Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: I love much of Michael Moore's work, yet I found this to be disappointing. I was hoping for more incite into the Bush administration, more detail, more of everything. Michael Moore asks questions of George W. Bush and in my opinion already knows many of the answers (or at least intimates he knows). I found that the information provided did not satisfy my expectations and Michael Moore's humour came up a little short...I also believe that Moore covered many of the same topics in his previous book, which I loved...my recomendation is to buy Stupid White Men.
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: Michael Moore does it again!. The facts in this book will actually scare you. Keep doing what your doing Mr. Moore.
Rating:  Summary: Thank God for Michael Moore Review: True, this book and his previous one come off as a little lightweight from an authorship standpoint, but thank god someone has the guts to publicly take on Bush and his phony administation. I live in Australia and what one of the other reviewers from Australia said is damn right - everyone else in the world thinks that your president is the most dangerous man in the world. The guy is a straight up moron, who has no business exerting any influence over world affairs. Bush's popularity ratings may be slipping due to post-war difficulties in Iraq but the conserative attitude in the US generally is palpable and frightening. We get the supposedly "fair and balanced" Fox News channel over here and the the conservative nature of that network is truly astounding (and they probably do think they are fair and balanced!). And even worse, for whatever reason, there is no powerful democratic voice in the media, offering resistance to the Bush administration. You hear morons like Sean Hannity saying in response to any doubt about the war in Iraq - "just look at the mass graves", totally overlooking the fact that the justification for the war was an imminent threat to world peace and WMD. It's not good enough to say oh well, we didn't find WMD but isn't the world a better place without Saddam Hussein. There simply has to be a greater level of accountability with regards to the Bush administration. And then they had the nerve to call this fiasco "operation Iraqi freedom", as if we were now engaged in a noble cause i.e. giving the Iraqis freedom and democracy (no one cared about these aims pre 9/11 when Saddam had been inflicting terror on the Iraqi people for many, many years). This is the kind of freedom and democracy that got Michael Moore booed off stage at the Oscars for expressing contrary views to President Bush, and resulted in the mass burning of Dixie Chicks albums. Gee, some democracy, when you can't even express an opinion against the president of your country! People in the US may not be aware of this, but we are experiencing a similar political climate here in Australia at the moment. President Bush visited our parliament last week and protesters were not allowed within view of him so we could project an image of a nation that blindly follows his every move without dissent. The public were banned from parliament house while the President gave his speech, because of the prospect of hecklers and protesters. A couple of senators did yell out some things but were held back from actually talking to the president. Bush just smiled and said something like "Gee, I love free speech". I don't think he knows what free speech actually is - in America free speech seems to be the right to say whatever you want, as long as it is in line with the views of the president and his administration. So read Michael Moore's books, take a look around (if you live in the US) and realize how the rest of the world is viewing your country now because of your president. Bush has used 9/11 as an excuse to do whatever he wants with regards to foreign policy. Sure, it was a tragic event, but the US needs to get over it and get over itself. It is not the greatest suffering ever inflicted on mankind and it is certainly not a licence to go to war on a sovreign country (Iraq) which has no obvious links to the perpetrators of 9/11 (Al Qaeda). The rest of the world doesn't feel sorry for you guys anymore, the Bush administration has worn out any goodwill it had post 9/11 by abusing its power in using false reasons to go to an unjustified war. The American people need to stop being so ignorant and reading Michael Moore's books is a good place to start.
Rating:  Summary: The fools who haven't bothered..... Review: Michael Moore has again written a book that gives voice to the frustrations and irritations that enlightened, intellectual Americans are feeling about the deceitful government and its irresponsibility. I loved this book, and it gets 4 out of 5 stars only because I wish it was as long as his previous efforts. The "critics" below me, who have nothing more to offer than Moore is "fat" and that he ought to leave the country, are quite typical of the fools who swallow everything fed to them without actually bothering to educate themselves. By the way, here's a little advice to the idiotic reviewers beneath me who decided to bash Moore's work without understanding it, or bothering to give it a genuine read: Please learn to spell correctly. If you want to appear like you know what you're talking about, even a little bit, learn to spell and speak correctly so that people like me don't keep laughing at jack-asses like you.
Rating:  Summary: Thought-provoking...if you aren't afraid to think Review: Once again Michael Moore tells it like it is and isn't afraid to do so. His naysayers are people who always have to side with the winning team and aren't happy unless they're winning, no matter whom they squash to get to their version of "the top". Unfortunately many Americans prefer to live in denial, believing that this country and its current elected government absolutely can do no wrong. I at least have read books by O'Reilly, Coulter and other right-of-center writers, along with Moore and Franken and others on the left. I read both sides of the political debate in order to make informed decisions for myself. That's why I think Michael Moore's work is so valuable and should be read by every American.
