Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore is not only FUN but INFORMATIVE Review: Michael Moore is one of the privileged few who has the ability to share his views with the public. I'm grateful that I benefit from this privilege as it seems that our government and media are intent on silencing the liberal views I want to hear.I enjoy the humor Mr. Moore infuses into his writing and appreciate the research he puts into them. Thanks for another great book, Mr. Moore
Rating:  Summary: Total Garbage Review: What a vile, disgusting, ridiculous book! Not only is it horribly written, it is childish, trite and completely based on "zero" facts, much like the false documentary he made on Columbine. When they take his academy award off of him, they also need to take any writing implements along with it. He projects negativity, hopelessness and stupidity. Why any one would read such absurdity is beyond me. He is so obsessed with being "a liberal" that he will go to any lengths to discredit the Bush Administration, even lieing. He loses his objectivity and his common sense often twisting and turning events and facts at will. This book is a total joke and the only way it has made it on the best sellers list is because the likes of Barbara Streisand bought thousands of copies to boost sales. I'll guarantee you, he doesn't speak for us "non-Hollywood" folks. My recommendation for this book...don't buy it My recommendation if you did buy it....mail it back.
Rating:  Summary: brilliant! Review: Immidiately after it's publication, Moore's new book is a # 1 NYTimes best-seller. (Ahead of Bill O'Reilly... how cool is that!) Go, Mike!
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Why am I so Afraid Review: This book is about two things 1) Fear 2) Taking control of this country The first part of the book is all about fear (1-117) Michael explains to us how he and his liberal friend were paralyzed with fear after 9/11. They lived in constant fear of other attacks, they were nervous and lost. He writes that; all of us were also in this fear, unfortunately Mr. Moore seems to surround himself with liberals, a group that paradoxically has used fear for over a century to control the masses, it now seems that one of the their strongest weapons has turned against them. I feel sorry for the like of Moore and his minions, but if you listen long and hard enough, you can hear their faint and distant cries for help. It's clear they suffer from a unique pathology that is slowly driving them insane. They are, at their core, very, VERY afraid. They are afraid because ultimately, they are ignorant. They are ignorant of much of the world that exists outside their own. This basic ignorance leads to their overwhelming and permanent state of fear. The fear quickly paralyzes them and they become consumed with placating all supposed adversaries. They are too afraid or to selfish to placate their supposed adversaries themselves so instead they wan the government to do it. As a side note how many conservatives lived in fear after the attacks? Very few, if any and the reason is simple conservative live in the real world, they travel they read, they don't have their heads stuck in the sand. They know that terrorism, as sad as it is, is a way of life for many people throughout the world. When a bomb goes off in another country the citizens don't quiver in fear like Moore, they pick up with their lives. Once Michael Moore has you scared to death he then asks this question "When are we going to get this country and its economy in our hands" (149) To fully understand what he means we must first look at some of the highlights in this book and think whether you want this person telling you what to say, what you can eat, and what you can think. He tries to persuade us that George Bush was linking the 9/11 attack to Osama Bin Laden and provides 9 direct quotes to support this false charge. Not one quote ever mentions Osama's name or implies what Moore is saying. (54-55) Michael admits that Bill Clinton destroyed our military - bad thing. (73) Then complains that George Bush is trying to rebuild it - also a bad thing. (102) Double Fear - fear of being weak and fear of being strong. Michael thinks that 6-7 thousand civilians killed is worst than 2-3 million killed. (75) He did say earlier in the book that most Americans are uneducated; maybe he is proving this point. Or better yet, maybe he just thinks the earth is over populated? He thinks that nuclear plants can blow up like nuclear weapons. (92) FEAR. Thinks TATP, a type of plastic explosive, is detonated by lighting it on fire. (99) Duh, you need a detonator Mikey. Michael is upset that we DID NOT detain more people after 9/11. (20-21) Then he is upset that we detained people after 9/11 (108) I'm so confused. Makes a blanket statement that all rich people are probable terrorist and should be investigated. (116-117) He said it, I didn't! Saddem Hussein was a democratically elected leader. (120) Stop laughing it's there in BOLD print. Doesn't