Rating:  Summary: Why bother with facts when Publishing glib comments sells. Review: I truly don't understand why this book is placed in the category of non-fiction. Non-fiction tends to imply that books must be based on facts and not on make-believe. Mr. Moore presents his facts in an anecdotal format, that is by all means humorous in nature, yet fails to contain any real substance. Numerous quoted facts of Mr. Moore are plain wrong and the rest of the book is narrow-minded and biased. I do not understand why the public enjoys reading such one sided statements on political issues, when tons of material is available that will show both sides of the controversy. Never does Mr. Moore even attempt to allow the other side to offer its view point on any of the issues. The entire point for criticizing and evaluating current political events in a "book form" is that this media allows you time to form your ideas and make your arguments. This book does nothing of the sort. Just like any left or right wing bias this book represents lies as God given truths and allows no dissent or freedom of thought. If you want to be informed about the world today don't read this book. If you want to laugh at Mr. Moore's silly puns and rantings, then this may be for you. Just don't assume this is serious political commentaries based on real facts or investigative reporting. Read it for what it is "Political Commedy."
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's my barf bag? Review: This book is so depressing. When you buy this book pick up some poison or a noose so you can kill yourself after reading it. According to Mikey, you can't make it in America because the odds are so stacked against you. Apparently that doesn't apply to him. But look on the bright side, by buying this book you can help him make his Manhattan penthouse mortgage payments! Corporations are evil unless they are churning in the millions for fat Mikey. Hopefully he will move to a cool Communist country, like North Korea or Cuba. People live really great there!
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore: Political Genius Review: I must say, I found this book just as good as Stupid White Men, It was more interseting and less funny. Anyone who is slightly left of the center politically will enjoy this book, as Michael Moore is funny, and very very informitive. The book even bashes some stupid things librals have done in the past, so it isn't 100% unbalanced. Al Franken had a tendency to close his eyes to the evils of the Democrats, but Moore isn't scared to bash anyone or close his eyes and pretend that everything was ok with his political party (actually Moore is a Green). The only reason I could even dram about giving this book less then a 4 is if I was Rush Limbauh (hypocrit). The only reason why people would give this book a bad review is because they are afraid of letting the truth get out, because they are either blind to the truth, or they are afraid others will see it.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Believe? Check Out the URL in My Review Review: This book is absolutely great! Michael Moore explains the REAL Bush Administration's record (not their nice words) like the awful crap that it is, without getting all whiny and hand-wringing about it. I noticed that several "reviewers" attacked this book for being false, and even perpetuated the notion that his film, Bowling for Columbine, was filled with inaccuracies - please see this URL for a clear rebuttal: http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/wackoattacko/
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore-on again? Review: There are only two things wrong with this book, the style and the content. After all, what else is there?
Rating:  Summary: Sloppy, Poorly Written, Full of Errors, Exaggeration Review: Hard to know where to begin because the book is so biased, so inaccurate and so godawful that it is a delight to see that Michael is in Germany as this is written. His Columbine effort had the rigors of an Oxford Press scholarly effort compared to this quickly-dashed-off screed.The biggest complaints, though are that his reasoning is so flawed, he generalizes from anecdotes, engages in ad hominem attacks and most of all has written a book that is INTENSELY BORING and will interest only the most left-wing devotee.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring and Awesome read! Review: Easy book to read, with Michael's straight shooting no-nonsense style. Great analysis and data to back the statements and thoughts - so it's not baseless ranting. The world needs more Michael Moores - honest people who truly love their country and speak up to defend our civil liberties, and he does this in a candid and transparent way. Creating awareness of these cronyism/lies/problems are critical for people's opinion to swing...and ultimately vote for a leader who won't use fear against us. I am surpised that even for a country with free speech the media has been pretty one-sided (big Brother controlled). If you think this is bad in America...other parts of the world could have had locked someone like Michael behind bars under the guise of national security! Like Michael said - your country's just out there - bring it home.
