Rating:  Summary: I enjoyed this book! Review: Even if I don't agree with MM on every point... He's right or awfully close on most. It's great to see someone take on our current usurper government and our poor, feeble president, even though I feel bad about picking on someone who doesn't seem to be all there.
Rating:  Summary: unreadable Review: look, I was given this as a birthday present, because all my friends know that I really respect his movies and have cited the show he did about running a ficus against terminal incumbents as one of the funniest and most right-on things I've ever seen. Yet I couldn't get past page 10. I didn't check his facts nor did I care to, because honestly his tone was so off the wall that it made the book unbearable. I am on his side and I still felt like the pages were screeching at me hysterically and yelling at me as if I were stupid, despite the fact that he couldn't maintain a consisten argument even over as short a span as two pages without getting into contradictions. honestly, don't waste your time, there are much better books out there to whet your anger with usefull information.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where are your facts? Review: I have read this book and I returned it because Michael did not offer and evidence to the veracity of his charges. If you think and read for yourself, don't waste your time on this book. I am a non-partisan independent and neither my wife, a Clinton Democrat, could stomach the misleading statements and outright misrepresentations of this book. This shpuld be more appropriately categorized as non-fiction.
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore - 'Dude, Where's my Country?' Review: How can a book that's so frightening be so funny? It's lucky that Moore possesses the ability to make you laugh because without the chuckle factor this book makes for a distressing read. The manner in which the reckless actions of the Bush Administration and their corporate sponsors are chronicled is comprehensive to say the least and could be enough to have some readers heading for the nearest terrorist training camp if not for the fact the book's central thrust is that their collective anger should be channelled into something positive, namely ousting the Republicans at the next election.This encapsulates Moore's greatest skill for me. A central danger of levelling too much criticism at the ways in which western societies function is that of alienating those you are seeking to win over with your argument in the first place. People generally fear what they perceive to be an extremist viewpoint and Moore exploits this natural inclination by portraying Bush & Co as the real extremists, in turn highlighting how his left of centre politics have everything in common with the majority of the American population. This of course is his who he is targeting and I'm glad someone like Moore has a mass audience in his sights. He has already shown with 'Bowling for Columbine' that mainstream society appreciates a hard dose of home truths as much as it does escapism and in an era swamped by big-budget dross it should be remembered as one of the most important films in recent history, not necessarily because it was a cinematic masterpiece but because it conveyed the stark reality of the 'American way' rather than glamorising it. Thus where today's most important issues are side-stepped and information is often distorted, Moore's work serves as an attempt to redress the balance and also helps to fill in the massive gaps left by global media networks more concerned by advertising rates and ratings than the merits of true investigative journalism. He reminds readers of the Enron scandal; "one of the greatest corporate scandals in the history of the United States," which, he argues, should have "resulted in Bush's early impeachment and removal from our White House". In light of the fact impeachment proceedings were brought against Clinton for lying about an extra-marital relationship, an act many would agree might more appropriately result in divorce rather than job loss, the author's judgement that Bush's altogether wide-ranging shady behaviour should result in nothing less than the sack is of course perfectly valid. Whilst this turn of events is perhaps unlikely, there is now at least a distinct possibility Bush will lose the election and not least because Iraq has become something of a political quagmire for the Republicans. For this to happen there is an immediate need for a credible opponent and, to be honest, how credible does that opponent really have to be?! Moore's favourite candidate is Oprah but he offers a more realistic candidate in General Wesley Clark. By picking Clark he is showing the American public that there still exist establishment figures that accurately reflect the majority mindset. Moore argues most people, like Clark, are concerned about the environment, are pro-choice, are in favour of better gun control, do fear that the Patriot Acts pose a threat to civil liberties and do favour a multilateral approach to international disputes rather than "jumping to a military solution too quickly". After suggesting Tom Hanks would make a good president or even the Dixie Chicks, the promotion of Clark as a possibility sums up Moore's whole style. He is always humorous but doesn't allows his own jokes to distract him from the important task of informing the masses and offering practical solutions to America's most pressing problems. If Bush's emphasis on the terrorist threat results in the nation supporting him out of fear then it follows that a "friggin' four-star general" would be best positioned to beat "Bush the deserter" at his own game. If not, President Moore has a nice ring to it................. This is an extract from the freedom costs money website.