understand that Islam's goal is to exterminate the Jews. (121) Read the Koran and don't be AFRAID to tell the truth Michael. Wants the United States to give free water and health care to the whole world to help make them friendly with us. (122) This is part of the fear complex and placating potential adversaries. Wants to dictate to other countries the rules they should live by. (123-124) He's showing his true socialistic colors now. Wants to destroy all of our weapons of mass destruction because everybody else will of course follow suit. (125) Stupid is as stupid does. Wants to bomb people on the color of their skin. (126) Did I get your attention he wrote it, but it was meant as a joke. Wants to ban certain forms of speech in schools and in public (133-134) I guess MM gets to decide what we are allowed to say and think, whatever he FEARS is off limits. Is upset that people can make money on life insurance when somebody dies. (146) Most of the time the money is used to pay of taxes so your beloved government doesn't seize the family farm or your mom's house. Even worse the whole chapter is that Moore is upset that people make money period. Wants a company to purchase items for people who DO NOT work for them. (147) Was upset that the government didn't help Enron (152) Hey Michael, I thought the government shouldn't bail out businesses you said that in Stupid White Men. Is upset that people who paid ZERO taxes didn't get any tax refund back. (162) Actually if you look at it another way Michael, they got 100% of what they paid back. Tries to prove that this is a very very liberal country this is just one sample of his 'mainstream' statistics: 56% say labor unions are good --- drum roll please --- according to a poll taken by the AFL-CIO of ITS union members. (174) Yup NO BIAS THERE. Broad brushes all conservatives as being Racists and war mongers (186) wanting legally accepted date rape (184) and worst of all loving this country (186) If you live in fear and agree with the above statements then you will love this book otherwise.........
Rating:  Summary: Giving liberals a bad name. Review: I will read this book as soon as I get one for free. I will never give this man another cent. I am a liberal and I detest the way he makes us all look like crazy conspiracy theorists. His information is mostly hearsay. If you are buying this book so you can quote it and pretend to be smart, do yourself a favor and buy some Chomsky instead. Moore is an amazing film editor; a hero of mine in that regards. He is also a total freakin' idiot. You can tell he knows what he's going to think long before he does any research. The sooner fools like him loose recognition, the sooner we will see more liberals elected.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, you're a loser! Review: I'd have to say that anyone who tries to parady off the flop movie Dude, Where's My Car has to be one of the most unoriginal morons ever conceived. I'm not even going to waste another moment of my time reviewing this trash because I know that I'm too good for it. As for the other people who reviewed this, some are right, some are way wrong. To put it quite frankly, all the people who review these things need to step up and stop being such cowardous dolts and say who they are.
Rating:  Summary: Moore's dangerous ideas Review: First off, I must state that I am a history and international affairs buff, and I spend a lot of time to acquire objective POVs on issues: I listen to conservative talk radio AND Radio Pacifica, read the WSJ and the NYT; National Review AND (less and less) The Nation. Hell, I LIVE in Berkeley. I was, however, born and educated in a Soviet Bloc country where you knew you couldn't trust mass media or even your teachers, so you had to actively search for answers, read between the lines etc. While I do not like what Moore stands for, I did try to watch "Bowling" and read his books. I can never finish because his obvious radical agenda [the animated history of the US sequence in "Bowling" is the best proof that he has a grade-school level understanding of history. Does this guy even READ?]. But I do try, so no one can accuse me that I talk about his books without having read them. That's what a lot of left-wingers do: just see those one-sentence, one-star reviews for Coulter, OReilly, Robert Spencer, etc. So I went to the bookstore and flipped through "Dude." The title seemed to be more appropriate for his adolescent views than the simply offensive "Stupid White Men" (hey, can you imagine the reactions to a book called "Lazy _____ Men" [insert your own race/nationality]?). The cover itself speaks to his views. You do not have to be a Harvard symbologist to interpret Bush's face superimposed over the famous fallen statue of Saddam as suggestive of similarities between the two men, and the need to topple this "illegitimate, stolen-election" government. The idiocy of this does not even deserve any serious comment. Then you open this volume, and immediately you see: "Taking advantage