Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's My Country? Review: Michael Moore is only writing this book to make money. I think he was actually shocked that his previous book did so well. Everything he writes about is fabricated and untrue. The only thing that matters to the man is his own agenda of communism. Has this so called man ever defended his country? No. A crispy cream donut - that I can accept. As long as people are willing to pay for this ---t, he will keep on typing.
Rating:  Summary: All you need to know Mike Review: Here are some things he needs to come to terms with: 1. We live in a capitalist society that has a high value on capital (money, wealth). Smart people are better at amassing wealth than uneducated people, thus people with money call the shots. 2. There are unethical people in any field of life. Corporations are not to blame. 3. Certain bodies hate our country, and have vowed to terrorize it. If Iraq has nothing to do with Al Qaeda, why are they so angry that we are there, and why are they threatening more attacks? 4. Osama bin Laden would have your head as zealously as he would have George W. Bush's, so wake up. It's not about consevatives and liberals, it's about AMERICANS.You only make our country look more divided and foolish.
Rating:  Summary: Good intentions but... Review: The point of the book is well-meaning but like 'Bowling for Columbine', Moore tends to skew the "facts" in order to prove his points which he shouldn't have to do. Go ahead and read the book but also take the time to research what he's saying because some of his assertations are as ridiculous as the things coming from the right wing side and just plain not true.
Rating:  Summary: Reality Check Review: Michael Moore seems a good guy, I loved the way he stood up for those kids in 'Bowling for Columbine' Depite the criticism I feel he is very objective in this book. He is a citizen who cares for the state of his nation & has right to be concerned. I am disturbed by his being labelled a 'communist/socialist/marxist' by many who have reviewed this book. That label was used to create fear & denounce many people during McCarthy's time (please read Arthur Miller's The Crucible) & the effects are still resonating into this century. For anyone with an open mind, this book will change the way you view the world.
Rating:  Summary: I found Michael Moore's country! Review: It's off the coast of Florida, though el Presidente-for-life Castro might be a little bit too right-wing for Moore.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Important Book of 2003 Review: An excellent book! I've just finished reading it and want to thank Mr. Moore. Thank you sir, for doing the hard work of researching the facts presented in this book. Thank you for your bravery in speaking the truth when it was unpopular to do so. Thank you for using your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at the Oscars to speak for the millions of us who wish we could have done the same. We find now, as the truth behind this administration's actions unravel (particularly in regard to the war), that you are vindicated. Thank you for reminding us of what it means to be an American: brave, compassionate, free and always in search of truth.
Rating:  Summary: Thought Provoking Review: I agree with the spotlight reviewer that this book brings up some very interesting topics. I think it is an excellently portrayed book. also recommending-Nightmares Echo-Powerful, and I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings-Poignant
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore is not 15 years old Review: A grown man should not have to resort to a sophmoric writing style in order to get his point across, no matter where he stands on a particular issue. The high-handed language that runs rampant throughout this book, right from the get-go, is offensive; not because it tells you something you may not want to hear, but because it acts as if you're too stupid to understand it anyway. The tone throughout this entire novel is "let me enlighten you." Furthermore, Moore makes the mistake of making this book about him. Count the number of times he says "I" in the first chapter. Is he writing an investigative piece, or an extended editorial? Is this book really for the nation's benefit, or for his own? Rather than letting the facts speak for themselves, Moore feels the need to decorate them with his own personal bombast. "I can't even get a [cell phone] signal from here to Queens!" is not a very scientific approach to one of the most notorious acts of the century, and it is sentences like these that detract from the quality of the work. The real tragedy of this book is not the facts it presents, or the ideas it presents, but the way it presents them. Moore's certainty that he knows what's best taints what should otherwise be an amazing source for political research. He goes to all the trouble of finding facts, writing down their bibliographical information, and then only properly citing them in the first chapter. Why? Endnotes as opposed to footnotes are perfectly acceptable, but you need the numbers that indicate which source corresponds to which fact. Improper citation looks suspicious, at best, incredible at worst. People embrace 'Dude, Where's My Country?' because Moore, like his liberal and conservative contemporaries, provides easy answers to issues far more complicated than one novel can sum up. If an author attempts to present a solution to these problems, however, he should present it in a calm, sane manner. Appeal to the lowest common denominator, and the only people behind you will be the lowest common denominator. Next time, Mr. Moore, if you're going to go to spend so many hours with research and fact finding, take the time to make a decent, legitimate presentation, not a rag that rants.
Rating:  Summary: The problem with Moore Review: This book irritates me terribly, as does it's author, and I have been trying to think of the real reason why. True, I am a conservative, and I find his book stuffed with extremely tired liberal concepts. For instance, Moore seems so indignant and righteous over the fact that rich corporations have more control in our lives than, say, the guy bagging groceries at Publix. Well, Duh. Thanks for the revelations, Mike, but I sort of already knew. In fact, I sort of realized some time ago that that is the way, in one form or another, the world has worked sense homo sapiens stood upright on two legs. Rich people rule the earth, even when shrouded in the veil of democracy. Moore's constant rant that American's have been lied to always makes me laugh. Of course, I, being a stooge, need Michael Moore to tell me the "truth." Moore knows no truth, he simply sees what I see and draws different conclusions. He simply thinks he is so much smarter than me, or any of us conservatives, that he feels entitled to interpret things for us. Hey, Michael, news flash. I like the world the way it is. I do nicely in it just the way it is set up. Thanks anyway. No, it isn't so much his opinions. I really believe the world needs liberals. Someone has to be idealistic and starry-eyed to sort of remind us how things might be if human beings weren't so, well, human. Besides, without sounding corny, I think people like Moore prove what an incredibly great country this is. Folks like Pat Buchanan prove the same thing. Opposing viewpoints, to a very great extent, are welcome. Hell, in this great country a guy can even get rich simply voicing his opinion. It's the American way. What I have no respect for in Moore is that he is made gleeful when America, in his opinion, fails. He is like the unpopular kid in high school that is made giggly when a car load of popular students is killed in a car crash. I never get the feeling for a second that he was in any way saddened about 9/11. It was one more event that Moore can twist to incriminate the country he claims to love so much. One more opportunity to view things so clearly in 20-20 hindsight. In short, there seems to be absolutely no humanity in Moore's liberalism. Instead, there seems to be only a very bitter need to get even with life's popular and powerful children. He doesn't really give a damn about the little man, he just wants to throw stones at the big boys. When the popular kids were killed in the car crash, Moore would spread gossip that they were driving drunk. See? It was really their own fault.
Rating:  Summary: Typical Hollywood Jerk Review: I wouldn't read this book if it was free. What gives this Hollywood creep any special insight to anything? It turns my stomache just to see it displayed in the bookstore. Try reading "The Real America" By Glenn Beck instead, (you'll probably have special order it).