Rating:  Summary: Comunism anyone? Review: I recently listened to the audio book entitiled Dude, where's my country. I have heard that Michael Moore was a lunatic, leftist crackpot. Now I am convinced. I sat through 7 CD's of complete off the wall non sense. In one chapter he goes on and on about how this generation has used up all fossil fuels and left nothing for his great grandchildren and then a few chapters later he tells everyone that cars today are good for the economy. I don't understand how a man who is making literally millions on a book can tell in the very same book that americans need to give up the dream of becomming millionares themselves. Maybe we should all just pool our yearly incomes, give them to Mr. Moore and let him decide what is best for us. That would be great. No more guns, no more taxes, the all knowing democrats (like Oprah, what the &%#$ was that about) will take perfect care of us. I am not misconcieved enough to think that everything Bush does is perfect, but to blame him for everything from 9/11 to global warming is just ignorant. I want to blame Mr. Moore for wasting 7 hours of my life.
Rating:  Summary: Hey Dude,You suck Dude are you a dude were all dudes Review: Dude where is your brain the title of this book.Micheal Moore is pointless and should be on that lib net.com are whatever the network with 6 stations is.We all know the best show is the fake Tom Dashell show.Micheal Moore is an idiot who should not get any praise what an original name for a book like Dude wheres my car but not funny and not original.Goodnight Mike
Rating:  Summary: I'll admit... Review: I do use this board to vent.. I use it because I know a lot of people go on it, either to bash michael moore or to praise him.. Heck, I consider myself a good person. I know the world has never been perfect, and chances are it will never be. Humans will always be violent and greedy, but why does it bother conservatives when liberals (and conservatives themselves) want world peace, a clean planet, less war, people over money... Why do you guys get so irritated by a guy like Michael Moore, who really means well? He could get killed by what he's doing, but he's doing it for us and future generations. Why don't you feel threatened by the war Bush got us involved in? Now Arabs are going to be hating us for a couple of generations unless some drastic changes come about.My concern with people in this country is their priorities. Is being pro-life really that important to you when American children make up the largest group living in poverty? That means they are dying... because we're not taking care of them. Is allowing gays to marry really going to affect your job, health or safety? Give me a break. We all want the same things (liberal or consevative)... We should all be allowed to have dialogues and discussions about the same things. Americans should be able to watch what the rest of the world is discussing on the evening news..
Rating:  Summary: Less is Moore... Review: Ok that wasn't very clever, was it? Darn. I try. Anyway, let me qualify my 2 star rating before all of the wiberal wackos rise up in the only form of political activism they know and click the no vote on Amazon like it's goin outta style. I think Moore has some very good points to make. Hell, I think Eric Alterman and Al Franken have some good points to make. Going even further, I think even Noam Chomsky and Jurgen Habermas have some VERY, VERY good points to make. But, as in ALL syllogisms, his conclusions do NOT follow directly from the premises, and when they do, it isn't "logically" but because you agree with how much value he put on the strands of causality. For example: Yes, corporations influence politicians. In a related story, most of us work for corporations. **yawn** Both of these facts to me are so obvious and common that I don't see how a dude writes an entire shelf of books bitching about it. Corporations are legal arrangements involving a certain degree of liability, or lack thereof, for the company's financial stake. People provide other people with the goods and services they want through this vehicle. Blah blah blah... My evil radar is ASLEEP. Let's face it, people in America are ADDICTED to arguing. It's a Western ethos of dialectics infected with the passions of our reptilian mind. There is NOTHING inherently evil in any corporation. An idea is not responsible for those that hold it and yet Moore is quite right to criticize, trenchantly, those corrupt few who abuse our capitalist system. But on the IQ scale of incisive observations this places him right around Crayola crayons (the magenta one is quite ingenious). Throw in some retarded jokes that only 18-25 year old stupid males will find funny, and a cult figure is born. I am between 18-25, btw. Anyone who hasn't read Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" thoroughly and laughably deconstructed for being the piece of fiction that it is--and admittedly so by the director--are of the cancerous pseudo-intellectual type I will discuss below. Mix in some good points, bad conclusions, and a guy who is more clever than he is intelligent and well-read and you have an anti-populist populist who thinks he's funny...but isn't. This makes him forever destined to be on the fringe because while people respect humor if they don't respect the person using it the respect will turn to hatred and disregard. Lastly, to the guy who forgot to review the book and or its ideas but thought it was high time to babble about the Kyoto Protocol. Shut your