Rating:  Summary: Irreverant Look at America Review: Michael Moore combines humor with a way of looking at current events that makes one think. This is an insightful look at the American experience. Well worth the read to provoke thought and discussion at your next dinner party.
Rating:  Summary: A Must for every Conscientious American Review: Michael Moore is the liberal's response to Rush Limbaugh and countless other blind Bush supporters. He dares to question everything done by the White House and documents it with factual sources. For those who claim he's just anti-Bush, he takes shots at Clinton once in a while too, but worthwhile ones dealing with political decisions and not personal ones. He boils down the stuff we should be reading into something that we should know, interspersed with humor to make the dread of the knowledge a little easier to take. For example, he clearly lays out the financial connections of the mid-east oil interests with Bush's Texas companies and Cheney's Halliburton history for anyone too confused by all the mid-east royal families to piece it together from Wall Street Journal articles themselves.Read it with an open mind and then do the research yourself. And don't believe everything you hear on television because you'll learn they have their own interests. Thanks Mike, and keep the books coming!
Rating:  Summary: Disingenuous and Intellectually Dishonest Review: Books like these do nothing but encourage more Bush bashing by uneducated liberals. It must be a fun read if you're a liberal Bush basher, but this guy is a comedian, with an agenda, and this book does nothing but distort the facts. Moore has a reputation with playing fast and loose with the facts with his previous films Roger and Me and Bowling for Columbine. He self-admittedly has stated "How can there be inaccuracy in comedy?" in one interview. His tongue is permanently planted in his cheek while laughing all the way to the bank with money from the current wave of Bush bashers. There is nothing wrong with being liberal or opposing Bush but if you are going to indulge in the current wave of Bush bashing, gets the facts from a reliable source, otherwise you're just another useful idiot. In many places, Moore contradicts himself with previous claims made in his previous works. In others, he simply continues his pattern of either distorting the facts or outright lying. His sloppy reporting reminds one of how neo-nazi's can paint a rosy picture of Hitler by distorting facts while denying and omitting others. Disingenuous and intellectually dishonest are the best way to describe this book. Please people, check your facts and think for yourself!
Rating:  Summary: Mike's most important book to date! Review: A MUST READ. This is one of the most important books of the year - especially chapter one/question 6, which must be read several times over.
Rating:  Summary: Great book - if you've bothered to read it! Review: Every American should read this book and 'Stupid White Men'. Michael Moore does his homework and makes interesting and thoughtful suggestions in this new book. Oprah for President? I love the idea! The chapter written by 'God' is good, too. As an Australian who observes the United States from the outside, I find Moore's observations both frightening and hopeful. Frightening, because they show the United States as it is - smug, arrogant, stupid and brutal, and hopeful because the majority of Americans seem to be liberals at heart (even though it is only in the United States that the term 'liberal' is regarded as pejorative). Tories, rednecks, rabid capitalists and The Looney Right will hate this book even though few of them will ever bother to read it. It strikes me that a number of comments about this book have been written by people who haven't actually read it! Mike, you're my hero!
Rating:  Summary: Moore Anger Review: This book is often funny but it treats conservatives unfairly. Just like Democrats, Republicans are most often good people but with a different philosophy about government, and any other portrayal of them is simply dishonest. Dems can call Reps "Greedy" and Reps can call Dems "Commies" but that does not change the fact they simply disagree on how to do things. I think Michael Moore would have been better off simply sharing his views without having to slam the opposition. By relying so much on the demonization of the other side, it makes his own arguments less effective. If Moore is correct, shouldn't his ideas be able to stand alone?
