Rating:  Summary: Michael, Moore or Less Review: A Michael Moore product - film, tv show, or book - is always an amusing, often frustrating, mixture of populism, dissent, and self-promotion. In such ramshackle films like "The Big One" and "Bowling for Columbine", he frequently shifts tack between what he wants to say and how much he wants you to see him saying it (in Michael Moore's world, he is the medium AND the message) that he often neutralizes himself: witness his uncomfortable interview with Charlton Heston where he inadvertently makes you feel a bit sorry for the old right-wing gun-nut or his disastrous Oscar speechSo its a bit of surprise to see how well "Dude, Where's My Country" actually reads. Michael has toned down his own presence and has actually researched (or had some research assistant research) more of his facts. Although there's not a whole lot that's new here, Moore's approach - mixing caustic wit with jeremiads against the Bush family and administration's connections with everyone from the bin Laden family to the Enron crooks - provides a handy, easily readable guide to why the Unelected President should be bounced next year. Compared to "Stupid White Men", this book is remarkably cogent and well argued and, even, fair - his chapter on the limitations of the modern left is revealing (he should be introduced to Russell Jacoby). Moreover, "Dude" shows Moore lurching toward some sort of understanding as to why the right has become so vitrolic and hateful and, in a chapter on "arguing with your right wing brother-in-law", actually gets beyond name-calling and postulates a reasoned approach to arguing with a right-wing fire-breather. This is far, far more than Al Franken offers in "Lies" in which, at times, he is almost as scurrilous as his targets. Michael Moore - The Voice of Reason? (It troubles my sleep.) Compared with Molly Ivins, Joe Conason, and especially Paul Krugman, "Dude, Where's My Country?" is a small course rather than a full meal; Moore doesn't really cut very deep or tell you anything you already didn't know from reading the Nation or salon.com But he has the ability to stir you up and get you laughing and mad as hell at the same time. Now, let's just hope ESPN doesn't offer him a commentator job....
Rating:  Summary: A must read! Review: Michael Moore brings the current state of the world order as defined by Bush & Co right to the point so that everyone understands what's behind the hidden agenda. A real wake up call from a genuine populist. How fortunate we are to have someone like Moore to hold up the mirror to us. America please do yourself and the world a favor and kiss "George of Arabia" good-bye.
Rating:  Summary: Moore continues to impress Review: Republicans, conservatives, and our barely elected President would love nothing more than for you to not read this book. As of this review, it was Amazon Sales Rank #4. Makes you wonder if John Ashcroft is silently keeping track of everyone who buys the book, since, you know, he now can. (If not, Mr. Moore's webpage has a great section where you can send in your receipt, from Amazon or elsewhere, and ask to be put on his list of dissenting Americans.) It's rather odd that people believe questioning America, and especially questioning your President, isn't the American thing to do? Which is why it's great that Michael Moore does exactly that, questioning the events after 9/11 to the present day, that the mainstream press seems to have forgotten or ignored, or both. "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Teddy Roosevelt Mr. Moore lays out fantastic case for immediate Presidential Impeachment, by questioning this particular "President" and the things he's done: A Bin Laden had a 5% stake in GW's first oil venture, he lied in his State of The Union address to get us into a war which has killed over 300 (and counting) soldiers, he turned a $4 billion surplus into a $6 trillion (and counting) deficit, he managed to turn the goodwill of the world into rancor almost overnight, etc. Kind of makes shagging your intern look pretty stupid by comparison (Of which we spent $50 million dollars and had, at one point, 200 FBI agents looking into. 200 agents who could have been, oh say, looking for terrorists.) By the end of the book, I swear, you'll be ready to storm off your couch and try to change the world. It's a great book, writeen by a great man, which is a great read.
Rating:  Summary: terrible Review: just another way for a liberal to get his words heard about a conservative "conspiracy". This guy is not an American. Or should not be considered one, nonetheless.
Rating:  Summary: Bravo Lilorphanannie Review: I haven't read this book yet, but am purchasing today. Found the reviews interesting. Kudos to the reviewer mentioned above regarding the appalling spelling errors (I mean really, dymensia?) But I digress, just wanted to say that this book must have some value if it creates such great discussion. It doesn't matter if you agree with Mr. Moore or not, obviously he's given you something to think about.
