Rating:  Summary: Mike takes on the Bush administration - and wins! Review: The first half of this book should be mandatory reading for all Americans of voting age. Mike asks some tough questions which we'll probably never get the answers to - at least not if our secret government keeps up its secret plans. Whether you like the guy or not, you should demand to know why Bush let the Bin Ladens leave the country against the FBI's wishes. You should seriously question why our boys are dying in Iraq, and whether we're able to instill our values upon them at a time when those freedoms we claim to cherish above all else are being eroded here at home. You should speak out when the bill of rights is decimated in the name of "homeland security" Mike does digress into some silly "letter from God" in the latter half of the book - but the power of the book is not lost even by these shinanigans. Get your hands on this book and then, if you can, back on your rights.
Rating:  Summary: Muckraker Extraordinaire Review: It seems, in his new book, Moore has gone from being just a rousing personage to being our nation's true political and social satirist and critic; Mark Twain meets Noam Chomsky. Moore tackles subjects and issues that are too taboo to be discussed in today's alleged 'liberal' media. From chapters dealing with the Bush family's friendship with the Saudi royal family to making light of the right's pundits, Moore exhibits a flare for satire and politics that is a true delight to read.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: First let me preface by saying that I'm a big fan of Michael Moore. I loved Roger and Me, Stupid White Men, and Bowling For Columbine. I feel those represent the very best of what Michael Moore has to offer; honesty, humor, information, etc. But I have to admit that I was severly disappointed (and confused) by this book, mainly because I had been waiting so long for it, and it turned out to be a major let down. It seems almost like Mike has become a parody of himself with this book. At times I couldn't tell if he was trying to be outrageous, or if I'm just really out of touch. Maybe Mike has been living the past couple of years in a parallel universe, who knows. In short I'll still probably buy all of his stuff and go see his movies, but this one was disappointing.
Rating:  Summary: This book rocks the world!!! Review: I recommend this book because Moore and his brand of patriotism is exactly what we need for the USA to remain (become?) a democracy in these strange times. I recommend it because Moore brings to light serious questions and facts that we and our leadership MUST face. And I recommend it because Moore manages to discuss complicated social, economic and political issues in a very direct, matter-of-fact, and often funny manner. You don't need a college degree to read this book and gobble it up...and yet it sparkles with wit and intelligence. Moore is a modern day hero. BUY THIS BOOK! I promise it will make you think and also laugh. Thank you Michael Moore! Keep fighting the good fight.
Rating:  Summary: Moore has lost his sense of reality. Review: It's ashame to see Michael Moore loose his credibility because of his obsession with the Bush family. Although he is known for twisting the truth for humorous effect he goes to far here. He's become so single minded in his effort to become the left-wing Rush Limbaugh that he's starting to suceed.As Nieche said "Each man becomes the thing he hates ..." If you enjoy blaming the president of the US for everything as much as Rush did in the 90s than you'll love this book.
Rating:  Summary: Why the Bushies are Scared of Moore Review: Its intriguing how many right-wing types seem to have gotten their claws on a book which was not generally released until Tuesday, Oct. 14... and was embargoed until midnight Oct. 13. The book asks some rather penetrating questions...to whit: What exactly is the business relationship between the Bush clan and the Bin Ladens? What exactly is the business relationship between the Bush clan and the Saudi royal family? Given the evidence surrounding the terror attacks on Septmber 11, is it logical to conclude that Al Quada is solely or even primarily responsible? Why are we in Iraq... a country that demonstrably has no WMDs and no conection with the terror attacks? There are some suprises for the Left as well. Check out Michael Moore on Mumia for example. Moore writes with wit and with passion. Granted, he is not Gore Vidal...Rather he is authentically proletarian (i.e. working-class - something the right-wing flamers cannot understand), and he makes documentaries for a living. His prose and his tone reflect these two aspects of his character. The consistent thread that weaves through the book is Moore's patriotism. He retains a suprising optimism about the United States. He believes, and provides evidence, that the United States is unnaturally Conservative; that the shrieking banshees of the Right know this; and that there is a realignment coming. In that sense, this is one of the most hopeful books I've read in quite awhile.
