Rating:  Summary: Factually dishonest Review: I first must admit to NOT having read this thing. This "review" is to those that state in their reviews about Mr.Moore's "facts" presented in his book --- most notably the first from a reader in Centerville, GA. Review this, http://www.spinsanity.org/columns/20031016b.html, and then tell us about "facts". Moore's "Columbine" was ripped on factual standing as was "Stupid". His tactics are no different than those "polemist" on the right and should receive no greater attention than someone stumbling in the dark and crying for the lights to be extinquished.
Rating:  Summary: What a Piece of Garbage! Review: The good thing about America, is we ARE a FREE-COUNTRY, and allow trash like this to be published :) This left-wing lunatic has clearly lost his mind... Anyone who can't see the importance of the War on Terror should really have their head examined... It's one thing to be a Liberal, but it's another to be a LOONEY-LIBERAL, like Michael Moore. They must have some really hysterical get togethers when he meets up with Babs Striesand, Mike Farrel, Bill Maher and all of the other Left-Wing Loonies! Please, spare yourself from this rediculous book. You'll learn more reading about Big Bird and Bob the Builder... :)
Rating:  Summary: More Hogwash From The Left's Biggest Publicity Hog Review: The author was lucky to get one star from me. It was a laughable read to say the least (or most). Thankfully, no matter how hard they try, this great country of ours isn't being paralyzed by ultra-left propaganda-spewing hatemongers like this heap of cowardice. He may be large and loud, but it's surprisingly easy to see through Michael Moore and his fettered agenda. Only simple-thinkers will get reeled in. Pick up a copy of Bill O'Reilly's "Who's Looking Out For You?" for a better picture of what's REALLY shaking in America in the early 21st Century.
Rating:  Summary: CRAP...... Review: One star because zero is not possible. What a hypicritical piece of garbage.....Moore writes about everyone else's wrong doings, why does he not turn the focus on himself for once. No that would not be possible because it would mean actually telling the truth.
Rating:  Summary: Clear, Factual Review: While many may not actually agree with what he suggests people do, the facts he uses in this book are unquestionable. He quotes his sources, he brings his solid proofs, and this makes those that start to attack his facts look like they have no real leg to stand on. However, the facts may be read differently by different sides - but please, read it, discover the facts and draw your own conclusions, before you start to rail against them - it just makes you look silly when you argue against fact that can be proven.
Rating:  Summary: read this book again and again Review: i am a die hard liberal and a die hard fan of mr. moore. I read this book in a few hours because i just could not put it down. people in this country need to wake up and realize what is going on before it is too late. i quote this book to my friends and continue to read it again and again. I hope he decides to write another book. For you other moore fans try going to his website for more information. keep the books coming mr. moore.
Rating:  Summary: Conspiracy Theories, nothing more. Review: Micheal Moore is nothing but a propaghandist using the American people and liberal sheep to make a buck. And the funniest part is that his fans actually think he gives two bags of llama droppings about them, when the rest of us know he just cares about their hard earned money. Now I'm not saying he's lying and making this up, and I'm not saying he's not, but I'm warning all his readers not to take anything he says as the gospel like so many already have. To believe this con artist for the simple reason that he claims to have done his own "in depth" investigations is ludacris. But as far the book goes, though it does present some interesting points, I found it childish and bland and it furthers my conclusion that Moore is slowly slipping over the schizophrenic cliff edge. That man actually believes the garbage he wrote in the book? If so then he must believe he's trapped in a machine created fantasy world called the Matrix and that by taking the blue pill he can escape.