Rating:  Summary: very good, very haunting Review: Most of the people who give this book 1 star haven't even read the book, but are just doing it to bring the rating down. Once I actually opened this book to the first chapter I was appalled at what I was hearing and thought that it couldn't be true, but Moore actually has sources that are credible and takin in context unlike Bill O'Rielly and Ann Coulter. This book details BUsh's relationship with the bin Ladens, the Saudi Royal family, the lies to get us into Iraq, how the media is being nicer to conservatives right now, and the unpatriotic patriot act (quite possibly the hardest document to read that was ever written). If you want the truth you should get this book because it doesn't attack conservatives, it attacks the Bush administration and it is truthefull. And to those who says he doesn't act, he was out their protesting the war and he votes and tries to make the world better, and his books and movies help!!
Rating:  Summary: If I could give it zero stars I would Review: ...I also love this book. You will find things here that will make you shake your head with amusement and bemusement and things that you will scarcely believe because, when you realize they're true, you will be appalled at the cowardice of our national media in failing to expose them (for example, why did our government let 24 members of the Bin Laden family fly out of the country immediately following 9/11, when no one else in the country could fly anywhere for any reason? Unlike Rush, Moore isn't making it up). Michael Moore doesn't hate free enterprise (why should he? It's made him rich) or engage - strictly - in bumper sticker politics, although he tends to sweeten his diatribes with humor and a great deal more wit than, say, Rush or especially the humorless well-documented liar Ann Coulter (an entire cottage industry on the Web has documented her countless lies and bizarre statements). Of all the left of center American pundits -- most of whom would be regarded as centrist or even conservative in any other industrialized nation -- Moore has in the past seemed to have the hardest handle on getting his facts straight. He's a propagandist; so what? He hews far closer to fact than the screeching O'Reilly, Hannity, Savage, Coulter, Limbaugh etc. crew. And in this book he's taken great pains to get his facts straight, lest he be lumped in with the likes of Coulter et al. Michael Moore scares so many on the lunatic fringe right because he DOES believe in the free market of ideas and they don't. Like O'Reilly, they want you to SHUT UP because it's their mike. If you don't want to learn things that the right wing news media in this country are afraid to tell you, don't buy this book... But if you feel that we're caught in a downward spiral of bad economic policy, job loss, incomprehensible "security" and "defense" initiatives, eroding rights, dangerous unilateralism, vulgar and childish attacks on our ever-more alienated allies abroad, environmental degradation, etc. at the hands of an administration openly at war with one another as well as security institutions like the military and the CIA, then this book will help you understand some of what's going on. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition
Rating:  Summary: I didn't like it Review: Polotics is one of those things you either disagree or you agree with. I found myself in the place of not liking with Michael Moore's book Dude, Where's My Country. I found him to be hypocritical just like the people he bashes. Polotics is something you have to take a side with and mine is not with Moore. I'm Libertarian and frankly can't stand him and other political critics. It's always about their opinion and their is no debate. Liberals will like this book. Republicans won't. It's as simple as that and I didn't like it.
Rating:  Summary: A good book, but not great. Review: This is a good book, but not great- probably only deserves 3 stars, but I give it a 'bonus star' to conteract all of those reviews that are from people who obviously haven't read the book. The book isn't really that funny - if you want a funny book read "Big Trouble" by Dave Barry. The book doesn't really describe what it is like to be poor in America - if you want to know what it is like to be poor, read "Amazing Grace" by Jonathan Kozol. Two highlights of this book are his first chapter where he describes 7 questions he has for President Bush, relating to the 9/11 incidents. Why don't we have the answers to these questions? Also his chapter "How to talk to your conservative brother-in-law" presents an interesting layout of what Mr. Moore feels is the liberal agenda. Reading this chapter shows Mr. Moore to be much closer to the mainstream than many reviewers claim, and his points have solid arguements behind them. However, like I said, this is just a good book, not great. His chapter "Jesus W. Christ", where he claims to speak for God is downright offensive. Mr. Moore, please don't tell me that you know what God is thinking - If I want to know what God thinks I'll read the Bible. I'd recommend checking this book out from the library for an afternoon read - at about 250 pages it can be consumed pretty fast.
Rating:  Summary: Propaganda Review: As an independent, it is somewhat refreshing to see a propagandist from the "left" for a change, but I'm still fed up with the tendency of every prominent figure in our media to prefer emotional diatribes to reason. Yes, Moore makes some good points and his viewpoints are needed. However, like O'Reilly, Franken, Limbaugh, Coulter, and the plethora of random Hollywood celebrities (i.e., Schwarzenegger) that abuse their fame, Moore finds it easier to muster self-righteous anger than employ reason to further his agenda. Of course, he's just trying to make a buck. The real blame lies on the shoulders of the attention deficient American people who prefer loud, exciting "pseudo-news" to actual un-biased information.