of our grief, and our fear that "it" may happen again, an appointed president uses the dead of 9/11 as a convenient cover, a justification, for permanently altering our American way of life." And I already feel discouraged - and angry. Why does he think nothing has happened in the US since 9/11? (except, that is, Muslims shooting Israel-bound passengers at LAX and random bystanders in Maryland - whose motivations are to this day complete mysteries to CNN, ABC, CBS etc. commentators - but I digress.) Does this intellectual titan think that militant America-haters forgot? Decided to give us a break? Didn't want hurt people any more? Found Jesus? Didn't feel like it? Ran out of ideas? I would bet my money that "it" has not happened again only because of this administration's decisive, speedy and powerful response. Does Moore have better ideas how to handle the threat? Did he, for that matter, offer ANY answers/solutions in "Roger" and "Bowling"? It seems that his consistent solution is to overthrow the "system" - good ol' Marxist worldview. After just a couple of pages it is painfully obvious that further reading would be a total waste of time. So if you like Moore, or find him amusing, I guess that's fine. Just do not claim that you're a moderate or that he is a serious commentator. Final thought: he should really spend some time in a socialist or Islamic paradise - I'd like to hear his story then, about disenfrenchised workers, freedoms, unemployment, violence. "Bowling for Pyongyang?" "Ahmed and Me?"
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's my refund! Review: Wow,....not since I looked into a dumpster did I find a more vile load of garbage...okay,....Al Frankens book was just as much trash.. It seems that the real liars try to make themselves believeable by calling everyone else liars, Michael Moore, whom I'm ashamed to say is from Michigan..( kinda like the liberal heroes Dixie Chicks Huh??) should have titled the book,.Dude, where's my intellegence. A good read for Fiction....just don't take any of it seriously. A good book for your Conservative hating, socialist, communist, loving Liberal Friend.
Rating:  Summary: A Book That Came Right On Time... Review: I bought the book a week ago and didn't get a chance to finish it until this week (thanks to stormy weather) I think Mike Moore definitely brought up some interesting topics in this book, particularly one chapter I liked where he talks about the presidents involvement with the Bin Laden family, and in another his involvements with Kenneth Lay. I like chapter 9 because he breaks down the conservatives pretty good (lol), and it was funny when I came here to see the reviews after reading this book, it seems like there's already bunch of disgruntle conservatives making these short mean little reviews about the author and his book, I just think its funny. But if you do see something wrong with the way our CC is running things, this book is filled with interesting facts you may or may not be aware of, and don't allow any of those bias little reviews go scare you off because this book is definitely worth reading.
Rating:  Summary: Where's our country? Review: It's right here, at least that is the gist of the message Michael Moore is once again reminding us. It's a real pleasure to read such hopeful advice for a change. Yes, the country is in dire straits at the moment, but only at the hands of a few. Moore emphasizes, using polls from a variety of sources, that the majority of the people of this country are good, honest, hard-working "liberal" people that care about this country and want to see things change for the better. It's a great strategy to write a book in this way, it shows all of us - right or left - that we can have back the country we knew and loved. Seriously, I must agree that those who gave this one star didn't read it, or in fact, might be the very people he's exposing in this book (e.g. Bush Admin. and Corporate America). I agree with another reviewer that the chapter on how we all need to wake up and realize we probably won't be rich (Chapter 7), is very interesting and needs to be realized. Basically, don't waste your time rooting for the wealthy politician who says he wants to work to make things that way for you too, because he won't. During the last presidential election, I used to feel sorry for all those people driving beat up old cars with Bush/Cheney bumper stickers because I knew those two would never help these poor people get a better working car, let alone a decent job with a liveable wage, but these people really did believe it. I wonder how well they are doing now, or how much their lives have improved since the big tax cut. It seems they need to read Chapter 7, and then realize the only people these two wanted to help were themselves - and they have, along with that 1% of the people this administration set out to help. Say what you want, but I trust those of you who are ripping this book apart, aren't better off since this administration was placed into office.