Rating:  Summary: Awesome Book! Review: It's nice to see that not everybody agrees with the hipocrytes that rule this country. Very interesting information on Bush & family's relationship with the Saudi Royal family and the Bin Ladens, and their special treatment after Sept 11th. The best thing about the book is the fact that all the sources are revealed and can easily be corroborated.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's My Country Review: What I really liked best about this book was Chapter 9: A Liberal Paradise, which gave polling percentages that show most Americans agree with social liberal points of view. It was the most encouraging thing I've read in AGES.Also interesting was "How to Talk to Your Conservative Brother-in-Law". Finally, Mike gives great tips on what we can do to change the results of the next election.
Rating:  Summary: Am I Missing Something... Review: but I didn't find this funny or even on the mark. He makes things up as he goes along and he also seems to be so very mean-spirited. I am neither conservative or liberal, but he didn't seem smart enough to make the point that he wanted to make - he just comes across and bitter and hateful, two things that are never good.
Rating:  Summary: research + humor = a winning liberal formula Review: I can't tell you how heartening it is to see the liberals, and in particular the FUNNY liberals (didn't know there were any, did you?), coming forth and revealing the lies and manipulations of the crony capitalists occupying our government. In less than three years this administration has taken a budget surplus and turned it into a record deficit. They took the good will of the world after 9/11 and quashed it with arrogance. After running around hiding on Air Force One most of 9/11, Bush took time out from protecting Bin Ladens and Saudis to tell the American people to SHOP. While police officers and firefighters were risking their lives at Ground Zero, Bush and his cronies were already planning to use the tragedy as an excuse to bomb Iraq. This is the group that was going to bring dignity back to the White House? I guess lying in the State of the Union speech doesn't count. The economy is in the tank. Bush's contribution to foreign policy is a policy of pre-emptive strikes. (Can you say "unintended consequences"?) Our civil liberties are being snatched away. Environmental protections are being gutted. Worthy social programs are being dissolved. And the answer to every problem -- tax cuts for the wealthy. Gee, how's that worked so far? Except for Halliburton executives, are any of you better off than you were three years ago? Yes, it heartens me to see liberals speaking up and getting organized, because the world I envision is much different. We live in a wonderful, wealthy and influential country. Wouldn't it be nice if we exported hope and help rather than fear and bombs? Wouldn't it be great if we had the best public education system in the world? Wouldn't it be awesome if our soldiers weren't dying for oil? Moore's book is one of many topping the bestseller lists, and I hope they're sweating in the White House, because even the easygoing American public is fed up with the twisted, greedy sludge pouring out of Washington these days. The clown prince should start making plans for his unemployment -- and I hope he goes into seclusion because I don't ever want to see that ignorant smirk again. Moore and others (Al Franken, Jim Hightower, Molly Ivins, Joe Conason) have tapped into a rich vein of electoral discontent, one that Ashcroft and Cheney (aka Bush's puppetmasters) would be wise to listen to, but you know they won't because they are arrogant sociopaths. Moore questions Bush family links to the Saudis and the Bin Laden family as well as the untruths ladled out by Bush, Cheney, Rice and others. He uses many sources (even Fox News!) and offers direct quotes. He gives ideas on taking back our country and talking to your pseudo-Republican relatives. If you are a liberal, this book will make you happy. Moore brings up a lot of good points and he is funny. If you're a conservative, you will see the writing on the wall -- people are fed up with these extremists. Either way, buy the book. Moore is using his big Bush tax return to help unseat the pretenders. Run, Oprah, run!
