Rating:  Summary: It's a start. Review: This is a consistently funny book delivered in a fast paced and readable fashion. It has some deadwood to be sure, but is sufficiently interesting to keep it afloat. I was disappointed by Mike being taken in by the Sinn Fein propaganda machine on his trip to Belfast, his confusing Gangsterism with Capitalism, and his support of the French, since they get all that they want from their American foreign investments that allow involvement in the Iraqi contracts they were supposedly barred from. He also failed to point out that countries - such as the UK and Germany, etc. - can afford the welfare states they have, because of similar foreign investments. So, like the IRA, the old colonialists ... haven't gone away, you know. A few chapters were little more than filler, where I would have preferred more elaboration of some the interesting points he does make. It's as if he's having to keep the whole thing zinging along to allow for the attention deficit of his audience, as if they are akin to the Stupid White Men he previously wrote about. Where's the Beef, Mike? On a more positive note, it will be interesting to see if the book and its associated websites will motivate a significant number of Americans to get off their whining butts and go exercise the rights their founding fathers constituted, and be active in their REASONED choice of political representation that goes beyond the flawed nature of the libertarians, the rabidly dogmatic Republicans, and the spineless Democrats. And the Greenies aren't the answer either. Much is made about the evil corporate rip off brigade. This is true enough, but such people would do a lot less damage if the investors would exercise some sense, and not let themselves be suckered into the investments in the first place. Temptation can be hard to resist in an escalating stock market, but if a company such as Enron is inexplicably ahead of the curve, it's probably a scam. Like choosing politicians, reason must prevail to avoid disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Fun, Not Deep Review: First off, let me say that I consider myself a liberal and hate how Dubya is bankrupting our nation and getting our nation mired in frivolous foreign wars. Whatever happened to the "WMD" and the Iraq-al Qaeda link?! Saying that, this book isn't really fulfilling as political commentary. Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars That Tell Them" and Brugman's "The Great Unraveling" reveal Dubya's idiocy far more thoroughly. In fact, in reading this book, I felt that Moore was concentrating far too much on inconsequentials: the fact that Dubya had the bin Ladens escorted out of the U.S. after 9/11 doesn't mean very much, since the bin Ladens have disowned the black sheep Osama, and might have been subject to post-9/11 backlash here. By concentrating on conspiracy theories rather than facts, Michael Moore seemed almost like the Rush Limbaugh of the Left. I've probably managed to irritate people on both sides of the poltical spectrum now, but I have to state my opinion. There are many more reasons to despise Dubya, based on sound economics and foreign policy, that Moore doesn't touch upon. Moore is far more talented in filmmaking. The family being evicted from its home on Christmas in "Roger & Me" is a far more powerful indictment of right-wing politics than anything in this book.
Rating:  Summary: Not What I Expected Review: Michael Moore needs to make a decision. Is he going to be a comedian or a social commentator. This book, and his previous documentary Bowling for Columbine are clear indications that he can't do both. And this is unfortunate. Moore's humor, when not political, is entertaining and he's a likable guy beneath his trademark slob appearance. But if one is to interject humor into politics, one must pay attention to detail and accuracy. His Columbine documentary had a great emotional impact on me at the time I saw it, for example, until I read several critical reviews that left me deeply disappointed in his inattention to accuracy. Moore makes many interesting observations in Dude, Where's My Country, but he allows his own bitterness to taint the humor. And his attention span in any specific area is fleeting. Conservatives often complain that liberals resort too much to name calling and people like Moore only make the situation worse. Beneath his humor I assume there is a genuine deep concern; however, this sort of book requires considerable research and documentation -- and this is sadly lacking. Conservative Ann Coulter's books are very well documented, but she's like a spitting cobra, spewing venom from every page. I wish I had read a little of Moore's book at a store before buying it. I probably would have put it on my library book list instead. His Columbine documentary was so filled with glaring inaccuracies that I find it difficult to trust what he cites in Dude. Still, I bought the Columbine documentary for its entertainment value, but I don't know that I'll ever trust Moore's "facts" again. All in all, Moore makes his points, interjecting them with a bitter humor. He uses too many ad hominem attacks, but the book is worth a read if you want some laughs at the expense of conservatives. Conservatives, of course, are advised to stay away from this book entirely. They won't like it. -
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book Review: This book should be required reading for all Americans. With 70 percent of the US believing that a connection exists between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, there is a huge need for work combating the lies being perpetrated by conservatives and the media. Moore is nearly the only source for truth available and this book is an excellent example of that.