Rating:  Summary: More Moore! Review: I bought this book the day it came out, and I read it the way it was written, very fast. This book, though factually right, was written like a waterfall of thoughts and ideas. You can really taste the passionate dislike the author has against the current (absent) leadership in America. He's trying to open up peoples eyes to the fact that things are not right, and will only get worse unless action is taken right now! Yes, Moore is a populist, but how else is he supposed to get his message across? By staying silent and hope for the best?? If Bush can stand there spouting lies and controlling every bit of America by simply throwing '9/11', 'terrorist' or 'WMD' in the conversation, than there's something horribly wrong! More and more people are beginning to realise that this insanity has to end. And not just 'lefties' or 'educated' people. If Bush stays in office for another 4 years, America, as you know it will be gone forever. As an outsider I can tell you that what Moore is writing about peoples views on America is 100% correct. The USA is viewed with a mixture of disbelief and fear of what's going to happen next. A ultra aggressive, bullying nation. Read 'Dude, where's my country?' with an open mind, and wake up!! Because at some point the damage can't be undone!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Stuff - Excellent Book Review: This was an amazing book, I can't belive some of the stuff i read in it.. I loved "bowling for Columbine" too - but was naturally skeptical when I saw some of the negative sites on the web. But then I checked out www.wackoattack.com and saw the video evidence and police reports myself.. all of bowling's "lies" were lies themselves. Just gun nuts getting desperate knowing they are in the minority Seriously this is a great book, I just finished reading his last book too and it was very informative too. Dont mind all the spammers and Trollers giving it one, maybe I should go over to Ann Coulters page and give negative reviews for something I havent read too.. no wait, I have a life ;)
Rating:  Summary: All Americans need to read this book Review: A very funny and factually backed book. As a non American it's shocking to see how duped you lot are by your politicans and media; but more so how you are ready to believe the spin and not question the spin. YOU NEED MORE PEOPLE LIKE MR MOORE. Stop being like dumb sheep and follow his example and question your Government/Media's actions.
Rating:  Summary: Can't believe anyone listens to this guy! Review: Micheal Moore is a miserable filmaker (his one venture into "fiction" filmaking was a horrible movie called "Canadian Bacon" and it was a huge bomb)and an even worse author. He distorts facts and truths to fit his twisted version of what is happening in the US and abroad. His arguements and views are so skewed that it is I wonder if anyone actually listens to him or if they just buy his "work" because they share hating Bush with Moore. Moore ignores anything the left does wrong, any lies they have made, bad policy decisions they have made (and make), ignores anything good done by Bush and any other official of the right, and focuses totally on the negatives. This is the guy who thought we should have done nothing after 9/11. He thought we were "war-mongering" by going after Al-Quaida in Afghanistan. Don't buy this book and support this idiot. Get Sean Hannity's book instead. Makes a lot more sense as far as I am concerned.
Rating:  Summary: I lied Review: Yes, I lied about reading the book. I have not yet read it but would like to. I am only familiar with Mr. Moore's work because of the film, "Bowling For Columbine". The reason I wanted to lie about this is so that I could write an "unbiased" review of him and the responses I have read in general. To those that oppose his views, I say good for you. You have supposedly taken his views into consideration and formed your own opinion. For those that "support" his views...I say take another look. As a film maker...I respect his work based upon my limited exposure. He manages to take a pseudo-two sided "open minded" approach to making his point; all the while fronting his real views on the subject in a not-so subtle manner. By putting a little bit of information out that adheres to the opposite position...he manages to win over the hearts and minds of people that think the media, in which he seemingly opposes, is one sided. This is how he brings people to his side. If this doesn't make sense the way I have laid it out, try looking into all the issues he addresses and then realize the hypocrisy. By allowing a bit of information in against his point, it makes the viewer/listener/reader feel as though ALL points are being taken into consideration. In fact, he is only leading them to believe this to make HIS point. Please keep in mind that I believe that some of his points are valid...they just need confirmation. Which brings me to my ultimate point: With the issues he addresses, he cannot possibly claim to know all aspects; therefore cannot draw a conclusion on anything. The people which he attacks, be it the government or what have you, have so much more intelligence coming in from all sides which forces them to make the decisions they make. They do not take in consideration the "facts" that they hear on the news or radio to make their decisions. They do not rely on rumor to make them either. Instead, they rely on information provided by those that we do not know about: those that have the right to "privileged" information. This is where trust becomes an issue. "We" elect people into office that we believe will make sound choices off of information that we will never be privy to. And thus is my point. Don't claim to know or assume that there is a conspiracy going on just because you are left out of the loop of what is really going on. Leave it to the people that have dedicated their lives to achieving such a position; whatever that may involve. In closing, I would like to say again...I respect Mr. Moore's views and work. I just want the people of America to look beyond his points and realize that there is a world out there that they have no idea of. One that contains variables that no one can imagine. And yes, I am referring to the one in which we presently reside. Be careful before forming your own opinions or subscribing to someone elses. Realize that there are things involved that you will never know about. In essence, be happy with the fact that you live in an environment that allows you to express whatever opinions that you may form, no matter what information you base them on.