Rating:  Summary: I'm sure haters will enjoy this book Review: Michael Moore can be witty, but he is by no means fair or even honest. If you want an intellectual discussion of the issues, pass on this book. Moore (and Al Franken and Molly Ivins) are trying to walk a line between "serious journalism" and "political satire", which tends to remove any accoutability for lack of honesty or accuracy. Like the other liberals, and like Moore's previous works, this one appeals to the far, far left. People who hate Bush (or the GOP, the rich, the military) and do not want to hear a conservative viewpoint, this book will appeal to you. Moore now hides in the guise of comedy and satire to avoid accountability for factual errors. He nearly lost his academy award for his "documentary" Bowling for Columbine due to its freqent and intentional innacuracies and faked interviews ... There are several people debunking the honesty of Moore's work, including his Stupid White Men book ... Dude, Where's My Country has only been out for a couple weeks, but already people have found more gross inaccuracies ... Moore even went as far to misquote himself on his own website (at the Academy Awards, he used the ficticous word "ficticion" twice, yet corrected this mistake when he "quoted" himself. I can see why the humor in this book would appeal to some, particularly liberals. But Moore's goal is not so much to inform or convince conservatives or moderates...his goal is to make liberals hate the right even more. Not what I'd call a lofty goal...
Rating:  Summary: 4.5 stars Review: Michael Moore has come a long way since "Downsize This". Downsize was a very simply read and good humored jab at the right. In "Stupid White Men", Michael's writing style matured, and he expressed his point with the same approachable demeanor that he uses at his public speaking events. Now we get to "Dude, Where's My Country". Honestly, this was a very difficult book for me to get into. This time Michael starts off the book really mad. Though most people who will pick up this book are probably also angry about the political situation in this country, Michael Moore gives us a very bitter pill to swallow. Though, I think his intent was to express that we've been sugar coating the issues he addresses in this book long enough; and it's time to stop feeling helpless, and time to start feeling angry. The first two chapters take up a good third of the book. The first one is Michael's "Questions to Bush". The abridged version has been put in several magazines and web pages. This full version in the book is an assault of notes and facts that barrage the reader. In the second chapter Michael addresses point by point the arguments that the Bush Administration used to justify the second war in Iraq. These are both very well written chapters, but it is so much information, that I would often have to put the book down after reading sections to give myself a break. The condescending tone of the first chapter, even though it wasn't directed at us, the reader, was still very unsettling. It is also quite frustrating, because we the reader know that Bush will never read this letter, never address the points brought up in it, and congress and the press will never pressure him to. I guess I'm one of those hopeless people Michael is trying to stir up. I don't believe that Michael wrote those first two chapters with malicious intent to anger the right. I don't think he even cares if anyone from the right reads this. As Noam Chomsky once said, "What is the point of 'Speaking truth to power'? Power already knows the truth, and power doesn't care." That letter to Bush is really a letter to the left. I think he wrote those two chapters to anger the left. To stir them up and get them moving. If reading those first two chapters don't make your blood boil, then you don't have a pulse. Don't get me wrong. Though they are difficult to get through, those first two chapters really are worth reading. Fortunately, Michael calms down and goes back to his old humorous self through the remainder of the book. "How to stop terrorism" is a fantastic chapter. I don't know if Michael Moore has ever read Chomsky, but that chapter sums up what Chomsky has been writing about for more than 20 years. Americans need to know what kind of terrible things their tax dollars are funding. As Michael Moore once said when I saw him speak, "When will we [Americans] learn that the world will be a safer place when half the planet doesn't have to starve so we can have cheap running shoes." Michael also addresses many other issues important to us, as well as the necessary "How to talk to your Conservative Brother-in-Law". All in all, this is a very good book that most people in the center and on the left should read. I don't think anyone else should read it, unless they have an open mind. This is much less approachable than Michael's previous book, but still a strong 4.5 stars. For a much more accessible book, Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars..." is a hilarious book that attacks the right with a sardonic wit. Jim Hightower's "Thieves in High Places" is a book written by a down-home Texan who sticks it to both the left and the right while keeping a very "Awe, shucks" attitude. To go more cerebral, Noam Chomsky's book "Hegemony or Survival" and movie "Power and Terror" approach some of Michael Moore's topics from a more optimistic point of view.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, This Guy is a Loser Review: ...Moore makes many interesting observations in Dude, Where's My Country,...All in all, Moore makes his points, interjecting them with a bitter humor. He uses too many ad hominem attacks, but the book is worth a read if you want some laughs at the expense of conservatives. Conservatives, of course, are advised to stay away from this book entirely. They won't like it. - --This text refers to the Hardcover edition
Rating:  Summary: For white haters only Review: With this said I was looking for more of the same from this book. The impression I got is that the author rushed this one out the door. It just seamed to be about 70% of his best game. I almost want to mail it back to the author and ask that he spend a little more time on it. Another issue I have is that about 20% of the pages (few as they are) cover a dream sequence taking place 50 years in the future. Not to say that it was dull but I want today's social commentary, not extrapolated guesses of what the issues will be in 50 years. The best part of the book covered the issues he has with GW and a number of questions he would like to cover regarding 9 / 11. This is interesting and well worth the read. He also covers and number of social and employment issues that face today's average Joe. There are a number of interesting comments in this section and surprisingly he has backed off a little on the corporate boggy man he usually makes management out to be. Overall the book is what you would expect from the author, just a little light. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's your copy of Mine Kamp Review: Read this book! It should be a text book for training fascists and communists. Michael wants to point out how evil business, and conservatives are yet again in this book. This is essantially the same bilge he's been spouting since the 70's when he was smart enought to realize he make a very nice living being a capitalist author in liberal clothing. IF you want to think all the crap in this book is accurate. Ask yourself why Michael won't debate his statements any where that disagrees with him. Even Al Sharpton has more courage then that. And he makes some thought provoking aguments. Just because it's in this book doesn't make it true. Lastly here's the substance of the book----Business is evil, and so are the conservatives. So WE, the people who know what's right need to take over the business's and run this country the way gods (Marx, Hitler, Moussalini) want us to. Sound extreme? Maybe but so is Michael.
