Rating:  Summary: More useful diatribes against those to defeat in '04 Review: Michael is obviously as intent on getting Dubya out of office as many of the rest of us!I always like someone who rants, then raves, then makes suggestions as to what to do to change the situation. Moore does a good job of that. Some of the stuff he says about the present administration may be a little speculative, though it may not. They don't feel they even need to defend themselves against any number of transgressions, even those related to 9/11. So Michael is right in bringing them to our attention. As I have some particularly conservative in-laws, I liked the chapter on how to convert your conservative brother in law. I can always use suggestions to communicate with some of....them. Some have criticized Michael for all but endorsing Gen. Clark. But he qualifies that as, when we're in tight times, we have to consider doing what we must to WIN. (And I'm not sure Clark is a bad choice, specifically for the reasons Michael listed!) The only problem I had with the entertaining (and informative) text is his "endorsement" of Oprah Winfrey for president. Sure, that was meant to be entertaining. But to even joke about another "media personality" for leadership positions is a dangerous prospect. It's already led to many of them--with no expertise to speak of--being all but political gurus. (You know who I'm talking about.) And then it's led to you-know-who as governor of California. So I can't even joke about another of that ilk being elected. They're already overpaid and over-recognized. But I do plan on taking up many of Michael's suggestions. And I'll pass the book onto someone else for their enjoyment and information. Thanks, Michael.
Rating:  Summary: Great eye opener Review: Besides analyzing the issue of war in Iraq, this book is also an excellent social study. Most Americans (and Michael Moore is definitely an exception) don't even know how egoistic and irresponsible they can think about the BIG PICTURE. No doubt: the USA is the strongest country in the World as of 2003. So was the Roman Empire back in the old times and that proves that being the strongest won't last forever. With the right to power also comes a huge responsibility that voters of the U.S. should be aware of. If a president is elected by mistake in the Netherlands, it doesn't have the same global impact as having an unskilled and arrogant president in the strongest country in the World. I also read other readers reviews. It is clear that Mr. Moore is biting into people's flesh supporting the invasion and he is playing the best music to the ones opposing it. And he has the guts to say what he thinks and not only what's popular. We need more of that! The only reason I didn't give 5 stars is because I don't necessarily agree with some of the language the author is using. I understand the frustration and anger about the issue, but still we need to stay civilized to the end. Thanks again for the honest, hilarious and eye opening book.
Rating:  Summary: Try reading a book before you review it Review: Unlike some of the anonymous cowards and other obvious right-wing nutzos that post 1-star reviews when THEY HAVEN'T EVEN READ THE BOOK, I've actually read the book. Normally I would take the time to write more about this book than the other people who are supposedly reviewing the book as well, but I felt I had to put in my $.02 (which is devalued even more thanks to the top 1% who've killed the markets and pocketed the loot). The first chapter, '7 Questions for George of Arabia', deserves critical thought and should be answered by those who lap at the trough of the conservative right if not George Bush himself. The facts and references are posted right there with that section so there's no excuse for not looking into it. The rest of the supporting documentation for the remaining portions of the book are all at the back so anyone who claims that Moore is ranting and raving in an uninformed manner either hasn't read the book or somehow missed out on the last 26 pages of sources and references. Try finding that much fact in the fiction by Coulter or O'Reilly. I'll admit that I haven't read their books so I won't go into detail on them here. I will say that I cracked the cover and peered inside both their latest efforts at a book store and both of them start out screeching and ranting without a hint of factual evidence that I'm finding a hard time convincing myself to layout the money for them. I'll wait a while longer and pick them up in a 2-for-1 recycle bin in a few months. This book is a little more ranty than Franken's book, but that's just Moore's style and it still makes for a good read. Buy it, borrow it, steal it, but READ IT. And after you've read it CHECK OUT THE FACTS. Never take the author's word as gold especially if they've gone through the effort of supplying sources. Check those sources and see if he's right -- see if anything's been taken out of context or distorted. And when you see it hasn't been, form an opinion and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing really new but nicely put together Review: Well nobody needs to tell me what to think about Bush, the 2000 election etc. - as we in "old europe" have been informed very well about how the word "democracy" can be bent. This book puts it all together again and might be a nice work of reference for the people in a world after Bush.