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore... Review: First off, I have read his books. He is selective when stating facts facts and uses humor to hook the reader in...and PRAYS you don't have a brain. This man denies any terrorist threat facing this country and claims that September 11th was just a coincidence. Clearly he targets the impressionable, especially those less in tune with politics. Dude, where's my country? Give me a break...BEWARE!! This man is just another senseless idealogical demagogue.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth about the critics. Review: Wow, what a book! I must have looked stupid laughing out loud during my lunch breaks as I read it. But the laughter was mixed with concern about where our America is heading. His excellent, yet misunderstood use of sarcasm is well blended with the shocking, sometimes frightening and thought provoking questions he raises. I thoroughly enjoyed his previous book, but I admit I couldn't wait for this one because I knew that if he was outraged at Bush for stealing the Presidency in "Stupid White Men", he would be hilariously struck by the mess he has gotten us into in such a short time. Now let's talk about the reviewers that "allegedly" read this book, but were "disappointed" to find those web sites that list the "factual errors" in this book. Isn't it convenient that they don't share the links to these sites so we can judge for ourselves. So I decided to look for these myself, and I found some interesting ones. You know, I was really expecting to find at least ONE error or misrepresentation, but all they had were either inconsequential criticisms or debunking of opinions, not facts. In fact, none of the supporting articles that Moore references are even challenged! Let me show you a few examples of the 17 "factual errors" noted at spinsanity.org: #1. "Moore claims that [...] HarperCollins, which published Stupid White Men, "dumped [the book] in some bookstores with no advertising [...] yet on his web site Moore stated that "HarperCollins is doing their best to get the book out there." -Bryan Keefer, "Moore's myriad mistakes" HOW IS THIS RELEVANT? Also, these were not FACTS, just opinions. Can there be "Factual Errors" in opinions? Then he quotes Moore: "There is usually very little in the way of an electronic or paper trail when it comes to terrorists. They lay low and pay cash. You and me, we leave trails everywhere" And their "finding" is that "Moore evidently forgot about the credit cards used by the Sept. 11 hijackers". WHO CARES ?! That it NOT the point he's making. Plus, again, this was not a fact, but an opinion they're "debunking". Their "error # 17" is actually a comparison in Poll results about the war intentions of Americans. They compare to polls that ask a different question (omitting the "with the support of UN and allies") and use them as a contradiction of Moore's allegations. Now who's twisting the facts? And this one is outright ridiculous: #7. "Moore uses fake quotes as chapter headings, implying that Bush (or administration officials) said things they never said" Well duh! Chapter headings are meant to SUMMARIZE the text below. Any intelligent reader would know this and would read the referenced NEWS articles for the real quotes. Another site that tries to challenge Moore is moorewatch.com. Now this one is heavy on ranting, but light on anything constructive. Here's an example from their article "Michael Moore: The Fact-check": MOORE: Rush Limbaugh has been around for 20 years. REALITY: This year marked his show's 15th anniversary. Wow, they're right, Moore IS a liar! (That's sarcasm, for the literary-challenged) Now here, they too show their ability to twist facts. They quote Moore: "Private jets, under the supervision of the Saudi government were allowed to fly around the skies of America" They retort with: "The real truth of this incident is [...] No account has a flight of Saudis leaving the U.S. until after the resumption of normal air traffic". Well that's NOT what Moore is saying. He says they flew WITHIN America while all other flights were stopped, not "leaving" the U.S. The rest of their critics resort to name-calling to make their points. Though it really gets to me when they call Moore (and his readers) America-Haters, when it's obvious that Moore (and all of us) LOVE this Country. Its like the love you have for a parent which has Cancer, and you wish with all your heart someone can find a cure.
Rating:  Summary: Read the Book and Get Involved in your gov.! Review: There are a lot of people bad mouthing Mr. Moore, but you know what last night I went to one of his talks and it was the first time that I have ever seen students on my campus so eager to get involved in politics and effect change. Maybe you don't agree with Micheal Moore, but you know what he always makes the point of getting people to talk and get ivolved in their gov. All you lovely people writing horrible things have you even read the book? Have you actually looked at the sources? Have you ever ventured outside our lands and noticed the incredible difference in news media, and the fact that most students in other countries actually know where Iraq is? Mr. Moore is not an American Hater, in fact he is fighting to make it better here. Wake up people, most of this country is not white upper class men over the age of 45, but yet that is pretty much are gov. Those of you who have labeled Moore as a someone for "the MTV raised" generation, well you know what not a lot of people care very much about us, or the generation growing up now, so maybe if you want to make us better you should at least try to better our education and get us health care. Read the book there is a lot to be said, and even if you don't agree at least you will get a different view, which is something we rarely see in on our news or in our papers. There is so much happening in our world and in our country and we all need to be better informed. Have you ever watched Jay Walkin? Read Moore and other books and combat the disgusting and horrific ignorance!
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's My Country? Review: I found 'Dude, Where's My Country?' very funny. It takes a good reader to know that certain facts need to be said as commedy. In every nonsense, readers must choose 'sense' over 'non' notwithstanding Moore's deliberate attempt to embed the truth in nonsense.