Rating:  Summary: Thanks Michael! Review: Another great book to buy for people I don't like!
Rating:  Summary: More Hot Air Than Actual Intelligence... Review: If you want to buy a book that takes a serious look at the state our nation is in...do NOT buy this one. Michael Moore has somehow done the impossible: he has made millions by selling his opinions. That is all he has...opinion. Okay, you can add theory and conspiracy to the mix, too. This book is another example of typical Michael Moore work. Anger, frustration, hot air, nonsense, and bitterness pasted over severl pieces of paper and then sold as a book. At least Al Franken shows some real understanding of the world he lives in. Franken also succeeds in another area that Moore is a miserable failure at in this book: HUMOR. I could laugh while reading the work of Al Franken, even if I did not agree with it. Moore is not funny, he lacks the education he needs to write a book like this, and it shows on every page. Do yourself a favore and avoid this drivel. I admit I have conservative side to me, but I like to read the work of both sides. There are many books by liberal authors I find worthwhile, educational, enlightening, and thought provoking. Michael Moore has never fallen into any of those categories. let this book collect dust on the shelf...maybe it will end up in the trash where it belongs. You'll be much better served in buying a book that has some actual thought and a realistic approach behind it...or at least some humor.
Rating:  Summary: Inspirational and multi-faceted Review: Michael Moore examines the situation of the USA from many sides. The text is not the most eloquent I have seen, but is easy to read, and the humor is great all through the book. Clever ideas, insightful descriptions of many of our controversial subjects, from a thinking and caring person. I especially appreciate how there is hardly any reviewer who gives 2-4 stars: only 5-s and 1-s. The book is very effective. All the 1 star reviewers are furious, many of the 5 star ones are elated. Read this book, expand your view of our situation here in this currently very powerful country.
Rating:  Summary: the best of the best Review: michael moore hit this one out of the park. when all the evil corporations and the ghost of lee harvey oswald conspire to the level of greed only dreamt about; without malice; the free world will finally listen to noam chompsky, michael moore, ed asner, and truth seekers united. within our lifetime only the riches and benign fools gold, grabbed at with salivating holes, rejected by rev. jesse jackson and hillary clinton, hoarded by the malignant right, can be given back to the truly deserving, the meek, the huddled masses. then and only then peace and justice as seen by us the seers of the only truth can reign from sea to shining see.
Rating:  Summary: Bravo to Mr. Moore. Let's take America back! Review: It's wonderful to have your own opinion validated with facts such as those presented here. With the conservative's minority constantly screaming "you're un-American if you say anything against the President or his policies," it's nice to see that we still have a majority of people who believe in the Bill of Rights. Moore does a fantastic job of detailing the truths, almost as well as O'Reilly does at distorting them. I lived in Texas for fifteen years and moved to New York just as Bush was taking office. Being what we call a "naturalized" Texan, when my wife and I would take trips back to Houston to visit friends and relatives, we'd notice how much the air began to stink. No literally, the refineries were filling the air with pollution every weekend, and holiday (whenever the few remaining regulators were not around.) Bush also passed the "concealed weapon law" that allows every drunk red neck in Texas to tote a six shooter down the back of his britches. Sad to say, I felt safer living in New York City. It seemed while the rest of the country was doing great, Texas was going to hell in a hurry. Bush's policies were making Texas stink all over. By exposing the secret energy meetings and Bush's personal connections with Ken "Enron" Lay, and the Bin Laden family, well, it becomes blatantly obvious what Bush and his "oil, power and money grubbing, good-o-boys" are doing. It's a repeat of his Texas accomplishments. Moore is spot on in his evaluation of Bush's political agenda. After reading this all I can say is that I want more of Moore. I hope he gets rich enough to wonder about becoming a Republican. Of course if he did, it would be a tragic loss for this country.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's My Country? Review: Dude, Where's My Country? Michael Moore is brave enough to ask, and his book shows us just where we are, are we better off, find out in Michael Moore's book. Great read unless you are already in a depressed state, then maybe you just better pass on this book unless you really want to find out what Michael Moore has found out about our country. Like before Michael digs up the real dirt and tells who's to blame for where our country is and where it is heading if we don't take a stand, let Michael Moore show you how you too can be like him and help the country. A must read. Larry Hobson- Author "The Day Of The Rose"
Rating:  Summary: Deserves 0 Stars Review: That Michael Moore is a raving idiot should be obvious to all from his rantings on this year's Oscars. In his latest book this viscious little troll grunts out a huge amount of steaming manure and he fully expects us not only to devour it but to revel in its aroma as we praise the author's brilliant and insightful mind farts. As usual Mr. Moore claims that the Bush administration is the epitome of evil. The Republican fat cats are getting rich off the poor little Democratic liberals. And, Big Green Lizards rule the earth...wait, that's another fool's book. Like David Icke, Michael Moore goes way out in space to "research" his "facts." What he can't prove, which is very little, he covers over with incoherent ramblings and psudo facts. If Mr. Moore is any indication of the people that support the Democratic Party, then it is truly a NATIONAL PARTY NO MORE. Michael Moore is one messed up dude! Let's not encourage him any further. If we do he may just write another book or film another so called "movie." America can do very well without Michael Moore, Barbara Streisand and the other Liberal nuts out there who think they know so much more about just everything than do we, the people who actually live on this earth. If you spend money on this book you won't save one tree, one whale or even one spotted owl, all you will do is line Michael Moore's pockets. In fact, think of all the trees that gave their lives just so Michael Moore could have this hardbound toilet paper published. Oh, just shut the hell up, Michael!
Rating:  Summary: More Moore Rantings! Review: The Bush administration, which according to michael Moore is an evil empire of the first magnitude, and conservatives in general are sucking the life force from innocent liberals and leading Michael Moore's America to ruin. You've heard it all before. Michael Moore must be the most obnoxiously paranoid Socialist on earth. Don't waste your time or money on this trash. Read Zell Miller's book, A NATIONAL PARTY NO MORE, and learn something about the liberal whackos like Mr. Moore who are destroying the National Democratic Party.
Rating:  Summary: Moore does it again Review: To the moron who wrote 3 reviews trying to prove to me that the founding fathers of this country were religious, You better use phony and nonsensical names to hide yourself. I urge you to come here to NYC and spew that gibberish you are spewing here on amazon and say it in public to my face. I bet you won't be using your fingers to type anymore.
Rating:  Summary: yeah right Review: I would recommend this book to anyone. Look at the customer reviews for this book, It either gets 5 stars or 1 star. This book should be read by every American, this book shows the ties the Bush family has with the Bin Ladens and so much more. This is another great book by Michael Moore. If you have never read anything by him start with this book or Stupid white men. Michael Moore is a genius.