Rating:  Summary: A definite keeper! Review: This book is quite frankly excellent and accomplishes what it sets out to do: expose the hypocrisy of the Bush administration, the Bush family (with its ties to oil and Bin Laden's family) -- and dispel some well-marketed myths that anyone, be they black, latino, or poor, can rise to the presidency. Right. I agree with Moore when he says that most Americans are deluded and will spend their lives under the heel of an American-spawned corporate giant, work our lives as slaves essentially, while the oligarchy continues to run things, cutting deals behind our backs that will ultimately empower it to even greater heights (across international boundaries). Charles Bukowski, a fiction writer, was right in saying that everyone in America is raised to be "big-assed winners" when the truth is otherwise. We need to wise up and "get real," once and for all and guard against this insidious corporate encroachment. Stop making it so incredibly easy for them. Other books I recommend are POST OFFICE by Charles Bukowski, THE LOSERS' CLUB by Richard Perez -- STUPID WHITE MEN, is another great Moore book.
Rating:  Summary: If you like alternate political thought buy it. Review: It took me back to the years of Abby Hoffman, and John Lennon. I read it in one evening (short book, it left me wanting additional information). I for one would like to see the powers that be address the questions and issues Mike offers. Look how Clinton was grilled over a mere sex scandel! This administration may be telling out-right lies about WMD and not a peep out of anybody until now with the help of "Dude". I'm a veteran of the Vietnam war (Army Infantry) and would hate to see my children's generation go through that type blood, sweat and tear's for nothing again. These people who work for us in Washington, D.C. should be put on the spot. Mike is a good American, and this volume is part of the American way of life. We are just about the only body of people that have the right to question authority on this planet. Mike use's this right via his writings. So to the folk's that just write positive/negative reviews without reading the book: Shame on you. Your being dishonest. Write your newspapers editors, or start an internet site if you wish your political thoughts to be known. Please leave this book review section to people that actually read the book.
Rating:  Summary: Could change your opinion of him, and not in a good way! Review: I have not given this book only 2 stars because I am a right-wing person who is using this review to defend Bush. I am not part of the left-wing either though. I prefer to remain politically independent and not associate myself with the left or the right, since I think that both have their shortcomings, but I definitely lean much closer to left than I do right, which is why I was able to read a book like this with an open mind. In the past I have enjoyed Moore's films and TV shows. This is the first book of his that I have read, and the first thing that I didn't like about it was the fact that it oozed with pretentiousness. Throughout most of the book, I felt like I was being talked down to, and that really rubbed me the wrong way. Moore writes as if he expects his readers to not know anything at all about left-wing politics, and that it is his job to educate them on what leftism is. Obviously, it is stupid for Moore to do this, since most of his readers are probably left or left-leaning, and already know things like: Bush lied about there being a connection with Saddam Hussein and al Quada, Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq etc. And for the people who don't know about such things, it is still wrong for him to talk to them that way. If you want people to agree with your opinions and/or change theirs, talking down to them is not the way to go about it. That just makes them think that you're a pretentious jerk, and not want to listen to what you're saying. Noam Chomsky is a far better educated person in U.S. Foreign Policy than Michael Moore is, and he would never talk down to his readers. Chomsky relays straight facts in his writing and without bias. This book, on the other hand, is definitely more opinion than fact. I am not saying that nothing is factual, because that wouldn't be true, but Moore often lets his opinion get in the way when he is presenting facts. An example of this would be the chapter called "A Liberal's Paradise". In this chapter, he tells the reader about poll results and how these results mean that the majority of our country is liberal, which by the way I totally disagree with. If our country is so liberal, then why is the White House and our Congress ran by Republicans? Why does the Christian Right have so much power? etc. The poll results come from various sources. These results are inconclusive, yet Moore acts as if they represent the opinions of every single American. For example, he says, "Eighty-three percent of Americans say they are in agreement with the goals of the environmental movement." That quote makes it sound like every single American was polled about their opinion on the environment. I know that I wasn't polled. I know that my friends and family weren't polled since I asked them if they were, and I'm sure a lot of other people weren't polled as well. The correct way to have stated it, would have been, "Eight-three percent of the Americans polled say..." But he does not do that, since it would not support his argument as well. Moore is twisting the truth to suit his own purposes, and that is wrong. It makes him no better than Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly, who both have been caught doing the same thing. (If you want to read a good example of Bill O'Reilly twisting the truth, read Al Franken's new book "Lying Liars And The Lies They Tell". And do I really need to give an example of Rush Limbaugh twisting the truth? After what just happened with that whole painkiller scandal, I don't think evidence is needed.) And yes I do think Bush and his administration are a bunch of Stupid White Men, and for the most part, I really can't stand Republicans. I was not offended at all by Moore's accusations against Bush, and I did think there was definitely truth to be found there, especially in Chapters 1 and 2, where he addresses the Bush family's ties to the Bin Laden family, as well as other important factors that have to do with 9/11 and the Iraqi war.If you are someone who follows leftist politics, than you might have heard a lot of this before, so don't be expecting too many surprises. Besides the chapter, "A Liberal's Paradise", the other chapter that I found most disconcerting is "Horatio Alger Must Die". This is by far the most pretentious chapter in the book, and the one that most made me think that all the money that Moore made off of "Bowling For Columbine" and "Stupid White Men" has gone to his head. In this chapter, he has the gall to tell his readers that they pretty much will never be rich and famous (like him) and will spend the rest of their lives working their butts off for some evil corporation, and will never be appreciated for anything they do. This is wrong for multiple reasons, one being that Moore himself started out as working class and is now rich and famous, thus making his comments completely hypocritical. I do look at the American Dream with a jaded eye, but I still believe that dreams can come true, and for Moore to try and crush people's dreams like this makes me wonder what exactly his motivations are. For example, could he secretly be working for the right-wing? After all, it is usually Republicans who crush people's dreams, not leftists. I do understand that he is trying to make people look at the American Dream from a more realistic perspective, but to tell people that there is no hope for them at all is just very wrong. Because of this, Moore has lost my respect.
