Rating:  Summary: Where is your country? Review: It fell apart, ...Dude, in 1991 - it was called the Soviet Union.How can anyone intellectually honest and educated on economic, social and historic issues be so viciously anti-Amercan and anti-capitalism? What is a better - and comparable in its complexity - alternative out there? France? Germany? Sweden? Cuba, maybe? Is he even aware of the cracks that, in recent decades, have appeared in the BEST of the countries the liberals are in love with? Someone put it well once: "what we deeply and honestly are striving to be, that, to a large extent, we are." The US, being the most democratic, free, and diverse nation to have ever existed, may have made its share of mistakes. A lot the missteps resulted pricisely from the openness, democracy, and diversity of ideas: if the "people" make decisions and influence decision makers, what would you expect? The "people" I meet, even in this allegedly sophisticated Bay Area, do not know that much about the world. An administration these people will vote for is not going be to be the brightest and smartest (see the example of McClintock in the recent gubernatorial elections - the ideas he championed and how he ultimately scored). Are you going to claim that demorcacy doesn't work? Moreover, the US is the leader of the free world, regardless how much liberals and non-Americans may hate this idea. Leadership demands responsiblilty, risk-taking, and bravery. A leader will occasionally strike out. Show me a leader whose decsions are 100% popular, and I'll show you have no idea what you're taking about. I never see the Moores, Frankens et al. coming up with better solutions - only complaining and hating. So the bottom line is this: which world would you like to live in: the one where American ideals dominate (even in the Bush edition of them), or the one where the socialist/communist or Islamist visions have won?
Rating:  Summary: For the truly gullible or flaming, biased liberal... Review: This book is full of horrible deceit and skillful lies. Only the truly gullible or the flaming, biased liberal will buy Moore's altering of reality. I'm glad that I borrowed this book from an easily swayed co-worker and didn't have to cough up my own money for it. I have heard good and bad things about Moore and wanted to find out for myself what his points of view were all about. Let me tell you, I was very angry and surprised that some of his hateful views can be put in print. Where's the liberal "understanding" they always claim they have? What a lie. He uses facts that do not support his views but alters them to make him seem correct. He also charges the Bush administration and the conservative point of view of being hateful, spiteful and full of lies. Well, he is the epitome of the phrase "the pot calling the kettle black". Moore obviously doesn't have the common sense to be embarrassed for his outrageous lies and propaganda. Unfortunately, considering the amount of people that really are buying his "schtick", I can only pray that they find counseling very soon...or grow into a more mature individual that isn't easily swayed by a shyster such as Moore.
Rating:  Summary: Moore Is Canadian: Uneducated, Poor, Jealous, AntiCapitalism Review: This book rates up there with Erich Von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past" So filled with fun facts. Even the cover art comes close to the publications "Weekly World News" and Tiger Beat!" Thank goodness! If it didn't have such cool pictures, I wouldn't have read it! The only thing missing were horoscopes and cross-word puzzles at the end of the book. For that I couldn't give it 5 stars! It's a good thing to see such a high class during this time of political bashing. It's a great breath of fresh air.
Rating:  Summary: Finally someone willing to speak up!! Review: This book is a great eye opener!! It helps us understand and consider another point of view on how we are living our lives. It's sometimes scary to think how much confidence we are giving a group of people who basically do with us what they please. I discovered Michael Moore after being terrorized by CNN (corporate news network) i am pleased to say that this discovery has brought me comfort and made reinforce my original views on how much of an UNendangered species we really are - all we need to do is change our attitude and actually CARE for the world and the people we live with - the world is not only the USA it entails many races, cultures and languages. Just imagine how boring things would be if we were all the same and did the same things!
Rating:  Summary: Theres other books thats more fulfilling... Review: If you read around the internet about his critics you would see the mistakes he made in the book. The movie he created was great until i heared all the mistakes he made with that too. Lies and the Lying liars was much better.
