Rating:  Summary: Michale Moore Makes Another Case for Regime Change Review: In the latest of his writnings, Michael Moore goes after all that is evil and wrong in America, not mentioning names (Bush...Bush and Bush) Moore poses a brilliant argument against a corrupt and fearful administration. He pieces together piece after piece of evidence to prove that once and for all the right is wrong. Many Amnericans don't even have enogh guts to vote, let alone criticize the actions and wrongdoings of their leaders and politicians, yet without fear Moore visciously attacks corporate America and the right in a convincing and downright hilarious manner. This is a must read for everyone!
Rating:  Summary: Read This Book Now! Review: I love this book! Every American who cares about real people, real living breathing human beings must read this book. If the bottom 75% of Americans read this book, it would change the world. This book is easy to read, very amusing and at the same time full of imformation about things going on that would make one sick to their stomach. Maybe ignorance is bliss, but when you are ready to banish ignorance, pick up this book, read it all the way through and then register to vote, and head to your neighborhood democratic office to volunteer. I encourage every single person in America making less than $80,000 a year to read this and every person making over that to read it too.
Rating:  Summary: Reminders for RINOs Review: Nobody can get up a good rant like Michael Moore. His florid style and incisive wit keeps you spellbound. Underlying the vituperation, however, is some solid research. More importantly, the foundation of his exhortation is a desire to restore America to its democratic roots. Whether you agree with his method, the message contained here must be read and understood. The message has implications reaching far beyond the borders of the United States. The World Trade Centre attacks killed far fewer Americans than die every year on the highways, by murders or even by polluted air. Moore argues that George W. Bush has used the attack to build an environment of fear in America. That miasma has allowed nearly any policy the adminstration desires, whether selective tax reductions, support for oppressive regimes other than Iraq or runaway corporate greed, to be incorporated. In the process, normal rights have been eroded or elminated, long-standing allies have been alienated and war has become a national policy. And protracted war is an instrument leading to absolutism. It's easy to rampage against power. George W. Bush may have stolen the 2000 election, but he is the incumbent, and incumbents always have an edge. Moore has no illusions about the task he's set himself and his fellow countrymen. After asserting what must be the most astonishing statement in the book - "Most Americans are liberals" - he documents the claim and goes on to list how to restore that truth. In a contrived discussion with a "conservative brother-in-law", he demonstrates how RINOs ["Republicans In Name Only] can be educated about the real costs of Bush policies. Once that practice session of dialogue is completed, the reader is exhorted to "go thou and do likewise" with friends and neighbours. He offers suggestions for the minimal activism needed to oust this revolutionary incumbancy. You will be astonished at the minimal costs in time, energy and money required to restore American to a democratic nation. Please read and follow his advice. As your nearest neighbour, we in Canada have little desire to be drawn into the social, political and moral swamp Bush has instituted. In today's "globalised" world, it will be impossible to extricate ourselves from a furthering of America's decline. You are our best allies, but following the path Moore documents will only bring disaster to all of North America. We can't take his advice for deposing the Bush regime, but we can certainly cheer on your efforts to recover democracy for your benefit and ours. [stephen a. haines - Ottawa, Canada]
Rating:  Summary: Again, Moore Hits The Nail On The Head Review: Michael Moore is dead on in this entire book. From the lies of this administration about ever-changing reasons for my brothers in arms go to war and die for his cause, only to have horrible medical care and ever-dwindling medical covereage for this country's veterans, to the arming of Saddam Hussein by the likes of dickey "5-deferments, baby!" cheney's Halliburton in the 1980's and even in 2000! This administration has a lot to answer for, and as one who used to think the republican administrations actually cared about the US military and our country, to face the harsh reality the past 20 years that they only care about big corporations and their fat cat military contractor friends was a sad, sad eye opener. Democrats in the upcoming presidential race aren't much better. They're all bought and sold. Except for Dennis Kucinich. But Americans are looking in the wrong direction, as always. If we Americans would access the Internet and read news and views from EVERY COUNTRY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, other than the US, things would be much clearer. We're the only country who always seems to realize 25 years later that we were totally off kilter, misinformed, and duped.
