Rating:  Summary: Dude vs. Lies Review: Having just finished Al Franken's "Lies" and Michael Moore's "Dude," I'll briefly compare the books. "Lies," the more innocuous of the two, uses a team of crack Harvard minds to expose the lies and distortions of mostly...drumroll please...rightwing pundits. Yes, the vain clowns on a.m. radio who, surprise!, aren't so square with the listening public. But despite the impact these megalomaniacs have on political culture, can their advocates' opinions really be changed by Al Franken? And while the bugle call of ultra-nationalists like Coulter, Limbaugh and Hannity has resounded in American society since its inception, shouldn't these egoists be dutifully ignored rather than glamorized on book covers of their opposition? But a late chapter reveals why Franken's wrath is directed more at these nutcases than the one running the real show--turns out Franken had to humbly admit he initially supported the Iraq war, and even took a fun ride on the bandwagon bashing the Germans, the French, and the Dixie Chicks. Of course the said war--now proven completely unnecessary--makes America (and sorry, you too Al) seem even more like some big, dim-witted bully teeing off at anyone in range after someone just put gum on his chair. Jeez, you know just how far right your country has gone when a centrist like Franken is considered one of the left's foremost champions. Franken will likely run for office some day; sadly, this shows in his latest work. Moore's book is the more effective, but not just because of his steadfast vision and relative fearlessness. His research is far more essential, as it's directed at the true villains rather than their effete, fear-laden, pom-pommed cheerleaders. One section--and one that's probably out of Franken's reach--beautifully articulates that while terrorism poses a virtual non-threat to one's safety, the hype of this ghost has allowed the radical right's agenda to haunt America nearly unchecked. Seems America has become the home of the cowardly, the wimpy--anyone but the brave. And the neocons know our penchant for getting easily spooked, and are poised to use this shortcoming to further dismantle the America we know and love. Amid all this, while uncovering lies of nutty pundits Franken-style is entertaining, it avoids the dredging of dark truths found in Moore's book--an exercise of far greater commitment, integrity and substance.
Rating:  Summary: Not as satisfying... Review: As seeing this the other day!(...) Anyway, this book was a complete waste of time. Plus I'm tired of the ever-constant use of 'extreme conservatives' or 'extreme right-wing' phrases. If anything is extreme, it's this guy. Someone tell him to stop yelling and maybe he wouldn't get kicked out of places and booed so much. Also, think people--the chief administration is NEVER truly responsible for economic problems and solutions. I agree with others that it is disrespectful to anyone and to Americans at large, to superimpose an American president's likeness onto an image representing a person as vile as the Butcher of Baghdad. Also, why is it that liberals are always self-proclaiming to be 'thinking' people or saying that everyone who disagrees with them is not a 'thinker' or an 'intellectual'. Listen, if being interested in the 'saving' the environment (which has been proven to be more harm than help) attending collegiate institutions (whose Marxist, socialist, global-damaging curriculum is more extreme than anyone claiming conservatives are extreme) constitutes being and "intellectual", then I have to wonder. Can you say Red Diaper Doper babies? Yeah. That's what I thought.
Rating:  Summary: John Ashcroft lovers would be better off not reading Moore Review: Yes its time again for the Moore bashers to come out in their legions of ten or twelve people with over four hundred amazon usernames each and battle away with the many here without ever reading a single page of the man's work because the world they live in would rather see Moore swinging from a tree with mass censorship enforce up and down the country than somebody to maybe say huh?.. aren't the people of the United States a little different than the administrators that run the country? Hell no, who could ever think of such a thing! Bush and Ashcroft are everyday Americans, other brothers in arms who would certainly let us share their bed in their nuke fallout shelters if they ever pressed the button for the big one. What they do, they do for us right? What they do is all about us and not the multi-trillion dollar military industrial complex that spends more money in the black budget on a toilet seat than they do putting food in the mouths of starving people or the homeless who need shelter or those in need of better conditions in the classroom or the environment. Hell no, these people are thinking about us and nothing else but us! Most people who live in real world recognise what Moore is saying. Moore is a man who is able to put the fear of God into every single narrow-minded individual who walks the Earth. Here he tells you that most Americans feel that they are being attacked whenever a political policy issue is raised. For someone to come out and say that the US government is wrong is somehow made to sound exactly the same as "America-hater". This is a striking reality that only shows how much hijacking the American government has undertaken over its own people. How can it be that because some terrorists exploited a hole in US defence that suddenly this allows the US government to rip civil-liberties apart with things like the Patriot Act. Does it make sense that the US government should act to belittle its own people and make them mice in what appears to be a tragic experiment in repression because its own DOD managed to make a boo-boo of epic proportions. Again the American people have been spanked by their own regime for its mistakes and those who dare question that should be labelled "communists", "lefties", "insane" and "anti-American". The single best thing that Americans have going for themselves is their ability to band together as one and move forward, but in the wrong hands that becomes a disaster that we have seen many times before as a horror called fascism that rises up from what people thought was something good but turned out to be something very evil. The sad part is that even people like Moore can do very little to stop it. It will run its natural course and then those who supported it will find themselves trying to put the pieces back together in its wake. It is only after the fact that this will eventually connect with them and Moore does a wonderful job here of trying to explain that. It is simply amazing that Moore can create such a commotion with such simple and basic understanding as this one. That says it all really.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting but nothing new Review: Michael Moore has a tallent for speaking his mind but this book did not fully demonstrate his ability. I read this book after having read other books thats purposes were similair such as theives in high places. Some of the chapters from both of the books were on the same topics as one another but that is ok because they both could have differing opinions and statictics. However, i was amazed at how close this book came to other books which came out prior to its release. Some of the same facts and anecdotes could easily be found in other books. If you are a progressive thinker and want a good original book that not only criticizes but proposess new ideas is Had Enough? by James Carville. This book is definitely worth your time reading.
