Rating:  Summary: A confused reader Review: Why do right wing people who dislike this book have to SHOUT all the time. If they like SHOUTING so much what them makes them think they're justified in telling Michael Moore to SHUT UP?
Rating:  Summary: A book that will do nothing but help Bush be re-elected Review: I read it and Moore again stricks with the same old tired juvenile rhetoric. With "friends" like Moore the left doesn't need enemies. For the already converted Moore's book will "preach to the choir".However, Moore goes out of his way to insult and to attack ordinary Americans. He jokes about Abortion in one section of his book, and then calls white people stupid. He goes out of his way to attack the Democrats when he helped Bush by voting for Nader. I wonder if the women who get abortions in this country think it's funny. I wonder if the many women faced with this difficult decision take it as lightly as Moore does. Then Moore goes onto attack America. He states that it's wrong to say "God Bless America". Again, why does Moore insist on attacking something most Americans--both liberal and conservative--hold sacred? What Moore fails to realize is that insulting and making fun of Americans is not going to get them turn around Bush. If anything his book will turn fence sitters into Bush supporters. Which leads me to this question to his fans and to his supporters: If Bush was so bad, and you all didn't want him in, why did you all waste your vote on Nader? Whatever the moral justification Moore needs Bush in power. Otherwise his books would not have the popularity they have now.
Rating:  Summary: I Dissagree With It, But An Entertaining Read Nonetheless Review: I am not a Liberal or a Convervative, and could really give a care less what side people see me on, noe do I care. So in light of that, out of curiosity I picked up "Dude, Where's My Country?" with little or no expectations of people pulled to the left, and frankly I was right. Though this book does contain numerous things that I disagree withm Moore's input is fairly inspightful and his writing style is very addictive. Those who bash this book because of its anti-Bush sentiments should take a look at it from an entertainment sandpoint. I, for one, will keep quiet about my opinions of his policies, but I do think if you just look at it for the smart quips, the borderlining idiotic ideations, and the comedic insight, you may enjoy it. Granted, this is not one of those books that I will read over and over, or even pick up ever again, but it is great for killing an afternoon. And on a personal note, it would be nice for both Libs and Cons would take each others views into perspective and perhaps meet somewhere in the middle. Also, to reiterate I do not agree with nor support the views contained in this book, the rating is based purely on entertainment value.
Rating:  Summary: A book you just can't put down! Review: I have already passed on Moore's new book to a friend and can't wait to share it with others. I truly could not put this book down and couldn't stop talking about it with my family and friends. It is enlightening, entertaining, and quite upsetting all at the same time. Don't read it before you go to bed though! When I did I couldn't sleep because my mind couldn't stop racing. I wish Michael Moore would write a book or make a movie about education and what the republicans are doing to our school system. I'm sure he could create a wonderful title with a spin on "no child left behind."
Rating:  Summary: This is why the Left is Wrong and not in power Review: Michael Moore, Al Franken, and all the other dumb leftists are so disconnected with the people of the US that it's funny. This pathetic piece of so called work is just another Bush hating book. I would give it a 0 star if I could. I'm only 14 and i can see how bad this stuff is. In schools the liberal teachers are bombarding students with Socialist propaganda. But as you've seen with Howard Dean McGovern and the other 8, they have taken the Democratic party so left it can't come back. This is good for us conservatives. Moore is just another one who is against our troops. It is The Soldier that gives him the right to stomp on the flag. It is the soldier who fights for his right to write anti-american things. It is the soldier that gives him the First Amendmant Right to demonstrate against soldiers.
Rating:  Summary: MAKES ME SICK Review: I am sick and tired of the LIBERAL LIARS (idiots) who wine about President Bush and AMERICA!!! If Mikey Moore-on wants to go live with the terrorists he should! GUESS WHAT! Bin Laden would kill Michael Moore extrmely quickly. Michal(FATSO) Moore should sent all his extra food to Saddam if he loves him so much. Moore-on and AL (STUPID) Franklin should get out of America. I'D LIKE TO SEE AL THE IDIOT FIGHT AGAINST HANNITY AND GET HIS BUCK TEETH SMASHED IN. The LIBERAL LIARS are trying to kill AMERICA!! The president is a good Christian man. I declare ZERO STARS!!
Rating:  Summary: Good men died for his right to be this wrong..... Review: He is just luck he was not an Iraqi under Hussein. If he wrote this type of garbage over there, he would have been tortured to death by the regeim he wishes was still in power in Iraq.
Rating:  Summary: not bad, but Moore's more a filmmaker than a writer Review: This book has the same primary focus as _Bushwhacked_ and the same preference for humor to make points as _Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them_, but doesn't do as well at either goal. Its primary focus (in the portions I read, at least) is denouncing the George W Bush administration and Bush as a businessman, but Moore isn't nearly as strong a researcher as Ivins and Dubose, so it doesn't work nearly as well as a source of factual anti-Bush material. The humor isn't as strong as Franken's either, and Moore tends toward name-calling when his desire for cleverness falls short. (Actually, although Franken's focus is humor, his research is stronger than Moore's too.) It should be an entertaining read for Michael Moore fans and people who don't like Bush, even though it's not as good for facts or laughs. The main shortcoming of the book, I think, is that Moore is a filmmaker at heart, not a writer. He has a good sense for what works in film, both for presenting a political position and for getting a laugh. But film and print don't work the same way -- moving images often don't translate into moving written words, and visual humor rarely works in print. There is enough good stuff here to recommend the book, but only after Ivins and Dubose for Bush-focused research and Franken for entertainment (and some research). But Moore is much more a filmmaker than a writer, so the strongest argument for buying the book is to help him pay for his next movie. My impressions are based on reading only a few chapters of the book, which I did to compare five current political books. The others were _Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right_ by Al Franken, _Bushwhacked: Life in George W. Bush's America_, by Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose, _Who's Looking Out for You?_ by Bill O'Reilly, and _Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism_ by Ann Coulter. The best of the bunch were _Lies_ and _Bushwhacked_. Franken was funnier and more entertaining to read, but Ivins and Dubose were more focused and heavier on detailed research. O'Reilly's seemed like little more than a compilation of his newspaper editorial columns, and was deadly boring -- like Moore, O'Reilly is much more effective on-screen than in print. Coulter's was by far the worst; it was little more than a lot of hateful name-calling, misleading footnotes, without even the sense of humor that made Moore's name-calling amusing.
Rating:  Summary: We'll Take Him Review: To the authors of "#1 Traitor" and "love it or leave it", I say; Michael Moore is welcome up here anytime. Oh, by the way boys... "Irregardless" is not a word and Saddam did not blow up the WTC.
Rating:  Summary: Anti-Americanism Review: To think that this "writer" continues to clog bookshelves is beyond comprehension. Oh I know, the popular liberal mantra is "it's patriotic to slam the (insert here: President, the US, US Business, the Military, and, did I mention the President?)." Give me a break. I picked this book up because I wanted to see if his idiotic views would be as base as they are when flashed on the movie screen or uttered in public. They are. If you care about this country, you know, your heart beats a little faster at the sight of the flag and you actually get a tear in your eye when the Start Spangled Banner is played, then do yourself a favor and don't waste your money. Why, oh why didn't Michael Moore take off with Alec Baldwin like they said they would?