Rating:  Summary: Waste of time and money Review: Too bad you can't give the book zero stars. Michael Moore is so blind to the country he lives in. Liberals need to understand that they are the MINORITY. Unfortunately, they just have the louder voice thanks to the biased media. Liberals don't know it, but by writing books like this, they are alienating the moderates and are giving the election to Bush. May I recommend that you read "A National Party No More" by Zell Miller. Now THERE'S a Democrat that gets it. AND TO ALL THE LIBERALS WHO SAID THEY WOULD LEAVE THE COUNTRY IF BUSH WON THE ELECTION... WE'RE WAITING! WHY HAVEN'T YOU LEFT YET!?!?
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: To the conservative nerd who wrote, "We need to get these commies out of america and bring religion back into it like our founding fathers did" Well here is what our founding fathers thought of religion you ignorant baboon, I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth. - (Thomas Jeffreson) The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. - (John Adams) What influence in fact have Christian ecclesiastical establishments had on civil society? In many instances they have been upholding the thrones of political tyranny. In no instance have they been seen as the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wished to subvert the public liberty have found in the clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate liberty, does not need the clergy. - (James Madison)
Rating:  Summary: This book sucks! Review: I could go on and on about how bad this book is. The author is obviously not qualified to write about anything. He is a total idiot and not worth the time.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal wacko Review: Michael Moore, enough said. This guy is over the top. We can find wacky examples of bad things going on from a government perspective from BOTH liberal and conservative views. But of course, Michael will only be interested in focusing on the liberal agenda. Don't let this parasite into your mind by reading his book.
Rating:  Summary: I'm liberal, but not entirely comfortable with Michael Moore Review: I am ever bit as liberal as Mr. Moore, but for some reason I am really uncomfortable with both this and his previous book, as well as parts of his film. I've been trying hard to put my finger on what makes me uncomfortable with him, and I think it may be that at his worse he reminds me of the same things that bothers me about some of the people on the Right. I do feel dispossessed by my country right now. I loved something that Howard Dean said a few months ago: "I want my country back. I'm tired of fundamentalist preachers telling me what to do." I couldn't agree more (for the record, I'm supporting Clark, though I will vote for Dean if he gets the nomination). I think what I dislike about Moore is his tone. One of the great tragedies in American life has been how divided we have become as a nation. I read the other day about a poll that showed that 41% of the people in America plan on voting for Bush regardless, and 46% plan on voting for Bush's opponent regardless. That is one heavily divided country. Now, I agree that the rhetoric started on the Right first, in the eighties with people like Gingrich and Rush and imitators like Bill O'Reilly and Hannity and Coulter. And I have been really proud that no one on the right has fought as unpleasntly as them. But Moore sometimes is unfair. He sometimes is provocative without being compassionate. Sure, I know. Hordes of folks on the Right are like that. But I don't want anyone on the Left violating decorum. So, is this an entertaining book? Yes, it is. But Al Franken manages to be just as biting without being nearly as unpleasant at times. I keep thinking back to the Oscars, when Moore kept speaking through the boos when accepting his Oscar. Here's the point: I think he wanted the boos. He was trying to provoke the boos. I agree with every point he wants to make about Bush and the Right. I just want him to change his tone.
Rating:  Summary: Moore is not beating around the bush, but beating at Bush Review: Writer, director, humourist and political observer Michael Moore is back with a new book following the success of his book Stupid White Men and documentary Bowling For Columbine. He is once again employing humour in order to get his point across, given chapters with titles like Home Of The Whopper, 7 Questions For George Of Arabia and How to Talk To Your Conservative Brother-In-Law. The tragedy is that, despite the irreverent tone, fact after fact in this book is deadly serious, and even occasionally morbid. Speaking of facts, "information, we want information" someone once demanded, and if it were a plea for anything to do with current affairs, Michael Moore heeds the call. The book chronicles lies, fabrications, half-truths and the sordid list of American evil being continuously perpetuated. This, while the USA seeks to ascribe them to others. The book directs rhetorical questions after question at George W. Bush and the establishment. The accusatory finger does not spare others through. The Democrats, Saudi Arabia and the thieving corporate culture also come under the microscope. Moore exposes America, and its P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, as a seditious folly molesting its own citizenry and beyond. In the past, critics have suggested that Moore is reckless with his facts. This is why the book is meticulously foot-noted. Still, mistakes do creep in. Saudi Arabia, for instance, is not the biggest exporter of oil to the United States. Nonetheless, the book verbalizes dozens of problems with contemporary America and nullifies the many myths perpetuated by the corporate media. Moore is like a bottle opener making contact with America's cola. Out pours the truth about Bush II, Iraq, Enron and everything else the nightly news program prefers to ignore. The next paragraph is a perfect example given its basic nature. "We attack the Bill of Rights. Yeah, that'll show those terrorists! Let's dismantle our way of life so they won't have to blow it up. This makes no sense." The only conclusion any fair-minded reader should reach upon completing Dude, Where's My Country is that United States of America is lead by a liar, which is lamentable seeing how much better America can do.
Rating:  Summary: finally a real liberal Review: ...micheal moore is one of the most outspoken figures in presenting the facts about present day America, there bogus president and the croonies that are ruining our country. He is putting a mirror up to the faces of washington and scaring them with the harsh reality that some of them are creating.....this is a must read for both liberals and conservatives...
Rating:  Summary: Lies, damned lies and the war in Iraq Review: This is an excellent book, humorous but also deeply disturbing. Moore sets out the deceit and lies that have been used not just to justify the invasion of Iraq but to enact a whole range of legislation that attacks individual freedom and privacy. The questions about the links George Bush has with the Saudi Royal Family and what part the Bin Laden family played in 9/11 are comprehensively researched. Moore seems one of the few people in the media willing to question the motives of George Bush and his political allies and seek answers to questions that the President of the United States should be confronted with. This is an excellent book and one that anyone who cares about truth and democracy should read.
Rating:  Summary: Moore Did His Homework/Tells the Truth Review: In this book, Michael Moore put two and two together from numerous newspaper and magazine articles (well-referenced in footnotes--anyone could go back and check his facts) to give us information Bush would certainly rather we did not know. Bravo, Mike!!
Rating:  Summary: What an Anti-American Disaster Review: What a creep. I read quite a bit of this book - every part was either unfunny or complete BS. This guy is a total socialist, Anti-American, pathetic loser. He should emigrate to France. If you liberals think he is doing this country a favor, you are gravely mistaken.