Rating:  Summary: I could do with less of Michael Moore Review: Another book in which Michael Moore tells us how wicked white men make the world a terrible place for everyone else. The same obsessions are recycled from his previous books. For instance, his fixed belief that the only people who are anti-abortion are right-wing men. For all I know, this may be the case in America, but it certainly isn't in England, where many of most eloquent pro-life advocates are women. His attitude towards women strikes me as patronising, likewise his attitude towards 'ethnic minorities' who, he seems to fell, are incapable of achieving anything without help from the white establishment. Also, for someone of his alleged egalitarian views, it seems strange that he sneers at countries allied with America for being small or poor, evidently only rich, powerful countries count for anything in his viewpoint. He is also apparently an expert on Northern ireland, being very pally with the Sinn Fein, who apparently are ready to renounce violence. Maybe they should tell that to their pals in the IRA, who don't seem to have got the message yet. Anyone who wants an antidote to michael moore's pontificating should read Mark Steyn's savagely funny and brilliant 'Eye of the Tiger'.
Rating:  Summary: Openmided Review: I read this book and one thought came to my mind, how did this guy get a book deal. This book is poorly Written and contains many facts that can be found false by a simple google search or a search in any leading news organization. The only people that would like this book would be people who are total left wing nuts, who believe everything that is spoon fed to them. Coming from a democrat i cant believe this guy is a voice for my party. I will not vote democrat i will be voting libertarian.
Rating:  Summary: Get it. Now. Review: Ok, I'm going to assume that you are trying to ignore all the "reviewers" who engage in political rants against this man in their "reviews" (sorry for all the quotation marks, but desperate times call for desperate measures). This book is not as good as Stupid White Men, but it is more relevant to our way of life. Just buy this book. Even if you are not sure if you will like it (just as i wasn't sure about Stupid White Men), it will start you on the road towards enlightenment. Peraps you will even escape from the cave. As for me, I'm still trying. just buy it. Love it or hate it, it raises some good points and questions that we all should be asking (or should have asked). Now if i can just get the Yankees games on TV over here, I'll be all set.....
Rating:  Summary: Another Hit For Moore Review: A great book - written in Michael Moore's classic style - funny, hard-hitting and thought provoking. Although a few reviewers pointed out that some parts of the book are "over the top," Moore's observations are based on big grains of truth. For example, his chapter "Oil's Well That Ends Well," may seem far-fetched, but the big grain of truth is that the days of cheap oil are coming to an end. If you don't believe the environmentalists, check out sources such as the BP Statistical Review (www.bp.com) or IHS Energy (formerly Petroconsultants), the largest consulting firm to the oil industry. Many experts agree that world oil production will likely peak within the next few decades. The result will be rising energy costs, which will have a major impact on the U.S. economy - an economy that currently imports almost 60% of its oil from foreign sources. The Bush administration seems to be addressing this issue by using military might to secure the richest oil deposits in the world. And when one considers what would happen if oil stopped flowing into the U.S. economy, $87B starts to look like a reasonable price. However, this strategy is ultimately unsustainable. Whether we like it or not, global deposits of cheap oil are being drawn down. We need leadership and public debate to understand the economic/social impacts and to develop alternative strategies. Moore raised the oil issue in Chapter Three with a dialogue between "Anne Coulter Moore" and her "Great-Grandpa." Moore had me laughing out loud, but the lack of in-depth analysis made it easy to dismiss this chapter as "over the top." However, his points are based on some uncomfortable truths, and to be fair to Moore, an in depth analysis is really the subject of another book (e.g. Hubbert's Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage). I'm giving him a Five Star rating. I think he's got another best seller here.
Rating:  Summary: Welcome to America. Review: Before I begin this review let me go off topic....GET A GRIP PEOPLE! Almost all of the negative reviews (not ALL but most) I've read either say he's a commi, he's too fat, or he's unamerican. C'mon, people! How can a person be so fat that they can't write a good book? How does his weight have ANYTHING to do with his writting abilities??? Also, how unamerican is it to write a book? Didn't our founding fathers create the 1st amendment with books in mind? How is someone else's expression and view of the country so unamerican? HE CAN SAY ANYTHING HE WANTS! Half of the stuff he writes is overexadgerated (like in his book "Downsize This" he fights for a sperms right to life) and it is written that way to prove a point. He proves a point when he says that America used 9/11 for everything (does the phrase "Drugs support terror" ring a bell?) and in the mean time dishonored all the lives lost. He's expressing himself and trying to prove a point about what he feels is right and wrong...without threatening, endangering, or otherwise insulting the reader. His views are VERY left wing, which is a breath of frash air in a very right wing society. The fact that people even say that he's too fat or a relative of sasqush (like an earlier reviewer stated) only shows that SOME people are taking such CHEAP shots at the man, without very much reason to, besides he clashes with your point of view. You know, America DOES have liberals...sorry to break it to ya, but Michael Moore isn't alone. In FACT, president bush's public acceptance level is somewhere around 40%! Wow, isn't that a GREAT amount of people? Anyway, onto the book. Michael Moore presents a thought provoking idea of what really happened on 9/11 along with tons of ideas about EVERYTHING. I usually agree with what he says, but some stuff is a little TOO over the top. However, this book is written with insight and knowledge and is worth a read...even if you're an extreme rightie.