Rating:  Summary: URGENCY ! Review: Thank you Michael Moore ! If only you were the norm and not the exception. There is a reason that this book is a little bit rushed and could be fine polished (note to some criticisms expressed in other reviews). Michael Moore's message is of the utmost urgency. All is not well with our country and the next election is just around the corner. Whether it be the questions he raises about 9/11, The Patriot act, Homeland Security, pre-emptive attacks, Iraq, Saudi, the Neo-Cons or George Bush , Michael Moore backs up his claims with facts and useful end-notes. Read this book and alert your friends. Urgently !
Rating:  Summary: Don't shoot the messenger... Review: Michael Moore is a fearless man in a country where people are afraid of everything. He is one of the few public figures I can admire without embarrassment. I don't agree with everything he says in "Dude, Where's My Country," but most of his arguments are well supported by independant sources, grounded in logic, and well intentioned. He is a true patriot, because he believes in the potential of this country, rather than those who believe in false propaganda. This book makes the case that the media has been alarmingly easy on GW Bush, and the Bush Administration has used 9/11 as an excuse to sell its conservative, paranoid agenda. With no solid evidence to link Sadaam Hussein to the September 11th terrorist attacks, Bush and his backers sent thousands of American troups into harm's way, and caused destruction to many innocent Iraqi lives. This is Moore's argument, and he has decent evidence to support it. And for presenting a well reasoned argument, he is attacked by people who aren't even willing to consider the evidence. Of one thing I am certain: history will be kind to Moore and expose the Bush dynasty for what it is. I'm sorry I won't be around to see this well deserved vindication.
Rating:  Summary: Please, a little perspective here! Review: I notice that every one star review in this list uses personal attacks on Michael Moore. Obviously, not one of these reviewers has read the book, but contiunue to spout these epithets. Please, those of you who with the one star ratings and the name callings, please go back to your second grade classroom. If your politcal leanings are to the right, then moore power to you. But please show some class. If you have read the book, offer some honest contratictions. Not, "Michael Moore is a facist fat idiot". Those responses are shown to be from VERY small minds who cannot think for themselves and only spout the party retorts. I am of the GOP and have read his book. I do not agree with it and reject many of his conclusions, but I do not stoop to name calling. That makes you, and other people of the right side of the table, only look small minded and spiteful. Is it any wonder we are looking to lose many of our elected officials in the coming elections. The spite that the GOP has been showing is turning away many people. Grow up everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Reviews of this book by right-wingers say it all... Review: like how uninformed and ignorant they are. Now this isn't all right-wingers. The right-wing leaders in this country can be very intelligent and convincing, albeit wrong, but their followers are a different story. Read the reviews written by these drooling neanderthals, they can't come up coherent sentence, let alone a coherent argument to any liberal book. Hey, instead of just saying Moore's a liar, prove it. Show me some facts, not just partisan babble. Now to Moore's book. I actually could have given it a 4-star rating but I figured just for the mindless attacks it would suffer, it deserved a little more from me. This book is nowhere near the standard set in 'Stupid White Men', and I don't think it's quite as good as 'Downsize This!'. First off, the book is way too short! 217 pages, although it has 27 pages of end notes, is a little small to deal with some of the serious issues dealt with in the book. Second, where's the humor? Now don't get me wrong there are some extremely funny parts in here, but overall it just doesn't have the wit that Moore's had in his other works. One more problem I have is the cover. It's not the picture but rather the colors. The colors are too drab and don't jump out, which may lead to some not picking the book up. Yes that's sad, especially with all the important facts contained within, but it's the culture we live in. Now the good. Where this book comes through is in showing the shady actions of the "President" and his administration. Moore backs it up with facts. In fact during his most stinging indictments he puts his sources directly on the page, I'm sure it's a direct response the right-wingers who tried to smear his other works by claiming he lied; even though they provided no proof. The rest of the book's sources are found in the mentioned pages of end notes. So eat it, you "fact"-checking righties. Another place Moore comes through brilliantly is in his honesty. Yes, again you righties, I said honesty. He points out failures in not only the right-winger's ideas, but also the failings of the left. He's able to admit that sometimes the left is wrong as well. How often do you see that from the right? All I can say is actually READ this book. If you doubt what he has to say, check out the facts for yourself. Just don't let the things the right-wingers say deter you from actually picking this up. They don't want you to see the truth and this will open your eyes to it. Also check out: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, Big Lies, Thieves in High Places, Fast Food Nation, and Bushwhacked. All of these books will lead you to an enlightened path of truth, because you surely won't get that on Fox News.