Rating:  Summary: A Voice of reason Review: I personally believe your country is a beautiful country worth defending from any terrorist acts, how anyone could call every American citizen evil or an agent of evil obviously has a few anger issues they need to deal with. However George W. Bush has taken a high and mighty road and ignored any dissenting voices in his task to bring freedom/invasion to the Iraqi people. Your country needs people like Michael Moore to tell the other side of the story, otherwise how else would your country know about whats going on if they were only told the news by the Bush administration? Its a proven fact that Bush has made callous lies during his term in office. Back in November he told some army soldiers on U.S. soil that the Taleban had been defeated and it was no more, perhaps he could tell that to the families of 5 G.I's who were killed by taleban members. Why did the search for weapons of mass destruction turn to the search for Saddam? For two reasons 1 Because there was no threat, no weapons were found, so Georgie had to look for another reason to validate the invasion of Iraq. 2.With the removal of Saddam George could look forward to a lot more votes, the U.S. Is afraid of people like saddam in power because its citizens are told by the government that he is a terrorist bent on the countries destruction. His capture was politically motivated by an administration that uses fear as a tool. During Georges many speeches he also made it clear of how the dictator had used poisonous gas on kurds, but he failed to mention that his daddy was kind enough to give $1.2 billion dollars to Saddam after the kurds were murdered. Furthermore how can you believe the administration say any such and such person is a terrorist when Vice president Dick Cheney himself wanted Nelson Mandela to stay in prison and had declared Nelson Mandela, a man who has never murdered a single person a terrorist before Mandela was released. Dick Cheney also stands to profit well over a million dollars from giving his former company Halliburton reconstruction rights in Iraq. Everyone NOW knows that there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that no enriched uranium shipment from Niger existed, and wheres the proof that saddam was involved with the 9/11 attacks? But we were told that all of this was real by BUSH himself in front of a worldwide audience time and time again. Bush has lied, omitted facts, decieved, broken many promises-all deliberate, designed to make a profit. To anyone who says that you should not criticize the government, that if you speak against what they are doing then you are ignorant and your just a bush basher, you need to take a step back and think about what your saying to these people, who according to the Bill of rights, have the right to free speech. Is it that they only have that freedom as long as it supports anything the government does? Any citizen of a country should be allowed the right to question what it is their government is doing. If you or a family member is being affected by government policies, then you have to be heard, you have to be able to ask why your government has not kept to the promises it made in the last election. To not question gives the government full reign to do whatever they wish A dangerous government is one which no longer serves nor has to answer to its people and that isnt a democracy I hope Michael Moore and wonderful people like him work hard towards exposing the truth behind the lies
Rating:  Summary: Phony Opposition Review: Michael Moore and Bill O'Reilly are two sides of the same coin. Both are a pair of media circus clowns who take your money by debating a non-existant left-right dicotomy. In the meantime, they and their publishers get rich, nothing changes for the working class, and politicians continue to serve those who pay to get them elected.
Rating:  Summary: If you want your country back¿read this book and get to work Review: Who is really responsible for the September 11 attack? Why has Osama bin Laden not been captured? Michael Moore in his book, "Dude, Where's My Country?" offers compelling evidence that Saudi Arabia is as deeply implicated in the 9/11 attack as Osama bin Laden. Why have all attempts to dig deeper into the connections been blocked by President Bush? Moore documents how the Bush family has a special relationship with the Saudi royal family. The Saudis spent more than $170 billion on armaments in the 90s and a good chunk went through Bush Sr.'s business, the Carlyle Group. The Saudis are the number-one suppliers of oil to the US and a large portion of the American economy is built on Saudi money. They have a trillion dollars invested in the stock market and another trillion dollars in our banks. Moving it would cause an economic crisis in the U.S. The bin Laden family also has been doing business with the Bush family off and on for the past 25 years. The bin Laden family invested $2 million in Bush Sr.'s Company the Carlyle Group. Bush Sr. only returned the bin Laden's money after scrutiny and pressure two months after the attacks in New York. President Bush allowed a private jet to fly around the U.S. in the days after September 11 to pick up twenty-four members of the bin Laden family (relatives of the biggest mass murderer in U.S. history) and the Saudi Royals and then fly them to Paris without a proper investigation by the FBI. Moore questions the degree of Osama bin Laden's involvement in 9/11 for the following reasons: Bin Laden is on dialysis for kidney disease and his arrest and trail in the U.S. would be embarrassing as he still gets money from sympathetic members of the ruling Saudi elite's and his family. Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, which is on the brink of civil war. President Bush censored out twenty-eight pages dealing with the Saudis role in the U.S. attack of Congresses' investigation. This may be another reason why Bush quickly went to war on Saddam Hussein and Iraq before finishing his war on Afghanistan and has for the most part ignored Osama bin Laden. Moore's book is packed with other interesting facts such as Bush's pledged of $43 million to the Taliban in May 2001 when they agreed to ban all poppy cultivation and join America's "War on Drugs." Moore said that made the price of stockpiled heroine go up and the Taliban became richer. Bush's 2002 tax cut excluded families making $26,000 a year or less including one million military families with children. How 13,000 families (.01 percent) in the U.S. control the equivalent wealth of the poorest twenty million. How their income increased by 157% and middle class America's increased by 10% in the past 20 years. If you want your country back-read this book and get to work!