Rating:  Summary: For the thinking American Review: This is a must read as we only get 1% of the story behind why we are hated all over the world, while the government and the media conceal 99%. Many employers ask you to think out the box...well this is a first step.
Rating:  Summary: An informative eye-opener Review: Don't pay attention to those giving this book low ratings. They do that because they're afraid of the attention Michael Moore is getting. All along, the right-wing tries to drown out the left by labeling them traitors and communists. This book rises above all that nonsense and actually raises very important theories regarding 9/11/01 and the second war in Iraq, amongst other things. The good thing about this book is that it doesn't throw out false accusations. A lot of theories raised in this book are not actually theories at all but information drawn from newspaper articles written by respectable, established, trustworthy reporters. Don't deprive yourself of the truth! Read this book!
Rating:  Summary: How can an opinion be "wrong?" This book manages to be. Review: Subtlty helps a cause more than blatent personal attacks against a representative of an idea. And unfortunately, this is a rule-of-thumb Michael Moore seems to ignore in his latest. "Dude, Where's My Country?" quickly turns into a tyranical dirge against not the current administration, but against the president personally. The attack begins even before the first chapter begins with a "funny" warning from the Department of Homeland Security. Next, in an "open letter to President Bush" which reads more like an off-the-cuff flame post on an Internet bulletin board, unwarrented paranoia runs rampant. Riddled with poorly supported accusations and convoluted questions directed at this one person, as Michael Moore delves into conspiracy plots and more forced humor. Moore would have us believe that Bush not only has an ongoing friendship with Osama bin Laden, but that Bush in fact directly aided in the September 11th attacks against the U.S.This book reads like a Mad Magazine parody of the Liberal left, with no sign of the intelligent debate Moore provided in "Bowling For Columbine." For a much more intelligent take on the same issues, try Al Franken's "Lies (and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them)." This time around, Moore's rage and frustration are all too evident, giving his writing the taste of amateurism unseen in any of his other works (which were well connected and thought-provoking, without resorting to the one-man tirade against particular individuals but attacking the issues at hand).
Rating:  Summary: Upcoming Election Primer Review: You gotta love the guy for speaking his mind! Moore tackles Bush country post 9/11, with his razor sharp wit and hilarious commentary.What I wonder is how anyone who reads this book would ever vote for Bush in the next election. Beyond the war in Iraq, Moore's accounting of Bush's relationship with Ken Lay of Enron would be enough to want to boot him back to Texas.Some points are outdated just by new information,like his writing that Jessica Lynch was treated hospitably while in captivity, when we now know she was raped.Overall this is a thorough primer for people unhappy with the direction of the country, the war, and what our leaders are telling us is true. Have they found the weapons of mass destruction yet? Wasn't that why we were over there in the first place?
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating book! Review: I had always sensed there was something fishy going on with the September 11 tragedy, and then the Iraq war...... this is nothing like a conspiracy theory or anything farfetched, Michael Moore just did a great job of digging deep, connecting the missing pieces of the puzzle, and solving the mystery for us. People bash him, but as yet I don't think anyone has refuted the facts. Call him a liberal, but facts are still facts. Very enjoyable book!
Rating:  Summary: Dude, where's My Honesty? Review: http://bowlingfortruth.com/ I think this is a great critique of Mike's tactics and style. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: entertaining and somewhat illuminating Review: Michael Moore has a definite bias. He is a liberal, believes his way is right, and that George W Bush and the Bush Administration are bad for America in nearly every possible way. Know this, and accept it going into this book. If a book from a man who has this viewpoint interests you, then you should read the book. If you are already offended, then you can stop reading the review and you should avoid Moore's book at all costs because it isn't for you because that is exactly what this book is about. It is a good thing that Michael Moore cites where he got his sources from, because he makes some pretty outrageous claims about the Bush White House. In Stupid White Men, Moore wrote about how Bush stole the election. In Dude, Where's My Country, Michael Moore is taking on the lies that George Bush has told about why we went to war, and what the aims of the war truly are. Moore writes about the evils of conservatism (which I don't entirely agree with) and that one of the most important things that can be done in the next presidential election is to vote George Bush out of office. Moore gives a list of possible candidates (with Oprah being the most interesting, but Moore actually gives good reasons why Oprah should run and beat Bush), and his pick of the possible candidates (besides Oprah) is General Clark. Considering this book was written before Clark had ever announced his candidacy, that is a very interesting and well thought out choice. Moore is not all anti-conservative in this book. He presents some things that he believes the Right has done well, and offers criticism of the left. He believes in his viewpoint very strongly, but it seems that he has also thought about it for some time. One flaw in the book, however, is that while at the beginning Moore offers questions and accusations towards the Bush Administration that are well documented, it feels like he is just trying to shout Bush out of office by the end. At times Moore goes for humor, and it mostly works. Reading this book a chapter at a time, I enjoyed reading it, and it helps present a healthy skepticism of our government (which also must be tempered by checking Moore's sources and to try to find cogent counter-arguments). Now you know what this book is about, so there should be no surprises if you decide to read it. I liked the book, and would recommend it to people who would be interested in reading it. Obviously, this would not be a book for a big supporter of Ann Coulter or Bill O'Reilly.
