Rating:  Summary: Democrats Unite Review: This book is about the best piece of literature I have read. I went to my neighborhood Borders Books, bought this book, took it to some classes and it was stolen. At first I was upset because I wasted good money on it, but then I thought "hey some less fortunate kid is going to read this book and learn how messed up the United States has become." Michael Moore is clearly a genius; I thought it was great reading all the terrible quotes that well respected right-wingers have said. This book truly speaks to any liberal minded person with the exception of the chapter where Mike pretended to be god, I decided on instinct to skip that chapter. This Book is only for the strong liberal minded person, as they are the only ones who can understand Mike's Point. Great Book. Great Buy.
Rating:  Summary: Whats wrong with this book.... Review: Ok. I am an actual democrat. I like Michael Moore as a filmmaker. I usually find his films thought provoking and presented in a well organized manner. So why don't I like this book? Because it's mean and just a mess. I agree with what he is saying and what he is trying to do. However, the points he tries to make turn into a vicious, thoroughly accusatory, and mean. He doesn't use a lot of facts to back it up--he just points the finger and says "THEY DID THIS!" I like to think Dems have a higher standard and I've largely supported them for NOT sinking to the depths of what the right wing does. This represents pretty much everything I disagree with the right wing for and looking at it just plain as propaganda, its not much better.
Rating:  Summary: Yahda Yahda Yahda Review: Nothing new, same old left wing, whinning. Not even the title is original. This book was good for putting me to sleep, on sleepless nights. Total waste of time & money
Rating:  Summary: A Good book.... no matter what some people say.... Review: I had a fun time reading this and I especially enjoyed the chapters comparing democrats to republicans and explaining how the majority of American people are liberal.
Rating:  Summary: READ THIS BOOK!!! Review: I'm not big on politics but after reading this book, it has opened my eyes to realize what we as americans are kept in the dark about. The only reason i picked up this book in the first place was because i liked his documentary on bowling for columbine. This book is a real easy read; Moore throws in bits of comic relief into a much needed touchy subject.
Rating:  Summary: Just more babble! Review: Michael - if you think you can do a better job instead of gabbing about it, why don't you actually do something about it!
Rating:  Summary: More Moore is Good Moore Review: Ah, the contentious battleground of Amazon.com reviews ... Does this book deserve 5 stars? Maybe not. But I need to counter all the negative reviews. It definitely deserves high marks, though, if for no other reason than it spoke out against a false President at a time when attacking said false President was still considered a post-9/11 faux pas. Acerbic, angry, goofy, caustic, and entirely readable, Moore's DUDE, WHERE'S MY COUNTRY is designed from page one to push buttons and provoke response. Just look at the cover--an allusion to the toppling of Saddam, a metaphor for what Moore would like to see in this country. Absolutely worth reading.
Rating:  Summary: Not his best effort Review: While Moore tosses out the zingers one has come to expect in his books, this one fails to build a very strong argument against Dubya and the crony capitalist world he comes from. I sensed alot of anger in this book, but very little humor, as Moore vented his rage against the machine one more time. However, he does bring to light many dubious features of our runaway capitalist economy such as the "Dead Peasants Insurance" many corporations take out on their employees. Shades of Gogol as these companies collect on life insurance premiums, unbeknown to the unlucky stiff, after the employee has kicked the bucket. However, I think Moore has gone over the edge when he presumes the voice of God in his condemnation of Dubya's presumed messianic role in saving America from those who would seek to destroy it. Moore is no longer the lone voice in the forest as Dubya has spawned a virtual book industry around him, pro and con. This has to be the most written up presiding president in history. I don't think even Kennedy garnered this much attention while he was alive. I think it would have behooved Moore to have taken more time in piecing together this book, presenting a stronger argument, rather than simply building on his infamous Oscar speech.
