Rating:  Summary: Thanks Mike Review: I'm not going to rave on about how good this is, because plenty of people already have. I just want to say how glad I am that America has found a voice for reason. I don't agree with everything he says, but I didn't have to to enjoy his book.To the people who gave this book low ratings; the vast majority have shown yourself to be ignorant and immature. Why don't you try rebutting arguments Moore made in his book. Some have said that 'he doesn't use any facts.' Oh yeah, no facts. Except for those which take up pages of footnotes at the end of the book. Those people who said he uses no factual information have- wait for it- no facts to back their statements up. I'll be very surprised if someone can find a fact (not an opinion), in any of his books or films, which cannot be substantiated with solid evidence. I'm 15 and can see their arguments have more holes than Swiss cheese. Even those people seem reasonable and well-read compared to those who have resorted to childish insults. A couple of people wittily and humorously suggested that Moore should live in Canada (If I was speaking that sentence it would be dripping with sarcasm). Others implied that Moore was Marxist and/or Communist, with an obvious ignorance of what they really are. The reason these people have resorted to character-bashing (calling Moore fat etc), is because they have no real rebuttal to his arguments. They are scared- not of losing power or any other conspiracist crap like that. They're scared of being wrong. I feel sorry for those people, because they have been given their views through ignorance and fear, and are now afraid that they were wrong all their life. I was heartened to see a Republican person read this book with an open mind, and admitted that he had been wrong on some things. I urge people to read the book with an open mind, and maybe they'll feel better for it. I don't think Americans are bad people, but they have been badly influenced by fear and ignorance. If more people listen to people like Michael Moore, and make a commitment to not be afraid, and not to be ignorant, I can see America doing a lo of good. This book has given me hope for America, and hope for the world. Thanks Mike.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, I've found several counties for ya. Review: Dude, you're a Socialist/Communist/Marxists! Anyone of this persuasion has a choice of countries: Cuba, Laos, Libya, North Korea, The People's Republic of China, or Vietnam. If Mikhail truly wished to inform/educate his readers he should live in one or more of the afore mentioned countries and write of the experience. This book is emotion with no substance...just like the Democratic Party.
Rating:  Summary: Moore drills conservatives in this one Review: this guy is awesome. I can honestly say I was a republican before reading this book, but a friend let me borrow it and I can admit I was wrong. Moore is right, the republicans have tricked the public into voting for them when their ideas and platforms are really the minority. the fact is most of the U.S. are liberals, but you wouldn't know it because the right wing has Fox News and their Sean Hannity and Bill O'reilley morons out promoting their anti-American ideas. Its good that liberals now have a voice like Mike Moore who can finally return the favor. we are as Americans liberals, the polls show it and Mike Moore proves it in his book. I like this book better than the one he wrote before because this one will pump you up to get rid of Bush, the one before wasn't as inspiring. and I loved the chapter where Moore thanks Bush for giving millionaires like him a tax cut, because he will use every penny to make sure Bush loses in '04. we just need to unite the Greens and Dems and that will not be a problem and he admits that (he is a Green). and to the idiots before giving it 1 star you didn't even read the book. you are scared because you know your a DYING breed. Moore makes it clear "angry white men" are a dying breed.... that why you guys are so P'd off at the world. HAHHAHHAHAHAHA. keep watching your heros on Fox News every night because you are so insecure you need the re-assurance. you conservatives are PATHETIC.
Rating:  Summary: Ruin good stories with facts - not this man Review: Where were you Michael, when Billy was caught with his pants down and lobbed a few missiles at Bin Laden. Moore's ramblings are, as usual for this sort of twaddle, anecdotal, one-eyed and generally incoherent. By the way, who would win the World Series if team A won the first three games 2 to 0 and team B won the next four 1 to 0. Could Team A claim that Team B stole the World Series? Forget it.
Rating:  Summary: NOW MICHAEL MOORE CAN'T EVEN FIND HIS COUNTRY? Review: Michael Moore is almost as freaky as Wacko Jacko. Only difference is that Moore victimizes the entire country with his nonsense. But I will grant that he knows how to make a quick buck off gullible anti-American leftists. If the dude can't find his country, then I'd be glad to help by buying him a one-way ticket to France...maybe he can start a chapter of the ACLU over there. Or take Fergie's place as spokesperson for Weight Watchers...well, maybe that wouldn't work out...
Rating:  Summary: And some people think he's a hero Review: This man is seriously missguided and wishes nothing more than to become famous (and rich) by misleading as many other people as he can.
Rating:  Summary: Save your money Review: This guy reminds me of the "friend" who starts the fight and then runs like hell when the real punches start flying.