Rating:  Summary: Entertainment with a dark undercurrent Review: Reading Michael Moore is hilarious, until you think about that what he writes about is actually happening out there. The US is becoming a less great country every month. We deserve better leadership.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you librarians! Review: Michael Moore's book, "Stupid White Men", sat for months after 9/11 because some people thought it would be unpatriotic to publish them, and then certain people wanted to ban the book, but a librarian heard about it and got on line and informed all the librairans nationally about the proposed ban on his book. Bottom line, through their protestations the book was released and the rest is history. I love my country and what it has always represented. Because of how our country has been established with its constitutional laws (until the Patriot Act) this country has been a country I felt that we could be proud of and I hope that will continue to do so. Lately, its laws have been stretched so far away from the intention of the founders of our country that it is shocking and horrifying to many of us. Michael Moore has the courage to ask the many questions that the citizens of this country have been afraid to ask but want answers to. Someone mentioned that he was sounding like a conspiracy theorist and should be discredited because of that. Well, this country is full of conspiracies, whether it be the politicians planning their campaigns, companies planning their financial strategies, men and women planning how to woo their opposites, going to war in Iraq, those who planned and executed 9/11 were conspirators, so I wouldn't knock him for wanting to know why all this has happened. He says we have been lied to time after time and since we, the people, are supplying the men and women to fight these wars and are using our tax dollars and the money that was put aside for our social security, etc. that we should have the right to know the truth. Heck, since we know some of those people that were listed as the hi-jackers have turned up alive and have alibis, we don't even know for sure if they lied to us about Osama bin Laden. Was it all for oil? I had one point that made me a little squeamish, his chapter where he pretends he is God. He made some good points in it but I thought he could have done it differently without the God bit. I know it was because Bush has made remarks about his being chosen by God to do this, but of course, as any Christian knows, God does not advocate, killing, lying, coveting, etc. which is against the Ten Commandments, so he does not live God's laws. Hitler would be more like it. The book is quite good and we needed someone who could reach the people as he has done. It takes a lot of courage to go up against the people that have so much power, but we gave a lot of them that power, maybe we can take some of it away in the next election. If they don't vote to repeal the Patriot Act, don't vote for them, pure and simple (those are the easy ones). Look to see how they have voted on issues, if they haven't voted for the good of the people or country, get rid of them and get someone else in. Clean house! If you love this country and want to keep it the way it was meant to be, read this book and others like "Bushwacked" (you see what kind of policies Bush has established), "The Great Unraveling" by Paul Krugman (tells us how Bush's financial policies are trying to destroy the social security, medicare and medicaid programs and more), Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars:..", and "Big Lies" by Conason. These books are giving the people true facts and the facts are affecting all of us, whether you are a conservative or a liberal or moderate unless you are a millionaire and then it will be unless you are a billionaire. This is indeed a precarious time for our country, don't be lulled into the trap of thinking this is a liberal versus conservative cause, because it is all of our concerns.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, It's a MUST read! Review: I'd read almost all of the articles author Moore quoted, and seeing them in his book restored my faith in humankind. Corporate greed, hate radio, and political manipulations through fear are just the beginning in the process of history repeating. If we are lucky, this well-written series of facts will keep us from becoming just another third-world piece of land. Thank you Michael; keep up the good words!
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's My Soap? Review: The choir will love it. It's the usual diatribe from our scruffy, pseudo-working-class warrior at those not willing to board the Lefty Love Train to the New-Eden-Crafted-by-Bureaucrats. College dropout Moore reeks (literally) of sour disaffection towards a government that hasn't made America safe enough, comfy enough, unchallenging enough for him and his sulky fellow travelers. Conservatives are evil or stupid or both because they insist on individual initiative, promote equal opportunity, and call racial discrimination, well, racial discrimination. Moore will never get that America's great promise is to give the greatest number of choices to each individual rather than divide the spoils among self-annointed victim groups, so I imagine he'll just get more angry and disaffected as his vision falls further from favor. He should get a bath and a real job, and stop harassing Charlton Heston.
Rating:  Summary: Moore is the big liar. Review: This book confirms that Michael Moore just hates Bush and conservatives. He is just throwing anything to smear Bush and conseratives hoping many Americans buy his lies. I guess he is succeding doing that. He fabricated many things in Bowling for Columbine and he does same thing here. What we need is not propaganda from the radical lefts or rights, but truth and facts. It is very hard to find books that stick to the facts and wishing this country to do well. Moore and his followers should be ashamed of themselves. Moore should be irrelevent as his thinking doesn't help our society to do better, actually he is making it worse.