Rating:  Summary: Moore stays true to himself! Review: If you are a fan of Michael Moore and his far-left-wing opinions, this book will thrill you. As much as I disagree with this guy (and all liberals who can think of nothing but to blame every problem on the vast right-wing conspiracy, tax cuts, and guns) and don't respect this guy (for his Oscar stunt), this is very good political literature, much better than Franken's whining.I recommend this book to be read along with something by Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter. Then, you can get a good sense of the two major schools of thought on American politics. And may be that's just me, but I think Coulter will leave you much more convinced, impressed, and satisfied.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's My Brain? Review: Michael Moore is an idiot. He makes totally unsubstantiated claims. He has never had any proof to back up any of his dimwitted comments. His documentaries are inaccurate and just plain untrue most of the time. He is always mad and pissed off because he was the weirdo in high school that always got picked on. That's why he did Bowling for Columbine, because he related to those freaky kids that always got made fun of. He blames everything on guns and gun owners when the fault lies with the freaky little kids that did the shooting. I hate it when people blame gun for things that people do. The gun didn't pick it self up and shoot anyone. Keeping people form their RIGHT to own guns will do nothing to stop something like that. People that want to hurt people will find a way to do it, outlawing guns will not keep criminals from them, all it will do is get families hurt and killed. The thing that keeps people from breaking into houses more than they do is not our great justice system. It's the thought of someone on the other side of that wall with a loaded gun ready to protect themselves and their property. Michael Moore is an idiot!
Rating:  Summary: Hey Kyle Review: Hey Kyle, why don't you stop being a complete idiot and review the books instead of vomiting your little-minded personal opinions. Grow up dude!
Rating:  Summary: Watch out Review: This book contained mainly stuff everyone already knows, like George Bush isnt the smartest guy in the world, but hey, im not either. And i kinda feel sorry for Dubya to be honest, poor little guy. I dont reckon Id fare too well if I tried to argue with Rummy or Cheney (could you imagine??). And, being a politician, from a family of politicians, theres a few skeletons in the closet. Wow. Imagine that. Not like ANY American politicans before him eh?! heh. The Bin-Laden things a bit worrying tho, and im a bit worried for Mike if he keeps pushing the new movie about the connections between the Bush and BinLaden families and the conclusion that this brings us to, and why we are not made aware of these pretty scary facts. I disagree with the long ranting guy below me. I think Mike needs those gun toting body guards. I wouldnt be suprised if Mike has himself a little plane accident like Paul Wellstone. People in power in this country dont like guys like this making us aware. Mike emphasises that the right wing has taken over, but theyve also sold out their core values. There is no spirit of free enterprise left because all the corporations have sewn up all the capital. He also points out that people who consder themselves 'Liberal' should pull their heads in too, and have a look at some of the notions that keep us at loggaheads with the right. Read this book if you dont need too much sleep. Mike shows you we have a real problem on our hands here. Ands its about time we sorted it out.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Follow Up to "Stupid, White Men" Review: This is a great read, wonderfully funny and fresh and a very important book in terms of gaining insight into today's topsy turvy world. I recommend it highly!
Rating:  Summary: I HATE THIS MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: AND HIS STUPID BOOK!!!!!!!!!! SOMEBODY SHOULD STAPLE HIS MOUTH SHUT!!!!!!! HE IS A DISCRACE TO THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Why does everyone who does not like this book get so angry? Review: The book is OK. It's not great, it's not poor. There are some good points in this book, along with some things that, well, stretch the imagination. I like the particular bit about the Bin Laden family being flowed out of the U.S. in a hurry after 9/11. However, his "working man" image IS a bit tarnished by his current lifestyle, which is widely-reported now. Yet, what I find MOST intriguing (and disturbing) is the plummeting level of discourse, not just in this country, but on Amazon's very own user book review section of this book. Ya know, when I read Ann Coulter's "Treason" I found it to be poorly written. I didn't get the chance to care about her views because I was distracted by the grammatical errors. Al Franken's book was also particularly distracting. You cannot write a book like you are giving a speech. But that doesn't mean I'm losing any sleep over it. Point being, RELAX everyone. It's just a book. I don't care who you want to vote for or which politics you subscribe to. But let's lower the blood pressure, ya? Go take a walk. Watch a movie with someone you love. Calm down. It's just a book.
