Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore = The Truth Review: "The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or "terrorists" or "The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win." - Michael Moore
Rating:  Summary: Not Moore's best... Review: I love Michael Moore's work. He's got a unique perspective, a great sense of humor, and has a genuine concern for America and Americans. His strength lies in being able to draw people's attention to a problem and to expose his viewpoint in a humorous fashion. That's one of the reasons I don't care for this book as much... it's an angry, snide book that isn't as enjoyable a read as his others.What you need to understand about Michael Moore is that he is a humorist first and foremost. It's his subject matter that is serious. What frustrates me most about criticism of Moore is that people fail to acknowledge this (or worse, fail to see this at all). They say he is biased, that he's crazy, that he's stupid... While he's certainly not stupid, he may be slightly crazy, but then who in entertainment isn't? But it's obvious that he's biased. Who would deny that? But why shouldn't he be? He's not a journalist, he doesn't aim to be objective. His purpose is to express his point of view in a certain manner that will hopefully make you laugh as well as inform you on something. (...) Ah, but back to the book... it's got plenty of facts, let me tell you. And like most of Moore's work, it does have some really interesting stuff in there that makes you scratch your head and wonder what else is out there. But unlike the rest of Moore's work, this book comes off as angry rather than frustrated and concerned. I can understand this given the subject matter and I don't criticize anyone for being angry over September 11; however, Moore doesn't do angry very well in my opinion. Downsize This and Stupid White Men are critical, but they're also light spirited in their approach. Dude is highly critical with a caustic approach in a manner that reminds me of... well... Rush Limbaugh. Moore can and has done better. I'll end this with a question: Why do Moore's critics keep harping on the fact that he's rich? He struggled for nearly 20 years doing what he's doing and finally had some financial success... do you really think he's going to turn it away? Are you supposed to stop caring about people or change your opinions just because you've earned some cash? Be realistic about that...
Rating:  Summary: Behind Enemy Lines Review: What a lot of fun these reviews are! I sorted right from lowest to highest, of course, because all the bad reviews are the fun ones to read. And, let's face it, these are bulletin board posts, not book reviews. I think a lot of the conservatives didn't even read the book before writing their reviews. I know this partly because a lot of them started out their reviews with the phrase, "I have not read this book." I was impressed with the insightful guesses as to what might actually be in the book, and the clever rebuttals to it! I had to get out my dictionary a few times because they use some really big words though... (perfidy, ficus, doculeture... still looking...) Well, I have actually read the book. It's a lot of fun and had me laughing out loud a bunch. I learned a lot about the Bush family and 9/11, although the book only gives you one side of the argument. But hey, we get the other side 24 hours a day already. It's called network TV news! I liked the book! And I like that it makes conservatives so mad! And I like reading conservatives who are hopping mad but are trying to sound intellectual by throwing in a lot of big words! You all make my day! I guess I will just go and read "Mine Kamp" now, because that was suggested as an alternative by a disgruntled reviewer. Now where did my library card go... Reporting from behind enemy lines (Littleton, Colorado USA) **==
Rating:  Summary: Just another hypocrite! Review: Uhmm, excuse me, "tomas" but did you actually read the book? I don't really see any indication in your "book review" that you actually reviewed a book. Sounds like you pretty much just spouted a lot of platitudes from your heroes Sean and Rush. Had you read the book you would have found it to be decidedly biased in its research (hence the 4 instead of a 5 in my rating), with its primary value being Mr. Moore's passion to see the world become a better place. That's his worldview, it biases everything he writes, admittedly. However, at least he has someone more than himself at heart. That's how he sees the US as missing out on important opportunities to show the world that we care about more than ourselves. But such a message is always missed by extreme righties who seem more concerned about dying with a lot of money in their 401k than leaving the world better than they found it. Soft? Yeah, maybe. But at least Mr. Moore is passionate enough to write more than just "book reviews."