Rating:  Summary: boo this man Review: michael moore is by far a smart and well researched man but when it comes to politics, hes nothin but a fat 99 cents chothes shopper in a teenage body. his views are in doubt radical and when will this guy make his mind up?? he thinks he knows everything, and i mean EVERYTHING. from politics to what president bush eats for supper. i had to laugh out loud when he called the conservatives "know-it-alls", what a nerrow minded idiot, no wonder the guy got bood of stage. this man is trying to chage our country and if you dont believe me read downsize this. he unpatriotic and unamerican, not really in an anarchist burn the flag, eff the system way, he wants nothing more that a new world order. he wants to chage america, and we dont need to be change. he talks so highly about canada in bowling for columbine, why not live there then?? we all remeber the sniper awhile ago right?? what was up with the card to the cops with the wrting "i am god" on it?? kinda insane right?? isnt it the same writing as though your god in your book (which planly i caught that it wasent god writing) in your book?? and then talking as if he speaks for god and his views on the world. this is the man you all worship and idol. kinda sad if you ask me. i could go on for hours talking about how idiotic moore is, but read the book read them all. dont forget to put it next to your bible, he does have the most recent words of god right?? moores a joke, hail president bush!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore does it again! Review: This lively, fast-paced book informs and entertains at the same time! It is a must read for those of you who have a conservative family member, whom you love dearly, yet always seems to ruin thanksgiving dinner. (Moore gives great advice on how to prevent this from happening, by the way, and how you could potentially convert that family member to the "other side"). If you are looking for a book that will pull you back into reality, away from the media and lies told by others, this is it. It will inspire you to do anything to make change in our government happen.
Rating:  Summary: Vocabulary Review: Even in this liberal part of the Country, Mr. Moores views are not well thought of. His comments about the President, as well as most of his views are based on paranoia and lies that he is able to perpetuate by selling them in books and movies with a slight spin here and there... as was really obvious in the "documentary" he did about the Columbine Shooting. He is a master of playing off others tragidy, which is sick to begin with. He belongs right where he is, in the media, where nothing is real. Give him your money by buying this book, it is entertaining, although untruthful throughout, but at least it will allow you some bathroom reading and, if you pay attention and do some research, you will see that the book has no basis in truth.
Rating:  Summary: Oil, lies and TV tape Review: This is not Michael Moore's best pamphlet, although it is still a worth-while read. His exposure of the corporate mujahedeen with their 'Senior Death Discount' and 'Dead Peasant Insurance' is superb. His succinct analysis of the actual US policy is shocking, with a 19 % increase in the number of the homeless and hungry from 2001 to 2002, its permanent creation of an atmosphere of fear, its relentless search for new enemies in order to justify the enormous US defence budget with its far margin contracts (the alleged peace dividend after the fall of the Berlin Wall is farther away than ever). Further, the biased media (in the hands of only six corporations) and the lurking of censorship: his own book was nearly boycotted by his editor! He states rightly that freedom is in danger with the enormous curtailment of privacy after the 9/11 attacks. But, for a correct evaluation of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and the US support of the Taliban) one should read the works of Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed. Michael Moore's obsession to thwart the re-election of the actual President is sometimes hilarious. Nevertheless, we need his voice.
Rating:  Summary: Bush is a shady one Review: Not all of Mr. Moore's facts are correct...so I do not agree with everything he writes in this book. However, I am disgusted when I read all these posts that claim that Moore is the liar and Mr. Bush and his administration are perfectly fine. Guess what? That is ridiculous. It has also interested me to see that all the people that detest this book are so narrow-minded. People call him a socialist and everything else their little hick minds can think of. I dislike Bush and his administration and even though this isn't entirely true...I like the message conveyed through the text. Get Bush out of there!
Rating:  Summary: Moore can do better Review: Coming as it did on the heels of "Stupid White Men" and "Bowling for Columbine," Moore's latest, "Dude, Where's My Country" feels rushed and a bit redundant. Moore's wit isn't as sharp as it was in "Stupid White Men," and with Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" released prior to "Dude," Moore's book just doesn't compare. That not to say it's a bad read, it's more a matter of timing. Had Moore released this book this year, and devoted more time to the war in Iraq, I think Moore's words would have been more relevant and had more of an impact. Perhaps when the paperback edition is released, he'll revise it with more commentary on the events in Iraq. Until then, I'd recommend "Stupid White Men" instead.