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore tells it like it is Review: Finally, someone is willing to stick his neck out and expose the hipocracy in Washington. Hopefully, people will read and listen...
Rating:  Summary: Activism for idiots Review: Michael Moore is the left-wing equivalent of emo. This is political activism that appeals to punk-rock kids who wear shirts saying "Bush is an Idiot". I'll admit I enjoyed "Bowling For Columbine" and "Roger and Me", but Moore is only revolting against the tip of a very stagnant ice-burg. Not only that, he is diverting attention from the real issue. The real issue is this: Bush is in partnership with the illuminati and the globalist. 9-11, the war, Oklahoma are all plots that have been in work for years to bring forth the new world order. Gun control is a very detrimental thing. The people must be armed in the event that the government becomes overly tyranical; we must learn to stop cowering in fear, and Michael Moore must be a pretty good fighter if he is willing to revolt without munitions. ALEX JONES IS THE ONE TO TURN TO: visit infowars.com
Rating:  Summary: Reviews provide great insight Review: The reviews for this book offer yet another insight into the mentality of the left and right wings. The one star raters offer such insights as "go live in another country" and "Moore is fat." One guy even copy and pasted the same non-sensical review he posted for an Al Franken book and put it on Moore's book. Talk about intellectual laziness. But it's ok folks. Like Michael Moore says, all this yelling and screaming from the right is just the sound of a dying dinasour. They're going down slowly but surely.
Rating:  Summary: Pure facts, no B.S. Review: Had Micahel Moore been born during biblical times he would have been considered a prophet. The world is a better place for having you buddy. Thanks for opening our eyes!
Rating:  Summary: The truth will set you free.... Review: First, I must say that the decision to invade Iraq outraged me. At first I thought oil as a motivation was a radical point of view. Today, I can't think of any other plausible explanation. No WMD's, no solid links with Al Qaeda, no link between 9-11 and Saddam. Was Iraq really an "imminent threat"? Was this war necessary let alone justified? As the bad news pours out of Iraq, the public is becoming increasingly more uncomfortable with Mr. Bush's rationale. It would certainly explain his falling approval ratings. It would also explain why piles of non-fiction books from the left are flying off bookshelves. Just maybe it is because we are craving the non-fictitious reasons for this war(??) I have been tired of listening to Bush yack away about chemical, biological, nuclear and every other kind of weapon some dictator supposedly had and how he demanded he destroy them. What caused 9-11 was hatred along with a devious, smart plan using simple techniques. Preemptive war is the wrong weapon-intelligence is the only one that is proving to be working. Massive military strikes based on flimsy evidence with a lack of international support will only do so much. Having said that, I couldn't wait to hear what Moore had to say about the war and what he thought of the commander in chief himself. I couldn't put this book down after I started it. It's the type of book where you can take what you want. Although I think some points were stretched a bit far, this book is a must read. There are enough revelations in the first 2 chapters that make it nearly impossible for the right to defend. Some of the other points I liked best: the United States has never before cared about brutal dictators except when they interfere with America's interests; how the media along with Bush are continually projecting irrational fears that are causing a ridiculous over-reaction by the general public; the fact that polls show Americans are more liberal than conservatives on social issues; and of course my favorite "The Coalition of the Willing"! (We don't need you to send troops over to die, that's our job! We just want you to be "willing" to!) There is plenty of sarcastic humour in this book which makes it very easy to read. If this book angers you, good! There is justification for being angry. We need to know the truth about why this war was raged and what has been behind all the heated rhetoric by Bush. It is troubling to me to watch a close friend and neighbor make what I feel are terrible mistakes on behalf of its leader. I sincerely hope that Americans remove Bush next year and I also hope that the message of this book (and others) is heard. And by the way, anyone on the far right out there that believe what Moore is doing is "unpatriotic" or "treasonous" just doesn't get it. Those are cheap shots that only reveal insecurity. It is patriotic to stand up for what you believe to be unjust. Speaking your mind promotes dialogue and debate; it allows for the best consensus to be reached. It makes your country and it's relation to the world a better place. Keep talking, Mr. Moore-we need you.