Rating:  Summary: The Revolutionary who doesnt call himself a Revolutionary Review: Now, I am in Australia, and the edition I have includes a new front cover and a new Introduction. Overall, the book does seem rushed, but that doesnt mean its skimped on details. Its different to previous books, where he has really tightened his focus on who is aiming at highlighting. In Stupid White Men, everyone & everything got a hammering, but in Dude, he is explicit about who he targets; Bush & his real masters, the oil barons, Enron, and the idiocy of bombing Iraq. It seems from the little I have read of reviews that those who dont like the book, are very much in the same vein as talk-back radio: rubbish & name calling. That doesnt actually serve as a rational & coherant reason why this book is not worth the dead trees it printed on I found that his sources are very credible, and are the same as conservatives (in regards to using mainstream media sources). I also found, that comparing his commentary & his sources, he doesnt deviate: that is, he states in a flowing fashion, what the source says & adds his words without taking the source out of context. I think he has gone more heavily into sources, knowing that was one of the criticisms of him last time. Make no bones about it, he is trying to get Americans to wake up out of a TV/corporate/consumer induced slumber. Waking up is a term used often, usually against alternative people, but in this sense, he is saying "become aware". Thus, he is a revolutionary. Ah, the Bush Admin is a revolutinary group too, they just are counter-revolutionary socially, and pro-revolutionary financially. He basically wants people to vote, and vote according to their conscience, not according to fear. He wants people to really question the strangeness of Bush's connection to bin laden, Saudi's & the Enrons of the world, and how they are helping us. He wants us to see where all institutions (left or right) have gotten into bed to just earn more $ for themselves, and bugger everyone else. That is why I like the book. To say this book is pure drivel, or he is fat, or an idiot, says nothing. I dont know why anyone, even those making the statement, would think it is helping debate. Unless, Michael Moore's very appearance & energy challenges them to come up with credible arguements. Sorry, the name callers have had way too long to just ram home their 'arguements' like bullies. For far too long, the 'just shut up & allow me to keep my mind closed so I can feel secure' crowd have shouted over anyone who has put their mind to something without using emotions to convey their points. Its time for this revolution to being. A revolution of consciousness
Rating:  Summary: One American at a Time Review: Partisan issues aside. Divisive arguments to rest. The underlying voice of "Dude, Where's My Country?" is that of relinquishing fear, returning democracy to America, healing a nation and ultimately a divided world. Moore raises questions critical to our collective American psyche - questions that I have personally benefited from asking. Upon finishing "D,WMC?" I signed up to volunteer with my local state party, attended my first Presidential debate here in Phoenix, and have personally set out to bring increased truth and understanding to family, friends, colleagues and local politicians. Of course, this means no more 'Bushing' America backward. Through well-documented research, dumbfoundingly obvious questioning and an engaging writing style, Moore succeeds at being one of the most "American" among us. Thanks Mike. We all owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude. History will be kind.
Rating:  Summary: Clueless Review: I believe it's very easy for the common person to dismiss Michael Moore as a complete idiot. The fact is, he's not. His views, ofcourse, are based on complete Fiction... the very genre he repeatedly claims he hates. I guess if it's his OWN fiction however, he doesn't have a problem with it. He may be a little mis-guided... okay COMPLETELY mis-guided, but he's a not dumb guy. Michael Moore knows how to sell books. He knows that there is a great market out there for Liberal literature. He knows that "sarcasm" is a good substitute for "integrity" and "truth". He's knows how to promote himself over his own beliefs and the beliefs of those who take him at face-value. For Moore, it's all about making money. After all, this is the guy who invited families of the Columbine victims to a "special screening" of his movie... THEN CHARGED THEM ADMISSION! I have no doubt this book will do extremely well. Let's face it, the guy knows how to market himself. There's only one problem... He is so completely uninformed on so many polictical topics, his books have become the "MAD Magazine" of today. That's not a rip on "MAD Magazine" at all. The crucial difference is that "MAD Magazine" is an admitted comedic satire, while Moore's work is marketed as being factual. Unfortunately, his quest for ficticious conspiracies has dilluted his handle on reality.