country. No one reading this book with an open-mind could ever pull themselves to vote for monstrosities like a George Bush, a Tom Delay, a Richard Santorum or a Joseph Lieberman again.
Rating:  Summary: Self-help book for ADD country Review: One, no, wait, twenty, no - well, count 'em up yourselves - words of caution - if you are smart and well educatored (as we say in Texas) and get your news from BBC, DW, CBC, and other ferein TV channels, then by all means don't buy this book. You already know what's there. But most of us aren't all that I just said - just look on the bell curve again, so we need this book to cut through the spinning wheels of the hawkish propaganda and through the rainbow haze of the terrorist threats, and through the news of the great hunt for the weapons of mass exagerration - haven't you heard, OJ just caught the real killer of his wife and is joining the search?
Rating:  Summary: Great buy! Review: This review is in response to "cherno77's" review. You are really an idiot. First of all, Palestine is not a country. Palestinians never had a country and never will. Israel is not trying to "take over" the West Bank, Gaza, or Syria- they are defending their country from the attacks they have been facing for years and years. What Mr. Moore wrote about giving both sides control of Apache helicopters and letting them blow each other up was SARCASM something you obviously don't understand. Also, your grammar needs to be checked because the sentence he wrote said how can you fight a war on a noun- the noun being terror- the part about people, countries, and religions is a seperate sentence and he is saying THAT is what we can conduct wars on. This is a great book filled with FACTS that the general population does not know, but should. He is a brilliant journalist and this book is outstanding work. You really should re-read the book because you obviously didn't understand it the first time and think about what you write before you make yourself look like a very uninformed reader.