Rating:  Summary: lefty at large...accounts of the less fortunate,,those who e Review: Michael moore has again proven his talent for apeasing the far left in this country, and again he has assembled many dissenters voices and thoughts and presented them as his own at times..when we all know Mike.. has very few original thoughts.. let alone enough to fill a pamplet much less a book. THis is one of the most hate filled people I have ever encountered..I hope he does well and some day comes to understand that being an individual who is responsible for thier own, reguardless of what that might be is the only true human around.. though parts of the book were funny I would not be able to recomend it to anyone who is thinking of actually becoming adult and responsible.. it might adversly affect them. dave,
Rating:  Summary: A long and tedious political pamphlet Review: I'm not a Bush worshipper. I think the guy has pluses and minuses like everyone else who preceded him in White House and everyone else who would succeed him there. On most of the issues, I find myself siding with liberals. Heck, I'm not even an American citizen, I just live here as a temporary resident. I immensely enjoyed 'Bowling for Columbine'. So, please don't consider this as a partisan review. I read this book cover to cover and I learnt noting that I didn't know already. That's not to say that everything is right in this book. It only means that there was nothing new in this book. After reading this, I have two observations to make 1- Michael Moore should stick to making documentaries. 2- If democrats use books like "Dude! Where's my country" as source of their information and alaysis, there is no hope for them. The book is full of rhetoric and utterly devoid of analysis. The rhetoric is the same that the left-wing has been repeating ever since Bush got into White House and especially since 9/11. Let me share my views on the topics dicussed in this book. Moore is one of the heralding personalities whom right-wingers love to call "Blame America First" crowd and there is truth to it. The other extreme is "Never Blame America" crowd that is equally wrong. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. Mr. Moore is very fond of reciting American atrocities and military campaigns in recent history. I'm sure now he knows all the dates and numbers by heart since he has repeated them so many times. What he, and others in his cabal, ignores is that the world doesn't work on right and wrong. Here are two words for Mr. Moore; "national interest". That's how countries decide what should be done and how. Not because something is good and something is bad (or "you are either with us or against us" sort of thing). USA is no exception to that rule. I agree with the sentiment that it should be but then we'd be talking about an ideal world, a Utopia. We live in real world; the world of competing benefits. In such a world, its not always possible to do the right thing. The other thing is, whomever sits in the oval office, has to make calls. Not even the best brain in the world can make the right call all the time. USA has made good calls and bad calls. USA's involvement in World War 2 was a good call and the world should be thankful to USA for that. So was the case in Bosnia and Afghanistan. Similarly, I can give you the examples of bad calls too, latest being Iraq war, but I think I have made my point. While Mr. Moore is totally justified crucifying USA for the bad calls, fairness demands that they should not be his ONLY focus when talking about US history. A good portion of this book is dedicated to establishing a connection between Bush and Saudis. I'm tired of listening to this. So what Mr. Moore? Yes, 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 hailed from Saudi Arabia. What does that fatc alone prove? Does it prove that the Saudi Government was involved in 9/11 and since Bush family has business dealing with Saudis, they were involved too? Isn't that guilty-by-association? Something that is basis of Patriot Act, which Mr. Moore is against? Isn't it akin to profiling, Mr. Moore? Considering the implications of this Bush-Saudi connection, one would guess Mr. Moore and co. would welcome the idea of ending the US oil dependence by drilling oil in USA but that's not so. Mr. Moore wants to have his cake and eat it too. And the solution these guys offer? Pie in the sky schemes of getting rid of fossil fuel. The other thing that I'm tired of hearing and its repeated in this book; Bin Ladin's brothers were allowed to fly out of USA within days of 9/11. Once again, isn't that guilty by association, Mr. Moore? If somebody commits murder, you would prefer that his entire family be arrested? That's very John Ashcrofty. Yes, they were allowed to flee. Get over that. Bin Ladin family has long severed their relations with Osama and he has nothing to do with Bin Ladin business empire. Not everyone knows that and it was prudent to let them fly out of USA for their own safety. I don't see anything wrong with that. But Mr. Moore considers the entire Bin Ladin family, the Saudi Government and Bush family guilty-by-association. I'm sure Mr. Moore knows the principle of "innocent till proven guilty" but he likes to apply only when it suits his causes. I disagree with President Bush on almost every issue but I don't let that disagreement cloud my judgment. Being a Muslim living in USA in days after 9/11, I was, and still am, very appreciative of Mr. Bush's speeches in which he, repeatedly, asked the US citizens to show tolerance towards Muslim's living in USA. There was no, or next to non-existent, backlash against Muslim population of USA from general public and I give Mr. Bush credit for that. Had it been up to people like Mr. Moore ----- well, I don't even want to complete that thought. In nustshell, in my opinion, 'Dude! where's my country' is more a long, boring political pamphlet than a book because it doesn't offer anything substantial in the name of analysis.