Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: Wow! Some harsh words in these reviews. Pity they all came from people who voted for a crook because he said he liked guns and not abortion. Well, guys, when you're sitting in your tiny grey cubes on Monday, with your bosses forcing you to work 86 hours a week and your health insurance company making you do it until you are 75 years old (if you live that long), only for you to discover at 75 that you have to bag groceries at the Quickie Mart for your benefits until the day you die, all the more so as the same bosses that made you work 86 hours a week spent all your pension to send their corporate offspring to business or law school, while your kids (if you can afford the insurance to have any) are all drafted into the marines to kill Arabs or naughty Europeans or some other object of hate for this week, which is just as well because you don't need a good education to get into the marines and they won't have one, and you can't travel anywhere beyond the Canadian border because your country is loathed worldwide, and your SUV is sitting in the front yard unused for five years because you and other morons like you hogged all the oil and we have run out of countries to pillage and natural areas to dig up, so you are stuck at home, then you may, just MAY, take the time to read this book and THINK for a while about what a MESS you and people like you are making of this country.
Rating:  Summary: Your country's right here! Review: As a hardcore Democrat-turned Republican, i think i have more of a right then ANYBODY to review this book. Moore has been hijacked by the left elites and tries to slam Bush every chance he gets. It's amazing how he says there's no liberal media when he'll get to be on several major network talkshows and all Ann Coulter gets to be on is The 700 Club and The Daly Show (notice not a major network). Yes, Bush's family is tied with Bin Ladins but people's interests change over the years. Bin Ladin was not always a terrorist. The relationships with the Saudis was predominately for oil, just as the Clinton's had ties to Arafat from Palestine. As for 9-11, Bush had nothing to do with it. And as for Iraq, even Clinton felt uncomfortable leaving Saddam still in power--as Iraq (especially Nothern Iraq) was home to terrorist groups. If Bush had something to do with 9-11 then did Clinton have something to do with the first WTC bombing? It doesn't make sense. Moore just hates Bush and I don't see why. I think he is a great leader especially after 9-11. He is very religious but why should you hate him for that? And if he doesn't agree with gay marriages because of his religion what's it to ya? Moore has some emotional issues it seems and still can't get over the fact that Bush won the election (why doesn't he ever admit that or debate the fact that Al Gore hired a team of DEMOCRATS to re-count the votes?). This guy has some issues. I suggest reading something from Tammy Bruce or Bill O'Reily instead.
Rating:  Summary: Blood Boiling, Heart Racing Anger Review: The opening chapter had my blood boiling and heart beat accelerating. We're talking the worst betrayal of public trust in my lifetime of 43 years that makes Nixon look like an unruly teen. I wanted to scream. BASTARD!These Reptilian extremists are the lowest, slimiest, dirtiest freaks of nature this country has ever seen. The sickest thing about these men, not to mention the women who support them, is how they hide behind these icons of freedom, patriotism, etc. Those in the current Administration are highly educated criminals manipulating and brainwashing people using the American system for all it's worth. They are raping it and robbing people's futures. Ken Lay isn't in prison, or even at trial, is he? Something is seriously wrong with this country and it's the people who continue to give a blank check to the slimiest, lowest, dirtiest unelected President this country has ever or will ever see!
Rating:  Summary: Good ideas, sloppy journalism Review: Moore presents some great ideas, but he is just sloppy with the actual research. He makes blanket statements and over generalizations that reduce him to the level of Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Coulter, Savage, and all the other over generalizing liars. By steadily dropping his standards each book, he is doing a disservice to us all.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you, Michael Moore. Review: The list of sources is a chapter in itself, making it difficult to doubt the aligations. You'll be stunned. Please read this book before Election 2004!
Rating:  Summary: Thank God I didn't buy this book Review: This is liberal propaganda at its best. Demonizing the successful, bashing Bush and reliving the sex filled days of the Clinton years. What Moore seems to not realize its big buisness that pays us working people, not the Mom & Pop stores that hire part time, miniumum wage jobs, which the democrates are so fond of. Looking out for big buisness is looking out for the working class. He forgets what made this Country great, Free Enterprise. The idea you punish the rich, sounds great to the less fortunate but without rewards for people taking risk you lose all incentive to succeed, why start a buisness when your reward is paying all your fruits of profit in taxes? Mr. Moore doesn't understand what the working class goes through, he is only a slave to his idealogical tainted views.
Rating:  Summary: Just another cliche Review: Another book void of any facts from Moore. He doesn't quite get it yet, that he, and all his ilk, are nothing more than mindless drones, going around and regurgitating mindless pap. Wake up guys, go to school and get an education.
Rating:  Summary: 4.5 Stars Review: I thoroughly enjoyed 2/3rd's of this book. The opening begins with questions that Moore would like to ask President Bush (which I hope he does). These are some really eye-opening questions, and they may or may not have any merit, but he does back up with questions with quite a bit of information. What I did not like about Mike's new book is that a lot of it is very "preachy", and almost whiney. Don't get me wrong, Mike is one of my heroes, but I think his message is most powerful in the form of film. With his films he shows that his views and opinions are not some crazy, half-baked idea. He actually shows you what is happening. But back to the book; It was full of very useful information for debating neo-cons (neo-conservatives). And, I would just like to say that anyone who is calling Mike a "fat-ass loser" should really be quiet. Where does that kind of talking get you? Wow, you pulled all your 10 brain cells together and came up with that very intelligent comment, I am so proud of you! Besides the fact that he has lost 50 pounds (which you would know if you ACTUALLY READ THE BOOK), his weight has nothing to do with his politics. I mean, Rush Limbaugh is even larger, and he's a drug addict! Who is in a treatment facility created by Bill Clinton, and I bet he hates every second of that. So please, don't write a "review" if your IQ is smaller than your shoes size.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal, conservative, who cares? Just the facts. Review: Other reviewers of this book bash Michael Moore for being obese, white-hating, and unamerican instead of refuting what he says. If you want to bash Michael Moore and his book, do so with facts. Dispute his claims. Show that George W. Bush and his family hasn't had ties to Saddam Hussein since the 1970s, show us the proof "W" had for starting this war, and disconnect all his links to "Kenny-boy," Enron and other energy companies and their attempts to pilfer Iraq of its natural resources. Forget the fallacious arguments and conservative rhetoric against this book and read it for yourself. Then make your opinion based on the facts, not Michael Moore, his weight, patriotism or all things arbitrary.
Rating:  Summary: Very sad Review: He is fat; has a weight problem; looks like an over-inflated raft; etc. Is that the best all you cretins and Moore-haters out there can come up with? Please, don't be so petty! Turn off Fox News, then go read this book...Go...NOW!