Rating:  Summary: I love these arguments.. Review: To all the defensive, frothing neo-con clones, learn to read, and open your own eyes. You're mad because you back a party led by a POLITICALLY MEDIOCRE, intellectually absent hand puppet and THIEF OF OFFICE. He has surrounded himself in his STOLEN OFFICE by madmen and liars, who continually DISTORT FACTS, browbeat who they consider to be UN-AMERICAN, and GO TO WAR WITH COUNTRIES UNDER FALSE PRETENSES, go to war with countries where a little over half the population are YOUNG CHILDREN, who are consequently MAIMED AND KILLED. You talk of fear, the fear of liberals. Certain reviewers here throw around words like COMMUNIST and MARXIST. BUT NONE OF YOU ACTUALLY BOTHER TO REFUTE MOORE. While the policies, the propaganda dispersal, and the empire-building of the Bush administration resembles nothing other than that other political idelogy that you all left out, FASCISM!! How's that for a political viewpoint? You and your FOX NEWS FREAKS are helping to create a FASCIST-LIKE political climate, where no one can disagree. You have no problem with a government that suppresses, misinforms, and plunders. AND KILLS! You have no problem with it because you have no conscious. You don't care that the USA killed nearly 8,000 innocent Iraqi civilians IN YOUR NAME with their expertly-guided bombs. Now who lives in the real world here? FASCISM ISN'T AMERICAN. But best of all, the tide is turning, Bush's enemies smell blood, people are waking up to the lies, and the fact that they're not getting the Conservative political utopia they were promised, and they're mad as hell. And Micheal Moore has helped to turn the tide. In the end, it is you who are truly afraid, of the coming American regime change. So be afraid, be very afraid, you sniveling neo-con clones.
Rating:  Summary: He said 'Stupid White Men' would be his last book.. Review: ..and thank goodness it wasn't. 'Stupid..' was written pre-Sep 11, and was due to be shipped out to stores that day. Then came the attacks, and Moore's book was pulled, and would probably have never been released were it not for the e-mailing campaign of a librarian. Being written prior to 9/11, a lot of the outrage of 'Stupid White Men' seems quaint in regards to all the things that have happened in the USA and abroad. And, never fear, Moore takes them on in this book, the best chapter being the first in which he makes a damning case for a Bush/Saudi / Al-Quida conncection (I think that most of the US would be shocked to learn that the BBC reported in 1997 that the Taliban, yes, that Taliban, were invited out to Texas by Bush's oil buddies. Moore makes a case that a botched plan involving the radical group to pipe oil under the Caspian may have resulted in the 9/11 attacks). Above all, his book doesn't merely slush around in the muck of party-bashing, like many of these tomes (written by the likes of Coulter to Franken) frequently do. And it's funny.
Rating:  Summary: Mary Tyler Moore has really put on weight Review: Also, I didn't know she was so political!
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore follows the money, maybe finds his country Review: Coming off his ultra-controversial Oscar acceptance speech during the awards show, Michael Moore booms back with his new work, "Dude Where's My Country?" The reinvigorated Michael Moore tends to be a preacher and somewhat of a demagogue. Both of these traits do not affect anything his hard work produces because he digs for dangerous and well-hidden facts, revealing them through mainstream sources including the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the New York Times in "Dude Where's My Country?" The first chapter of the book roars off the page with incredibly damaging evidence of the current president's ties to Saudi Arabian wealth. Bush and Bin Laden families have monetary ties in business ventures, and United States agencies helping Bin Laden family members escape retribution after the terrorist attacks on September 11 are extraordinary pieces of information. Michael did his work, now give him his due. The book slowly fades out and begins to drag on through the latter chapters, but this only happens because the first two chapters are so demanding of the reader's attention. Michael Moore writes very creatively on one of his dark futuristic dreams and also plays God in one chapter. He references George Orwell quite a bit, and brings the reader into what he plans to do with his "very own tax-cut." Moore not only shouts profanely out loud in his book and on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, but also goes through his usual rants on the United State's participation in developing nations' coups and over-thrown democracies around the world. The book summarily finishes with Moore informing his readers and relieving the stress that America is not as liberal as the liberal tends to believe. Moore suggests how to deal with the conservative brother-in-law and how he believes the current president will be removed from office. Yes Michael Moore can be offensive toward more conservative readers and those who only wish they may possible be able to raise even the slightest bit of the hell he raises... he now officially becomes the people's muckraker. Moore pledges this to be his last published book, but will still release another documentary on the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States.