mouth you moron. I'm a nice guy but I'm not going to talk to you idiots who read one paper on an issue and go around drooling this crap like a freaking retard crackhead on PCP all polyannalike. Grow up. First, Russia didn't sign the treaty. Second, everybody who signed the treaty knows for a FACT it won't affect world temperatures ONE FREAKING BIT. Unless you're proud of losing trillions in global domestic product for 6/100 of a degree in 50 years (which even that NASA scientist wacko Jansen admits!). In which case you should immediately go mix one part vodka with two parts drano, and chug. This is roughly the amount of global warming we experience every 10 minutes. Second, none of them are even enforcing it. Right. Moron. If it takes 100 words or less to refute you, go flush yourself down the toilet. This is the same disease that Moore (and Coulter, O'Reilly, and others, for that matter) has: being embarassingly ignorant beyond a college sophomore level and gleefully partaking in loose rumor, unsubstantiated fact, gossip, innuendo, crank philosophy, and juvenile thinking as a foundation for some thoughts that actually aren't half bad, if you can ignore the rest. This all makes it a miracle that they say ANYthing of value that ANYone takes seriously. I sure don't. I suggest you go to the library once in awhile, and read up on what actual intellectuals and philosophers are saying about things like media bias, capitalism, and corporatism, both positive and negative, for and against. Of such things honorable minds are made. As Harold Bloom has recently reminded us, the point of reading a great many books is to become aware of a great number of alternative purposes, and the point of THAT is to become an autonomous self. Look into it. Moore didn't. Two stars. He earned 'em, I'm a tough critic.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's My Country Review: Dude,Where's My Country This book is for the casual person that hates President Bush. If you want George Bush for president you might change your mind after reading this book. It confronts Bush on all his mistakes. Some are on purpose and some are an accident. If you like bush, this book also might not be for you, because you might deny every thing that this book says and you might think that Michael Moore is lying or has false information but in the book, he proves that all he says it true. One page, he even tells where he would be in the government archives.......you have to read this book to find our. Michael Moore the author, tells this book as a somewhat comedy base. Even the very first page of the book is funny. "Michael Moore is a comic genius"--the Independent This book basically exploits bush in every good way a person can. It also tells you how to talk to your conservative brother-in-law. Michael Moore is a liberal and proud of it. He extremely hates Bush and he wants everyone to know why Bush is such a bad president! This book has a lot of info on 911 and Osama Bin Laden. This book tells the truth on what happened in 911. If you are the political type, you would love this book. I like this book because, it reveals the lies of President Bush, and it is a great comical read. Michael Moore is a person that can be funny and serious at the same time. So if your into politics and hates President Bush, i recommend this book to you!
Rating:  Summary: If liberal means loving your country and its people.... Review: Then count me in... You know what? The reader from Ann Arbor, MI is a perfect example of why people in the US bash 'liberals'. They watch CNN all day (which I don't recommend). It's one thing if you're biased for the purpose of helping the world (like Michael Moore), but if you're biased for the purpose of making money (get rich quick scheme) and gaining power at the expense of people and the environment (and are fully aware of that, well, that's wrong). It is because of networks like CNN that September 11 happened. If Americans knew 10% of the things we did abroad they would've been outraged and would've demanded that the government stop their ganging up on weaker countries. Therefore preventing a 9/11. Well, all this time Americans knew arabs hated their guts but they weren't really sure why... Gee, I wonder why. The news was not telling me or the rest of the US population that we had been bombing Iraq all through the 90's and that we had placed sanctions on top of that (all to get one guy, you know who it is, we've got him now, hurray!). And also, be aware that the media in the US (as well as politicians), which are both owned by corporations, are the reason why the US has not signed the Kyoto protocol (environmental agreement). Every other country in the world has agreed to it except us, and I bet you 75% of Americans don't even know what the kyoto protocol is) and our corporations -oops, I mean, our government, likes it that way. You know corporations have too much power when countries like sri lanka or china who are not as wealthy as us (we're the wealthiest in the world) agree to place people and the environment first (by agreeing to follow the protocol), and a country like the US refuses to sign it.. A country that could actually be able to afford the latest technology quicker and more efficiently than any other country (because we have the economic means to do so) says no. These fat cats have gotten too greedy, so greedy that they don't even care about the future generations. What a sad country we live in. I would pair off with michael moore and nader over bush and the fat cats any day.