Rating:  Summary: Great Sense of humor Review: This is a great book that a person with an open mind and that`s trying to understand what the hell happenend in this country after Clinton. This book may appeal to democrats, republicans (that are angry with Bush), any one from the green party, students, teachers, professionals, right wing, liberals, catholics, bapist, lutherans, the guys from the gates of heaven, the Manson Family; hell anyone with a sense of humor about this country.
Rating:  Summary: Good but familiar Review: Dear Michael Moore, I finished 'Dude, Where's My Country?' today. Oh, Michael, you know I love you and you know I'll blindly gobble up every word you write but you just don't seem to be putting the EFFORT in anymore. I mean, 'Downsize This' was just awesome. Seriously. I only bought it 'cause I was too cheap to shell out for 'Stupid White Men' at the time and when I read it, I immediately became a follower. 'Stupid White Men' was similarly awesome and while your latest book is very good, I'm just not sure about it. I finished it in three days. I'm not certain if this is a sign that I was reading it more enthusiastically than usual or if you just weren't writing as much. Either way, it's a good book and it's funny but, well, there IS a 'but'. It's quite a big 'but' really (I'd say 'not unlike your own' but that's just immature and I still love you so I won't resort to childish name-calling just yet). Y'see, Michael, your books are getting a bit formulaic. It's like you're following some join-the-dots path to completing them. There's the letter to the president. Check. There's a list of facts under bold headings. Check. There's ranting about corporate evil. Check. And there's a list of Mike's Tips for whatever the latest thing is you're doing tips for. Check. It's like DIY Michael Moore. Hell, ANYONE could write it. Give me some experience in American politics and _I_ could write a convincing ripoff. I guess I can't blame you because, hey, it's a winning formula and you're the multi-national bestseller, not me. But I do wonder if this is the right way to go about it. Your latest book smacks of 'hack job'. The jokes are funny, sure, but they aren't of your usual standards. The facts are salient, of course, but there are dry patches that seem filled with nothing BUT facts. Apart from the 'how to speak to your conservative brother in law' section, there were no truly outstanding chapters. Though I've got to hand it to you, Mike, anyone who can get God to do a guest chapter's pretty cool in my opinion. And your God's a pretty cool guy. See, I'm not saying it's a BAD book - it's not even a mediocre book. It's a good book. But if you keep writing like this, Michael, all of your books are going to end up exactly the same and you'll be writing 'The President is a Big Stupid Dumbass' aka 'Stupid White Men - the fortieth annivarsary rehash' by the time you're 100. C'mon, Mike, if you keep writing, try and write more than one book. With love and blind fannish adoration Sarah
Rating:  Summary: Bull's-eye!!!!! A Stiff Dose of Sanity in an Insane Time Review: This essay is worth every pfennig, as it accomplishes what our censored, dumbed-down news media has repeatedly failed to do: It explains, in very readable, well-researched prose, how the 911 horror has been misused by political and corporate leaders to camouflage the recent unraveling of decades of social and economic progress for America, not to mention its world respect; and how most Americans are decent, progressive people who DO NOT support the highly destructive acts perpetrated in their name. While Moore's quips and jibes at times toe over the line into polemics, his sharp, practical thinking, common sense and common decency, and stiff dose of sanity in an insane time more than compensate. I found this book to document what I already suspected regarding the facts of America's recent destructive course. I found it also to reassure me that I and my contacts in the US have not suddenly turned villainous, though might be faulted for our apparent tolerance of leaders who have. Please consider buying this book to show support for its views, then donate it to the local public library so others can share, as I just did.
Rating:  Summary: An absolute must read Review: For anyone who wondered what the hell George Bush and Tony Blair were playing playing at with their clear timetable and their obvious determination to have a war, at last! an explanation that starts to make sense. Michael Moore is very amusing, but has also gone to great lengths to expose the connection between leading politicians, the companies they worked for, the policies they espouse and the contracts being handed out by the US government. It was obvious to many of us that our leaders were lying, and there was a clear timetable for war and an agenda being followed. I sincerely hope that more people will read this book and it will actually make a difference to our politics and the way we vote. What did George W Bush promise you, Mr Blair? Shame on you, Mr Blair! Shame on YOU!