Rating:  Summary: Smart and funny- but haven't I read this before? Review: Once again, Michael Moore proves that a comedic social commentary can inspire a reader to join the Democrats, Greens, etc. in putting an end to the Bush administration in 2004. But all politics aside, this is by far the most scathing book that Moore has written to date. He discusses various important issues such as the absence of a serious investigation into 9/11, Enron economics, and the war with Iraq, all revolving around George W. Bush. The only problem is this- haven't we heard about these issues before? Anyone who has read Al Franken's "Lies," William Rivers Pitt's "The Greatest Sedition is Silence," and many others will find that these issues have been examined far too many times before. One of the great things about Moore's previous books is that he channels his anger into creating suggestions for how to improve upon a number of domestic issues. In "Dude, Where's My Country," he only reveals some of the already known lies or misrepresentations of facts by the Bush administration. The only suggestion or solution Moore offers in this book is to get Bush out of office. Any left-wing and middle of the road individual will tell you that that was already his or her intention. In short, if you want further proof of the lies and political rhetoric of Bush, then read this book. Despite it's shortcomings, it is witty and entertaining. However, if you've already heard enough about Bush, then listen to advice of previous writers and the Michael Moore of "Stupid White Men"- campaign and support the Republican opposition.
Rating:  Summary: dude. Review: Michael Moore has balls taking on the evils, and he once again proves so in his newest "Dude, where's my country?" I enjoyed this as I have most of his work, he makes excellent, and might I say factual (and researched) points. I especially enjoy his closing vision of our presidential occupant being removed via handcuffs. On the negative, the book felt "rushed" in that it is fairly brief, and has some far too similar elements to other books on the same subject. Of course understandably there is due to be some redundancy on the issues...I also felt there could of been more of a thorough thrashing of the bush regime. Overall worth reading, educational and funny.
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore is BRILLIANT! Review: I can't help but praise Michael on his newest best-seller. Right about now, Bush should really be concerned about his job. There are a few questions he and the Michael Moore haters out there should be asking themselves: 1. Has Michael Moore started a movement that America has never seen before? 2. Will Michael Moore's future film "Fahrenheit 9-11" become the highest grossing documentary film in history, breaking his own record for Bowling for Columbine? If so, will it be so powerful that Bush will be out of a job next year? 3. Will the American people finally start to question the Bush family relationship with the Bin Laden's? And the Saudi's? 4. Do I need to start wearing Depends? And finally... 5. Is it true that America is in love with this person from Flint Michigan? Is he really white? Did we do something to piss him off and that's why he keeps revealing the truths about all our lies and deceptions? The answer to all of these questions is HELL YES! Take care my fellow American's. Aloha, Haole on Maui
Rating:  Summary: Bush/Bin Laden - Now there's a combo Review: Did you know Bush's family is tied to the Bin Laden's through business ventures? Now, I don't know if they sat down one night and supped (I doubt that, actually), but it is interesting to read how Bush business ventures control Bush politics. As for the Bush Doctrine - good grief. It is a testament to just how far the American political system has sunk. We are able to illegally elect the inadequate to positions where they can use hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to manipulate an entire country to going to war against an enemy who is not nearly as dangerous as others - like North Korea. I kept thinking about founding fathers like John Adams, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson, and wondering how sick this current administration would make them. Paine's "Common Sense" just makes mincemeat out of our current administration. Michael Moore will appeal to the liberals and be stunningly obnoxious to conservatives. Since I am an unashamed liberal, this book brought revelations that just angered me beyond belief. On that level it is hard to read, but riveting and educational. However, on a literary level, I personally like Al Franken's book "Lies, and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" better than this. Considering how much is going on under tables in Washington DC and in Texas, we should be reading all of these books and working to dethrone the Thief in Chief.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's My Country? Review: Michael Moore has done it again with lots of humor, also, some great practical advice.
Rating:  Summary: Great Detail, Lacks Index Review:
Although there is some repetition from "Stupid White Men" and there is a clearly a hot publishing trend in pushing out "liberal left outrage" books, the level of detail in this book on specific things that have gone wrong and specific lies and misleading communications from the Bush Administration make this an extraordinary reference work. Michael Moore has done the Democratic's political research for them.
Unfortunately, the book suffers from no index. Had the publisher taken one man-week to do a decent index of specific topics and statements that the author has superbly researched and foot-notes, this book could have moved a Nation--as it stands, it will merely incite the already upset. Do buy the book--the details are wonderful and every American needs to understand the degree to which most public statments and most public reports about the Administration's policies are outright deceptions.