Rating:  Summary: Mission control, we have a problem... Review: I wasn't sure what a dude was, maybe a saddletramp from a John Wayne movie. But it sounds right for George II (not King George). I share the author's bafflement that such a halfwitted dimwit and all around mumbler could hold elective office in a major industrial nation without crony intervention. It would merely be embarrassing if the dude in question and not in quotation marks weren't a frontman for even worse dude-types pulling strings to undermine democracy, roll back generations of social advance, bankrupt the nation, ensure mass death by lack of health insurance, among other major and minor gaffes and goofs. Where's the voting booth?
Rating:  Summary: What? Review: In this book Moore exhibits his lack of judgement and complete disregard for morals. Moore is the "stupid white man." Bush has shown how to confront problems and deal with them, rather than ignore threats like Clinton did. The 9-11 terrorist attacks could have been prevented if Clinton had killed Bin Laden in 1998 when he had the opportunity. Instead of risking his popularity, he left the problems for the next president. Bush is not afraid to risk his popularity to do the right thing. Attacking Iraq was necessary and way over-due. Clinton, other liberals, and the UN have ignored the real world problems far too long and someone is finally doing something about it. I wish I didn't even have to give this book one star because it deserves nothing. Moore is completely off-based. I hope he finds Jesus real soon because he needs lots of mercy for writing this book.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's My Country Review: Here is more proof the extreme left liberals are out of touch with reality.
Rating:  Summary: Moore-on Review: Dude, your country is ninety miles south of Florida. Cuba has all the wonderful Socialist policies you're trying to impose upon us here.
Rating:  Summary: Another disappointment Review: Sadly what could might been an entertaining read was ultimately subverted -- as were his prior two books and the Bowling for Columbine doculecture -- by his tendency to see America through the filter of ideology. For a more disinterested, witty and insightful look at the contemporary American scene, readers may wish to take a look at writers such as David Brooks, Joseph Epstein or John Seabrook.
Rating:  Summary: A must read for any voter Review: A must read for anyone that cares about the United States, or anyone that plans to vote in the next presidential election. Filled with facts, truth and reference information that has not been reported by the main stream media. A wake-up and get involved book.
Rating:  Summary: The Fantastic Truth Review: Michael Moore is doing what every proud American should be doing. That would be questioning the manner in which their president and government is running the country. Also, he is asking how this gov't is representing the US to the rest of the world. All those who bash Moore as a liar, remember this. EVERY SINGLE statement he makes in his book, no matter how outlandish and far fetched it may seem, they are all supported with corroborating articles/documents. All of Moore's statements are proven to be true! You can decry him all you want, but hiding from the truth is plain ridiculous.
Rating:  Summary: please pay attention Review: I'm sorry "Gord The King Of Third World", but you seem sorely deceived by the entire world. It (the world) is really not such a bad place, and Canada is actually a lovely country. Rest well my little one, and don't cry... some of us still believe in optimism and good faith.
Rating:  Summary: Can You Smell the Freedom Yet? Review: I have to write about all these lovely reviews. Left, Right, Democrat, Republican (or a third-party), all of the reviews are filled with such passion that it makes me love the country I live even more than I do now (How I got this lucky, I don't know -only 2% of the world's population dwells in its lovely soil). Most are appropriate, and all clearly display the writer's political stance. However, I find it to be rather peculiar that a vast majority of the negative reviews (Conservatives/ Republicans) are extremely short in length, and are chock-full of juvenile mud-throwing for the duration of the few sentences written. Most of the longer, well-reasoned and mature reviews happen to be in favor of the book (Liberals/ Democrats). As I am simply making an observation, I expect no reviews insulting my intelligence or location (the extremely crude and juvenile review insulting "Gord" comes to mind). Things to note: -If somebody voted for Nader (myself not included)in the 2000 election, they did not "waste their vote and help Bush win", they simply voted for a candiate that they believed to be the best. Is it more morally justified to vote for somebody that supports some of your views just because they have a greater chance of winning, or to vote for somebody that supports all of the views that one has? Whether or not the "Nader voters" in 2000 caused Bush to "win", they are at least morally justified. -If people like Moore and Franken speak out against our countrys' leadership, they are doing their duty as citizens of the United States of America to question our leader's action's validity, not "trying to kill America". If one thinks that Moore and Franken are "trying to kill America" and should be "sent to the regime he wishes was still in power" by using their constitutionally garanteed speech, then perhaps one is not as American as one thinks one is -Moore did not state that he wanted Saddam in power, he just questioned the validity of the argument for war (He openly states that Saddam is an "evil guy") -If people didn't complain, nothing would get fixed (The squeaky wheel gets the grease) -Just because someone disagrees with the war in Iraq does not make them "against troops [in Iraq]". Moore has not "demonstrated against soldiers", nor has he stated any dislike or contempt for the brave men and women over in Iraq. -Having a differing view than yours does not make the differer a "traitor" -All authors/politicians/leaders are not always 100% correct in their reasonings,they are only human and humans make mistakes In short, I wish that the reviewers slandering this book would at least give some sort of logical, well-reasoned opinion on why this book is so abhorred by them. I am sometimes baffeled by some people's thought that a differing opinion from theirs is all of a sudden "blasphemy" and "traitorous", while parallel views are always 100% correct and "patriotic". It pleases me greatly to see that so many opposing view are expressed here. Having not finished the book, I cannot fully review this book (my full review will come when I am finished),I must say that if it inspires so much passionate feeling about it, it cannot be all that bad. Concordantly, I must recommend this book and give it five stars due just to the controversy it inspires. Whether Liberal or Conservative, read this book so that you can understand what all the controversy is about, and be happy and proud to live in a country that allows such passion.
Rating:  Summary: Moore even worse than Franken Review: Michael Moore is about an able a writer of books as he is a maker of "documentaries." Which means he is a talentless hack. And worse than that, a liar and a propagandist of the most despicable leftwing kind. Somebody ought to write a book with the title, "Michael Moore is a Big Fat Idiot."