Rating:  Summary: Dude Wheres My Country Review: I gave this book 5 stars just to piss off Garth from DOWN SOUTH. If you are going to talk about freedom then start by dropping that ridiculous and racist flag y'all love so much. Try reading the book before you trash it and if you feel the author is unqualified or undereducated then try a little Noam Chomsky. Not liking certain things that your government does is not unpatriotic but just the opposite.
Rating:  Summary: Unamerican Review: How very insulting to all of US who have poured out our sweat and blood to this magnificant Countrys freedom, so that MORONs like this can write drivel such as this. It seems with the advent of "real" TV, authors are cashing in on sensationalism. Don't you think though that the line should be drawn on trash such as this? Those of you so very unhappy with our country, move! I would. If I find I do not like my neighborhood, (because its full of liberals) I simply move. So all of you liberal, undereducated, overbearing fools, go live in your favorite 3rd world country. Leave all of us alone. REALLY we don't like you, we don't want you, and you don't like this country, so move away. End result is this book is not really even good for toilet paper.
Rating:  Summary: My kind of Liberal Review: I enjoyed this book for a number of reasons. The first being that despite Moore's obvious leavining to the left, he allows the reader to make up his/her own mind. He doesn't try to force his political opinions using biased words or lies. He simply presents the facts, and obviously tries to persuade the reader to believe what he is saying. His intentions are honest. Even though the reader may not be a liberal, they can at least respect Moore's honesty. The second reason why I enjoyed this book is because Moore appeals to my generation through his diction. Throughout the book, he uses simple wording. This definitely appeals to me and my generation. What also helps is that often times, Moore uses words and phrases which are so hilarious, one cannot help but laugh out loud for a good reason.
Rating:  Summary: Another View on the world at hand Review: Dude Wheres My Country? puts the whole Iraq war and the events leading up to it in a truly liberal perspective. Which I completly agree with. Moore has managed to capture to small but growing opinion of how the present war came to be and how corupt and sneaky politicians(mainly conservatives are). His writing has captured this and achieved his goal of making people see a new and fresh perspective of the present day issues. I myself was wondering why nobody sought to stop terroism in Saudia Arabia since almost all the hijackers were from there. Moore has managed to present a comprehensive answer to many questions on why we did not try to fret out terrorism in Saudia Arabia and how money is a way to get away with terrorism in this country. Moore seems to be completly set on the liberal point of the view and presents no biased views on the issues delt with in the book. Which is okay since several conservatives are like that as well. Such as Bill O'Rielly. If you want a 180 degree point of view on the same issues read some of his work. Moore has caused me to ask myself several questions. Like, "Why is it that homeland security is only put apon those of a certain ilk", "Why has nothing been done in Saudia Arabia", "Why is it that Bin Laden has not been found", "Why is americans rights being taken away to prevent terrorist attacks from other countrys", "Shouldn't they be the ones with those laws", "Why was there a tax cut in the first place and why didn't my mom bennifit", "Is Bush really for the middle class" Along with several others. The account is a complete and total attack on Bush and his administration. Moore is not afraid to voice his opionion. He is the voice of the true democrat which is very unique in his account. He writes in a popular manner to Bush. Asking him to answer the question's and then giving them. He sets the reader up for his opionion in a very good way. Moore has used both primary and secondary sources in his book. They are all cited and gives the book some backbone and dares people to challange his ideas. I would recomend people to read this book. Even if you don't agree with his stance it would be a valuable way to see the other sides thinking and how they view things. I enjoyed reading it and it made an eleven hour flight enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: Gimme Moore! Review: Michael Moore does a great job of expressing his ideas in "Dude, Where's My Country". In his comical tone he ridicules and contradicts the American government. He explains everything we are currently doing wrong, what will happen in the future if we continue along this pattern, and how to correct the problems. Although Moore's views are extremely biased, "Dude, Where's My Country" is a quick, interesting, and informative read. Everyone should read this book to learn about a different side to our government, one we don't see as often. Even if you don't like Michael Moore, you'll still learn something, I know I did.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, what a brain-squeezer Review: This book is quite interesting. At times it was the best book i hd ever read and at times it was the worst book i had ever read. Although it did keep me on my toes the entire time while I was reading it. Every thing Michael Moore has written effected me in some way, whether it be negative or positive. there some points at which I woul hurl the book across my room and at other times I would have to read pasages over again just so I could fully comprehend the depth at which he was talking.This book was very informational also. I have nto had time to do all of the research myself yet (or ever will maybe) but it all sounds true. The last fifth of the book is all about his sources, and on first glance they seem legit. Some of the guides he has (more like questions and answers) are very informative also. They really gave me a chance on how to deal with republicans especially my father. I wouldn't consider myself democratic or leftist, but some people might. Whether you are on the right or the left, this is a good book to read if you want to get your juices flowing.