Rating:  Summary: booooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Review: THIS GUY IS DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!! HE SHOULD BE SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS ALL I HAVE TO SAY =)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Better than Stupid White Men Review: Mr. Moore starts of by detailing the indirect connections between the family of OBL and George W. Bush. The Bin Ladens were heavy investors in the Carlyle group, which finances weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, which that government uses to terrorize its people. Bush Sr. was seen laughing with Bin Laden's brother at a Carlyle meeting the day before 9-11. Saudi investments in this country, he notes, are crucial for keeping our economy afloat. The Carlyle group is stacked by mostly ex-Republican politicians such as Bush Sr. The law firm of James Baker, another Carlyle consultant, is representing the Saudi government in the lawsuit against it by the families of the 9-11 victims. The Bush administration blacked the sections on the Saudis and 9-11 in its report to Congress. Bin Laden's family has officially disowned Osama,.yet he still has access to the family fortune and seems to be getting money from them. Six months before 9-11, a tape shows several members of OBL's immediate family at one of his son's wedding. The big surprise in all of this is two-dozen Bin Laden family members were allowed to fly out of the country in the days after 9-11 when all flights were grounded. Similarly several family members were allowed to fly from Florida to Kentucky to join other family members looking at horses. No law enforcement detained them to question them about OBL and 9-11. Moore suggests that the appalling perfection of 9-11 couldn't have been executed by the ill Bin Laden in his cave. The hi-jackers might have been professionals from the Saudi military and were funded by the Bin Laden sympathizers in the Saudi royal family. He has a section where talks about Unocal's efforts to get the Taliban to agree to build a pipeline across Afghanistan to transport Central Asian gas. Zhalmay Khalizad, the new UN ambassador to Hamid Karzai in Kabul, was then on the Unocal payroll on advocated doing business with the Taliban. Karzai is also a former Unocal employee. He goes into a discussion of Iraq. He notes the 1994 report of the Senate banking committee, which detailed the massive aid given by U.S. corporations to Saddam to build his WMD arsenal with the approval of the Reagan-Bush Sr. regimes. He quotes former Reagan administration official Howard Teicher that Reagan told Saddam that the U.S. would give him whatever he needed to defeat Iran. He notes that the Reaganites wrecked a 1988 house sanctions bill against Iraq because it would interfere with U.S. business opportunities. He notes that the inspectors and the IAEA said that aluminum tubes being used by Iraq to make small rockets but Bush quoted them as saying that Iraq was trying to make centrifuges to make uranium. Then there were the supposed mobile labs. At one point Rumsfeld claimed to have found two of them after the fighting ended but they turned out to be facilities for making hydrogen for hot-air balloons. He notes that while Colin Powell was bamboozling at the UN with evidence such as documents constructed by Tony Blair's PR people from a graduate student's paper from 1991, British intelligence leaked to the BBC that there was no evidence of a Saddam-Bin Laden connection. They had tried to be friends at one point just before the first Gulf war but Saddam is a secularist and Bin Laden is an extreme fundamentalist and Bin Laden was upset by the invasion of Kuwait. Similarly with the other supposed Iraqi-Al Qaida link of Ansar Al Islam. That group called Saddam an enemy and was in Northern Iraq out of Saddam's jurisdiction. Nobody was able to find their supposed weapons factories. He has a good section about the raging anti-French cretinism. He notes that Fox news kept showing Jacques Chriac meeting with Saddam back in the 70's but neglected to show Rumsfeld meeting with Saddam as Reagan's envoy in 1983., he coalition of the willing seemed largely to consist of the governments of such countries and not their people. Opposition to the war was around 70 percent in Australia, Japan and Italy. In Spain only 13 percent supported the war on condition that the UN oversaw it. In Turkey 94 percent opposed the war. In this country, many people believe that Saddam took part in 9-11. Half in a poll thought incorrectly that one or more of the 9-11 hijackers were Iraqi (most were Saudi). The Bushies had them so scared out of their wits that at one point during the war, a quarter in a poll thought that Saddam had already used WMD against our forces. He notes how Americans were bamboozled into buying up their remaining savings in stocks to vastly over-inflate the economy. He talks about a bill in congress to limit pensions for blue-collar workers because poor working conditions will cause such workers to die sooner. He talks about companies who secretly buy life insurance policies in the name of their employees, then when the latter die, pocket all the money. Moore quotes a study that at one superfund toxic waste site there were disproportionately high rates of cancer, asthma, respiratory sicknesses, etc. The tax to fund a superfund to clean-up toxic waste was passed in 1980; it was not renewed in 1995. By 1999 taxpayers were splitting the costs of clean up with the superfund; back in 1994, the superfund covered 80 percent of it. He notes that according to the department of labor workers in unions make an average of $717 a week compared to $573 a week for those not in unions. Since the early 80's, the income of the richest one percent has gone up 157 percent; that of the Middle class only 10 percent. Since 1980 states have seen a 157 percent increase in money spent on prisons.; their spending on education has gone up only 32 percent. Half the people don't bother to vote. He shows how many Americans endorse "liberal" positions on many issues.
Rating:  Summary: Simple words - and humour ! - to tell the truth... Review: Especially amusing (and at the same time a real lecture about honesty in politics) is the chapter about "Jesus W. Christ". One might think his humour is especially "dry" (or british ?) - but I like it very much. I didn't finish Michael Moores new book yet (the german edition appeared just a few days ago...) but tonight I had the chance to see and hear M.M live in Hamburg at the CCH, where he talked to about 1500 very interested (mostly young) german readers. In my opinion he is a straight-thinking american citizen in the best way: defending fundamental civil rights, revealing lies and dishonest politicians - first of all the man in the white house who claims (does he ?) to be elected by a majority of the american nation... I would like to recommend this book (as his other ones too) - they are definitely NOT "anti-american" but give back the image of a civilized and freedom-loving people to the whole nation ! I congratulate any american to such a courageous man, always showing an unassuming presence. Read his books and don't forget: didn't all totalitarian regimes first of all punish people who told jokes about their leaders ? Defend your liberty !