Rating:  Summary: Like I said.... Review: See what I mean? Childish, out-of-control responses when met with friction over a topic of discussion. Whoever wrote "King of the Third world Canada" should definatley run for President. I wasn't joking, he'd fit right in. Of course, it could just be Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld in disguise. In disguise as an overstressed, underappreciated, flag-waving, bandwagon-jumping Uncle Sam poster boy. Judging by the phsycoticly angry response that I gleefully probed out of your morbid, degenerate and highly-strung mind, you must have seen that "Apology to America" thing. A satirical classic. (That means something that's funny.) However, your insults were somewhat creative. How unfortunate that I really don't give a fiddler's "start". But points for effort. You win a Freedon Cookie. As for our compared employment rates, in a country with 10x the population, don't you think a few more jobs would be created? Sit down -carefully- and consider it. Every country has racsism issues. Some countries more so than others. Namely your country. So shut your mouth. I just hope that you obtained enough satisfaction writing your response to match the sheer bliss I experienced while watching you make yourself look like a fool. It isn't that I think I'm better than you, buddy. I KNOW I am. Now go goose-step along, or go burn a cross. Just get out of my face. And Michael Moore still rocks. Chew on that, you paranoid, high-blood pressured loon.
Rating:  Summary: very good! Review: I just want to say thank you Michael Moore for showing all of us that there're still some Americans in this world who care about people and who care about nature. Even in a country like Turkey where most of the people are not educated, you're very well known and liked. And i must add that i've read all of your books but this one is my favourite. In my country the media is also giving false news and i didn't know that Bush has gone this far of manipulating people but thank you, you opened my eyes.
Rating:  Summary: The original jack-ass Review: Michael Moore is the original Jack-ass. He is worse than the kids on cable. Do not support his campaign to weaken our country.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Review: I think this is one of the funniest political books that I have read. Moore gives you a lot of interesting information about the right wing, a lot of information that leaves you puzzled and wanting to know more.This book obviously illustrates Moores liberal bias,but I love the fact that whether or not you agreed with him he made you question everything that politicians(both liberal and conservative)told you. When I bought this book I knew that I would be entertained but I never thought it would be as good as it was. Its definetly a fast read and i would highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Why American go to War? Review: To me an non US citizen, an outsider, this war is simply a way of seeking a revenging for the 911 tragic. It does not matter if the target is correct or not, as long as there is a target so that the government will not appear to be imcompetent of catching the real criminal that caused 911. The famous slogan for the war is "free iraqi" people. Well, do the Iraqi people want to be freed? Are they ready for the change? Even Sadamm is bad, if the people do not wake up and stand for themselves, it is their own fault. Why US has to use arm to force the issue? And then complain that they can not handle the after-war mess. I gave this book 5 star because the author is a free thinker that can not be maniputlated by the government.
Rating:  Summary: Dennis Miller Says it Best Review: "He's going to wake up every day for the rest of his life, and he's going to tell us how he hates everything about this country except his right to hate it. And then we say that we love it and he's going to tell us what naive sheep we are and that he's the true patriot because he hates it and he sees all the problems in it. Yeah, right, Mike. You know something, if my yawn got any bigger they'd have to assign it a hurricane name, okay? Michael Moore simultaneously represents everything I detest in a human being and everything I feel obligated to defend in an American. Quite simply, it is that stupid moron's right to be that utterly, completely wrong."