Rating:  Summary: Arguing on Amazon Reviews is like... Review: Running in the Special Olympics! No matter who wins you're still retarded! I've found that the Star ratings are by and large useless when it comes to purchasing books in the political genre. The majority of "commie pinkos" are going to give it 5 stars and all "right winged zealots" are going to give it 1 star. **Yawn** Nothing new here. A great man once asked: "Can't we all just get along?" Alas, Rodney, we're not even close.
Rating:  Summary: G W Bush - bad policy wrapped in a flag Review: Michael Moore is more on target than not. If you "follow the money" it will lead you to the truth. Here's some food for thought. "Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger. It works the same in any country." -- Herman Goering, 18 April 1946, Nuremberg It's amazing how well the right wing uses this simple formula.
Rating:  Summary: Duuuuuude! Review: Great book. Required reading for all of those who are "real" Americans! Moore, has received his fair share of crap for his statements, his movies, and his books. After his latest work all that can be said is keep it up Mr. Moore. Most liberal and conservative books speak with overt bias swinging one way or the other. "Dude" is no different...with one major exception. Most of these political books never produce accurate references or quotes. Worse, many of these books take words out of context. However, with the exception of "Lies" by Al Franken, "Dude" is the only text that isn't afraid to back up its words with proper and accurate references. Is it any wonder that Coulter, (poor, poor) Limbaugh, Sean "Crappitty", O'Reilly, the White House, the Republican party, and other conservative voices have only produced feeble attempts at discrediting the information contained in this book? You gotta admire a person who isn't afraid of going up against a media with such "liberal" bias.
Rating:  Summary: A Smash Hit!!! Review: Wow.. another fantastic book by Michael Moore! Ever since Stupid White Men, I've been a fan. Someone who writes a book that is the best selling nonfiction book ever must be saying something right. Once again, Moore rants about his favorite subject; George W. Bush. I wonder what Moore would do if Bush wasn't in the White House... While reading this book, there were a lot of things I didn't know about the events before and after 9/11. Moore opened my eyes to the lies that are going on right under American's noses. *With approval from the FBI and the help of the Saudi government, the relatives of Osama bin Laden were allowed to leave the US, assisted by US authorities right after the terror attacks. They never went through any serious interrogation, other than a few questions that the FBI asked them. *Days after September 11, the FBI started a search to see if any of the 186 suspects purchased guns. They found 2. Enter Attorney General, John Ashcroft. When he heard about this, he shut the search down. Why? *In 1997, while Dubya was governor of Texas, the Taliban travelled to Texas to meet with Bush's oil & gas company friends. *In 2002, a senior American diplomat was sent to Niger to investigate claims that Iraq had tried to buy yellow cake uranium. He concluded that the allegations were false. The White House ignored this report and kept the hoax alive. *Weapons of mass distructions: Both Bush and Tony Blair assured people that Iraq did have mobile labs to produce WMD. Bush declared that they had infact found two of these weapons facilities. After an investigation into the two trailers, they found that they were not germ warfare labs, but were for the production of hydrogen to fill artillery balloon as the Iraqis had said all along. Yes, Saddam did at one point have WMD, but they were given to him by the US. In fact, the US also supplied Saddam with such biotoxins as Anthrax, Botulisim and many more. Even many US companies assisted Iraq in making the WMD: Hewlett Packard AT&T DuPont Kodak While Bush had tried so hard to convince everyone that Saddam and Osama bin Laden were working together on the 9/11 attacks, a memo was leaked that said there were no links between Saddam and Osama. In fact, bin Laden considers Saddam to be an infidel. When Bush decided to attack Baghdad, he used so called "precision-guided" bombing that is accurate to almost an inch. After two bombing campaigns, 9000 civilians were murdered. So much for accuracy. How is it any different that when the US kills civilians, it's called "collateral damage" but when anyone else kills US citizens, it's called terrorism. What about the 9000 dead in Iraq? Instead of telling everyone else to get rid of their WMD, how about starting at home in the US? It's a bit hypocritical to start a war based on the fact that Iraq supposedly has WMD, when everyone knows that they exist on US soil. Oprah for President!
Rating:  Summary: Moore Self-Serving Bull for the Propaganda Industry Review: I agree with Eric Smith-- Moore-stein would be a more realistic surname, Thank You for your Photo Mr. Moore. Dont waste your money on this propaganda style, self-serving book. Allow me to shed light: Gore was a jew, Gore made sure no free healthcare happened to hurt his jewish medical brothers, PLUS almost robbed a MULTI BILLION SSA surplus, calling it a "dangerous deficit" for 8 years. This surplus revealed by Bush on taking office, no? Explains the "ruckus" in Florida challenging his soon-to-be exposure for that unnoticed crime. Mr. Mooreshwitz, youre too transparent. Gore's clan owns our media, medical fields, and 3/4 of Congress for God's sake, yet they comprise only less than ONE PERCENT of americans. How did these non christians get control of us, people? The issue here, is that NEITHER Dems NOR Rep's are WHO THEY CLAIM TO BE - they are ALL snakes unfortunately, doing ANYTHING to get a vote...Calling themselves a color (dem or rep) when in reality, they are just ALL powermongers, liars, and hypocrites. The obvious fact we are all missing, dividing ourselves into black and white, is that tho we're different, we ALL have the SAME good wants for our country - freedom, health, economic prosperity, fairness, etc. WHY DIVIDE?? We used to call this divide and conquer, and from what I see its worked rather well, we ARE conquered. Who thought this all up? That somehow libs, dems and rep's are all that FAR off in their common goals and humanity? Its like dividing plants up into good and bad, while theyre all the same - simple plants. America has gone braindead, and allowed itself to be ruled by kings again. Temporary elected kings albeit, but we've LET this take place. We are supposed to tell THEM what to do, not the other way around, anyone remember 1776? Now our constitutional rights have gone missing??? Is anybody home or do we have boogey-man fear shutting us up like the 1950s? Where does that leave us? Needing a BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE government system where EACH MAN VOTES on EACH ISSUE, from laws, to grants, to elections. We have the computer technology to do this, so why not drop the BOARD OF EDUCATION ruling voting system and ballots; we already have the numbering SSA system in place to verify real people "on the books" to have only ONE vote counted ACCURATELY (no more dead voters please :). This way, we'd even weed out the corrupt who PAY NO TAXES from voting, i.e. no SS#, No Vote. Why has no one else thought of that, besides Ross Perot? (And re Board of Ed: why??? are they even in control of ballot tampering?) How do we get free healthcare? We stop patronizing the medical industry and heal ourselves starting with what we eat and what we breath, and waking up to care about the same. How do we get the "snakes" out from ruling ontop of us? You guessed it, stop patronizing their industry and tell them to hit the road. Oh, Oprah sounds like a real good choice, something along those lines. But ANYONE would do, so long as we CHANGE the method of laws being passed - by computer, and by US the people - it would simply TAKE the control away from who ever we DO elect, dont you think? Mr. Moore has conveniently told only one side of those facts, to the effect that he creates fear, divides even more, and serves his own money making political desires. SLANTED Journalism at its best, like the NY Times that published him.