Rating:  Summary: Franken + Chomsky = MOORE! Review: Who else but Michael Moore could capture the outrage and anger of the Left while still being hilarious at the same time? Who can bring up such verboten topics like East Timor, Cuban Exile terrorism, and Bush's cozy ties with Saudi Arabia and still find his way into the mainstream media?? Michael Moore has proven that he is a wise politically as well as wildly entertaining -- Attacking the Democrats , urging them to be more progressive, while at the same time seeing the greater need in ousting Bush as well. Not being content with speaking to the choir as some are he insists on the need to for like-minded folks to reach out to our apolitical and yes, even conservative friends and relatives. While also being able to look at America's crimes but still affirming his love for his country and that his criticisms are there because he knows we can do a lot better. Bravo Micheal Moore! Keep on fighting the good fight!
Rating:  Summary: a book FOR JERK-OFFS by JERK-OFFS Review: I don't even need to review this book to know how miserably educated and willfully mislead all the psychos, who believe much too rabidly, are who submit themselves in flocks to Moore, the dumb ass, David Koresh-style Cultist. I submit this as proof of how dumb you liberals ALL are: A previous reviewer, bookreporter, is really a special interest group that posts reviews of different people who are allegedly "journalists" or "reporters". In example, that means educated folk. But this bleeding dumb ass who authored the review, Kornbluth, hardly resembles in the slightest what a person with expected "higher education" should have. That dumb assed fool makes this blasphemous forgery: The President's poll numbers are falling faster than consumer confidence. Well, what in the hell about this weeks' new Washington Post/ABC News (that's right, all you ragingly malevolent liberal psychos viewing this, a LIBERAL network) poll, where Bush's ratings are back to airtight 57%??????? If not one of you rotten, adverse liars reviewing Moore's whole lie can't even be honest yourselves, it's no wonder all the 5 star reviews here are the guiltiest example of a bunch of sociopaths' conniving off of each others continued lies. Additionally, yesterday we had the Mich. consumer sentiment figure out that SHOWED AN INCREASE in consumer confidence, yet that dumb ass Kornbluth brutally and shockingly chose deception over fact. Shame on all you country-destroying liberal basketcases! Bookreporter, through Kornbluth, makes a new higher bogus embellishment, this time about Iraq "not doing as Bush expected". Really? So that liberal felon just nastily blows out of proportion isolated incidents of random attacks on troops, which generally happen only in the small Sunni Triangle and not the entire Iraq, and also do NOT kill troops daily, even though the number of attempted attacks on troops is maybe 20 per day, resulting in a very low percentage of "disasters"!!?? And that person in the special learning program shamelessly discounts the thousands of new businesses opening in Iraq, its new currency, and also a recent survey of Iraqis, the majority of which said life was better post-Saddam and who expected things to be markedly improved in the future! Don't doubt me on this you unhygienically hallucinating liberals; do as your god Moore himself does by looking up this info on the internet, you pestilent sheep who only believe in information if it goes your prejudiced ways. Knowing how Moore, the Great White Proletariat, twists facts to his banefulness, I know undoubtedly that all the 5 star, murderously hysterical liberals are the lowest, dirtiest stretchers of the truth in history.
Rating:  Summary: Intermittently Incisive Review: Political books are big right now. It seems that whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, liberal or conservative, if you put out a book saying that people who think your way are true upstanding Americans and the people who disagree with you are the scum of the earth, those who agree with your opinion of the other side will rush out and buy your book - no matter how sloppily written it is. This goes a long way towards explaining the unevenness of Michael Moore's new book, "Dude, Where's My Country?" Part anti-conservative jeremiad, part liberal diatribe, it's alternately amusing, thought-provoking and annoying - in about equal measure. There are entire chapters that read like they were ground out under deadline pressure and can easily be skipped: as with the third chapter, "Oil's Well That Ends Well" (when an author uses a bad pun for a chapter heading, you know you're in serious trouble): it starts out like a bad imitation of those pieces Woody Allen used to crank out for The New Yorker in the 1970s ("Last night I had a dream. Actually I had a number of dreams. One had something to do with smearing Tofutti on a camel."), and goes downhill from there. But on occasion Moore can suddenly tell the truth in such an unflinching way that you realize just what's been going on in this country in the past two years. "It is my firm belief that Bush and his cronies (especially Attorney General John Ashcroft) have only one goal in mind: To scare the bejesus out of us so that whatever bill they want passed, whatever powers they want Congress to give them, we will happily hand it over." This strikes me as being exactly right. I also agree with him when he writes on page 114 that "Bush failed to do his job and it may have cost 3,000 people their lives. That alone should be enough to haul him before an impeachment tribunal." So this book is uneven. Some of the attempts at comedy just fall flat. Some of the rhetoric rings hollow. But if you do some discreet skipping of the more dorky prose you will find a good reason why the current occupant of the White House and his anti-democratic agenda should be opposed. And that's a good enough reason to read this book.