Rating:  Summary: Dude, you rock! Review: Michael Moore is a brave , brave man. A bearded dove in the land of hawks. I first experienced MM's brand of seat-of-the-pants-pissing-in-public honesty when i watched "Bowling For Columbine". Since I am not American in any sense of the word (I temporarily work here), I am free of the stigma or loaded-ness of terms like "Liberal" , or "Democrat". I don't care about what label to give Moore , nor do I waste my time delegating him to the "Right" or the "Left" or the "Middle". His insight is remarkable largely because he shows the ability to rise above the lies he's force-fed by the White House and its mouth-pieces , aka the "media". After all, he's been through the same stuff that most Americans have, and he comes from the same cultural "stock". Sure, a lot of Americans will BenedictArnold him...but wait! The deciding factor in divining if Bush's actions are FOR or AGAINST the country is merely the timeline you will consider. In the short term..say, until the next elections, his actions, while causing widespread massacre may make him popular in the eyes of a nation scared into thinking their lives are in danger. In the long term, the US is merely creating a sort of "401k of Hatred". Bush and the media have somehow convinced everyone that their (anti?)terror policies only took birth on 9/11. Not true...the US has been bombing innocents for many many years. That will take its toll. Moore specifically exposes the fact that the Bin Ladens and the Bush family were, essentially, bed-mates. Going for Bush's jugular, he outlines several public lies , that he calls "Whoppers", that directly conflict with other offcially stated "facts". Gives accounts of areas where Bush's past and family creates a conflict of interests with his current position - that of the Pres.,thereby rendering all his actions highly suspicious. Moore's next film "Fahrenheit 911" appears largely to be a film of this book. Here's a big concern. Are the people who NEED to read these books reading them? Or, are the stupidly hypnotized masses gazing at Bush with adoring eyes as their "wartime president" who will kill the evil guys and restore the golden age of America? Get real, people. Bush and co. are only perpetuating the violence by taking what is not theirs and going where they are not wanted. Simple plot for simple-minded people? maybe.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's Your Brain? Review: - It doesn't surprise me any more that people like Michael Moore exist. We see them all the time: Al Franken, Al Gore, Bill Mahr, John Kerry, James Carville, Hillary Clinton, Eric Alterman, ... The end is listless. What consistently surprises me is how many well-meaning fatheads in America believe what these knowing purveyors of character assassination and political perfidy spew. What is it? Our education system? An unwillingness to use everyday logic? A belief that everyone ELSE is the problem? Listen, kiddies: Michael Moore is a liar. Plain and simple. His vision of America has you standing in line while he shovels his vitriol down your throat with a pitchfork. Of course, you have to fork over your money first.... He thinks YOU are stupid. Wrong. He KNOWS you are stupid. And your buying this book proves it. The plethora of all these "hate conservatives", "hate christians", "hate bush" books says more about the demise of modern-day liberalism and the Democratic party than anything Shawn Hannity or Rush Limbaugh can possibly say. Liberalism is in its death throes, and Michael Moore is only helping put a foot to the corpse as it slides into the grave. This man is making a fortune off your ignorance, people. He cares nothing about his country. His web site is designed and hosted by Canadians. Can you say "hypocrite"? -
Rating:  Summary: For Emma, Concerned Mother from Alabama Review: Hi Emma, I just read the review you left on Michael Moore and how you feel he will undermine the duties that the troops are currently fulfulling abroad. Here's what you said: "I am concerned that our troops fighting in Iraq, will face the same negative reception upon their return, that the young men and women of my generation faced when they returned from Vietnam. It is unfair to those serving our country to take our frustration with a President's foreign policy out on them." But I feel as though once again you're afraid of seeming unpatriotic. I am very patriotic as I want the best for my country. I totally support my troops 110% percent and everyday I go to see the latest victims of the war (I have friends there right now) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/iraq/casualties/facesofthefallen.htm WE are not attacking the troops, if anything we are trying to help them. This war has led to loss of life on both our and the iraqi side, and I'm sure the troops in Iraq know why. They know it's oil and you know it too. That's why the admin tells them and the iraqis to protect the oil... Everything else could be falling apart and there could be civil wars sparking left and right, but protecting the oil and sending contractors seems to be of top priority at the moment. That's why newspapers keep commenting on how low troop morale is. Not only do the Iraqis and the Arab world NOT want us there, but our troops don't want to be there either. These people do not want to be liberated the way the US has liberated other countries (read "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy"). The way we "liberate" other countries is by exploiting them, and the iraqi people are well aware of this. No one is bashing the troops. I am personally bashing the people who choose to follow the administration blindly, without even doing an hour's research on google, the BBC news or any kind of foreign media. If you do the slightest research outside of US media you will realize that the whole world was opposed to this war. Even in the countries that are/were our "allies" (England and Spain) 80% of the people still DO NOT support the war. My point is if something is wrong, make it right. And DON'T LIE ABOUT YOUR MOTIVES... First Al qaeda, then Weapons of Mass distraction (for god's sake, we had inspectors there for the longest!), then Saddam Hussein gassing his own people with technology we provided him with (thank you very much) which was our fault because we failed to protect them when they needed us most. Man, troops are my friends!!! We love troops and we want them to come home safe. We want them to be sure about what they're fighting about.. We don't want them to think that their life is worth only a barrel of oil... Also, for my future kids, I want them to not have the fear of terrorism as we are now. All the result of our administrations carelesness (planned attack) regarding a serious issue like going to war. Results of war: Found a guy in a hole (Saddam) 700 troops dead 10,000 iraqis dead Unstability in Iraq and Afghanistan Bush is asking for another 25b Al Qaeda is strong as EVER Greater fear of Terrorism And our country going down the tube because of this admin.
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: This has got to be the biggest work of fiction since War and Peace...or anything that Kerry or Clinton have to say. The success of this book is proof of the old adage that one can never underestimate the gullibility of the American people. The number of college age people who believe this book, this collection of bovine digestive refuse, cause me to wonder about the quality of American higher education and to fear for the future.
Rating:  Summary: QUESTION THE DEMOCRACY YOU ENJOY WHILE YOU STILL CAN Review: Who is a patriot? Not the current guys in our administration. See what's happening to you and your civil liberties in a funny but painful manner. Thank you, Mr. Moore for saying what's not right, and what's fishy.
Rating:  Summary: great read... Review: For more great recommendations, please visit: http://www.campaign2004.com/ There's a lot of great info on John Kerry, George W Bush, and their bids for Campaign 2004 during the November 2004 Presidential Election. http://www.campaign2004.com/