Rating:  Summary: He understands what makes America tick. Review: Fear and Horatio Alger-these are the twin pillars of America and the people now running the American government know it and use, particularly the first one, to attain their goals throughout the world. As a foreigner I understand these motives and as long as the motivation stays on the other side of the Pacific it wouldn't make much difference what America did. But as most people know, that's not the way the world works and as far as we are away, we can't escape the poor decisions made by leaders chosen in a country on the other side of the world. That's why Moore's book is addressed to me here in Perth-I can't escape the tentacles of mad U.S. foreign policy, rapacious trade policies and rampant cultural imperialism but I can at least understand why it happens as it does. Michael Moore knows the mechanics of these problems in that he understands the motivations that drove their development in the States. The problem is, the very success of America that has put so much money in the pockets of the business aristocracy, is also the problem that demands people throughout the world understand how the giant operates. America has pushed into other countries and now it must accept that people in those countries judge what is happening to them-it has become our business! However, we can do almost nothing to protect ourselves from the idiocy emanating from the neocon thinktanks so prevalent in America but at least we can arm ourselves with understanding-the understanding of what makes the bull do what it does. Moore has identified many of the pegs that neocon governmental policy has hung its various domineering hats on as the means to make, first the U.S. and eventually the rest of us, do their bidding. I can only hope that his fervent wishes in chapter 11 come true in some form-be it Oprah, Dean or Clark. The world needs anyone besides Dubya-please!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointingly Sophomoric Review: Michael Moore's fame has apparently gone to his head, since he has produced one of the more poorly reasoned books of liberal advocacy that I've read in years. (The Oscar speech apparently persuaded him that he was a political pundit.) Yes, the book has flashes of his famous wit (e.g., "George of Arabia," "Jesus W. Christ," "Leave No Billionaire Behind," etc.). The first chapter (focusing on the Saudi ties of the Bush family) presents some important information about which most Americans should be aware. But most of the book is amazingly shallow and poorly presented. So we really live in a liberal country after all? Tell that to those of us who still call ourselves liberals and have barely weathered the last 24 years. (Moore actually has the audacity to characterize Richard Nixon as a "liberal" President!) So the best option for those of us who want to liberate the White House from the clutches of W and Company is Oprah Winfrey? Give me a break--why not try Leno or Letterman while we're at it!? It's "liberals" of his persuasion who gave W the White House in 2000 by supporting Ralph Nader. In the words of Ricky Riccardo, "Mike, you sure have some 'splainin' to do!" Stick to documentaries and leave political analysis to those with less naivete and more wordly wisdom--and to those willing to do some real reasoning rather than publishing what comes straight out of the word processor.
Rating:  Summary: LOL Review: I'd love to have a political "conversation" with Cranky_reviewer. His politics make Michael Moore look like a genius, and that's saying a lot. Th e main reason is, Moore's "facts" are based on conspiracies. Clinton was SUUUCh a successful president that his healthcare system failed, his "war on poverty" failed, his attacking countries failed, and let's not forget the many affairs and flirting with women during office hours! Okay, Cranky...if you think this is good leadership then I'm all for it! And no, these are not lies. Cranky probably thinks Bush is somehow "behind" 9/11. And yes Jesse Jackson is racist. So is Affirmative Action. esyoda@yahoo.com :-P
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's Your Balls??? Review: Another moral lacking liberal, who can't see the real problem, who can only spin other peoples valiant deeds and works, and poke fun at them in books. Provide me a non comical solution to real world problems you fat idiot. My advice to Michael Moore is to grow some BALLS, and realize that inaction can also be a great vice. Sure let an anti-christ like Saddam torture and kill his citizens, while becomming one of the richest men in the world, just let him be, "Peace Man"...you Hippy.
Rating:  Summary: Take a trip out to middle America......... Review: I find it interesting that so many people are writing negative things about President Bush and his stand to fight terror. Is it possible that the extreme left in the Democratic Party is supporting these authors either directly or by buying large numbers of their books to try and put their agenda up as being the only "correct" interpertation in America? Enron and the dot com stock market was forstered under the Clinton administration, but it was the Bush administration that finally started to put the illegal dealings out in the open. I live in a big city, but am glad to vacation in the middle of the country where many real Americans live. America is not only Hollywood and New York. Mr. Moore needs to get out more - perhaps "Stupid White Men" was his autobiography.