Rating:  Summary: The liberal world of Michael Moore Review: This new book by Michael Moore presents various and sometimes humorous criticisms of the current Bush Administration. Moore's greatest emphasis details the argument made by George W.(or George II as Moore refers to him)to go to war in Iraq including the altering excuses for pre-emptive War. Moore also questions The US's close relationship with Saudi Arabia and possbile causes of terrorism. He also includes his thoughts on how to remove George Bush as our president and the appeal of the Republican party to the everyday worker. I found this book extremely interesting and entertaing, it also includes many interesting facts about this country that were unaware to me before.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, heres the review Review: Michael Moore Dude, Where's My Country? Publisher: Warner Books Date: October 2003 I must say that from the first time I heard of Michael Moore, I was intrigued by his rare fervor and passion for politics and the media. He had a way of getting his messages across, no matter what it took, and I respected him for that, because he had guts that I hadn't seen in a very long time. This was at the time of "Bowling for Columbine," and after a short while, it was with his other novel, Stupid White Men. When Dude, Where's My Country? came out, I knew that reading it was at the very top of my to do list. I wondered what he could possibly cover in this novel, that he hadn't touched in his first one. Soon after delving in, I understood where he was trying to go with this book. He always is informative in an entertaining manner, of course, this book is no different, but it seems that this novel takes a deeper look into many of the problems he wants to address today. Not without throwing around light humor, he throws statistics to back these "problems" and facts to back up "solutions" to the problems. If his goal was to shed light upon some serious issues in our society and government, and maybe even "liberate" (even though he may dislike that word) a few people, he accomplishes that goal fully. The article is pretty convincing at parts, most of the time when trying to be negative and point out what our government has done wrong in the past and present day. He seems less convincing at those parts when he talks about what we actually need to physically DO to address the problems. Most likely because most of the text is directed towards pointing out the wrong, not what needs to be done in the future, except for getting Bush out of the president's seat. But then again, I guess that is enough of a goal in itself. He also sounds not convincing because his thoughts may jump to a few conclusions, only because he expects that every point he makes his valid and therefore, 100 percent true. This is not to say, that he doesn't make loads of points, with logical movements and clear conclusions. And he may appear slightly biased, but that's because well, Michael Moore is! He doesn't speak his mind and write novels, make movies, to be objective and factual. He does this to show his opinion, to persuade, and show the country what is good, in his opinion of course. All along the course of doing this, he raises many intellectual questions for the reader to ask him or herself. One could ask who is benefitting from these so called tax cuts? Where is the extra money going towards? A billionaire's new car, house, or dog? Why are the Republicans making the bulk of decisions when we live in a liberal society (according to Moore)? Who will be the one to step up to Bush for this upcoming election? Why are we being terrorists when if we weren't, we could stop terrorism? Why won't Oprah/50 cent/Tom Hanks/General from Arkansas (aka Wesley Clark) run for presidency? Why are we relinquishing our freedoms? Why are we controlled by our fears? Why do so many countries hate us? Why do so many other countries give better benefits? What are we doing to OUR country? He gets readers to ask and ponder all this, while adding in bits of pop culture to make the reading a little more appeasing to the ones who aren't the scholars. He spells things out pretty clear, using lament terms for the average politically aware Joe Shmoe, or Jane. He even posts the notes and citations right along with the text, making the reading easy and sources clearly visible. His book is thoughtfully smart, humorous as ever, and clever as always. It is a fine piece of work for political debate, and an even better piece of stand up comedy. Whatever you do, go pick this book up and just read it, you don't have to agree with it, but read it, for your well-being.
Rating:  Summary: The real voice of America Review: I'm sure there are those who will tell you, probably without ever reading Michael Moore, that his arguments are poorly researched, and blinkered. These people will tell you that he picks and chooses his facts and distorts them to suit his argument. I have my doubts but the real reason that I doubt him is that I find it almost too frightening to believe he is completely right! I was reminded of the scene in A few good men when Jack Nicholson informs Tom Cruise he couldn't handle the truth. I'm inclined to agree. Slowly though more and more of us feel as though what we're being spoon fed through the Media, which seemed to give up its unbiased principles long ago, doesn't tally with the way things seem to be! Things have sort of stopped adding up. Moore on the other hand asks us to consider why we went to war in Iraq despite so many of the Worlds governments let alone peoples being against it! If it was to liberate the people, then that's admirable but the timing is a little skewed, surely they needed liberating after the last war! There surely aren't many people who still believe we were frightened of Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction, and in any case Korea is surely a scarier enemy to have in that department. These arguments are all dealt with and the conclusions he comes to make the world a far scarier place to live. This book though avoids becoming a doom mongerer's manual entirely because Michael Moore never gives up his belief that people are fundamentally Liberal. Too many of us who do not live in the states are ready to paint a picture of Americans as war crazy conservatives, out for corporate globalization. Moore reminds us that the silent majority is the real America, and they are good people, but their leaders continue to let them down. I would recommend this book to absolutely everyone simply because if he's wrong we can all sleep easily; if he's not wouldn't you rather know?
Rating:  Summary: "Dude" is another swift kick to the Republican groin Review: I liked this book, because I like Michael Moore. I am open about my bias; Moore makes waves, draws attention, delivers his commentary like a swift verbal kick to the Republican Party's collective 'nads. "Dude, Where's My Country?" is the lastest work by Micahel Moore, and this should be sufficient information to make up your mind about whether or not you wish to own this book. Moore's 201 pages of attacks on the Bush administration (and his 16 pages on plans for the 2004 election) are probably effective enough to bring many moderate voters to the left in 2004, and for that alone we can call the book admirable. Yes, he presents facts that may or may not be completely supportable, and most every section is written under a comic gimmick, but that doesn't detract so much from the overwhelming argument of "Bush Out Now". The problem is, if you as a reader are perceptive and inquisitive enough to see through the insupportable statements and comicky gimmicks, then you're either a Democrat already, or you're so financially connected to the Republican party that none of Moore's points come as any surprise. This doesn't mean it's not a good read; I found it to be titillating political commentary, but keep in mind that this is coming from a Southern Californian high school senior who views George W. Bush as the veritable antichrist.