Rating:  Summary: Crazy but we need people like him Review: I know Moore is nuts, and his politics are not mine at all. But the fact is we need people like him writing good social commentary. In this book he does a great job exposing the loser who stole the last election from that other loser. Frankly I couldn't stand Al Gore, but Bush stole the election with the help of his brother, and history will record it as a stolen election. History will not be kind to Mr. Bush. Now would Gore have made a better President? I doubt it, but at least he would have been a legally elected President. Moore skewers Bush, and that crook deserves nothing less. The right wing needs to get someone this funny to write for them.
Rating:  Summary: Could some of you Moore bashers Review: . . .possibly utilize spellcheck or invest in a dictionary? You're downright frightening. Perhaps Moore should dedicate his next polemic to figuring out just what went wrong in so many public schools that we've got a nation of illiterate mongrels. It wouldn't hurt those of you bashing the book to wise-up and stop calling him "fat." See, he says in the book that he's lost 55 pounds. Mentions it twice, even. Kinda hurts your whole "I read the fat guy's junky book. . ." credibility. Know what I'm sayin'? Aside from that, I just wanted to say that I read the last section of the book, the section that documents sources for his statements, item by item. The two people who did his fact-checking did an excellent job. Anything written in "Dude, Where's My Country" can be directly traced to a newspaper article or other verifiable source. (Moore also states that point within the body of the book.) What he did, and did well, was pull all those scattered news items together to paint a truly stunning picture. Want proof? Take a look at all the right-wingers freaking out in these reviews. I've not seen such a group of 'fraidy-cat whiners since chaperoning a junior high Halloween party. That's right. They're afraid, so they have to bash the book in the hopes you will just grasp lamely onto any propaganda you hear, and not bother to read it and think for yourself. Take heart, Moore haters. If the book makes it to the NY Times Bestseller list, you've still got the option to organize a book burning. At the rate our civil liberties are eroding, you might need to start planning it straight away.
Rating:  Summary: A Truly American Author Once Again Speaks Out Review: (You can find this review one my website, at http://alexcacioppo.blogspot.com, save for some revisions.) I finished reading Michael Moore's new book, aptly titled, Dude, Where's My Country? last night. The sequel to his previous book, Stupid White Men ...And Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!, his new book deals with everything from 9/11 to the 2nd Gulf War (you know, that War in Iraq thing), makes note of the truthfully un-American USA PATRIOT Act, describes with lucidity the irrational state of fear we all went through after September 11th, discusses the Democratic candidates for the 2004 election, and asks "George of Arabia" seven questions about events surrounding 9/11. One of the chapters, entitled, "Woo Hoo! I Got Me a Tax Cut," has Michael Moore talking about how he received a tax cut and how he's spending all of it on getting rid of Bush in 2004. Kudos, Mr. Moore. And I can't wait for your upcoming film, "Fahrenheit 9/11," which is due to come out sometime next year. (Rumor has it that he is planning to premiere the film on the day before the Presidential election. Brilliant.)
Rating:  Summary: The TRUTH about the book Review: As pointed out, by those who actually read it, does have a lot of mistakes in the grammer department. I think it was rushed out of his hands and needs correcting of his mistakes. But the book was rushed out of his hands for one reason; get Bush out now! I'm from Texas, and I don't like this little Bush kid. Everything he says in the book is true; his accusations maybe a little far fetched to believe but they make sense. Also this book deals with the harsh reality you may never become rich...sorry but that's the way it is. If your insecure and get offended by everything don't buy the book! I'm not saying you shouldn't try, just that you have two possibilities; slim and none. Unlike what they say, this is not a black helicopter conspiracy theory book. He has facts that support his opinions, that doesn't mean they're conspiracy theories. And for those of you accusing him of going with the lefties to sell books...DUH! Isn't that why he writes them? How he sells so many books just proves that this is a liberal America; as he pointed out. Besides he points fingers at both sides; I found myself, a lefty, offended while reading the book. He is not a threat to America! He complains because he sees potential in our country. Sorry conservatives but if our country isn't as screwed up as he makes it out to be, then why do we spend so much time arguing about it? That tells me somethings wrong. I'm not against conservatives, I just think they're very gullable. "The government would never do bad things to us." If that's not naive tell me what is? All I'm saying is if you buy the book, exspect a lot of sources, a lot of spelling errors, and try to be as open minded as you can. "Open up your fist or you won't receive the thoughts and the words of every man you'll need." Quote from Noel Gallagher