Rating:  Summary: Dear Michael Moore Review: Quit acting like a Right-wing Republican! You've been flying around in private jets, which allegedly hurts the earth's atmosphere more than the SUV you've been driving in. And, what about those gun-carrying bodyguards you've been walking around with? Gee, Mikey, it looks like you're enjoying the corporate high life. Where did I get my info? Would you feel better if I told you that it's all a part of the Right-wing conspiracy against you? Yeah, you know how conservative and right-wing those LA Times people and the San Francisco Chronicle people can be. They have absolutely no left-wing bias. And, what do you have to say about all of this: "I would never pay for this." Wow, Mikey, I'm really convinced that you hate the corporate life. I guess "actions speak louder than words" wouldn't be relevant here. Furthermore, quit lying to all the lefties out there who buy your book. I mean, I know you're conservative, but you don't have to be THAT conservative! What do I mean? Look at pages 54-55. Critics couldn't find where these quotes came from. They couldn't come from George Bush, Mikey. And, if they did, why didn't you provide a source like all the other stuff you sourced. By the way, I guess you think liberals are too stupid to look up some of those sources on page 15. You know where you claim that Osama bin Laden has dialysis. You site the January 19, 2002 New York Times article. But, you fail to tell you're liberal readers that this is what the New York Times article really has to say: "While there have been a lot of rumors about the status of his health, we do not have evidence to support that he has had kidney failure or is on dialysis." Wow, you must really think lefties are the must gullible people on the face of the earth! This is just the tempest to the teapot, Mikey. There are so many inaccuracies in your book it's enough for me to write a book of my own! Or enough for Michael Wilson to film a documentary: "Michael Moore Hates America." Did I hear that you were too scared to do an interview with him? That kind of reminds me of the time when you gave out Lars Larson's phone number to everybody. Were you really that happy when he got all those threatening phone calls? Or, even think of the safety of his family? The problem with so many right-wing conservatives is that they act too FACIST. Please, don't follow that example Mike. America has too many problems. Anyway, Larson wanted to interview you on his radio show, but you refused! Is that your tactic, Mikey, to hurt somebody and run away from them? That sounds like the same tactic you accuse America of being! Anyway, Larson was on Scarborough's show. Here's an abridged transcript: SCARBOROUGH: Imagine you're a radio talk show host. Michael Moore blows through your town, and because he hates you, he gives out your phone numbers. And you start getting death threats like this, quote, "You're a Republican piece of blank and you're going to die." With me now is Lars Larson. He's the Westwood One syndicated radio talk show host who's endured this personal nightmare at the hands of Michael Moore. Lars, tell us what happened. LARS LARSON, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Well, I'll tell you, Joe, a week ago, Michael Moore came to town. I didn't pay much attention. The guy went up to do a stage show for which he gets a good sized crowd, 8,000, 10,000 people, and he asked the crowd, "Who should we call." A lot of them shouted out my name. Somebody had my telephone number. They called my home. Home voice mail comes on. My wife's voice comes on. There's my cell phone number, again, private. Now, I'm very contactable. People can get a hold of me any time they want at work. But at home, I like to have a little privacy. Well, you know, the threats started coming in, people saying nasty things. Even tonight, I'm still getting phone calls. My phone number is now posted on the web for people. And it scared my wife to death, frankly, Joe. And I know you can appreciate that. SCARBOROUGH: I certainly can. Have you reported this to the police? LARSON: Yeah, I did. The first night, I got 30 or 40 calls. I finally figured out what was going on. And the next morning, I had that call that you just quoted. I called the police and I said, you know, "This is illegal in most states." You can't call up and harass people. And you certainly can't call them up and tell them they're going to die. That's actually a crime. The police are talking to that person. The guy didn't know about his caller ID popping up on my screen. I've tried to get a hold of Michael Moore to say, "You need to set this right. At the very least, you owe my wife, Tina, an apology, and you need to stop doing this in communities." ...I'm giving him a fair shot at calling up and setting this right. I've called his publicist, Jimmy Franco (ph). Franco claims he can't get a hold of the guy. Now, come on, he's flying around in a jet. He's got cell phones. It's a technology age. I can't believe the guy's completely out of touch. The kids at Washington State University said they yelled at him, "Why did you do that?" But, no, the guy hasn't set it right. And that'll probably be the next step I'll take. But he needs to stop this. He can do this in some community and do a lot more damage to somebody than he's done to my wife and myself. ... or even Americans, Mikey. Anyway, good luck on your next mockumentary "Fahrenheit 9/11." Coolguy
Rating:  Summary: Refreshing Truth Review: After being flooded with right-wing books and a media that is either right-wing (FOX news) or spineless (most of the rest), it is refreshing to have books such as Michael Moore's that speak up against this false patriotic fascism that appears to be taking over our country. Moore helps liberals realize that we are not some small minority, but rather that our values are in fact shared by the majority of Americans.
Rating:  Summary: Conservatives... Review: Anytime someone uses the words "liberal agenda", it's immediately time to ignore them. Ditto for "media bias" -- whether they be conservative or liberal. Read the book and form your own opinion. Don't let some idiot with his hands over his ears, screaming "lalalalalalalala" tell you about it... he's just proving that he didn't read it in the first place.