Rating:  Summary: Very important book, very fun to read Review: Every now and then you are lucky enough to come across a book or a movie that is really earth shattering, and you just want to share it with everyone, this is one of those occations. Michael Moore has show once again the insight that he has, about our country, our morals, and the changing tide in America right now. This book IS the book about our current situation in this country, and will be looked back on as one of the foremost books of it's time in the future. True, Michael Moore is VERY liberal, but so are many of you, and more than anything, he is right! Read this book, then give it to a friend, or donate it to your local library, just don't let it sit on a shelf.
Rating:  Summary: A wake-up call! Review: What if we all were to follow the advice that Mr. Moore offers in his new book? Well, let's see here... We'd have cleaner air and water, the ultra-rich would pay their fair share, most people in the U.S. would have at least some sense of a safety-net in case of ill-health, most people in countries outside of the U.S. wouldn't be terrified about our next move, we'd reclaim some access and influence in our government, and possibly even begin to address some really important issues concerning our own long-term (not just up to and ending with the next election) survival, as well as the survival of maybe a few of the remaining species that we share the planet with. Thank goodness, there's a voice of sanity out there in this insane universe! (OK, "Oprah for President" might seem a bit far-fetched, but is it any more incomprehensible than re-"electing" a draft-dodging, drunk-driving, smirking Ivy-league washout with a speech and syntax impediment?! Keep up the good work, Michael! Looking forward to "Farenheit 9/11"!
Rating:  Summary: Funny and scary Review: Michael has a great way of putting a sense of humor on truly scary events. George W. Bush has a lot of answering to do but the problem is nobody is asking him the key questions. I hope this book gets people to open their eyes and take a look at their country and who is running it into the ground.
Rating:  Summary: Preachy, and over the top .. Review: I have a whole shelf of books like this but found this too preachy and in you face, and now I'm hearing alot of the facts are plain wrong. Like alot of his work it starts great but you find yourself wondering where it went wrong half way through. There are better books out there, it reminds me of 'For Dummies...' series.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful book! Couldn't put it down! Review: Wow, Michael Moore really says it like it is! The first part of his book talks about all the connections that Bush and the Bin Laden Family have had over the years, which is really twisted. Later on, he talks about all the lies that the Bush Administration has filled our minds with (Whoppers he calls them) he also includes a guide to the Patriot Act and tips on talking to your conservative brother-in-law. Very funny, and at times, brutally honest. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: Hard for this proud citizen to read Review: I kind of thought I knew what to expect as I started to read this book. I thought it would be kind of educational, kind of biting and kind of funny. Well, I guess it is all those things at times. At other times it simply broke my heart. I finally decided to walk over to the Federal Building and finish it while sitting there on one of the new protective, anti-terrorist, concrete barricades. Some of the facts that Moore brings up just broke my heart and I felt as though I wanted to be somewhere that my prayers for my country could best be heard. It wasn't to long before a FBI agent came out and questioned and ID'd me which only added irony to the pain I was feeling at the moment. I'm not kidding. I wish I was but I am not. I won't try to describe the book because I see that it has been done many times already by people who are much better writers than me but I wonder why the facts in this book are no where in the news. They are all foot-noted and referenced many times over and come from credible sources, but for me it was many times the first I had heard such things. Where is our fourth branch of government? It seems that us average, working, family raising and struggling Americans, which are the vast majority of us, have been forgotten and left unprotected by everybody. So the book is one of the best ones I have read but it was also very hard for my heart to hear. (...)