Rating:  Summary: Dude, where's my money back? Review: More is undoubtedly a savvy filmmaker, as "Rodger and Me" or "Bowling for Columbine" will attest. But he stinks as an author. While Moore can be both funny and observant from time to time, mostly he's tedious. This book isn't a satire, like the superior Frankin book "Lying Liars...". It isn't a scholarly work. It's certainly not insightful. What it is, is mostly a collection of anti-Bush riffs that can be found, in some cases word for word, on any message board where Democrats congregate. Moore has a bad habit of plucking opinion pieces off the internet and citing them as sources that "prove" his point, which is kind of like taking a Xerox of a Xerox. What you'll get, ad nausea, is ham fisted point papers on how the administration lied about WMD in Iraq, or how the administration is using 9-11 as a stick to consolidate its power. All valid observations perhaps, but these and other issues of the day are treated with all the savvy and attention to detail of a high school freshmen doing a book report when he's only read the cliff notes. Included in this book are myths that have already been factually debunked, including the now widely repudiated claim that following 9-11 the Bush white house called Gen Wesley Clark and pushed him to link the attacks to Iraq. Especially grating is his laconic rhetoric concerning the Iraq war. Rather than try and analyze why most Americans supported the war, he vacillates between pointing fingers at the administration's distortions of the truth and harping on the stupidity of the American people. This after a forward that that lauds the American public for its good sense and unwillingness to be cowed in the aftermath of 9-11 by making his previous effort "Stupid White Men" a bestseller. Moore's great strength as a filmmaker is his ability to showcase his point without making overtly partisan commentary, which tends to compliment his sweaty, working class populism. But in book form, where we're left with nothing but his partisan commentary, his everyman persona more often looks just as angry and stupid as the people he hates. With the exception of its ideology, this book is no different than those of other current issue idealogs clogging up the bestseller list, including those by Coulter, Hannity, Savage, et. al - shallow, vitriolic, specious, narrow, and ultimately devoid of any real contribution to the national dialog. The worst sin of all is that the book just isn't funny, unless you enjoy hearing the same "How dumb is George Bush" jokes for the umpteenth million time. If you want a humorous counterpoint to the current administration, try Al Frankin. If you want some insight or real first hand analysis of the Middle East try "Sleeping With the Enemy" by Robert Baer. If you must see Moore, at least go with his movies or the under rated "TV Nation".
Rating:  Summary: Preaching to the Choir Review: An amazing job of documentation that can be used by all of us who are appalled by the war on the Iraqi people. Here it is-- damning quote after damning quote from George Bush and his entourage. Probably only those of us already convinced will read the book, but keep it handy, because these are the questions we should be asking our senators, representatives and others who are in power.
Rating:  Summary: Eye Opening! Review: I somehow suspect that a lot of the people who have given it negative reviews have not actually read it. Some of this stuff is unbelievable, Bush and the Bin Laden Family have had business relations and yet this is the first time I've seen the details!! I've checked most of the sources myself.. and there true Unbelievable.. why is it up to one man to write about this stuff what are America's journalists doing??
Rating:  Summary: Every patriotic American should buy 10 copies of this book! Review: Every patriotic American should buy 10 copies of this book - one to read and 9 to give to friends. Everyone who wants to reclaim the USA from the hardline neocon nutcases who have hijacked the country should read it and tell all their friends about it. Of especial significance is what Moore says about the Bush family link with the Bin Laden family. How many Iraqi hijackers on 9/11? NONE! How many Saudi citizens among them - 15 out of the 19! Who funds Wahhabi based Islamic extremism - the Saudis. Who are in with the Bush family? The Saudis! This is why every patriotic American MUST read this book - patriotism is not a monopoly of the Republican Right!
Rating:  Summary: Questioning is Good Review: I don't necessarily agree with all that Michael Moore has to say but he does make me think about some things and question some of the things I took for granted. Did my mind change on all those issues? No. Did it changes on some of them? Yes. Even though I didn't agree with everything, I still liked the book because I like writers fiction or nonfiction both that make me question things. I had similar feelings about the books My Fractured Life by Rikki Lee Travolta and Not Fade Away by Peter Barton. I think it's important to question ourselves and others. It keeps us honest with ourselves.
Rating:  Summary: A Touch Of Reality! Review: This book reveals the flip side of the of Bush Administration coin. Michael Moore exposes the current administrations greed, propoganda, and its promotion of fear and misguiding the American Public in the war against Terrorism. If you enjoy media that isn't "canned American news" then this is a book you will enjoy and will want to read over again. I enjoyed this book.