Rating:  Summary: This Red Diaper Baby is One Smart College Dropout Review: Michael Moore, the author of Dude Where is My Country (henbceforth Dude), has been called a red diaper baby and a college dropout. Because he is thought fat, some say that he knows as much about economics as he does about weight control. First, Dude is substantive yet simple. The world is full of educated people whose opinions differ. Having Esquire or PHD after one's name is merely a bona fide, tis not an argument. Support, not titles ought count as argument. If Mike merely gave the opinions of his opponents and offered that as argument, the way Laura Ingraham Esquire does in her book Shut Up, then he would be as vapid as she. But he does not. Second, anyone who read the book would know that Mike has dropped 50 pounds. So, Mike obviously knows something about weight loss, and the book shows he knows something about economics. Still, I was a little uncomfortable with the first chapter. The rumor about Osama's failing health, was off putting for me. I know Mike's point, but why speculate when what is really important is the relationship between the Bush family and Bin Laden family. Why were the Bin Ladens wisked out of the country after 911? Why weren't they interrogatted by the FBI? Arguments that Osama was a black sheep do not hold up under scrutiny. Even if he was a black sheep, why'd we let the fam go? Amd why has information concerning the Saudi's role in the 911 tragedies been classified by the Bush administration? The chapter on lies is magnificent. Mike deconstructs the many lies of this administration, not by merely stating the administrations lie, then ridiculing the position ala Laura Ingraham, the attorney, and moving on to the next fib. Instead, Mike spends pages on each, giving copious evidence in support of his opinion and always to build a case using real American values and logic. Also, it is funny! OK, the Bushies are an easy target, but still... He asks Americans to have a little empathy for those in other countries. And he suggests some things we might do to be a little more popular in the world. I think it was Bismarck who said that "war is an extension of politics by other means." If the goal of war is to create a new consensus and ultimately make friends, you have to wonder why the neocons goal seems to be alienating as many nations as possible. Mike shows that the "Coalition of the Willing" is a canard. A stolid brotherhood of 39 nations as the right brags? Or a contingent 90% American? He shows that on most issues, Americans hold liberal positions. He does not just say it, but he presents convincing evidence in the forming of polling data to support that assertion. The problem is that conservatives, and you have to give them credit, have done an amazing job of making anyone left of Rush Limbaugh seem no different than a communist. Conservatives have coopted symbolism but have neglected substance. I think Mike says that is where we will ultimately win, take back America. I especially enjoyed his evidence on health care. Read the book. It is convincing. Anyone who thinks America has the best health care system in the world is in serious need of education on the subject. Mike can give you a primer. Gore Vidal once said that the United States was the only democracy on earth where citizens consistently voted against their own self interest. Mike's answer is similar to Studs Terkel's in his book Working. Read both books. The chapter about "your conservative brother-in-law" was a delight. We all have them in our lives--mine is really a close personal friend. Mike tells us how to talk to them. The conversation involves their self interest and our admitting the many good points of conservatism. He trots out a bunch of clunker stupid ideas we liberals reflexively defend. Stuff we ought have jettisoned long ago. The one thing I think he misses is that conservatism to these folks is more a religion than a political position. The ideology is beautiful; it just does not work. But Mike is what he is. His hat, his dishevled appearance, communicate that he is a simple, brave man. The answer is simple, but the work is hard. And, again, Mike is dressed for hard work. He means to tell you the problem, in the simplest language he knows. This year the Greens can forget it, so can other exotic fringe groups that siphon votes from the left. We all have to get behind a candidate that can beat George W Bush. Four more years of Dubya could seriously hurt this country. That is Mike's message. We all must work to take America back.
Rating:  Summary: Very Enlightening Review: I read through this book in two days. I have admired Mr. Moore since he had the courage to speak the truth at the 2002 Oscar ceremony. There were many facts that I was not aware of, I learned, laughed and sometimes sat in disbelief. The only reason this book is not getting 5 stars is because it is slightly one-sided. I am sure Bill O'reilly and Sean Hannity have the same problems in their books, but I would not waste the money to read something by them. I just wish Mr. Moore, would have said some of the good things Bush did. There are not many, and I believe the man should be removed from office as soon as possible, but there has to be something good that he has done, then I again, I could be wrong because I am not aware of anything.