Rating:  Summary: Attempt to Provide the World with an Objective Review: Review: I am going to try to float over the top of the ideological spectrum here and avoid voicing any opinion as to whether Michael Moore is "right" or "wrong." It is obvious that you will like the book more and agree with the opinions it expresses if you lean to the left, whereas you are likely to be maddened to the point of steam spurting out of your ears if you lean more to the right. If you try to examine the book from an unbiased perspective (which is INCREDIBLY difficult!), you can see that it has many strenghts and weaknesses:In my opinion, the book's main strength could be considered its main weakness by many: its simplicity. If you are just a layman in the world of politics, Moore is good at summarizing several years of events and explaining them in a clear, easy-to-grasp manner. I think he makes a good case for some ideas we could almost consider fact: that the Bushes have a great relationship with the Saudi royal family, that this royal family is as cruel and dictatorial as the taliban and therefore it is illogical for us to be supporting it, that the Bush government has lied quite a few times to achieve certain goals. Other theories, especially stating that the gov't is using fear to scare us into submission, may be true but are impossible to prove, leaving the book open to criticism. I can't judge whether his facts are incredibly well-documented, but he does provide references for everything he claims, which is more than most politicans can say! On the other hand, if you are already well-informed about the situation in Iraq, the Bush family and other events of late in American politics, then the book may seem to be unnecessary to you, since it doesn't say anything totally new (after all, the information is taken from other well-known sources). This was probably Moore's intention, since the book was obviously meant to appeal to the general public and not intellectuals and high-level government officials. His use of common language is great, though it sometimes goes a little bit too far and detracts from his message. If you are a "liberal" read the book to reaffirm your ideas and get some new ammo for your next conversation, and if you are a "conservative" you can use the book to practice your rebuttals, though of course I hope we are all reading with at least a slightly open mind.
Rating:  Summary: I Suggest other Literature Review: Please don't say this is required reading, don't say its filled with facts, don't say it opened my eyes to the world. If you did see any of these things in the book then I would like to reccomend some reading for you -American History Textbook -World History Textbook And then follow it up with a text on World Politics and Economics...Obviously if you know somehting about each you can make a good estimate of what Mr. Moore is embellishing. I found it appaling that people can blame Bush for not preventing 9/11 attacks. Let us not forget that under Clinton the WTC had an attempted Terrorist attack fail after the bomb didnt explode in the right place, bombed embassies in Africa, bombed the USS Cole but Clinton did nothing in the ways of acting to prevent or correct the situation. He states that Bush is the worst president ever...Compared to who? Every president has good and bad its just that people are selective in what they want to hear about someone's history
Rating:  Summary: Eye opening Review: If you like to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth, read this book. It is obviously slanted but well researched and has some excellent points. Michael Moore will be regarded as an American Icon 100 years from now. He tells it like it is. I highly recomend this book even if your are a conservative like myself.
Rating:  Summary: Believing his own hype. Review: Is everything really W's fault? I think not. To listen to Moore and his media preeners, I would think that all was honest, wholesome, and apple-pie during the Clinton years. All in all, Moore is far too impressed by his own hype.
Rating:  Summary: Clear Cut, Straight to the Point Review: Michael Moore might not be the best researcher out there, and he may not be the most eloquent writer, but no one provides a more unclouded, non-selfish diagnosis of today's problems than he does (and what's more, he doesn't insult your intelligence by tossing the word "traitor" around like a dirty rag). Books like Moore's are absolutely vital in times like these. He doesn't have all the answers--but he does have a clear-cut image of what the problem is. When other political writers flat-out lie (like Ann Coulter) or ignore certain uncomfortable truths (like Al Franken), Moore calls it as he sees it, which is as close to purely honest as you're going to get. This is someone who doesn't have an ulterior motive--he actually wants to change society in a way that he thinks is beneficial. And if he thinks that someone is hurting the "good" of society, he will criticize them, whatever their party. Words can't describe how valuable this book is--except the words in the book itself. If you care about anything in the entire world, read this book.
Rating:  Summary: "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Review: The above quote from the movie "Network" crystalizes how Moore feels about the United States in this latest installment. In a time of distorted media, lying politicians and a thief-in-chief, Moore provides a voice of sanity and unity for those who are sick of watching their world fall to pieces. Despite the poor title, the book is concise and very well written, with a large research and bibliography to back up Moore's facts. I can proudly say I looked up all of his sources, and each one of them is accurate and used precisely. Give this book to friends who are depressed and scared, and it will give them something to fight for: a world without Bush.
Rating:  Summary: Cheers to Mr Moore for Speaking Up Review: A must read. Despite the serious subject matter, it's very funny - but it's the well sourced information that holds the reader. I am also very thankful to this man for putting to paper what so many of us have been thinking and feeling, especially during these past 3 years.
Rating:  Summary: Grow Up Review: Instead of whining and "backing up" your opinions presented as fact, why just admit that you're enjoying using your outlandishness for monetary gain. If you actually believe the things you say, Mr. Moore, then you're in an altered state of reality.
Rating:  Summary: Commy book for ugly people trying to score... Review: This type of crap is a dime a dozen, i could turn on the evening news to hear this commy propaganda. If you are wanting to pick up on ugly feminazi types, read this book. Take this book to a coffee house and look for the angry clipped haired broads. My friends and I have sucessfuly used this book and others like it to lure athiestic pinko woman to our private beaver traps...
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book. Not As Humorous But.... Review: It was an awesome book to read. Some of the facts/figures...YIKES! But there still was some classic humor there. We have to face it, no matter what your political type is, Michael Moore is a GENIUS! If you want a WELL RESEARCHED (like 20 pages of sources), interesting, and thought provoking novel....read this book. It almost seems like it has to be fiction but it's the truth.