Rating:  Summary: Liberalism is a fanatical religion Review: Moore is catering to a demographic that is dumb enough to buy into these lies. America is the best country in the world simple because liberals are not in charge. Liberals are simply unable to answer the following questions that destroy their intellectually bankrupt arguments that buckle under the slightest scrutiny. He exemplifies why Liberals believe the following seven lies : 1) America is rich only because it has stolen money from other countries. Africa would be rich if America had not stolen from Africa. Even the wealth created in the last 10 years from software development was the result of exploiting the Amazon jungles and the Congo. 2) Blacks in the US deserve reparations, even from people who's ancestors came to the US much later than the Civil War. Even Asian American taxpayers who arrived in the 1970s must pay reparations to Blacks who would otherwise be wealthy in Africa had they not been taken from there. Blacks are continually discriminated against by whites to this day at every possible opportunity. The fact that black immigrants from Dominica and Jamaica are doing much better than African Americans means that they are selectively not subjected to racism, even though their skin is even darker. 3) The SAT is racially biased. The fact that Korean, Chinese, and Indian students do better than whites still means that it is biased against blacks. 4) All rich people are rich because they had rich parents. If someone has poor parents, they have no chance. Communism, which fairly redistributes the fixed amount of dollars in the US, is the only fair solution. Even the immigrants who became rich after coming here (Andy Grove, George Soros, Vinod Khosla, Arnold Schwarznegger, etc.) have exploited others. 5) Bush's tax cut only favors the rich. The person making $300,000 was paying $100,000 in taxes, and now will only pay $80,000, getting a refund of $20,000! The person making only $20,000 was paying $2000 in taxes, and now will still pay $1500, getting a refund of only $500. It is unfair that the rich person gets a refund that is 40 times larger than the poor person! They should get a refund of the same size! The fact that the rich person is STILL paying $80,000 while the poor person is only paying $1500, or less than 2% as much, is irrelevent. The rich are evil, and we have to take it away. 6) We have NO right to attack the Taliban, even though they don't allow girls to go to school and force women to wear a burkha. Women in the US, however, are still held back by the glass ceiling. 7) All the world's cultures are equal. The fact that immigrants from every part of the globe want to leave their countries and come to the US is not a valid point. I do not need to visit Africa, China, Brazil, or Iraq to know that their cultures are better than America. It is okay for China to massacre its own students at Tianamen, and conduct genocide against Tibetans and Uighurs, but it is wrong for the US to attack the Taliban while providing food for the Afghan people. If you are a conservative who is angered by liberals who put forth these arguments, you will the vacuum of liberal thought in this book. You will also know when you have WON when liberals say 'you are dumb' or 'you don't know' without putting forth an intelligent sentence. If you are a liberal who thinks this book is true, get out into the real world and gain some common sense for a change (liberals usually only believe in free speech when it consists of their own liberal intellectual incest.). Note that the fools giving this book five stars do not actually point out any flaws in conservative reasoning, but just scream about things not relevant to common sense. That is because CONSERVATIVES HAVE ALREADY ANALYZED AND DEFEATED THEIR POINTS, and they have no choice but to cry in protest to their being outwitted and embarrassed. It is easy to win a debate against some liberal pseudo-intellectual. Liberals are so dumb that their fanatical beliefs have actually become their religion. They are religious fanatics to just as great a degree as a Crackpot Christian. Liberals are also incredibly racist - they hate educated minorities only because they are dark-skinned people who do not subscribe to their fanatical religion of liberalism
Rating:  Summary: Bush Bashing. Review: Mr. Moore writes about the issues with the Bush family and the ethics of the US government towards the World before and after 9/11. Most of his points are backed up with research; some points seemed bias especially concerning corporations and the government. I do agree with most of his points although would recommend readers to do their own research beforehand. I thought this book deserved 4-stars, since Mr. Moore kept pushing the same point towards the Bush family and thought he should have expanded more on the other government officials he mentioned in the book. On a side note, I just saw his movie "Roger & me", which depicts the Flint city falling apart due to GM leaving the city; this movie also shows how Mr. Moore started his journey. It is good for the American society to see a different point of view from the ones we see on public TV and some newspapers. Looking forward to watch his newest movie "Fahrenheit 911". Keep up the work.
Rating:  Summary: Great book...BUT... Review: ..why is it that Moore's own website design is OUTSOURCED to a CANADIAN COMPANY and hosting is OUTSOURCED THERE AS WELL?? Kinda hypocritcal, doncha think? I wish he'd address this report on Drudge, but so far he remains silent...
Rating:  Summary: Scary because so many people seem to take it seriously Review: This is an important book because its popularity illuminates on political views of certain group of people. But this popularity amongst the US voters is also very scary because US is the most powerful country in the world at the moment. Poor research, faulty reasoning and very low ethical standards are just some attributes that describe this book. Because of importance this book deserves five stars. The only bad things is that buying it fills the pockets of the author who clearly does not deserve this.