Rating:  Summary: Well done Michael Review: As an Australian who travels fairly regularly to the US I was delighted to be able to buy a copy at Michael Moore's book signing when I was in Chicago. What has amused me is the anti-Michael Moore camp has, more often than not, not read his books. For an American to be 'America-critical' is to find oneself labelled unpatriotic; much as dissidents in Russia were thirty years ago. The word 'liberal' in the US has negative connotations whereas in mainstream English it means free thinking. Criticism is not of itself a bad thing. Moore is a dissident and a liberal and proud of it. All the best democracies are riddled with them but somehow America has so few. Well done Michael. And well done for producing such a well researched book. What is unusual about the book that Moore doesn't merely lash out at various pet hates, he has the guts to offer solutions. I don't agree with them all but it makes for up-beat positive reading.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant, insightful and messianic Review: I loved it better than stupid white Men! The man is a modern day star spangled Messiah! Finished it in 3 days flat! Loved it!
Rating:  Summary: Revealing and Important Review: I was surprised at the amount of research Moore and his team put into this book. With a title like "Dude, Where's My Country" I wasn't expecting quality journalism. I suppose Moore is attempting to catch the attention of the next generation with the title, but the quality of the material is in keeping with the best of political/social commentary. What I appreciate about Michael Moore is that he is looking for truth. He is willing to reveal faults from both democrats and republicans. Driven by a heart of compassion, and a tough-muscle approach against ignorance, Moore reveals the damage that is being done because of our collective apathy. I have had the suspicion that no nation as large and successful and wealthy as ours could exist without slave labor, and Moore hints on this idea in multiple places in the book. This insight makes the book provocative. But there is no use in ignoring the problem. I plan on doing things here in my town to help in any small way I can. I dont think the fight for government is going to change, but I can feed a hungry person and I can vote and I can, as kindly as possible, gently nudge people toward the truth. Another note: Moore, as well as Molly Ivens and Al Franken, associate Christian Spirituality with conservative political agendas and characters. He does this for good reason, as most of these politicians and pundits claim to be Christians. As somebody who is fond of Jesus, I have to apologize to Moore and anybody else who reads this. We have done a terrible, terrible job of reflecting the heart of Christ in our civil discourse. Please overlook us to see Jesus as He is, to discover what He loved and who He loved. Most fundamentalist Christians never mention Jesus, only God and morality. My suspicion is that they do not know Jesus either. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. I whole-heartedly reccomend this book. I think you will enjoy it. I believe Michael Moore is an American heroe. Thanks, thanks thanks!!
Rating:  Summary: A total waste of time and paper Review: Yet another fantasy from the king of misinformation, similar to "Bowling for Columbine". Michael Moore needs to back up his work with some factual information if he wants to be credible, so far this is not the case. His left wing vitriol is totally unbelievable, don't waste your money! There should be a "0 stars" rating available for this book.
Rating:  Summary: Is it any wonder ... Review: ... that reviews like this: I've found you're country., November 22, 2003 "Dude, you're a Socialist/Communist/Marxists! Your have your choice of countries: Cuba, Laos, Libya, North Korea, The People's Republic of China, or Vietnam. You could move to one country, at a time, and write a book of your experience. Change your name to Mikhail get going!" Come from places like this: Reviewer: A reader from Odessa, TX USA
Rating:  Summary: dinga lang dong you need more bong Review: dude(i like caq)you rock!!!!! this book is great, not as many pages as i expected, but its not about the size(aint that right ladies) its about the quality, so why don't you go out there and(shake yo a$$e$) get this bookie ya fat little chookie.