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore the Greatest Patriot Review: Once again, Michael Moore is willing to point out the fact that there is an elephant in our living room, when no one else will. May the Goddess bless him! And may she forgive us all...
Rating:  Summary: Republicans Must be Convinced Review: Michael Moore's comical style is not for everyone, and in some ways is offputting. His thesis, however, goes to the heart of the state of political discourse in this country. Without saying it, Moore is trying to get past the nasty war of words between the conservatives and liberals and lay out the case against George W. Bush in a way that even Republicans may find convincing, or at least worth considering. I don't think he succeeds. I am among the those who agree with Moore that Bush has been a poor Chief Executive, tone-deaf to all but a few extremists in his party, and if re-elected will compound the enormous damage he is doing to our country with his economic, environmental and most importantly, foreign policies. I don't think Moore's style however will resonate with anyone other than those who need no convincing. The challenge to American liberals has always been to attract fellow citizens to their political arguments through reasoned and dispassionate discussion, the opposite of the predatory, invective-filled garbage that the Sean Hannitys,Rush Limbaughs, Ann Coulters and Bill O'Reillys spew forth daily and nightly over the airwaves. Moore's irreverant and in-your-face style is an attempt to put muscle into his Liberal attack, but it is too simplistic to convince hardline right wingers. I think Joe Conason's book, Big Lies, makes a much more persuasive case, and even Al Franken's Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, whose humorous tone resembles that of Moore's book, makes a more well-reasoned argument. Moore's heart is in the right place, however, and his challenge to his readers to take up the political struggle in their daily lives(as he has) is excellent advice, and a reminder that the fight for our rights will not be won with words alone but with old fashioned hard work.
Rating:  Summary: A Must for all US citizens Review: The only unfortunate thing is that most people cannot afford to get this book.
Rating:  Summary: Every American Should READ THIS! Review: The book was excellant! Very insightful. After I started reading this book I saw more clearly for myself the way the media works to manipulate the news. I saw Bowling for Colimbine which triggered me to read this book. IT'S A MUST READ BY EVERY AMERICAN.
Rating:  Summary: The criticisms of this book prove Moore is a liar. Review: Sorry but the reader "Truth" from NH is an even worse liar than Moore is. First off is fact #1. This prove that Moore is either completely out of touch with reality or loves to contradict himself. He says on his own site that Harper is doing a great job and then he turns around and says that "HarperCollins is doing their best to get the book out there." Hello?? Which is it Mikey? Clearly there is an attempt at deception here on Moore's part. With regard to the Moore's statement that "There is usually very little in the way of an electronic or paper trail when it comes to terrorists. They lay low and pay cash. You and me, we leave trails everywhere" Truth says this is not the point he is making. Ok, moron. What point is he making? Seems to me that when Moore says "They lay low and pay cash" he means that they lay low and pay cash. Is there something I'm missing here. Did I get the abridged version of this book? "They pay cash" is NOT an opinion. It's a FACT, and an incorrect one at that as spinsanity has shown. Conclusion: Moore lied. As far as the quotes go, sorry but any intelligent writer knows that quotes are used to QUOTE someone. That's why they call them quotes. If Moore wanted to dispel the notion that Bush said this, he should have made that clear. Your defense of Moore's Saudi family comments are outright lies, Mr. Truth (what an anacronism!) Here is what Moore said: "while thousands were stranded and could not fly, if you could prove you were a close relative of the biggest mass murderer in U.S. history, you got a free trip to gay Paree!" (page 20) THIS is what Spinsanity quoted. Where you got your quote I have no idea. Here was spinsanity's reaction "the Bin Ladens did not leave the US until after the resumption of commercial flights. And a Boston Globe article of September 20, 2001 quotes a Saudi government official stating that the Bin Ladens chartered their own plane - hardly a "free" trip as Moore suggests." Conclusion, irrefutable evidence that Moore (and you) LIED. Your description of Moorewatch.com as a ranting site is just a flat out lie and I challenge anyone to go to the site itself and see. Light on facts? Check the fact check from 10/16. It proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Moore is a pathological liar. This book is error filled trash. It isn't worthy of being slid under the short leg of my couch.