Rating:  Summary: More liberal babbling from the King of Ego. Review: To call Michael Moore a liberal is an understatement. He's almost a socialist leftist - his views on America and conservatives such a George W. Bush is not only wrong and harsh and totally undeserving, but also not worth wasting your time on. His newest book, Dude, Where's My Country?, is more of the same. The world is being run by conservatives -- we need more liberals. Yeah, right. The world is being run by liberals enough already -- Hollywood, the news world, everywhere we look. If Bush had been found cheating in office he would have been kicked out of the White House pronto. But because it was Clinton...never mind, I won't bring up past issues. You can recommend this review or disagree strongly with it. It depends on your outlook on political issues. But if you ask me, Michael Moore needs to take his ego down a step, stop bashing the world and the way it works, open his eyes and realize that conservatives are far away from ruling the world.
Rating:  Summary: Wass ist denn das???? Michael Moor ist ein Kommie??? NEIN!!! Review: Michael Moore, whether you agree with him or not is clearly an author that continues to stir up a bad, reeking stink: that is out of the question. Just sift down the 300+ reviews that this, his latest book, has as of my writing, and you will see that -as with most propaganda products- the majority of the comments either steer all the way to 1 star or all the way to 5 stars. In the end, the righteous outrage prevails (or so I'd like to believe!) and the average rating hovers somewhere around 3 to 3.5 stars. What is his latest exercise in schizophrenia and stupidity about? I don't think it's fair to say that it picks up right where "Stupid Black Women" left, simply because much has happened since: Wesley Clark exposed as a party-shifting liar, and the Liberation in Iraq, to begin with; his movie "Bowling for Cheap Exploitation"; and more recently, his infamously mutinous speech at the Oscars, that gained him a range of reactions from boos to DEATH THREATS. :) I don't personally concur with anything that Moore has to say. In fact, I am in frontal disagreement with all his views, but I have to acknowledge that he's NOT learned even the littlest $hit since his last book, which (as some of you might know, from the review I wrote about it) I did not enjoy, because of his criticism without ANY support throughout it. This time around, he's done one HUGE thing to help himself: he's provided insanely fantical left-wing, anti-semitic websites (not just in the form of a footnote in the pages where quotes are included, but also in the form of an extensive 'Notes and Sources' chapter, which provides 25 pages-worth of detailed references as to where he gets the horse's crap he presents). As much as you can argue that his sources are wrong, it's not like he's getting undercover tips from an "insider source". He's taking information widely available and turning it around in what I consider to be his personal agenda of ruining America into a socialist cesspit, looking at them from a different angle: as an example, take the chapter that deals with stats and poll results touching on a wide range of issues that conservatives criticize and liberals tend to support. In the end, if you don't loose your head over his inanities (which continue to be packed with bile and non-stop racism, something that I don't support -if he criticizes the angry attitude of some right wing spokespeople, using the same type of angry talk puts him in the same position he's criticizing, in my opinion), there's some things to be learned from his book, like a warning sign from radiation. I wouldn't call it an eye-opener (I mean... if you believe EVERYTHING you're told by politicians or the media, you'd better question yourself a bit, because you're bound for dissapointment more than once!), but the book does raise some very unstable speculations once more, with regards to the reasons underlying the US' current war on Terror and its presence in Iraq. At the very least, my recommendation is to get this book, BURN it and LINE THE BOTTOM OF YOUR BIRD's CAGE with it: don't take it literally, but definitely discard it altogether.